82 research outputs found

    Amerikkalaiset folkloristiikan alkujÀljillÀ

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    Timothy Lloyd (American Folklore Society) vierailulla Suomessa

    HikeĂ€, naurua ja nokea – naisten kokemuksia tehdastyöstĂ€ toisen maailmansodan aikana

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    Kirsi-Maria Hytönen ja Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto kuvaavat vÀhÀiselle huomiolle jÀÀneitÀ naisten kokemuksia tehdastyöstÀ talvi- ja jatkosodan ajalta. Eri-ikÀiset naiset tekivÀt tuolloin raskasta ruumiillista työtÀ suomalaisessa teollisuudessa, "miesten paikalla". Millainen tÀmÀ kokemus "miesten maailmasta" oli ja miten se heijastui nÀiden ihmisten kertomuksissa vuosikymmeniÀ myöhemmin

    State and trait hopelessness in a prospective five-year study of patients with depressive disorders

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    Background: Hopelessness is a common experience of patients with depressive disorders (DD) and an important predictor of suicidal behaviour. However, stability and factors explaining state and trait variation of hopelessness in patients with DD over time are poorly known. Methods: Patients with DD (n = 406) from the Vantaa Depression Study and the Vantaa Primary Care Depression Study filled in the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Perceived Social Support Scale-Revised (PSSS-R), and Eysenck Personality Inventory-Q (EPI-Q) at baseline, at six and eighteen months, and at five years. We conducted a multilevel linear regression analyses predicting BHS with these covariates. Results: During the five-year follow-up half of the variance in BHS was attributable to between-patient variance (50.6%, CI = 41.2-61.5%), and the rest arose from within-patient variance and measurement errors. BDI and BAI explained 5.6% of within-patient and 28.4% of between-patient variance of BHS. High Neuroticism and low Extraversion explained 2.6% of the between-patient variance of BHS. PSSS-R explained 5% of between-patient variance and 1.7% of within-patient variance of BHS. Limitations: No treatment effects were controlled. Conclusions: Hopelessness varies markedly over time both within and between patients with depression; it is both state-and trait-related. Concurrent depressive and anxiety symptoms and low social support explain both state and trait variance, whereas high Neuroticism and low Extraversion explain only trait variance of hopelessness. These variations influence the utility of hopelessness as an indicator of suicide risk.Peer reviewe

    Relationships between self-reported childhood traumatic experiences, attachment style, neuroticism and features of borderline personality disorders in patients with mood disorders

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    Background: Co-occurring borderline personality disorder (BPD) features have a marked impact on treatment of patients with mood disorders. Overall, high neuroticism, childhood traumatic experiences (TEs) and insecure attachment are plausible aetiological factors for BPD. However, their relationship with BPD features specifically among patients with mood disorders remains unclear. We investigated these relationships among unipolar and bipolar mood disorder patients. Methods: As part of the Helsinki University Psychiatric Consortium study, the McLean Screening Instrument (MSI), the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R), the Short Five (S5) and the Trauma and Distress Scale (TADS) were filled in by patients with mood disorders (n=282) in psychiatric care. Correlation coefficients between total scores of scales and their dimensions were estimated, and multivariate regression (MRA) and mediation analyses were conducted. Results: Spearman's correlations were strong (rho=0.58; p <0.001) between total scores of MSI and S5 Neuroticism and moderate (rho=0.42; p <0.001) between MSI and TADS as well as between MSI and ECR-R Attachment Anxiety. In MRA, young age, S5 Neuroticism and TADS predicted scores of MSI (p <0.001). ECR-R Attachment Anxiety mediated 33% (CI=17-53%) of the relationships between TADS and MSI. Limitations: Cross-sectional questionnaire study. Conclusions: We found moderately strong correlations between self-reported BPD features and concurrent high neuroticism, reported childhood traumatic experiences and Attachment Anxiety also among patients with mood disorders. Independent predictors for BPD features include young age, frequency of childhood traumatic experiences and high neuroticism. Insecure attachment may partially mediate the relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and borderline features among mood disorder patients.Peer reviewe

    Differences and similarities of risk factors for suicidal ideation and attempts among patients with depressive or bipolar disorders

