7,786 research outputs found

    Distributed NEGF Algorithms for the Simulation of Nanoelectronic Devices with Scattering

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    Through the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) formalism, quantum-scale device simulation can be performed with the inclusion of electron-phonon scattering. However, the simulation of realistically sized devices under the NEGF formalism typically requires prohibitive amounts of memory and computation time. Two of the most demanding computational problems for NEGF simulation involve mathematical operations with structured matrices called semiseparable matrices. In this work, we present parallel approaches for these computational problems which allow for efficient distribution of both memory and computation based upon the underlying device structure. This is critical when simulating realistically sized devices due to the aforementioned computational burdens. First, we consider determining a distributed compact representation for the retarded Green's function matrix GRG^{R}. This compact representation is exact and allows for any entry in the matrix to be generated through the inherent semiseparable structure. The second parallel operation allows for the computation of electron density and current characteristics for the device. Specifically, matrix products between the distributed representation for the semiseparable matrix GRG^{R} and the self-energy scattering terms in Σ<\Sigma^{<} produce the less-than Green's function G<G^{<}. As an illustration of the computational efficiency of our approach, we stably generate the mobility for nanowires with cross-sectional sizes of up to 4.5nm, assuming an atomistic model with scattering

    Toughening in electrospun fibrous scaffolds

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    Electrospun scaffolds mimic the microstructure of structural collagenous tissues and have been widely used in tissue engineering applications. Both brittle cracking and ductile failure have been observed in scaffolds with similarly random fibrous morphology. Finite element analysis can be used to qualitatively examine the mechanics of these differing failure mechanisms. The finite element modeling demonstrates that the noncontinuum deformation of the network structure results in fiber bundle formation and material toughening. Such toughening is accommodated by varying fiber properties, including allowing large failure strains and progressive damage of the fibers.The authors acknowledge the support from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Khaow Tonsomboon, Daniel Strange, and Anne Bahnweg.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/aplmater/3/1/10.1063/1.4901450

    Electronic Structure of Electron-doped Sm1.86Ce0.14CuO4: Strong `Pseudo-Gap' Effects, Nodeless Gap and Signatures of Short Range Order

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    Angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) data from the electron doped cuprate superconductor Sm1.86_{1.86}Ce0.14_{0.14}CuO4_4 shows a much stronger pseudo-gap or "hot-spot" effect than that observed in other optimally doped nn-type cuprates. Importantly, these effects are strong enough to drive the zone-diagonal states below the chemical potential, implying that d-wave superconductivity in this compound would be of a novel "nodeless" gap variety. The gross features of the Fermi surface topology and low energy electronic structure are found to be well described by reconstruction of bands by a 2×2\sqrt{2}\times\sqrt{2} order. Comparison of the ARPES and optical data from the samesame sample shows that the pseudo-gap energy observed in optical data is consistent with the inter-band transition energy of the model, allowing us to have a unified picture of pseudo-gap effects. However, the high energy electronic structure is found to be inconsistent with such a scenario. We show that a number of these model inconsistencies can be resolved by considering a short range ordering or inhomogeneous state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Regional policy spillovers : the national impact of demand-side policy in an interregional model of the UK economy

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    UK regional policy has been advocated as a means of reducing regional disparities and stimulating national growth. However, there is limited understanding of the interregional and national effects of such a policy. This paper uses an interregional computable general equilibrium model to identify the national impact of a policy-induced regional demand shock under alternative labour market closures. Our simulation results suggest that regional policy operating solely on the demand side has significant national impacts. Furthermore, the effects on the nontarget region are particularly sensitive to the treatment of the regional labour market

    A Search for Radio-Quiet Gamma-Ray Pulsars

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    Most Galactic point sources of gamma rays remain unidentified. The few (extrasolar) sources that have been identified are all young, rotation-powered pulsars, all but one of which were identified using radio ephemerides. The radio-quiet Geminga pulsar was identified only after pulsations were discovered in a coincident X-ray source. Observational evidence indicates that many of the unidentified Galactic sources are likely to be pulsars, and some theoretical models predict a potentially large population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars. We present a new method for performing sensitive gamma-ray pulsar searches. We used this method to search several of the strongest EGRET sources for pulsations. This was a blind search for new pulsars, covering a frequency and a frequency-derivative phase space large enough to detect Crab-like pulsars as well as lower frequency, high magnetic field "magnetars." No new pulsars were discovered, and we report upper limits constraining the characteristics of any signals contained in the data sets searched

    Four-particle condensate in strongly coupled fermion systems

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    Four-particle correlations in fermion systems at finite temperatures are investigated with special attention to the formation of a condensate. Instead of the instability of the normal state with respect to the onset of pairing described by the Gorkov equation, a new equation is obtained which describes the onset of quartetting. Within a model calculation for symmetric nuclear matter, we find that below a critical density, the four-particle condensation (alpha-like quartetting) is favored over deuteron condensation (triplet pairing). This pairing-quartetting competition is expected to be a general feature of interacting fermion systems, such as the excition-biexciton system in excited semiconductors. Possible experimental consequences are pointed out.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 2 figures, uses psfig.sty (included), to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett., tentatively scheduled for 13 April 1998 (Volume 80, Number 15

    Essential requirements for setting up a stem cell processing laboratory

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    The Graft Processing subcommittee of the Worldwide Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation wrote this guideline to assist physicians and laboratory technologists with the setting up of a cell processing laboratory (CPL) to support a hematopoietic stem cell transplant program, thereby facilitating the start-up of a transplant program in a new location and improving patient access to transplantation worldwide. This guideline describes the minimal essential features of designing such a laboratory and provides a list of equipment and supply needs and staffing recommendations. It describes the typical scope of services that a CPL is expected to perform, including product testing services, and discusses the basic principles behind the most frequent procedures. Quality management (QM) principles specific to a CPL are also discussed. References to additional guidance documents that are available worldwide to assist with QM and regulatory compliance are also provided. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved

    Influence of operating parameters on the biodegradation of steroid estrogens and nonylphenolic compounds during biological wastewater treatment processes

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    This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Environmental Science & Technology, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es901612v.This study investigated operational factors influencing the removal of steroid estrogens and nonylphenolic compounds in two sewage treatment works, one a nitrifying/denitrifying activated sludge plant and the other a nitrifying/denitrifying activated sludge plant with phosphorus removal. Removal efficiencies of >90% for steroid estrogens and for longer chain nonylphenol ethoxylates (NP4−12EO) were observed at both works, which had equal sludge ages of 13 days. However, the biological activity in terms of milligrams of estrogen removed per day per tonne of biomass was found to be 50−60% more efficient in the nitrifying/denitrifying activated sludge works compared to the works which additionally incorporated phosphorus removal. A temperature reduction of 6 °C had no impact on the removal of free estrogens, but removal of the conjugated estrone-3-sulfate was reduced by 20%. The apparent biomass sorption (LogKp) values were greater in the nitrifying/denitrifying works than those in the nitrifying/denitrifying works with phosphorus removal for both steroid estrogens and nonylphenolic compounds possibly indicating a different cell surface structure and therefore microbial population. The difference in biological activity (mg tonne−1 d−1) identified in this study, of up to seven times, suggests that there is the potential for enhancing the removal of estrogens and nonylphenols if more detailed knowledge of the factors responsible for these differences can be identified and maximized, thus potentially improving the quality of receiving waters.Public Utilities Board (Singapore), Anglian Water Ltd, Severn Trent Water Ltd, Thames Water Utilities Ltd, United Utilities 393 Plc and Yorkshire Water Services