87 research outputs found

    Modelling runoff and erosion in agricultural soil: application of ICECREAM model to a field site in southern Finland

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    The hydrological submodel of ICECREAM, which is the Finnish version of CREAMS/GLEAMS model was calibrated and validated against surface runoff and snow water equivalent data from a sloping clayey field under small grain crop cultivation. The field data indicated pronounced short-term and seasonal variation of surface runoff and erosion. Soil loss was modelled using either simulated or measured surface runoff as an input data

    Pienten histologisten näytteiden orientointimenetelmän kehittäminen

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    Small histological samples, such as prostate biopsies, make up a significant part of histology laboratories’ workload due to their demanding handling and large quantities. During tissue sample handling, the small needle biopsies are embedded in paraffin and sectioned onto microscope slides for pathological evaluation. New methods are needed to improve the handling of thin biopsy cores to optimize the quality of patient diagnosis and cost-efficiency of histological sample preparation. The aim of this thesis was to develop an alignment method for reducing the amount of manual handling steps in tissue processing and ensuring high quality tissue samples for faster and more accurate diagnosis. For this purpose, a device was designed to hold multiple samples simultaneously and in the same plane for maximal tissue representation on single microscope slide. The device was designed so that it can be removed from the paraffin block to allow for easy sectioning of the tissue samples, without affecting the pathological evaluation. Two different kinds of prototypes were manufactured for an alignment device: dopa-mine coated silicone elastomer pads and gelatin-siloxane hydrogel pads. Dopamine is the functional molecule of mussel foot proteins responsible for their attachment to virtually any surface, which is why it was selected for coating material for the inert silicone pads. Gelatin-siloxane hydrogel was selected because it was thought to provide both attachment and supportive functions simultaneously. We evaluated the performance of the prototypes in the histological sample handling process by testing their capability to attach tissue samples from the biopsy needle and keep them in place during sample processing and embedding. Dopamine coated silicone pads were not successful in keeping the tissue samples aligned. Device prototypes made from flexible and tough gelatin-siloxane hydrogel were successful in attaching the small tissue samples onto their surface using capillary force and wet adhesion. The hydrogel pads succeeded in immobilizing the samples during tissue processing and were remova-ble from the resulting paraffin blocks, as designed. However, the hydrogel pads distorted in the tissue processor, limiting their use in small tissue sample alignment. Further development is still needed to find a suitably stiff material or structure to keep the device from bending during tissue processing. Furthermore, the ease of sample attachment should be improved even further to make the alignment device more attractive for use in clinical practice

    Urheilija vai opiskelija? Roolien välinen tasapaino ja taustatekijöiden yhteys urheilulukiolaisten identiteettiin

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa lukioikäisten nuorten kykyä yhdistää opinnot ja urheilu tarkasteltiin identiteetin näkökulmasta. Erityisesti oltiin kiinnostuneita siitä, missä määrin nämä roolit ovat tasapainossa tai epätasapainossa keskenään ja millaiset tekijät siihen vaikuttavat. Aiempi kaksoisuratutkimus on keskittynyt opintojen ja urheilun yhdistämisen haasteisiin, mutta yksilön kehitykseen liittyvät näkökulmat ovat jääneet taka-alalle. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin ensin opiskelija- ja urheilijaidentiteetin voimakkuuksien eroja koko aineistossa sekä tyttöjen ja poikien välillä. Toiseksi selvitettiin, millaisia identiteettiprofiililtaan erilaisia ryhmiä nuorilla urheilijoilla on havaittavissa lukion alussa sekä miten sukupuoli, urheilulaji, urheiluun liittyvät tavoitteet sekä urheilu- ja opintomenestys selittävät tiettyyn identiteettiryhmään kuulumista. Tutkimus on osa ”Winning in the Long Run” –tutkimushanketta, jossa seurataan kilpa- ja huippu-urheilussa lahjakkaiden nuorten psykososiaalista kehitystä ja akateemista suuntautumista lukiovuosien aikana urheiluun liittyvän urakehityksen rinnalla. Syksyllä 2015 suoritettuun kyselytutkimukseen osallistui 391 urheilulukion ensimmäisellä luokalla olevaa nuorta ympäri Suomen. Nuorten identiteettiä arvioitiin kahdella lomakkeella: opiskelijaidentiteetin voimakkuutta mitattiin SIMS- ja urheilijaidentiteetin voimakkuutta AIMS -kyselylomakkeilla. Tulokset osoittivat nuorten urheilijaidentiteetin olevan opiskelijaidentiteettiä voimakkaampi. Sukupuolella ja identiteetillä oli yhdysvaikutus; tyttöjen opiskelijaidentiteetti oli voimakkaampi kuin poikien, mutta urheilijaidentiteetin suhteen sukupuolten välillä ei havaittu eroa. Tutkimus osoitti nuorilla olevan erilaisia identiteettiprofiileja: tasapainoinen (34 %), jäsentymätön (37 %) ja urheilijapainotteinen (29 %) identiteetti. Hyvä opintomenestys, korkeat tavoitteet urheilussa ja naissukupuoli olivat yhteydessä tasapainoiseen identiteettiin. Heikko opintomenestys, talviolympialaji, korkeat tavoitteet urheilussa sekä miessukupuoli puolestaan voimistivat urheilijapainotteista identiteettiä. Miessukupuoli ja muihin ryhmiin verrattuna matalammat tavoitteet urheilussa olivat yhteydessä jäsentymättömään identiteettiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta kyvyn tasapainoilla urheilijan ja opiskelijan roolien välillä olevan monen tekijän summa. Tukipalveluiden kehittäminen, oikein kohdistetut interventiot sekä valmentajien ja vanhempien ymmärrys nuoruusiän identiteetin kehittymisestä kilpaurheilun kontekstissa ovat nuorten tasapainoisen identiteetin kehityksen kannalta tärkeitä teemoja tulevaisuudessa.Siirretty Doriast

