138 research outputs found

    Anticardiolipin Antibodies Recognize β(2)-Glycoprotein I Structure Altered by Interacting with an Oxygen Modified Solid Phase Surface

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    Anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) derived from the sera of individuals exhibiting the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) directly bind to beta(2)-glycoprotein I (beta(2)-GPI), which is adsorbed to an oxidized polystyrene surface. Oxygen atoms were introduced on a polystyrene surface by irradiation with electron or gamma-ray radiation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed the irradiated surfaces were oxidized to generate C-O and C=O moieties. aCL derived from either APS patients or (NZW x BXSB)F-1 mice bound to beta(2)-GPI coated on the irradiated plates, depending on the radiation dose. Antibody binding to beta(2)-GPI on the irradiated plates was competitively inhibited by simultaneous addition of cardiolipin (CL)-coated latex beads mixed together with beta(2)-GPI but were unaffected by addition of excess beta(2)-GPI, CL micelles, or CL-coated latex beads alone. There was a high correlation between binding values of aCL in sera from 40 APS patients obtained by the anti-beta(2)-GPI enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the irradiated plates and those by the beta(2)-GPI-dependent aCL ELISA. Therefore, aCL have specificity for an epitope on beta(2)-GPI. This epitope is expressed by a conformational change occurring when beta(2)-GPI interacts with an oxygen-substituted solid phase surface

    Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) as a Platform for Data and Model Integration: Cases in the Field of Water Resources Management and Disaster Risk Reduction

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    The development of data and model integration platforms has furthered scientific inquiry and helped to solve pressing social and environmental problems. While several e-infrastructure platforms have been developed, the concept of data and model integration remains obscure, and these platforms have produced few firm results. This article investigates data and model integration on the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) platform, using three case projects from water-related fields. We provide concrete examples of data and model integration by analyzing the data transfer and analysis process, and demonstrate what platform functions are needed to promote the advantages of data and model integration. In addition, we introduce the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a valuable tool for promoting data and model integration and open science. Our investigation reveals that DIAS advances data and model integration in five main ways: it is a “sophisticated and robust integration platform”; has “rich APIs, including a metadata management system, for high-quality data archive and utilization”; functions as a “core hydrological model”; and promotes a “collaborative R&D community” and “open science and data repositories”. This article will appeal especially to researchers interested in new methods of analysis, and information technology experts responsible for developing e-infrastructure systems to support environmental and scientific research

    ω-Carboxyl variants of 7-ketocholesteryl esters are ligands for β2-glycoprotein I and mediate antibody-dependent uptake of oxidized LDL by macrophages

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    beta(2)-Glycoprotein I (beta(2)-GPI) is a major antigen for anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL, Abs) present in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome. We recently reported that beta(2)-GPI specifically binds to oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and that the beta(2)-GPI's major ligand, oxLig-1 is 7-ketocholesteryl-9-carboxynonanoate (Kobayashi, K, E. Matsuura, Q. P. Liu, J. Furukawa, K. Kaihara, J. Inagaki, T. Atsumi, N. Sakairi, T. Yasuda, D. R. Welker, and T. Koike. 2001. A specific ligand for beta(2)-glycoprotein I mediates autoantibody-dependent uptake of oxidized low density lipoprotein by macrophages. J Lipid Res. 42: 697-709). In the present study, we demonstrate that omega-carboxylated 7-ketocholesteryl esters are critical for beta(2)-GPI binding. A positive ion mass spectrum of a novel ligand, designated oxLig-2, showed fragmented ions at m/z 383 and 441 in the presence of acetone, which share features of oxLig-1 and 7-ketocholesterol. In the negative ion mode, ions at m/z 627, 625, and 243 were observed. oxLig-2 was most likely 7-ketocholesteryl-12-carboxy (keto) dodecanoate. These ligands were recognized by beta(2)-GPI. Liposome binding to macrophages was significantly increased depending on the ligand's concentration, in the presence of beta(2)-GPI and an anti-beta(2)-GPI Ab. Synthesized variant, 7-ketocholesteryl-13-carboxytxidecanoate (13-COOH-7KC), also showed a significant interaction with beta(2)-GPI and a similar binding profile with macrophages. Methylation of the carboxyl function diminished all of the specific ligand interactions with beta(2)-GPI. Thus, omega-carboxyl variants of 7-ketocholesteryl esters can mediate anti-beta(2)-GPI Ab-dependent uptake of oxLDL by macrophages, and autoimmune atherogenesis linked to beta(2)-GPI interaction with oxLDL

    Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) as a platform for data and model integration: Cases in the field of water resources management and disaster risk reduction

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    The development of data and model integration platforms has furthered scientific inquiry and helped to solve pressing social and environmental problems. While several e-infrastructure platforms have been developed, the concept of data and model integration remains obscure, and these platforms have produced few firm results. This article investigates data and model integration on the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) platform, using three case projects from water-related fields. We provide concrete examples of data and model integration by analyzing the data transfer and analysis process, and demonstrate what platform functions are needed to promote the advantages of data and model integration. In addition, we introduce the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a valuable tool for promoting data and model integration and open science. Our investigation reveals that DIAS advances data and model integration in five main ways: it is a "sophisticated and robust integration platform"; has "rich APIs, including a metadata management system, for high-quality data archive and utilization"; functions as a "core hydrological model"; and promotes a "collaborative R&D community" and "open science and data repositories". This article will appeal especially to researchers interested in new methods of analysis, and information technology experts responsible for developing e-infrastructure systems to support environmental and scientific research

    Self-Expandable Metal Stent Placement as a Bridge to Laparoscopic or Open Surgery for Obstructive Colorectal Cancer: Short-Term Outcomes of Nineteen Consecutive Cases

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    Purpose Laparoscopic colorectal resection is a feasible and less invasive procedure with short-term advantages compared with open surgery; however, the evidence for its efficacy for treating obstructive colorectal cancer (CRC) is lacking. In this study, we aimed to determine short-term outcomes of SEMS placement for obstructive CRC followed by laparoscopic colorectal resection.Methods As of August 2013, 51 patients with obstructive CRC underwent stent insertion. Thirty-two patients received palliation therapy not intended for tumor resection. After decompression of the proximal intestine, nine and 10 patients underwent laparoscopic and open surgery, respectively. Clinicopathological, intraoperative, and postoperative data were retrospectively collected.Results There were no differences in resection rates and curabilities between the two groups. All surgeries were performed with a single-stage anastomosis, and no anastomotic leakage was observed. There was one patient with abdominal morbidity in the open group (Open) and none in the Lap group. There was no mortality in either group. Time to flatus (3.4 ± 1.8 days, Lap; 2.6 ± 1.1 days, Open) and time to oral intake (7.9 ± 2.5 days, Lap; 7.7±1.9 days, Open) were similar between the groups. Postoperative hospitalization times for the Lap group were shorter, but the difference was not statistically significant (15.2 ± 3.9 days, Lap; 21 ± 11.7 days, Open, p = 0.21).Conclusion Our findings indicate that laparoscopic surgery combined with preoperative stent placement is feasible as well as safe compared with open surgery for obstructive CRC

    A Case of Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor-Producing Hepatocellular Carcinoma Confirmed by Immunohistochemistry

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    Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a naturally occurring glycoprotein that stimulates the proliferation and maturation of precursor cells in the bone marrow into fully differentiated neutrophils. Several reports of G-CSF-producing malignant tumors have been published, but scarcely any in the hepatobiliary system, such as in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we encountered a 69-yr-old man with a hepatic tumor who had received right hepatic resection. He showed leukocytosis of 25,450/µL along with elevated serum G-CSF. Histological examination of surgical samples demonstrated immunohistochemical staining for G-CSF, but not for G-CSF receptor. The patient survived without recurrence for four years, but ultimately passed away with multiple bone metastases. In light of the above, clinicians may consider G-CSF-producing HCC when encountering patients with leukocytosis and a hepatic tumor. More cases are needed to clarify the clinical picture of G-CSF-producing HCC
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