464 research outputs found

    Adipose tissue as a medium for epidemiologic exposure assessment.

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    In the United States, adipose tissue is rarely used as a medium for assessment of prior exposures in epidemiologic studies. Adipose tissue aspirations are in general less invasive and carry less risk than phlebotomy. Tissue samples can be analyzed for a wide number of epidemiologically important exposures. Beyond reflecting long-term energy balance, this tissue offers a relatively stable depot of triglyceride and fat-soluble substances, such as fat-soluble vitamins, and pesticides. As a tissue it represents the greatest reservoir of carotenoids in the body. Halogenated hydrocarbons may be measured in concentrations of hundreds-fold greater than those in blood of the same individuals. The composition of adipose tissue also reflects the long-term dietary intakes of a number of essential fatty acids. The turnover times of all of these substances in adipose tissue remain under-researched. Sampling and storage of adipose tissue, homogeneity of sampling sites, turnover times, and the effects of diet, age, gender, race, hormones, and disease on adipose tissue composition are discussed in this review of current knowledge about adipose tissue stability. Experience in the use of adipose tissue sampling in epidemiologic studies in various countries has shown that it is simple to conduct, requires little training, carries little risk, and does not result in excessive participant refusal

    Instructional Support for Vocabulary Acquisition Among Young Dual Language Learners

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    This dissertation examined a combined approach to teach novel vocabulary in English and Spanish for dual language learners prior to an English storybook read- aloud in a preschool setting. The 6-week intervention study was conducted in a Head Start program in the U. S. Mountain West with 60 dual-language preschoolers randomly assigned to small groups to receive the vocabulary intervention, using images and word definitions from researcher-trained teachers, teacher assistants or parent volunteers. The experimental design included pre- and posttest assessments of target and general receptive vocabulary in English and Spanish, as well as language exposure, instructional quality, and fidelity of treatment. Teachers demonstrated a high level of fidelity in the preteaching of vocabulary in small groups. A multiple regression analyses and t-test comparisons indicate that preschoolers made comparable gains in breadth and depth of target vocabulary in Spanish and English, with higher definitional gains of vocabulary outcomes among those receiving vocabulary instruction in Spanish. For example, the Spanish-language group provided more diverse and robust definitions for target words. The results suggest that an explicit, target vocabulary intervention can improve Spanish-speaking preschoolers’ academic vocabulary in Spanish and English. Use of the home language seemingly supported word learning in both Spanish and English and appeared to increase linguistic awareness more than those receiving only English. The brief, small-group, vocabulary instruction was relatively easy to implement and shows promise as a curricular component available to Head Start programs. Implications for instruction and future research are included

    Dietary modifiers of carcinogenesis.

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    Dietary components express a wide range of activities that can affect carcinogenesis. Naturally occurring substances in foods have been shown in laboratory experiments to serve as dietary antimutagens, either as bioantimutagens or as desmutagens. Dietary desmutagens may function as chemical inactivaters, enzymatic inducers, scavengers, or antioxidants. Dietary components may also act later in the carcinogenic process as tumor growth suppressors. Examples of dietary factors acting in each of these stages of carcinogenesis are presented, and potential anticarcinogens such as the carotenoids, tocopherols, phenolic compounds, glucosinolates, metal-binding proteins, phytoestrogens, and conjugated linoleic acid are discussed. Individual foods typically contain multiple potential anticarcinogens. Many of these substances can influence carcinogenesis through more than one mechanism. Some substances exhibit both anticarcinogenic and carcinogenic activity in vitro, depending on conditions. Epidemiologic research indicates that high fruit and vegetable consumption is associated with lower cancer risk. Little research has focused on the effects of single substances or single foods in man. Realization of the potential of foodborne substances to reduce the human burden of cancer will only be achieved with better measurement of dietary exposures and funding of multidisciplinary research in this area commensurate with its importance

    A Call to Arms: Interferons Prepare Bone Marrow Cells to Battle Peripheral Infections

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    Viral infection leads to the rapid production of type I interferons within infected tissues. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Hermesh et al. (2010) demonstrate that interferons produced following respiratory viral infection program leukocytes in the bone marrow to resist infection before trafficking to the lung

    Proceedings of the inaugural International Summit for Medical Nutrition Education and Research

