54 research outputs found

    Tuomioistuimet tietoyhteiskunnassa

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    Tuulivoimaloiden linnustovaikutukset

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    Anthropogenic Illumination as Guiding Light for Nocturnal Bird Migrants Identified by Remote Sensing

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    Migrant birds rely on environmental and celestial cues for navigation and orientation during their journeys. Adverse weather, such as heavy rain or fog, but also thick layers of low-level clouds, affect visibility and can challenge birds’ ability to orientate. Therefore, birds typically favour certain meteorological conditions for migration. Photopollution from artificial lights outdoors and radiated from buildings is known to negatively affect nocturnal migrants’ flight behaviour and trajectories, which may lead to collisions with human infrastructure. Positive effects of artificial light have been identified in some stationary birds, e.g., for extended foraging hours, though not during migration. In the present study, we show the effect of artificial light on the concentration and flight directions of migrating birds during overcast conditions in the peri-urban woodland in Southern Finland. Overcast conditions, by low-level clouds, prompted birds to migrate at low altitudes. Instead of spatially homogenous large-scale migration patterns, birds were observed to adapt their flight directions, in accordance with the artificial lights of the urbanized area. By using dual- and single-polarisation weather radar data we were able to study small-scale patterns of bird movements under the influence of low-level cloud layers. These cases show the remarkable capability of the existing weather radar networks to study bird migration

    Lyhytaikaisen vapaudenriiston perusteet Venäjällä

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    Alarm system for insect migration using weather radars

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    The pilot system for forecasting insect migrations to next two days will be operated during May and June 2008. Forecasts are concentrating on two major pests; namely diamond-back moth and bird cherry aphid. Five to ten pilot users will get automatic SMS warning messages and are able to study the situation more thoroughly via specific web pages. The pilot users report to the study team about their findings and the usefulness of the service. The validity of the service will be tested using field traps
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