9 research outputs found

    Maailmanyliopiston matkassa

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    Ulkomaisissa seminaareissa kiertäminen on monelle tutkijalle arkipäivää. Kansainvälisiä kontakteja vaaditaan tieteenalasta riippumatta. Tutkijoiden curriculum vitaet täyttyvät merkinnöistä osallistumisista kansainvälisiin kongresseihin. Eri yliopistojen oppiaineiden internetsivuilta voi lukea, että ilmeisesti joidenkin tutkijoiden mielestä jopa pelkkä kuuntelijana oleminen kansainvälisessä kongressissa on meriitti

    Puhdas katse: Rush Rheesin filosofia

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    Rush Rhees (1905–1989) oli Ludwig Wittgensteinin (1889–1951) oppilas, ystävä ja työtoveri, joka on toistaiseksi tullut parhaiten tunnetuksi opettajansa kirjoitusten tulkitsijana ja julkaisijana. Hän oli myös omaperäinen filosofi, jonka ajattelu on saanut osakseen varsin vähän huomiota. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan Rheesin filosofiakäsitystä, johon liittyvä tematiikka on Rheesin, samoin kuin Wittgensteinin, kohdalla erottamattomasti sidoksissa kysymykseen kielen, puhumisen ja ymmärtämisen mahdollisuudesta. Rhees ajattelee, että Wittgensteinin kieltä koskevat tutkimukset ovat jatkumoa antiikin filosofien todellisuuden luonnetta koskeville pohdinnoille. Rhees kuitenkin näkee vakavia ongelmia Wittgensteinin tavassa käsitellä kieltä koskevaa filosofian ydinkysymystä. Kritiikin kärki koskee Wittgensteinin käsitystä kielipeleistä. Rhees katsoo, että Wittgenstein antaa kielipelin käsitteelle liian keskeisen aseman kielen yleistä luonnetta koskevissa huomautuksissaan. Rhees korostaa, ettei kieltä ja puhumista voi kuvata sen avulla tyhjentävästi. Kielestä ja puhumisesta ei voi esittää teoriaa eikä yleistä formaalista mallia. Lisäksi hän näkee kielipelimetaforan liian mekanistisena kuvaamaan kieltä ja ihmisten välistä kommunikointia. Rhees kuitenkin puhuu ”kielen ykseydestä” tai ”kielen yhtenäisyydestä” viittaamalla keskustelun käsitteeseen ja ajattelee, että kielen ykseyden ymmärtäminen keskusteluna valaisee paremmin kielen luonnetta kuin ajatus kielestä kielipelien joukkona. Rheesin filosofiakäsitystä ja hänen tapaansa harjoittaa filosofiaa leimaakin vahvasti dialogin merkityksen korostaminen, mikä näkyy kiinnostavalla tavalla hänen uskontoa ja etiikkaa käsittelevissä kirjoituksissaan. Rhees edustaa sellaista näkemystä filosofiasta ja sen metodista, jossa itse filosofisella keskustelulla ja tutkimuksella on itseisarvo. Filosofin tehtävänä ei ole olla elämänopas, joka tarjoaa vastauksia elämänongelmiin tai uskonnollisten kysymysten rationaalisuuteen. Filosofian tehtävänä on jatkuva ihmettely, dialogi ja ymmärryksen etsiminen. Filosofisten kysymysten vaikeuden ymmärtäminen on tärkeämpää kuin niiden ratkaiseminen

    Effectiveness of mepolizumab in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma : results from real-world clinical practice in Finland