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    © 2016 The Royal Society for Public Health Medical Nutrition Education (MNE) has been identified as an area with potential public health impact. Despite countries having distinctive education systems, barriers and facilitators to effective MNE are consistent across borders, demanding a common platform to initiate global programmes. A shared approach to supporting greater MNE is ideal to support countries to work together. In an effort to initiate this process, the Need for Nutrition Education/Innovation Programme group, in association with their strategic partners, hosted the inaugural International Summit on Medical Nutrition Education and Research on August 8, 2015 in Cambridge, UK. Speakers from the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, and India provided insights into their respective countries including their education systems, inherent challenges, and potential solutions across two main themes: (1) Medical Nutrition Education, focused on best practice examples in competencies and assessment; and (2) Medical Nutrition Research, discussing how to translate nutrition research into education opportunities. The Summit identified shared needs across regions, showcased examples of transferrable strategies and identified opportunities for collaboration in nutrition education for healthcare (including medical) professionals. These proceedings highlight the key messages presented at the Summit and showcase opportunities for working together towards a common goal of improvement in MNE to improve public health at large

    Type I Interferons Regulate Cytolytic Activity of Memory CD8+ T Cells in the Lung Airways during Respiratory Virus Challenge

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    SummaryMemory CD8+ T cells in the lung airways provide protection from secondary respiratory virus challenge by limiting early viral replication. Here, we demonstrate that although airway-resident memory CD8+ T cells were poorly cytolytic, memory CD8+ T cells recruited to the airways early during a recall response showed markedly enhanced cytolytic ability. This enhanced lytic activity did not require cognate antigen stimulation, but rather was dependent on STAT1 transcription factor signaling through the interferon-α receptor (Ifnar1), resulting in the antigen-independent expression of granzyme B protein in both murine and human virus-specific T cells. Signaling through Ifnar1 was required for the enhanced lytic activity and control of early viral replication by memory CD8+ T cells in the lung airways. These findings demonstrate that innate inflammatory signals act directly on memory T cells, enabling them to rapidly destroy infected host cells once they enter infected tissues

    Choice of resident costimulatory molecule can influence cell fate in human naïve CD4+ T cell differentiation

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    With antigen stimulation, naïve CD4+ T cells differentiate to several effector or memory cell populations, and cytokines contribute to differentiation outcome. Several proteins on these cells receive costimulatory signals, but a systematic comparison of their differential effects on naïve T cell differentiation has not been conducted. Two costimulatory proteins, CD28 and ICAM-1, resident on human naïve CD4+ T cells were compared for participation in differentiation. Under controlled conditions, and with no added cytokines, costimulation through either CD3+CD28 or CD3+ICAM-1 induced differentiation to T effector and T memory cells. In contrast, costimulation through CD3+ICAM-1 induced differentiation to Treg cells whereas costimulation through CD3+CD28 did not

    The route of priming influences the ability of respiratory virus–specific memory CD8+ T cells to be activated by residual antigen

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    After respiratory virus infections, memory CD8+ T cells are maintained in the lung airways by a process of continual recruitment. Previous studies have suggested that this process is controlled, at least in the initial weeks after virus clearance, by residual antigen in the lung-draining mediastinal lymph nodes (MLNs). We used mouse models of influenza and parainfluenza virus infection to show that intranasally (i.n.) primed memory CD8+ T cells possess a unique ability to be reactivated by residual antigen in the MLN compared with intraperitoneally (i.p.) primed CD8+ T cells, resulting in the preferential recruitment of i.n.-primed memory CD8+ T cells to the lung airways. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the inability of i.p.-primed memory CD8+ T cells to access residual antigen can be corrected by a subsequent i.n. virus infection. Thus, two independent factors, initial CD8+ T cell priming in the MLN and prolonged presentation of residual antigen in the MLN, are required to maintain large numbers of antigen-specific memory CD8+ T cells in the lung airways

    Numerical study of the THM effects on the near-field safety of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository—BMT1 of the DECOVALEX III project. Part 1: Conceptualization and characterization of the problems and summary of results

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    11 pagesInternational audienceGeological disposal of the spent nuclear fuel often uses the concept of multiple barrier systems. In order to predict the performance of these barriers, mathematical models have been developed, verified and validated against analytical solutions, laboratory tests and field experiments within the international DECOVALEX III project. These models in general consider the full coupling of thermal (T), hydraulic (H) and mechanical (M) processes that would prevail in the geological media around the repository. For Bench Mark Test no. 1 (BMT1) of the DECOVALEX III project, seven multinational research teams studied the implications of coupled THM processes on the safety of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository at the near-field and are presented in three accompanying papers in this issue. This paper is the first of the three companion papers, which provides the conceptualization and characterization of the BMT1 as well as some general conclusions based on the findings of the numerical studies. It also shows the process of building confidence in the mathematical models by calibration with a reference T–H–M experiment with realistic rock mass conditions and bentonite properties and measured outputs of thermal, hydraulic and mechanical variables
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