9 research outputs found

    Sobre la necesidad de desarrollar la competencia comunicativa intercultural de los profesionales marfileños y españoles: las reflexiones de un estudiante vuelto investigador - On the need to develop the intercultural communicative competence of Ivorian a

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    Sobre la necesidad de desarrollar la competencia comunicativa intercultural de los profesionales marfileños y españoles: las reflexiones de un estudiante vuelto investigador. - On the need to develop the intercultural communicative competence of Ivorian and Spanish professionals: the reflections of a student turned researcher. La sociedad actual, fuertemente caracterizada por la globalización, evidencia el contacto entre los pueblos de lenguas y culturas diferentes. Partiendo de esta idea, los marfileños y españoles, por motivos educacionales, políticos, turísticos, familiares, comerciales, etc., se comunican cotidianamente, sea de modo virtual o interpersonal

    Aldicarbe et crimidine dans les eaux et les sédiments aux alentours de la décharge municipale d’Akouédo (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire): niveaux et fréquences de contamination

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    En Afrique, plusieurs familles de pesticides, susceptibles de nuire à la santé de l’homme et de l’environnement, sont utilisées contre les pestes et autres nuisibles. Cependant, la plupart des études menées se sont focalisées sur les organochlorés. La fréquence de détection et les concentrations des pesticides aldicarbe et crimidine ont été examinées dans les eaux et les sédiments autour de la décharge municipale d’Akouédo (Côte d’Ivoire). Les analyses ont été effectuées de juin 2013 à janvier 2014 par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à la méthode de détection par fluorescence, après une extraction liquide/liquide des eaux, et une extraction au soxhlet des sédiments. Les résultats ont montré une contamination significative des sédiments par l’aldicarbe et la crimidine à des fréquences de détection très élevées, contrairement aux eaux lagunaires et souterraines. Les concentrations ont été significativement plus élevées pendant la saison des crues dans les eaux et pendant la saison des pluies dans les sédiments. Ces résultats suggèrent que la crimidine est utilisée ou rejetée de façon illégale dans la zone d’étude, et que les niveaux de concentration de la crimidine et de l’aldicarbe dans la baie de M’Badon peuvent causer des risques de santé pour certains organismes aquatiques et les populations.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Pesticides; lixiviat, estuaire, lagune Ebrié, Côte d’IvoireEnglish Title: Aldicarb and crimidine in waters and sediments in the vicinity of the Akouédo municipal dumping site (Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire): concentrations and detection frequenciesEnglish AbstractThe impact of pesticides on environmental quality is of great concern in many developing countries. However, data on pesticide contamination levels in African estuaries has mainly focused on organochlorine compounds, although some among other pesticide families are able to persist in water for several days and pose toxicological risks to humans and wildlife. This study assessed the detection frequency and concentration levels of aldicarb and crimidine residues in waters and sediments (from leachate, pits, and M’Badon Bay) around the municipal dumping site of Akouédo (Abidjan, Ivory Coast). Samples were analyzed by the HPLCfluorescence detector method after liquid/liquid and soxhlet extractions of waters and sediments, respectively, from June 2013 to January 2014. The results showed significant contamination of sediments by the aldicarb and the crimidine, with detection frequencies up to 100% during the wet season. The highest pesticide concentrations in waters and sediments were observed during the flooding season and the wet season, respectively. The aldicarb and crimidine concentrations were significantly higher in sediments than waters, although they are highly soluble in water. The results suggest that the crimidine is illegally used or disposed of in Abidjan area, and that aldicarbe and crimidine concentration levels could pose health risks to biota.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Pesticides; leachate, estuary, Ebrié Lagoon, Ivory Coas

    Impact of Meteorological Drought on Streamflows in the Lobo River Catchment at Nibéhibé, Côte d’Ivoire

