9 research outputs found
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GeneriekKoen Himpe Historisch-landschappelijke relictwaarden uit het kasteeldomein van Poeke: aandachtspunten voor een creatief parkbeheer. [The castle domain of Poeke: hisstorical landscape-relics and elements for an imaginative park management.]een drydobbel dreve vormden in de 18de eeuw slechts enkele meer opvallende tekenen van welstand van de baronnen van Poeke.Een kortstondig romantisch intermezzo en de terugkeer naar een vertrouwd neoklassiek patroon markeerden dan weer de late 19de eeuw en meteen ook de nieuwe eigenaars.Deze veelvuldige relicten stroomlijnen tot een respectvol parkbeheer lijkt voor Koen Himpe nochtans geenszins onoverkomelijk.Roel De Ceulaer, Willem Aerts en Yvan Maes De wandtapijten van de Sint-Catharinakerk te Hoogstraten - een conserveringsbehandeling. [Conservation treatment of the wall tapestry of the St. Catherines church at Hoogstraten.]Reeds eerder kwamen Antoine de Lalaing en Elisabeth van Culemborg, het hertogenpaar uit Hoogstraten, hier ter sprake.Hun persoonlijk aandeel in s lands 17de-eeuwse culturele bloei blijft dan ook verbazingwekkend.Nu twee reeksen rugtapijten na een heilzame behandeling de ateliers mochten verlaten van de Koninklijke Manufactuur Gaspard De Wit, geven Roel De Ceulaer en Willem Aerts, naast Yvan Maes, nadere details prijs over de historische achtergronden en de restauratieve aanpak.Frans Dopere en William Ubregts De woontoren van Aynchon de Hognoul te Rutten op het einde van de 13de eeuw. [The donjon of Aynchon de Hognoul in Rutten at the end of the 13th century.]Vertrouwd raken met het 13de-eeuwse panopticum waar Frans Dopere en William Ubregts duidelijk vriend aan huis zijn, vergt net iets meer dan de gewone belangstelling.Wat uit deze onzekere tijden aan monumentaal patrimonium bewaard bleef is dan ook betrekkelijk miskend, zoniet bedroevend schaars.Neem nu bijvoorbeeld... de woontoren van Aynchon de Hognoul.Walter Schudel Wij zullen het wel vrijleggen. [Just let us expose it On the restoration of wall-paintings.]Oude witsellagen blijven in restauratie-middens, tegen beter weten in, de gemoederen verhitten.Terwijl nog steeds niet afdoend doorgedrongen is dat muren van oudsher ook van een afwerking werden voorzien, daagt het gevaar nu bij al te doortastende restaurateurs. Een zoveelste pleidooi van Walter Schudel voor meer deskundige schroom.SummaryJubileum-bijlage: "Het Belgische trekpaard. Levend cultureel erfgoed.
Kinetische studie van de interactie tussen tubuline and S6 - GTP
KULeuven Campusbibliotheek Exacte Wetenschappen / UCL - Université Catholique de LouvainSIGLEBEBelgiu
Topical Application of Deglycating Enzymes as an Alternative Non-Invasive Treatment for Presbyopia
Presbyopia is an age-related vision disorder that is a global public health problem. Up to 85% of people aged ≥40 years develop presbyopia. In 2015, 1.8 billion people globally had presbyopia. Of those with significant near vision disabilities due to uncorrected presbyopia, 94% live in developing countries. Presbyopia is undercorrected in many countries, with reading glasses available for only 6–45% of patients living in developing countries. The high prevalence of uncorrected presbyopia in these parts of the world is due to the lack of adequate diagnosis and affordable treatment. The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) is a non-enzymatic process known as the Maillard reaction. The accumulation of AGEs in the lens contributes to lens aging (leading to presbyopia and cataract formation). Non-enzymatic lens protein glycation induces the gradual accumulation of AGEs in aging lenses. AGE-reducing compounds may be effective at preventing and treating AGE-related processes. Fructosyl-amino acid oxidase (FAOD) is active on both fructosyl lysine and fructosyl valine. As the crosslinks encountered in presbyopia are mainly non-disulfide bridges, and based on the positive results of deglycating enzymes in cataracts (another disease caused by glycation of lens proteins), we studied the ex vivo effects of topical FAOD treatment on the power of human lenses as a new potential non-invasive treatment for presbyopia. This study demonstrated that topical FAOD treatment resulted in an increase in lens power, which is approximately equivalent to the correction obtained by most reading glasses. The best results were obtained for the newer lenses. Simultaneously, a decrease in lens opacity was observed, which improved lens quality. We also demonstrated that topical FAOD treatment results in a breakdown of AGEs, as evidenced by gel permeation chromatography and a marked reduction in autofluorescence. This study demonstrated the therapeutic potential of topical FAOD treatment in presbyopia
Does a multifactorial patient-centered fall prevention program increase the compliance of community dwelling older persons at high risk of falls?