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    Objectives Mepolizumab treatment provides clinical benefits for patients with severe eosinophilic asthma in randomized controlled trials. However, real-world data for patients in Finland are lacking. Methods This retrospective, non-interventional, chart review study included patients with severe eosinophilic asthma >= 18 years of age initiating mepolizumab between January 1, 2016 and January 31, 2019 at three investigational sites in Finland. Patient characteristics during the 12 months prior to mepolizumab initiation (baseline) were recorded and primary and secondary endpoints included changes from baseline in disease outcomes during follow-up (up to 24 months following mepolizumab initiation). Exploratory endpoints included association between patient characteristics and exacerbation frequency/annual cumulative oral corticosteroid (OCS) dose. Results Overall, 51 patients were included (mean 17.8 months follow-up). At baseline, patients had a mean (standard deviation) blood eosinophil count of 550 (410) cells/mu L; impaired lung function and health-related quality of life; poor symptom control; frequent exacerbations (2.78/year); and 90% were using OCS (mean: 9.80 mg/day). At the last follow-up visit, reductions from baseline in blood eosinophil count (84%) and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (26%) were observed, as were improvements in Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire score (36%) and Asthma Control Test score (34%). Reductions in the mean number of annual exacerbations (82%) and mean daily OCS dose (39%) were also seen; reductions were observed even after adjustment for several patient baseline characteristics. Conclusions Results are consistent with previous randomized clinical trials, indicating that Finnish patients experience clinically relevant improvements when treated with mepolizumab in real-world clinical practice.Peer reviewe

    Controlled register-based study of road traffic accidents in 12,651 Finnish cancer patients during 2013-2019

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    Background: Little controlled evidence exists on road traffic accident (RTA) risk among patients diagnosed with cancer, while clinicians are often requested to comment their ability to drive. The aim of this study was to evaluate RTA risk in a population-based cohort of cancer patients living in Southwest Finland.Patients: All adult patients diagnosed with cancer in 2013-2019 were included. Acute appendectomy/cholecystectomy and actinic keratosis patients without cancer were selected from the same region as the control cohort. Participants were cross-referenced to a national driving licence database, yielding 12,651 cancer and 6334 control patients with a valid licence. Due to marked differences in their clinical presentation, the cancer cohort was divided into nine cancers of interest (breast, prostate, colorectal, lung, melanoma, head & neck, primary brain tumours, gynaecological and haematological malignancies). The nationwide law-regulated motor liability insurance registry was searched for all RTAs leading to injury with claims paid to not- or at-fault participants. At-fault drivers were verified based on sex and birth year.Results: During a median follow-up of 34 months, 167 persons were at-fault drivers in RTAs leading to injury. Among the nine cancers of interest, RTA risk did not differ from the control cohort. Among cancer patients, multivariable regression suggested male sex and opioid use, but not advanced cancer stage or given systemic therapy, as the most influential risk factors for RTA.Conclusions: Cancer diagnosis itself was not associated with increased RTA risk, but other associated symptoms, medications, comorbidities or specific cancer subgroups may.</p

    Effectiveness of mepolizumab in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma: results from real-world clinical practice in Finland

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    Objectives: Mepolizumab treatment provides clinical benefits for patients with severe eosinophilic asthma in randomized controlled trials. However, real-world data for patients in Finland are lacking.Methods: This retrospective, non-interventional, chart review study included patients with severe eosinophilic asthma ≥18 years of age initiating mepolizumab between January 1, 2016 and January 31, 2019 at three investigational sites in Finland. Patient characteristics during the 12 months prior to mepolizumab initiation (baseline) were recorded and primary and secondary endpoints included changes from baseline in disease outcomes during follow-up (up to 24 months following mepolizumab initiation). Exploratory endpoints included association between patient characteristics and exacerbation frequency/annual cumulative oral corticosteroid (OCS) dose.Results: Overall, 51 patients were included (mean 17.8 months follow-up). At baseline, patients had a mean (standard deviation) blood eosinophil count of 550 (410) cells/µL; impaired lung function and health-related quality of life; poor symptom control; frequent exacerbations (2.78/year); and 90% were using OCS (mean: 9.80 mg/day). At the last follow-up visit, reductions from baseline in blood eosinophil count (84%) and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (26%) were observed, as were improvements in Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire score (36%) and Asthma Control Test score (34%). Reductions in the mean number of annual exacerbations (82%) and mean daily OCS dose (39%) were also seen; reductions were observed even after adjustment for several patient baseline characteristics.Conclusions: Results are consistent with previous randomized clinical trials, indicating that Finnish patients experience clinically relevant improvements when treated with mepolizumab in real-world clinical practice.</p