10,572 research outputs found

    Effect of KOH concentration on LEO cycle life of IPV nickel-hydrogen flight battery cells

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    A breakthrough in low earth orbit (LEO) cycle life of individual pressure vessel (IPV) nickel hydrogen battery cells was reported. The cycle life of boiler plate cells containing 26 percent potassium hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte was about 40,000 LEO cycles compared to 3500 cycles for cells containing 31 percent KOH. The effect of KOH concentration on cycle life was studied. The cycle regime was a stressful accelerated LEO, which consisted of a 27.5 min charge followed by a 17.5 min charge (2 x normal rate). The depth of discharge (DOD) was 80 percent. The cell temperature was maintained at 23 C. The next step is to validate these results using flight hardware and a real time LEO test. NASA Lewis has a contract with the Naval Weapons Support Center (NWSC), Crane, Indiana, to validate the boiler plate test results. Six 48 A-hr Hughes recirculation design IPV nickel-hydrogen flight battery cells are being evaluated. Three of the cells contain 26 percent KOH (test cells) and three contain 31 percent KOH (control cells). They are undergoing real time LEO cycle life testing. The cycle regime is a 90-min LEO orbit consisting of a 54-min charge followed by a 36-min discharge. The depth-of-discharge is 80 percent. The cell temperature is maintained at 10 C. The cells were cycled for over 8000 cycles in the continuing test. There were no failures for the cells containing 26 percent KOH. There was two failures, however, for the cells containing 31 percent KOH

    Destructive physical analysis results of Ni/H2 cells cycled in LEO regime

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    Six 48-Ah individual pressure vessel (IPV) Ni/H2 cells containing 26 and 31 percent KOH electrolyte were life cycle tested in low Earth orbit. All three cells containing 31 percent KOH failed (3729, 4165, and 11,355 cycles), while those with 26 percent KOH were cycled over 14,000 times in the continuing test. Destructive physical analysis (DPA) of the failed cells included visual inspections, measurements of electrode thickness, scanning electron microscopy, chemical analysis, and measurements of nickel electrode capacity in an electrolyte flooded cell. The cycling failure was due to a decrease of nickel electrode capacity. As possible causes of the capacity decrease, researchers observed electrode expansion, rupture, and corrosion of the nickel electrode substrate, active material redistribution, and accumulation of electrochemically undischargeable active material with cycling

    Penentuan Waktu Reaksi Dan Jumlah Katalis (H2¬so4 Dan Koh) Optimum Pada Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Goreng Bekas

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    Research of determination of optimum reaction time and number of catalyst (H2SO4 and KOH) at biodiesel production from waste cooking oil had been done. Aim of this research is to get the optimum reaction time and number of catalyst (H2SO4 and KOH), and the main chemical compound of biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Biodiesel from waste cooking oil is made from esterification reaction using H2SO4 2% w/w as acid catalyst, continued by transesterification reaction using KOH as base catalyst. The variables which is used in the research were the reaction time of esterification (45, 90, and 135 minutes) and transesterification (60, 120, and 180 minutes), while variation number of acid catalyst were 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 ml and base catalyst were 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 g. The optimum reaction time and number of catalyst were determined based on biodiesel characteristics are acid number, kinematics viscosity, and density. The characteristics were compared with waste cooking oil characteristic and SNI standard for biodiesel. Main chemical compound was determined by GC-MS instrument. Based on the research result obtained the optimum quality of methyl ester with acid number was 0,19 mg KOH/g, kinematics viscosity (40oC) was 4,51 mm2/s, and density was 0,875 g/ml. Concluded that the reaction time of esterification was 90 minutes and transesterification was 120 minutes, with number of catalyst H2SO4 2% w/w was 0,5 ml and KOH was 1,0 g for oil was 50 ml. Main chemical compound of biodiesel were methyl lauric, methyl myristic, methyl palmitic, and methyl oleic, respectively

    Activated Carbons Prepared from Oil Palm Shells: Characterisations and Application for Column Separation of Heavy Metals