status: Published onlin
Fructosyl amino oxidase as a therapeutic enzyme in age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an age-related disorder that is a global public health problem. The non-enzymatic Maillard reaction results in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Accumulation of AGEs in drusen plays a key role in AMD. AGE-reducing drugs may contribute to the prevention and treatment of AGE-related disease. Fructosamine oxidase (FAOD) acts on fructosyl lysine and fructosyl valine. Based upon the published results of fructosamine 3-kinase (FN3K) and FAOD obtained in cataract and presbyopia, we studied ex vivo FAOD treatment as a non-invasive AMD therapy. On glycolaldehyde-treated porcine retinas, FAOD significantly reduced AGE autofluorescence (p = 0.001). FAOD treatment results in a breakdown of AGEs, as evidenced using UV fluorescence, near-infrared microspectroscopy on stained tissue sections of human retina, and gel permeation chromatography. Drusen are accumulations of AGEs that build up between Bruch's membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium. On microscopy slides of human retina affected by AMD, a significant reduction in drusen surface to 45 +/- 21% was observed following FAOD treatment. Enzymatic digestion followed by mass spectrometry of fructose- and glucose-based AGEs (produced in vitro) revealed a broader spectrum of substrates for FAOD, as compared to FN3K, including the following: fructosyllysine, carboxymethyllysine, carboxyethyllysine, and imidazolone. In contrast to FN3K digestion, agmatine (4-aminobutyl-guanidine) was formed following FAOD treatment in vitro. The present study highlights the therapeutic potential of FAOD in AMD by repairing glycation-induced damage
A Multicenter Study to Assess EGFR Mutational Status in Plasma: Focus on an Optimized Workflow for Liquid Biopsy in a Clinical Setting
A multicenter study was performed to determine an optimal workflow for liquid biopsy in a clinical setting. In total, 549 plasma samples from 234 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were collected. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) circulating cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) mutational analysis was performed using digital droplet PCR (ddPCR). The influence of (pre-) analytical variables on ctDNA analysis was investigated. Sensitivity of ctDNA analysis was influenced by an interplay between increased plasma volume (p < 0.001) and short transit time (p = 0.018). Multistep, high-speed centrifugation both increased plasma generation (p < 0.001) and reduced genomic DNA (gDNA) contamination. Longer transit time increased the risk of hemolysis (p < 0.001) and low temperatures were shown to have a negative effect. Metastatic sites were found to be strongly associated with ctDNA detection (p < 0.001), as well as allele frequency (p = 0.034). Activating mutations were detected in a higher concentration and allele frequency compared to the T790M mutation (p = 0.003, and p = 0.002, respectively). Optimization of (pre-) analytical variables is key to successful ctDNA analysis. Sufficient plasma volumes without hemolysis or gDNA contamination can be achieved by using multistep, high-speed centrifugation, coupled with short transit time and temperature regulation. Metastatic site location influenced ctDNA detection. Finally, ctDNA levels might have further value in detecting resistance mechanisms