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    Background: Substantial literature exists on risk factors for suicidal behaviour. However, their comparative strength, independence and specificity for either suicidal ideation or suicide attempt(s) remain unclear. Methods: The Helsinki University Psychiatric Consortium (HUPC) Study surveyed 287 psychiatric care patients with ICD-10-DCR depressive or bipolar disorders about lifetime suicidal behaviour, developmental history and attachment style, personality and psychological traits, current and lifetime symptom profiles, and life events. Psychiatric records were used to confirm diagnosis and complement information on suicide attempts. Multinomial regression models predicting lifetime suicidal ideation and single or repeated suicide attempts were generated. Results: Overall, 21.6% patients had no lifetime suicidal behaviour, 33.8% had lifetime suicide ideation without attempts, and 17.1% had a single and 27.5% repeated suicide attempts. In univariate analyses, lifetime suicidal behaviour was associated with numerous factors. In multivariate models, suicidal ideation was independently predicted by younger age, severe depressive disorder, bipolar disorder type II/nos, hopelessness, and childhood physical abuse. Repeated suicide attempts were independently predicted by younger age, female sex, severe depressive disorder with or without psychotic symptoms, bipolar disorder type II/nos, alcohol use disorder, borderline personality disorder traits, and childhood physical abuse. Limitations: Cross-sectional and retrospective study design, utilization of clinical diagnoses, and relatively low response rate. Conclusions: Risk factors for suicidal ideation and attempts may diverge both qualitatively and in terms of dose response. When effects of risk factors from multiple domains are concurrently examined, proximal clinical characteristics remain the most robust. All risk factors cluster into the group of repeated attempters. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    MissförhĂ„llanden och vanvĂ„rd av barn inom barnskyddets vĂ„rd utom hemmet 1937–1983

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    MĂ„let med utredningen Ă€r att skapa en uppfattning om den vanvĂ„rd och det vĂ„ld som intrĂ€ffat inom det finlĂ€ndska barnskyddets vĂ„rd utom hemmet under Finlands första barnskyddslag (1937–1983). MĂ„let var att 1) producera information om vanvĂ„rd, övergrepp och vĂ„ld, deras karaktĂ€r och mekanismerna bakom deras avslöjande och ingripande, 2) synliggöra den vanvĂ„rd som intrĂ€ffat i det förgĂ„ngna och visa att det inte Ă€r acceptabelt och 3) skapa strukturer och rutiner som bidrar till att misstag som tidigare gjorts ska kunna undvikas i barnskyddets vĂ„rd utom hemmet i dag och i framtiden. För utredningen intervjuades 299 personer, av vilka större delen sjĂ€lva hade upplevt vanvĂ„rd inom familjevĂ„rden, pĂ„ barnhemmen eller i skolhemmen. Personer som hade arbetat inom barnskyddet eller pĂ„ nĂ„got annat sĂ€tt följt situationen frĂ„n sidan deltog ocksĂ„. Behandlingen av intervjumaterialet genomfördes enligt noggranna etiska principer. En majoritet av de intervjuade var födda mellan Ă„ren 1945–65. Man satte sig Ă€ven in i skriftliga kĂ€llor av samtida aktörer och andra dokument om tillĂ€mpningen av 1936 Ă„rs barnskyddslag. De intervjuade hade erfarenheter av kraftigt fysiskt och sexuellt vĂ„ld, försummelse av barnets grundlĂ€ggande behov, dvs. mat eller hĂ€lsovĂ„rd samt fler former av förödmjukelse. Dessa erfarenheter har pĂ„verkat sjĂ€lvkĂ€nslan och utvecklingen hos de intervjuade. Enligt utredningen ska man inom barnskyddet fĂ€sta sĂ€rskild uppmĂ€rksamhet pĂ„ att berĂ€tta för och lyssna pĂ„ barnet i frĂ„gor som gĂ€ller honom eller henne. Placeringsplatser ska övervakas och verktygen för ingripande mot vanvĂ„rd utvecklas. Barnet ska stödas nĂ€r han eller hon blir vuxen. Det Ă€r viktigt att man följer upp genomförandet av rekommendationerna om korrigering av missförhĂ„llandena inom barnskyddet och konsekvenserna nĂ€r lagstiftningen utvecklas