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    Wastes from agricultural products are abundant, suitable to be used as precursor for producing activated carbons. These wastes, instead of causing significant disposal problems, can be turned into by-products for industries by utilizing them fur manufacturing activated carbons. Carbonization and activation processes were done in the Tubular Carbolite Furnace. N₂ gas was flowed for the first 3 hours followed by CO₂ gas for the next 1 hour on the precursor at the constant temperature of 500°C. Par the H₃PO₄ impregnation, 30 grams of the palm shells were impregnated with 15 ml ofH3P04 and diluted with 100 ml of distilled water to produce 2.2 M H₃PO₄ solution. For the K₃PO₄, 30 grams of palm shells were impregnated with 9 g of K₃PO₄ and diluted with 100 ml of distilled water to produce 9% w/w K₃PO₄ solution. For the KOH impregnation, 30 grams or palm shells were impregnated with 9 g of KOH and diluted with 100 ml of distilled water to produce 9 % w/w KOH solution

    Physiochemical properties of alkali treated kappa - carrageenan

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    Kappa (k)-carrageenan was extracted from the seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii, grown in Fiji, using varying concentrations of potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution: 0.1 to 0.5 M. Increasing KOH concentration increased the yield of -carrageenan while the sulfate content, and the viscosity average molar mass decreased. -carrageenan solutions exhibited non-Newtonian fluid behavior. For the different alkali (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 & 0.5 M) treated -carrageenan, the critical gelling concentration was found to be 1.0, 0.8, 0.7 & 0.6 w/v % respectively at ambient temperature within 24 hrs. The activation energy of the viscous flow was found to decrease for the -carrageenan extracted with increasing alkali concentration. Young’s modulus was found to increase for the -carrageenan gels extracted with increasing alkali concentration up to 0. 3 M after which a sharp decline in gel strength was observed. The melting temperature determined from Differential Scanning Calorimetry increased for gels extracted with higher KOH concentration

    Nominate Judge Koh to the Ninth Circuit Again

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    During February 2016, President Barack Obama nominated United States District Judge Lucy Haeran Koh to a “judicial emergency” vacancy on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She has capably served over multiple years in the Northern District of California competently deciding numerous high-profile lawsuits, specifically regarding intellectual property. Accordingly, the President’s efforts to confirm her were unsurprising. However, 2016 was a presidential election year when judicial nominations traditionally slow and ultimately halt. This difficulty was exacerbated when Republicans consistently refused to implement any confirmation process for United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Chief Judge Merrick Garland, the experienced and mainstream nominee whom the chief executive had chosen to fill Justice Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court vacancy during March 2016. Notwithstanding Judge Koh’s manifold talents, the Senate Judiciary Committee did not arrange a hearing for the jurist until five protracted months subsequent to her nomination. That hearing proceeded rather smoothly, although the Grand Old Party (GOP) only conducted the nominee’s discussion and vote eight weeks later when Koh earned a thirteen to seven approval ballot. Republicans had plentiful weeks over which they could have scheduled a Senate debate and up or down vote yet refused the candidate those procedures and her nomination expired when senators adjourned in early January 2017. Because Koh is a strong and moderate jurist who received nomination for the appellate court, which experiences critical needs for all of its twenty-nine circuit judges to expeditiously, inexpensively, and equitably resolve appeals, California Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris must champion her renomination and President Donald Trump ought to seriously evaluate nominating the jurist again. This piece initially analyzes (1) the comprehensive record assembled by Judge Koh; (2) federal judicial appointments in President Obama’s administration, emphasizing 2016 when he selected Koh; and (3) the Ninth Circuit. The paper determines that she was a highly competent and mainstream nominee, while the court of appeals, which confronts four emergency openings, must have its complete contingent to promptly, economically and fairly resolve the United States’ most substantial, complex docket. Nevertheless, Republicans would not cooperate, especially after they had won a majority in the 114th Senate, a complication that the 2016 presidential election year magnified, and the GOP furnished Koh no upper chamber debate and vote. The final segment, therefore, provides suggestions for nominating the jurist again and for rapidly confirming her

