306 research outputs found

    Caregivers of children with leukemia: treatment demands and learning related to new behaviors

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    O câncer na faixa pediátrica representa um contexto de perdas, incertezas, dor física e diversas dificuldades para o paciente e seus familiares. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as demandas específicas vivenciadas por 30 cuidadores pediátricos, bem como comportamentos favoráveis adquiridos ao longo do semestre inicial de tratamento para leucemias, a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas em dois momentos. Os resultados indicaram exigências específicas, como necessidade de maior atenção e monitoramento do paciente e aumento dos gastos financeiros. Houve relatos importantes sobre a aprendizagem de novos padrões de comportamento referidos como favoráveis, tais como aquisição de comportamentos mais adaptativos a demandas do ambiente, percepção de maior autoeficácia e atuação mais ativa no tratamento, aprendizagem sobre procedimentos médicos invasivos e destituição de crenças disfuncionais associadas ao câncer. O estudo aprofunda dados indicados na literatura e destaca a importância de mais intervenções psicossociais junto a pacientes pediátricos e cuidadores.Caregivers of children with leukemia: treatment demands and learning related to new behaviors. The pediatric cancer represents a context of losses, uncertainties, physical pain and several difficulties to the patient and family. The main goal of this study was to investigate specific demands experienced by 30 pediatric caregivers, as well as favourable behaviors acquired, along the first semester of leukemia treatment, using semi-structured interviews carried out in two moments. The results indicate specific demands, such as the need of more attention and patient monitoring, and the increase of financial costs. There were relevant reports about learning new behavioral patterns, referred as beneficial, such as the acquisition of more adaptative behaviors related to environmental demands, awareness of a higher self-efficacy and a more active role in treatment, learning related to invasive medical procedures and destitution of dysfunctional beliefs related to cancer. This study corroborates data indicated in literature and highlights the importance of more psychosocial interventions concerning pediatric patients and caregivers

    Proofs of some Propositions of the semi-Intuitionistic Logic with Strong Negation

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    We offer the proofs that complete our article introducing the propositional calculus called semi-intuitionistic logic with strong negation.Comment: Contains proofs omitted, because of their extention, from an article published in Studia Logic

    Estratégias de coping e ansiedade de cuidadores em oncohematologia pediátrica

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    O objetivo do estudo foi investigar associações entre dados sociodemográficos, condição clínica pediátrica, manifestações de ansiedade e estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas pelos cuidadores ao diagnóstico de leucemia, para indicar fatores influentes relativos a manifestações de ansiedade e estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas. Participaram do estudo 44 cuidadores, que responderam a Escala Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas – EMEP, Inventário Beck de Ansiedade (BAI) e questionário sociodemográfico. Os resultados indicam associações entre tipos de enfrentamento, idade do participante, escolaridade e presença de cônjuge, além de correlações entre manifestações de ansiedade, sexo do participante e idade da criança. Destaca-se uma associação importante entre manifestações de ansiedade e uso de estratégias de enfrentamento focalizadas na emoção, sugerindo a importância de intervenções nas fases iniciais de tratamento.The main goal of this paper was to investigate associations between sociodemographic data, patient’s clinical condition, indicators of anxiety, and coping strategies adopted by caregivers during leukemia diagnosis in order to indicate which factors may influence anxiety and the adopted coping strategies. In this study, 44 caregivers were enrolled and submitted to the Ways of Coping Scale (Brazilian Version – EMEP), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Results show associations among different coping categories, caregiver’s age, education, and the presence of a spouse, as well as correlations related to anxiety, subject’s gender, and the children’s age. There was relevant association between anxiety and emotion-focused coping, suggesting the importance of interventions during the early stages of the treatment

    Coping Strategies Adopted by Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease in Preparation for Transplant

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    Aim: This paper aimed to analyze the coping strategies adopted by patients in preparation to kidney transplant, as well as associations between coping and socio-demographic data. Method: A total of 76 patients took part in this descriptive, exploratory study. While waiting for the first medical consultation regarding kidney transplantation, participants answered the Brazilian version of the Ways of Coping Scale. Results: The main coping strategies adopted corresponded first to religiosity, then problem focused coping and seeking for social support. There were statistically significant associations between coping categories and gender, marital status, monthly income, children’s ages, and time in dialysis. Conclusion: This study highlights the main coping strategies adopted by patients in preparation to kidney transplant, and it also reveals associations between some socio-demographic data and coping. These results may promote further psychosocial interventions, which may help to improve preparation to kidney transplants, promoting better adaptation and treatment adherence as well as fewer psychological burdens

    Territory quality and male dominance in Tropidurus torquatus (Squamata, Tropiduridae)

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    In territorial species, females are often attracted by high-qualityterritories, which are expected to be owned by males that successfully won competition with other males. Because morphological and behavioral traits frequently influence males’ combat success, these parameters may be used by females to assess the male (and associated territory) quality. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that organismal traits in dominant males of the lizard Tropidurus torquatus are associated with the quality of the territory owned. After characterizing the territories occupied, we used a discriminant analysis to test if morphological and behavioral traits of the dominant male predict the quality of the territory owned. High-quality territories were characterized by a larger number of refuges, shorter distances among shelters and a well-defined harem, in comparison with low-quality territories. Organismal traits predicted with 100% accuracy the type of the territory owned: high-quality territories were associated with larger males that had longer heads, while males occupying lowquality territories exhibited more head displays, traveled larger distances and ran slightly slower than those associated with high-quality territories. We discuss possibleimplications of territory quality and male traits for reproductive success in Tropidurus torquatus

