88 research outputs found

    HAVINA - Vieraslajiportaali

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    Liite 3. HAVINA-loppuraporttiin URN:NBN:fi-fe2014062529465</a

    Continuous-cover management and attractiveness of managed Scots pine forests

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    Forest management, characterized in many Northern countries by the predominance of clear cutting and growing even-aged and -sized trees, has simplified the structure of boreal forests. Consequences include alterations in cultural ecosystem services, such as forest attractiveness, i.e., combined aesthetic and recreational values. Continuous-cover forestry might mitigate these effects through the use of selection and gap cutting, but these methods have been little studied, particularly from the attractiveness viewpoint. We used photo surveys to assess Finnish citizens' perceptions of attractiveness of in-stand sceneries of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests logged using different methods. (1) The attractiveness scores, given by respondents, declined steadily from unharvested forest through continuous-cover methods to seed-tree and clear cutting. (2) Respondents with a negative attitude to forest management gave lower scores than respondents with a positive attitude, but the declining slopes of attractiveness against logging intensity were similar. (3) In unharvested and less intensively managed stands, summer photos received higher scores than corresponding winter photos. (4) Background variables (gender, education, living environment, memberships in recreational or nature NGOs, forestry profession and forest ownership) had negligible effects on the scores. We recommend the use of continuous-cover logging methods in settlement and recreational areas.202

    Durable Biopolymer Films From Lignin-Carbohydrate Complex Derived From a Pulp Mill Side Stream

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2021 Asikanius, Jääskeläinen, Koivula, Oinonen and Österberg.Valorization of side streams offers novel types of raw materials to complement or replace synthetic and food-based alternatives in materials science, increasing profitability and decreasing the environmental impacts of biorefineries. Lignocellulose biomass contains lignin and carbohydrates that are covalently linked into lignin-carbohydrate complexes (LCCs). In biomass fractionation processes, these complexes are conventionally considered as waste, which hinders the biomass fractionation process, and they may solubilize into aqueous effluents. This study presents how LCCs, derived from pulp mill effluent, can be turned into valuable biopolymers for industrial polymer film applications. Free-standing composite films containing hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and LCCs with varying molar mass, charge density and lignin/hemicellulose ratio were prepared to study the effect of LCC amount on mechanical properties and oxygen permeability. Increasing the LCC content increased the yield point and Young’s modulus of the films. Breaking strain measurements revealed a non-linear correlation with the LCC concentration for the samples with higher lignin than hemicellulose content. The addition of LCC enhanced oxygen barrier properties of HEC films significantly even at high relative humidity. The present research demonstrates how a currently underutilized fraction of the biorefinery side stream has the potential to be valorized as a biopolymer in industrial applications, for example as a barrier film for paper and board packaging.Peer reviewe

    Turvallisia sote-palveluja : opas sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille

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    Turvallisuuskulttuurin rakentamiseen osallistuminen kuuluu kaikille sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille. Riskienhallinnassa huomio kiinnitetään niin toimintaan, toimitiloihin kuin työntekijä- ja asiakasriskeihin. Moniammatillisesti ja poikkihallinnollisesti toimien voidaan varmistaa turvallinen arki sekä sosiaalihuollon erilaisissa toimintayksiköissä että asiakkaiden kodeissa. Tämä laajemmasta ohjeistuksesta lyhennetty opas käsittelee neljäätoista keskeistä turvallisuuskysymystä sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen työntekijöiden työssä. Erityisryhmien, kuten muistisairautta sairastavien tai kuulo- ja näkövammaisten henkilöiden, turvallisuustarpeisiin pitää toimipaikkojen laatia omat tarkemmat ohjeensa. Lyhennetty opas on tarkoitettu kaikillekunnallisella, yksityisellä ja kolmannella sektorilla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tehtävissä toimiville henkilöille

    Turvallisia kotiin annettavia sote-palveluja : opas kotihoitoon

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    Turvallisuuskulttuurin rakentamiseen osallistuminen kuuluu kaikille sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille. Riskienhallinnassa huomio kiinnitetään niin toimintaan, toimitiloihin kuin työntekijä- ja asiakasriskeihin. Moniammatillisesti ja poikkihallinnollisesti toimien voidaan varmistaa turvallinen arki sekä sosiaalihuollon erilaisissa toimintayksiköissä että asiakkaiden kodeissa. Tämä laajemmasta ohjeistuksesta lyhennetty opas käsittelee neljäätoista keskeistä turvallisuuskysymystä sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen työntekijöiden työssä. Erityisryhmien, kuten muistisairautta sairastavien tai kuulo- ja näkövammaisten henkilöiden, turvallisuustarpeisiin pitää toimipaikkojen laatia omat tarkemmat ohjeensa. Lyhennetty opas on tarkoitettu kaikille kunnallisella, yksityisellä ja kolmannella sektorilla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tehtävissä toimiville henkilöille

    Self-Standing Lignin-Containing Willow Bark Nanocellulose Films for Oxygen Blocking and UV Shielding

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    Developing the bio-based barrier material to substitute the petroleum-based one is the trend in functional packaging applications. Utilization of the abundantly under-appreciated bark biomass is attractive from the sustainability point of view; however, an upgraded approach is required to maximize the performances of the lignin-containing cellulose nanofibril (LCNF) films from willow bark. Herein, hot water extraction (HWE) and microfluidization were studied for their effect on the yield of LCNF and its film performance after treatment of aqueous p-toluenesulfonic acid. The resultant HWE films were superior to the nontreated ones regarding yield, moisture, and oxygen barrier properties. In particular, the HWE films achieved an oxygen permeability of 3 cm(3).mu m/ m(2).kPa.day at 50% relative humidity, which is among the lowest achieved for single bio-based materials and comparable to commercially available synthetic barrier films. The LCNF films attained complete blocking of UV light transmission within the wavelength range of 290-400 nm. Overall, this study shows that HWE pretreatment not only allows the recovery of high-value extracts, but also significantly improves the yield of LCNF and its barrier performances. The biocompatible, lignin-containing, and self-standing hydrophobic nanocellulose films show promise as a barrier layer against UV radiation and oxygen permeation in food packaging and other applications.Peer reviewe