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    International audienceThe management of water resources in watersheds has become increasingly difficult in recent years due to the frequency and intensity of drought sequences. The Lobo River catchment, like most tropical regions, has experienced alternating wet and dry periods. These drought periods have a significant impact on the availability of water resources in the basin. The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of meteorological drought on flows in the Lobo River catchment. Therefore, using the Normalized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and the Drought Flow Index (SDI), the characteristics of droughts were studied. The results of this study show that meteorological droughts were more frequent than hydrological droughts in the Lobo River watershed. However, the hydrological drought was longer and more intense than the meteorological drought. The greater relationship between meteorological and hydrological drought was observed at the Daloa and Vavoua station (0.43 < r < 0.50) compared to the Zuenoula station (r < 0.5). In addition, there was a resumption of precipitation and runoff between 2007 and 2013 in the basin. The study of these climatic trends would be very useful in the choice of management and adaptation policies for water resources management

    Déterminants socio-économiques de l’adoption de la motorisation en zones cotonnières ivoiriennes.

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    International audienceCotton cultivation has always been the essential pillar of economic development in the savannah regions of Côte d'Ivoire. To promote this crop, the State and cotton companies have invested significant human, financial and material resources to ensure the mechanization of farms. In spite of these enormous efforts, motorization has not been widely adopted. This article therefore aims to study the determinants of investment and intensity of use of motorization, which actors in the sector must act upon to facilitate the sustainable adoption of this technology by producers. To achieve our objective, econometric analyses based on the two-stage Heckman model were performed on a sample of 725 farm managers randomly drawn from a parent population of 7254 producers. The results show that the determinants that explain the adoption and intensity of use of motorization are related to socio-demographic and economic variables, but especially to institutional variables.La culture du coton a toujours été le pilier essentiel du développement économique des régions des savanes de Côte d’Ivoire. Pour promouvoir cette culture, l’Etat et les sociétés cotonnières ont investi d’importants moyens humains, financiers et matériels pour assurer la mécanisation des exploitations agricoles. Malgré ces énormes efforts, la motorisation reste très peu adoptée. Cet article vise donc à étudier les déterminants de l’adoption et de l’intensité d’utilisation de la motorisation, sur lesquels les acteurs de la filière doivent agir pour faciliter l’adoption durable de cette technologie par les producteurs. Pour atteindre notre objectif, des analyses économétriques basées sur le modèle Heckman en deux étapes ont été effectuées sur un échantillon de 725 chefs d’exploitations tirés au hasard, dans une population mère de 7254 producteurs. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les déterminants qui expliquent l’adoption et l’intensité d’utilisation de la motorisation sont liées aux variables sociodémographiques, économiques mais surtout aux variables institutionnelles

    Déterminants socio-économiques de l’adoption de la motorisation en zones cotonnières ivoiriennes.

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    International audienceCotton cultivation has always been the essential pillar of economic development in the savannah regions of Côte d'Ivoire. To promote this crop, the State and cotton companies have invested significant human, financial and material resources to ensure the mechanization of farms. In spite of these enormous efforts, motorization has not been widely adopted. This article therefore aims to study the determinants of investment and intensity of use of motorization, which actors in the sector must act upon to facilitate the sustainable adoption of this technology by producers. To achieve our objective, econometric analyses based on the two-stage Heckman model were performed on a sample of 725 farm managers randomly drawn from a parent population of 7254 producers. The results show that the determinants that explain the adoption and intensity of use of motorization are related to socio-demographic and economic variables, but especially to institutional variables.La culture du coton a toujours été le pilier essentiel du développement économique des régions des savanes de Côte d’Ivoire. Pour promouvoir cette culture, l’Etat et les sociétés cotonnières ont investi d’importants moyens humains, financiers et matériels pour assurer la mécanisation des exploitations agricoles. Malgré ces énormes efforts, la motorisation reste très peu adoptée. Cet article vise donc à étudier les déterminants de l’adoption et de l’intensité d’utilisation de la motorisation, sur lesquels les acteurs de la filière doivent agir pour faciliter l’adoption durable de cette technologie par les producteurs. Pour atteindre notre objectif, des analyses économétriques basées sur le modèle Heckman en deux étapes ont été effectuées sur un échantillon de 725 chefs d’exploitations tirés au hasard, dans une population mère de 7254 producteurs. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les déterminants qui expliquent l’adoption et l’intensité d’utilisation de la motorisation sont liées aux variables sociodémographiques, économiques mais surtout aux variables institutionnelles