    Data mining in large audio collections of dolphin signals

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    The study of dolphin cognition involves intensive research of animal vocal- izations recorded in the field. In this dissertation I address the automated analysis of audible dolphin communication. I propose a system called the signal imager that automatically discovers patterns in dolphin signals. These patterns are invariant to frequency shifts and time warping transformations. The discovery algorithm is based on feature learning and unsupervised time series segmentation using hidden Markov models. Researchers can inspect the patterns visually and interactively run com- parative statistics between the distribution of dolphin signals in different behavioral contexts. The required statistics for the comparison describe dolphin communication as a combination of the following models: a bag-of-words model, an n-gram model and an algorithm to learn a set of regular expressions. Furthermore, the system can use the patterns to automatically tag dolphin signals with behavior annotations. My results indicate that the signal imager provides meaningful patterns to the marine biologist and that the comparative statistics are aligned with the biologists’ domain knowledge.Ph.D

    Análisis del estrés y afrontamiento en familias de pacientes ingresados en UCI

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    Admissions in ICUs are potentially adverse events that present significant challenges to the patients’s relatives. This study aimed to describe the stressful events and coping strategies adopted by relatives of patients admitted to the ICU. In total, 35 individuals participated and answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Environmental Stressor Questionnaire (ESQ), and the brief inventory of coping (Brief-COPE), and 10 were interviewed. Results showed that the most stressful events include difficulties in communication with the team, and coping focused on problem and emotion were the most used. The data showed associations between ESQ scores and coping strategies. Among the participants, two groups were found, a cluster of individuals with more adaptive strategies and another cluster with less beneficial behaviors, which differed in terms of the coping and content presented in the interviews. Relatives indicated religiosity, patience, and resignation as more adaptative coping strategies.Internações em UTI são eventos potencialmente adversos que apresentam desafios importantes aos familiares do paciente. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever relações entre eventos estressores e estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas por familiares de pacientes internados em UTI. Participaram da pesquisa 35 indivíduos que responderam questionário sociodemográfico, Estressores em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (ESQ) e inventário breve sobre enfrentamento (BriefCOPE) e entre esses familiares, dez foram entrevistados. Os resultados mostraram que os eventos mais estressores incluem dificuldades de comunicação com equipe e uso majoritário de enfrentamento focalizado no problema e na emoção. Os dados evidenciaram associações entre escores no ESQ e tipos de enfrentamento. Houve diferenciação entre dois grupos, um cluster de indivíduos com estratégias mais adaptativas e outro cluster com comportamentos menos benéficos, que diferiram acerca de tipo de enfrentamento e conteúdos apresentados nas entrevistas. A religiosidade, paciência e resignação foram relatadas pelos familiares como formas mais adaptativas de enfrentamento.Los ingresos en UCI son eventos potencialmente estresantes que presentan desafíos importantes para los miembros de la familia del paciente. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la relación entre los eventos estresantes y las estrategias de afrontamiento adoptadas por las familias de los pacientes ingresados ​​en UCI. En el estudio participaron 35 personas que respondieron a un cuestionario sociodemográfico, Environmental Stressor Questionnaire (ESQ) e inventario breve de afrontamiento (BriefCOPE), de las cuales se entrevistaron a diez. Los resultados mostraron que los eventos más estresantes fueron las dificultades de comunicación con el equipo y el mayor uso de estrategias de afrontamiento centradas en el problema y la emoción. Hubo asociaciones entre los puntajes en el ESQ y los tipos de afrontamiento. Se encontró una diferenciación entre dos grupos: uno con individuos con estrategias más adaptativas y el otro con comportamientos menos beneficiosos, que difirieron en cuanto a la forma de afrontamiento y contenido presentado en las entrevistas. Los participantes informaron que la religión, la paciencia y la resignación eran formas de afrontamiento más adaptativas

    Territory quality and male dominance in Tropidurus torquatus (Squamata, Tropiduridae)

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    In territorial species, females are often attracted by high-quality territories, which are expected to be owned by males that successfully won competition with other males. Because morphological and behavioral traits frequently influence males' combat success, these parameters may be used by females to assess the male (and associated territory) quality. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that organismal traits in dominant males of the lizard Tropidurus torquatus are associated with the quality of the territory owned. After characterizing the territories occupied, we used a discriminant analysis to test if morphological and behavioral traits of the dominant male predict the quality of the territory owned. High-quality territories were characterized by a larger number of refuges, shorter distances among shelters and a well-defined harem, in comparison with low-quality territories. Organismal traits predicted with 100% accuracy the type of the territory owned: high-quality territories were associated with larger males that had longer heads, while males occupying low-quality territories exhibited more head displays, traveled larger distances and ran slightly slower than those associated with high-quality territories. We discuss possible implications of territory quality and male traits for reproductive success in Tropidurus torquatus