41 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disarankan beberapa hal : 1. Dianjurkan kepada peternak sapi potong untuk memakai ekstrak limbah nanas sebanyak 900 ml/ekor/hari atau enzim Bromelin asal limbah nanas 9~72 gram/ekor/hari yang diberikan sebagai feed additive karena dalam penelitian ini memberikan hasil yang terbaik. 2. Pada industri pengolahan nanas yang menghasilkan limbah dalam skala besar dihimbau memproduksi enzim Bromelin dengan cara mengisolasi enzim tersebut menjadi bentuk serbuk kering yang mudah didistribusikan ke seluruh pelosok tanah air

    Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Telur Itik Dengan Mengimplikasikan Limbah Kepala Udang dan Kupang Sebagai Pakan Dikelompok Tani Ternak Itik Sumber Pangan Sidoarjo

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    Kelompok tani ternak itik sumber pangan berupa usaha mikro beternak tik dengan jumlah kurang lebih 75.000 ekor itik. Telur yang dihasilkan adalah 37.125 butir perhari dan dijual sebagai telur mentah dan telur asin. Penjualan telur dilakukan di sekitar Sidoarjo, Surabaya dan Kalimantan. Pengolahan limbah dengan cara dikumpulkan dan dikeringkan untuk pupuk kemudian dijual

    The Combination Effect of Probiotic Prebiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria on Efficiency of Feed Usage on Broiler Chicken

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    This study aimed to replace antibiotics that have been used for antimicrobial activity for years with probiotics. T0: normal feed, T1: feed+probiotic L.acidophilus, T2: feed+probiotics L.casei, T3: feed+probiotics L.fermentum, T4: feed+probiotic L.plantarum, T5: feed+probiotic Pediococcus, T6: feed+mixture of probiotics. Two research stages: 1.basic feed: 23% protein (1st–3th weeks age), 2. grower-finisher feed: 21% protein (3st–5th weeks age). Result of the research: significantly different feed efficiency, the highest yield on T6, which wass provided with feeding+mixed probiotic (L.acidophilus, L.casei, L.fermentum, L.plantarum, Pediococcus)

    Implementation of Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn) on the Performance of Broiler Chickens Infected by Mycoplasma gallisepticum Caused Chronic Respiratory Disease

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    Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) of chicken is a disease that has great economic losses in poultry industry in the world. The losses are mainly due to the decrease of body weight gain, feed efficiencies, hatchabilities and increase conversion of the feed, of embryo mortality. The main causative agent of Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) is Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Mycoplasma gallisepticum attacks the respiratory tract, especially in young broiler chickens with age ranged 3-5 weeks. CRD treatment usually uses macrolide antibiotics, because it has proven effective to inhibit protein synthesis. However, it is not recommended to continuously given because the chicken can be resistant to the medicineand leave a harmful reside to consumers. The development of herbal medicine utilization currently is mostly implemented for the treatment of diseases that infected livestock. Meniran plants (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) is one of the plants that can be used as prevention and alternative treatment caused by Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD). Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) has the content of bioactive compounds that have antibacterial activity, including terpenoids,alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. The purpose of this study is to test and evaluate the effectiveness of Meniran extract (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn) on the performance of broiler chickens infected by Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD), seen from the feed conversion.Keywords: Meniran, Mycoplasma galisepticum, Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD), performance of Broiler Chickens, Feed Conversio

    Isolation And Identification of Brucella Suis In Pigs As Zoonotic Disease In Endemic Areas of East Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Brucellosis in pigs at East Java Indonesia has not only cause great economic losses due to a decrease in productivity of livestock but also are zoonotic. Infection on free brucelosis pigs were initially begun with the infected pigs both male and female, or the use of superior male pigs together. The elimination of the disease either on a group or population is considered as the most effective way to prevent the spread of the disease in pigs. Prevention efforts mainly addressed to vaccination, sanitary maintenace and government policy. The purpose of this study was to isolated and identified Brucella suis as the causative agent. Material and Methods: The survey area were the pig farm owned by breeder farmers in the area of East Java Indonesia, at Kediri, Malang, Blitar and Probolinggo district. Blood samples obtained were tested with RBT. Pigs are suspected of being infected with Brucella if the RBT was positive that characterized with agglutination in the test results. If RBT was positive, bacteriological examination will be performed, with samples of visceral foetus organ, ie liver, spleen, placenta and amniotic fluid. Isolation and identification of Brucella suis were used Brucella Broth and Brucella Agar, and if the bacteri growthwill be continued with biochemical test ie H2S, urease, citrate, catalase and oxidase test. The positive results of Brucella suis showed positive urease, catalase andoxidase,but negative for citrate and H2S. Results: RBT and bacteriolgical examination showed that 1 sample was positive Brucella suis, and 19 negative. The positive results showed positive urease, catalase and oxidase,but negative for citrate and H2S Conclusion: Based on RBT test and bacteriological examination, there was 1 positive sample of brucellla suis, that is sample coming from Kediri district. Key words: Brucela suis, pig, isolation,identification, zoonoti

    Immunomodulation Effect of Meniran (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn) on blood profile of Broiler Chickens with enterotoxin of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli

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    The use of antibiotics against Escherichia coli on broiler chicken should be re-evaluated because antibioticresistant Escherichia coli has been found. Meniran ( Phyllanthus niruri Linn ) is a plant that can be used as an alternative to the prevention and treatment of the diseases caused by Escherichia coli enterotoxin. In this study, 28-day old broiler chickens were divided into six groups. Group 1 was a positive control group infected by Escherichia coli while group 2 was a negative control group without infection. The next group (group 3) were infected with Escherichia coli and given an extract of meniran of several different doses including 20%, 25%, and 30%, respectively. The last group used only an antibiotic as a treatment. Blood collection was conducted five days after treatment. The data obtained was analysed using ANOVA and was continued by a Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the immunomodulation activity in the group with 30% doses of meniran extract. The 30% doses of meniran extract were able to decrease the number of lymphocytes in the blood. In conclusion, a 30% concentration of meniran extract (Phyllanthus niruri L.) can decrease the number of lymphocytes in the blood of broiler chicken infected with the enterotoxin of antibioticsresistant Escherichia coli. Keywords: Immunomodulation, Phyllanthus niruri Linn.extract, Broiler, Escherichia col

    Utilization of Digestible Nutriens of Feed Rations Containing Black Gluten and Red Rice By Mini Rex Rabbit

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    The utilisation of digestible nutrients in the feed rations containing black gluten and red rice by Mini Rex Rabbits were observed in the research study. The free variable of rations, including P0 as commercial feed as the control ration, P1 ration with white rice content, and P2 and P3 containing red and black gluten rice, respectively. The research used twelve Mini Rex Rabbits averaging 2 months of age and 1.95 kg body weight as experimental animals. They were divided into four groups with three replications. The experimental design was a Complete Randomised Design (4 x 3 replications). All animals received 10 g/h/d of Alfalfa and a concentrated feed ration as well as the treatment groups, respectively. Results of the experiment showed that the utilisation of digestible organic matter by the Mini Rex Rabbits were not significantly (P>0.05) difference among the treatment groups. It ranged from about 51.18 to 53.24 g/h/d. However, the utilisation of digestible crude protein was higher (P<0.05) in the Mini Rex Rabbits which received the black gluten rice ration 12.85 g/h/d. The utilisation of digestible fat was lower (p<0.05) in the white rice feed ration; it was about 4.79 g/h/d, while the utilisation of digestible crude fibre was higher (p<0.05) in the commercial feed. The utilisation of digestible Nitrogen Free extract was higher (p<0.05) in the black gluten rice feed ration, as it about 16.04 g/h/d. Key word: Black gluten, red rice, digestible, nutrient, rabbit

    An In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Test of Meniran Herbs’(Phyllanthus Niruri L.) Ethanol ExtractAgainst Mycoplasma gallisepticum causes Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) in Broiler Chickens

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    Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) is a chicken respiratory disease that attacks both broilers and layers. Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) has important economic significance in the intensification of chicken farms because this disease can cause huge economic losses. Meniran plant (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) is one of the plants that can be used as prevention and alternative treatment as a substitute of antibiotic caused by Mycoplasma galisepticum causes Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) in broiler chickens. The chemicals contained in meniran include tannins, saponins, alkaloids as antibacterials. The purpose of this study is to determine the activity of meniran herbs’ (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn) as antibacterial to eradicate Mycoplasma galisepticum. The method of this study is dilution method which included Minimum Inhibitory Concentration [MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC). Minimum Inhibitory Concentration [MIC) was taken by making the concentration of meniran extract as much 65%, 62,5%; 60%; 55%; 50%; 45%; 40%. It was then added Mycoplasma gallisepticum bacteria. The result of this study is Meniran’s activation test on Mycoplasma galisepticum obtained a dose of 62,5% could eradicate Mycoplasma galisepticum causes Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) in broiler chickens. Meniran herbs’ (Phyllanthus niruri linn) is effective as antibacterial at concentrations of 30% against Mycoplasma gallisepticum causes Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) in broiler chickens. Keywords: Meniran herbs’ (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn), Mycoplasma Galisepticum, Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD

    A study on the Effect of Meniran (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn) Extract to Improve Infundibulum and Egg Production of Laying Chicken Infected with Escherichia Coli

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    The aims of the research work was to determine the meniran extract potential to improve infundibulum and egg production of layer chicken infected with Escherichia coli. Twenty five layer chicken were divided 5 groups: infected with Escherichia coli, without meniran extract (C+), not infected with Escherichia coli, without meniran extract (C-), T1, T2, T3 were infected with Escherichia coli and given meniran extract 10, 20, 30% respectively. The results indicated that meniran extract were effective in elimination of Escherichia coli infection. Furthermore, the infundibulum improved and the egg production of laying chicken has increased

    Effects of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruni L.) administration on leukocyte profile of Broiler chickens infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum

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    Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Meniran extract (Phyllanthus niruri L.) administration on leukocyte profile of broiler chickens infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Materials and Methods: Thirty broiler chickens, 21 days old were divided into five treatment groups. P0 (−): Chickens without any treatment; P0 (+), P1, P2, and P3: Chickens were infected with M. gallisepticum 108 cells/ml/animal orally, then given no treatment, Meniran extract 60%, 62.5%, and 65% orally at a dose of 1 ml/kg body weight, respectively. The treatment of Meniran extract was given for 7 days. Results: Leukocyte count with the lowest number showed in Group P0 (−) and Group P3 (p>0.05). Increased number of basophils was found in Group P0 (+), Group P1, and Group P2. The highest number of heterophils was found in Group P0 (+) and was significantly different from Group P0 to P3 (p0.05). Discussion: Increased the number of leukocytes is often observed in inflammation due to general infections, trauma, or toxicity. Shifting in the number of heterophile or lymphocytes, an increase in the number of monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils may also be associated with various infectious or inflammatory conditions. Heterophils play a role as an antibacterial defense through several effective mechanisms. When infections and inflammation occur, the heterophils will increase to phagocytosis microbe. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Meniran extract (P. niruri L.) at a dose of 65% can decrease the total number of leukocytes in broilers infected with M. gallisepticum. Keywords: chicken, leukocyte, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Phyllanthus niruri