    Impact of flow on the deposition and sediment trapping capacity in a West African reservoir (case of the Lobo River reservoir, west-central of Côte d’Ivoire)

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    International audienceBuilt to improve the water supply for the population of the city of Daloa, the water reservoir of the Lobo River is no longer functioning properly due to sedimentation phenomena. This study aims to understand the hydro-sedimentary functioning of the reservoir for better management. Based on the river flows, bathymetric surveys, suspended solids concentrations, and settling velocity, two-dimensional modelling of the flows and sedimentation of the Lobo River reservoir was carried out using the MIKE 21FM/MT software. The simulation results indicate that the hydrodynamic model could reproduce water level fluctuations in the Lobo river reservoir. The results are very sensitive not only to the boundary conditions of the model but also to the initial conditions. A strong influence of the initial conditions on the long-term stability of the models was observed. In all cases, the deposition rate tends towards a final value that only depends on the river flow. The trapping efficiency of the reservoir is between 26.7 and 80.4%. The different simulation scenarios indicate that the deposition thicknesses are between 0.02 and 48 mm/year and that the deposition occurs when the flow is loaded during the rise and fall phase of the hydrograph. The old and new intake and the weir are the preferred areas for sediment deposition in the Lobo reservoir

    Evaluation of the Gamma Law for Settling Velocity and Trapping Capacity Analysis of Suspended Particles in a Dam Reservoir (Lobo River in Côte d’Ivoire)

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    International audienceHuman activities and climate change are currently dominant processes that affect hydrological processes, resulting in alterations in water and sediment flows. Evaluation of the settling velocity of suspended solids is a critical parameter in modelling sediment transport. In this study, we investigated seasonal changes in suspended solids’ settling velocity and trapping capacity in the presence and absence of water turbulence on a dam reservoir. Using key parameters such as flow rate, mean settling velocity (V¯), critical velocity (vc), suspended solids concentration, ratio V¯/vc, and shape parameter ‘r’, the trapping capacity on the dam reservoir on the Lobo River in a tropical region was estimated. The results show that, considering the settling velocity of suspended solids, following the Gamma distribution law remains an innovative solution proposed to evaluate the trapping capacity in water reservoirs. The results show that the mean suspended solids settling velocity V¯ is well above the median rate V50%. For a parameter V¯/vc ≥ 4, there is an increase in the trapping capacity of the water retention. As established, a large proportion of the sediment is trapped. Furthermore, for a parameter V¯/vc ≤ 4, a decrease in the trapping capacity of the Lobo River water reservoir is observed

    Impact of climate and land use/land cover change on Lobo reservoir inflow, West-Central of Côte d'Ivoire

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    Study region: Lobo River Catchment (Côte d’Ivoire) Study focus: In this study, four regional climate models (RCMs) (RC4; CCLM4–8–17; RACMO22T and REMO) for the 2030 and 2050 periods compared to the reference period (1986–2005), combined with a simulation of land use and land cover (LULC) with Land Change Modeler, are used to drive the CEQUEAU model to quantify their impact on inflows to the Lobo River reservoir. 1988–2006 is used as a calibration period, whereas 2007–2015 is used for the validation. Three scenarios were used. First, varying LULC and keeping climate parameters static over the baseline period (scenario 1); in scenario 2, varying RCMs and keeping LULC static over the baseline period and in scenario 3, simultaneous variation of LULC and RCMs. New hydrological insights for the region: CEQUEAU showed good performance during calibration and validation: NSE (0.7, 0.75); R² (0.83, 0.65); PBIAS (14.1%, 12%) and RMSE (0.83, 2.15). The results show that a decrease in precipitation by 2030 (−14.6%), by 2050 (−15.2%) under scenario 2 (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) and by − 6.1% under RCP 4. 5 (Scenario 3), we observe an increase in runoff of 10.8–18.87% (Scenario 1), 1.2–4.46% (RCP4.5), 3.35% and 2.7% (RCP8.5) (Scenario 2) and 6.58–11.83 (RCP 4.5), 14.83–17.72% (RCP 8.5) (scenario 3). Changes in LULC were identified as the main causes, rather than climate variability