    Direct observation of charge inversion by multivalent ions as a universal electrostatic phenomenon

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    We have directly observed reversal of the polarity of charged surfaces in water upon the addition of tri- and quadrivalent ions using atomic force microscopy. The bulk concentration of multivalent ions at which charge inversion reversibly occurs depends only very weakly on the chemical composition, surface structure, size and lipophilicity of the ions, but is dominated by their valence. These results support the theoretical proposal that spatial correlations between ions are the driving mechanism behind charge inversion.Comment: submitted to PRL, 26-04-2004 Changed the presentation of the theory at the end of the paper. Changed small error in estimate of prefactor ("w" in first version) of equation

    Alkylation of ketones by use of solid KOH in dimethyl sulfoxide

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    A mixture of solid KOH in dimethyl sulfoxide has a strong basicity, but only a low nucleophilicity and is used for methylation of ketones. With this simple and inexpensive reagent complete methylation with yields up to 90% can be achieved

    Assessment of KOH and NaOH Catalysed Biodiesel from Melon Seed Oil

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    In this study, the comparative analysis of KOH and NaOH catalysts (used separately and combined in equal proportion) during the trans-esterification of melon seed oil was investigated. The major effects and interactions of four variables (methanol/oil mole ratio, catalyst concentration, reaction temperature and reaction time) on the yield of biodiesel were studied. The results showed that, under the same experimental conditions, KOH catalyzed trans-esterification produced the highest biodiesel yield, followed by NaOH catalyzed process and then trans-esterification process involving a mixture of the two catalysts (in equal proportion). KOH catalysed process gave optimum conditions of 6.11 methanol/oil mole ratio, KOH concentration of 1.20 w/w% Oil, reaction temperature of 50 _C, reaction time of 83 minutes and optimum yield of 80.7%. NaOH catalysed process gave optimum conditions of 6.20 methanol/oil mole ratio, NaOH concentration of 1.19 w/w% Oil, reaction temperature of 52 _C, reaction time of 83 minutes and optimum yield of 77.9%. While the process involving the mixture of the two catalysts gave optimum conditions of 6.08 methanol/oil mole ratio, catalyst concentration of 1.05 w/w% Oil, reaction temperature of 56 _C, reaction time of 85 minutes and optimum yield of 76.2%. Material balance carried out on the three categories of analysis favoured KOH trans-esterification process and the suitability of the biodiesel yield models obtained in these three categories was justified by high R2 values of 0.9489, 0.9631 and 0.9605 respectively

    Analisis Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Asam Lemak Tak Jenuh Omega-3, Omega-6 dan Karakterisasi Minyak Ikan Patin (Pangasius Pangasius)

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    Telah dilakukan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif asam lemak tak jenuh Omega-3 dan Omega-6pada minyak ikan patin (Pangasius pangasius) dengan menggunakan metode kromatografi gas. Kadar Omega-3yang diperoleh dari minyak ikan patin yaitu berkisar antara 1,16-12,44(%W/W) dan kadar Omega-6 berkisaranantara 12,278-15,961(%W/W). Dari kadar Omega-3 dan dari kadar Omega-6 yang diperoleh dari penelitianini, ikan patin dapat digunakan sebagai sumber Omega-3 dan Omega-6 alternatif. Dalam penelitian ini jugadilakukan karakterisasi minyak ikan patin yang meliputi kadar minyak, bilangan asam, bilangan penyabunan,dan bilangan peroksida dengan metode Badan Standarisasi Nasional. Dari hasil penelitian pada ikan patindengan berat 650-879 gram diperoleh kadar minyak rata-rata 3,827(%W/W), bilangan asam berkisar antara3,667-19,521 mgKOH/gr, bilangan penyabunan berkisar antara91,319-192,656 mg KOH/gr, dan bilangan peroksida berkisar antara 0,778-17,78 mek/kg