    Open coating with natural wax particles enables scalable, non-toxic hydrophobation of cellulose-based textiles

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    Environmental benign cellulosic textiles are hampered by their tendency to absorb water, which restricts their use in functional clothing. Herein we describe a method to functionalize textile surfaces using thin, open coatings based on natural wax particles and natural polymers rendering cellulosic fabrics water-repellent while retaining their feel and breathability. The impact of curing temperature, cationic polymer and fabric properties on wetting and long-term water-repellency were studied using contact angle measurements and scanning electron microscopy. The wetting properties were correlated to roughness of the textiles using white light interferometer. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed the surface chemical composition, leading to fundamental understanding of the effect of annealing on the wax layer. Breathability was evaluated by water vapor permeability. The optimal curing temperature was 70 °C. The developed coating performed well on different natural textiles, and better than commercial alternatives. A set of garment prototypes were produced using the coating.Peer reviewe

    Anion exchange on hydrous zirconium oxide materials: application for selective iodate removal

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    The radioactive 129I is a top-priority radionuclide due to its the long half-life (1.57 × 107 years) and high mobility. Because of the planned and accidental releases to the environment, specific separation technologies are required to limit the potential radiation dose to human beings. Zirconium oxides are known for their adsorption capability and selectivity to oxyanions and here the applicability to selective IO3− removal has been investigated regarding the uptake mechanism, regeneration and competition caused by other anions, like environmentally relevant SO42−. Granular aggregates of hydrous zirconium oxides with and without Sb doping showed high potential for the selective IO3− removal in the presence of competing anions, like the forementioned SO42− (apparent capacity between 0.1–0.4 meq g−1 depending on SO42− concentration). The main uptake mechanism was found to be outer-sphere complexation (ion-exchange) to the protonated hydroxyl groups of hydrous zirconium oxides, but also minor mechanisms were identified including inner-sphere complexation and reduction to I−. The materials were observed to be easily and successively regenerated using dilute acid. Hydrous zirconium oxides showed high potential for IO3− removal from waste solutions regarding technical (high selectivity and apparent capacity) and ecological/economic (feasible regeneration) aspects.The radioactive I-129 is a top-priority radionuclide due to its the long half-life (1.57 x 10(7) years) and high mobility. Because of the planned and accidental releases to the environment, specific separation technologies are required to limit the potential radiation dose to human beings. Zirconium oxides are known for their adsorption capability and selectivity to oxyanions and here the applicability to selective IO3- removal has been investigated regarding the uptake mechanism, regeneration and competition caused by other anions, like environmentally relevant SO42-. Granular aggregates of hydrous zirconium oxides with and without Sb doping showed high potential for the selective IO3- removal in the presence of competing anions, like the forementioned SO42- (apparent capacity between 0.1-0.4 meq g(-1) depending on SO42- concentration). The main uptake mechanism was found to be outer-sphere complexation (ion-exchange) to the protonated hydroxyl groups of hydrous zirconium oxides, but also minor mechanisms were identified including inner-sphere complexation and reduction to I-. The materials were observed to be easily and successively regenerated using dilute acid. Hydrous zirconium oxides showed high potential for IO3- removal from waste solutions regarding technical (high selectivity and apparent capacity) and ecological/economic (feasible regeneration) aspects.Peer reviewe

    Working papers in Economic Sociology : Suomi 2019 – kulutus ja elämäntapa. Tutkimusseloste ja koodikirja

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    Tässä julkaisussa esitellään keväällä 2019 kerättyä Suomi 2019 – kulutus ja elämäntapa -postikyselyaineistoa. Aineisto on osa vuodesta 1999 alkaen kerättyä aikasarjaa. Kysely lähetettiin 4001 Suomessa asuvalle, 18‒74-vuotiaalle suomenkieliselle. Otanta toteutettiin iän mukaan ositettuna satunnaisotantana väestörekisteritiedoista. Kyselyn lopullinen vastausmäärä on 1742 ja vastausprosentti 44. Kyselyn toteutuksesta vastasi Turun yliopiston taloussosiologian oppiaine, ja kyselyn suunnittelussa mukana olivat lisäksi Jyväskylän yliopiston sekä Turun yliopiston sosiologian oppiaineet. Raportissa kuvataan aineiston keruuprosessi, tarkastellaan vastauskatoa sekä aineiston edustavuutta suhteessa väestöön laajasti eri taustamuuttujien mukaan. Lopuksi tarkastellaan vastaajien kyselytutkimuksiin kohdistuvia asenteita uudentyyppisen kysymyspatterin avulla.This publication describes the data from Finland 2019 – consumption and lifestyle postal survey. The survey data is the latest section of repeated survey collected since 1999. Questionnaires were sent to a total of 4,001 18‒74-year-old Finnish speaking residents of Finland during spring 2019. The final number of respondents was 1,742 and the final response rate was 44 per cent. The participants were selected using stratified random sampling where the population was stratified by age. The sample was drawn from the Finnish Population Register database. The first section of this research report describes the data collection procedures, followed by an analysis on non-response, and its impact on data representativeness. In the second part of the report respondents’ attitudes towards survey responses are analysed