    Small Bowel Dilatation Predicts Prolonged Parenteral Nutrition and Decreased Survival in Pediatric Short Bowel Syndrome

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    Objective: To analyze risk factors and prognostic significance of small bowel (SB) dilatation in children with short bowel syndrome (SBS). Background: In SBS, the remaining SB may dilate as part of intestinal adaptation. The impact of dilatation on parenteral nutrition (PN) dependence and survival has not been studied systematically. Methods: SB diameter of SBS children (n = 61) was measured in contrast SB series (n = 169, median age 0.94, range 0.32-2.7 years) during 2002 to 2015, and expressed as millimeters (SB width) and as ratio to L5 vertebra height (SB diameter ratio). Linear regression was used to examine risk factors for dilatation. PN weaning and survival were analyzed with Cox proportional hazards regression. Results: Maximal SB diameter ratio during follow-up was predicted by PN dependence and SB atresia, while maximal absolute SB width by birth weight, age, PN duration, and remaining bowel length. Weaning off PN was 14-fold more likely in patients with maximal SB diameter ratio 3.00 (P = 0.005), and 5.4-fold more likely when maximal SB width was 30mm (P = 0.023). After adjustment for age, remaining SB length, and the presence of ileocecal valve, both estimates of maximal SB dilatation remained significant independent predictors for weaning off PN. When all measurements were included, the cumulative survival was worse if SB diameter ratio exceeded 2.00 (P = 0.002-0.042). Conclusions: SB dilatation predicts prolonged PN duration and decreased survival in SBS children. Measurement of maximal SB diameter standardized to L5 vertebra height may be a valuable objective tool for patient follow-up and assessment of prognosis.Peer reviewe

    Impacts of supplementary drainage on the water balance of a poorly drained agricultural field

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    In northern clay soils, field drainage is needed to ensure suitable moisture conditions for crop growth and farming operations. Supplementary drainage installations improve the efficiency of old drainage systems, but the hydrological impacts of the drainage procedures are not comprehensively understood or quantified. The objective was to simulate the hydrological behavior of a clay field section and to quantify the effects of a supplementary drainage on the water balance of the field section. The study site, in southern Finland, was originally subsurface drained in 1952 with 32 m drain spacing. Supplementary drainage was installed in 2014, decreasing the drain spacing to 10.7 m. Simulations were carried out with a dual-permeability hydrological model and two model parametrizations describing the field hydrology (1) before and (2) after the supplementary drainage installation. The parameterizations were used for simulations of a nine-year period to quantify the hydrological impacts of the supplementary drainage. For the periods without snow on the ground, the modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency for daily drain discharge and topsoil layer runoff values ranged from 0.43 to 0.53 and from 0.44 to 0.53, respectively. During the original drainage setup scenario, the average annual drain discharge was lower (7.8% of precipitation) than topsoil layer runoff and groundwater outflow (10.3% and 26.4%, respectively). For the supplementary drainage scenario, most of the water outflow was through drain discharge and groundwater outflow (20.4% and 21.9%, respectively). The supplementary drainage installation increased the average annual drain discharge by a factor of 2.6, while the annual average topsoil layer runoff and groundwater outflow decreased by 75% and 18%, respectively. The supplementary drainage setup was found to expedite the drying of the field section in spring by 8 days on average compared to the original drainage setup.Peer reviewe

    Fecal calprotectin in the prediction of postoperative recurrence of Crohn's disease in children and adolescents

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    Background: Fecal calprotectin (FC) correlates with endoscopic recurrence of Crohn's disease (CD) in adults but has not been studied among children postoperatively. We aimed to analyze whether FC relates with postoperative CD recurrence in children. Methods: Altogether 51 postoperative endoscopies and FC measurements from 22 patients having undergone surgery for CD at age Results: Ileocecal resection (n = 15), small bowel resection (n = 6), or left hemicolectomy (n = 1) was performed at median age of 15.1 (interquartile range 14.4-17.6) years. Following surgery, FC decreased significantly (659 vs. 103 mu g/g, p = 0.001). During median follow-up of 5.7 (4.2-7.7) years, either endoscopic or histological recurrence occurred in 17 patients (77%). FC > 139 mu g/g at time of endoscopy or FC increase of 79 mu g/g compared to first postoperative value was suggestive of endoscopic recurrence (Rutgeerts score i2-i4), while FC > 101 mu g/g or increase of 21 mu g/g indicated histological recurrence. Best accuracy for prediction of recurrence was obtained by combining FC at endoscopy and the postoperative increase of FC. The corresponding AUROC values were 0.74 (95% 0.58-0.89) for endoscopic recurrence whereas 0.81 (95% CI 0.67-0.95) for histological recurrence. Conclusion: FC is a useful surrogate marker of postoperative recurrence also in pediatric CD patients. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Limbal Stem Cells on Bacterial Nanocellulose Carriers for Ocular Surface Regeneration

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    Limbal stem cells (LSCs) are already used in cell-based treatments for ocular surface disorders. Clinical translation of LSCs-based therapies critically depends on the successful delivery, survival, and retention of these therapeutic cells to the desired region. Such a major bottleneck could be overcome by using an appropriate carrier to provide anchoring sites and structural support to LSC culture and transplantation. Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) is an appealing, yet unexplored, candidate for this application because of its biocompatibility, animal-free origin and mechanical stability. Here, BNC as a vehicle for human embryonic stem cells-derived LSC (hESC-LSC) are investigated. To enhance cell-biomaterial interactions, a plasma activation followed by a Collagen IV and Laminin coating of the BNC substrates is implemented. This surface functionalization with human extracellular matrix proteins greatly improved the attachment and survival of hESC-LSC without compromising the flexible, robust and semi-transparent nature of the BNC. The surface characteristics of the BNC substrates are described and a preliminary ex vivo test in simulated transplantation scenarios is provided. Importantly, it is shown that hESC-LSC retain their self-renewal and stemness characteristics up to 21 days on BNC substrates. These results open the door for future research on hESC-LSC/BNC constructs to treat severe ocular surface pathologies.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Treatment Policy and Liver Histopathology Predict Biliary Atresia Outcomes : Results after National Centralization and Protocol Biopsies

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    BACKGROUND: Different treatment policies can influence biliary atresia outcomes, but the pathophysiology of expanding fibrosis occurring even after successful portoenterostomy remains unclear. STUDY DESIGN: Clearance of jaundice (COJ) (bilirubin <20 mu mol/L), native liver survival, and overall survival rates of biliary atresia patients were analyzed before and after national centralization of management, as well as in relation to native liver histopathology of protocol biopsies. RESULTS: Of the 59 patients, 35 were managed after centralization and received standardized postoperative adjuvant therapy, including corticosteroids. After centralization, age at portoenterostomy decreased from 73 days to 54 days (p = 0.014) and COJ rate increased from 42% to 80% (p = 0.005), 5-year native liver survival increased from 38% to 70% (p = 0.014), and 5-year overall survival increased from 68% to 94% (p = 0.007). High-grade portal inflammation at portoenterostomy predicted COJ (odds ratio 3.66; p = 0.011) and slower fibrosis progression (beta = -0.74; p = 0.005). Native liver survival was extended in patients with high-grade portal inflammation (p + 0.002) and in patients whose bilirubin normalized within 3 months (p <0.001). Portal inflammation and cholestasis reduced only after COJ (p<0.001), and persisting ductal reaction, reflected by cytokeratin 7-positive proliferating bile ductules and periportal hepatocytes, correlated with follow-up fibrosis (r = 0.454 to 0.763; p <0.001 to 0.003). Cytokeratin 7 immunopositivity of periportal hepatocytes increased after COJ (p = 0.015) and was the only predictor of follow-up liver fibrosis (beta = 0.36; p = 0.002) in multiple regression. CONCLUSIONS: Biliary atresia outcomes improved significantly after centralization and standardized management. Resolution of cholestasis and reduction of high-grade portal inflammation postoperatively predict slower fibrosis progression and improved native liver survival, and persisting ductal reaction parallels progressive native liver fibrosis despite COJ. (C) 2017 by the American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe