364 research outputs found

    Hospitalizations for Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans and Whites with HIV/AIDS

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    Therapeutic advances have resulted in an epidemiological shift in the predominant causes of hospitalization for patients with HIV/AIDS. An emerging cause for hospitalization in this patient population is cardiovascular disease (CVD); however, data are limited regarding how this shift affects different racial groups. The objective of this observational, retrospective study was to evaluate the association between race and hospitalization for CVD in African Americans and whites with HIV/AIDS and to compare the types of CVD-related hospitalizations between African Americans and whites with HIV/AIDS. Approximately 1.5 million hospital discharges from the US National Hospital Discharge Surveys for the years of 1996 to 2008 were identified. After controlling for potential confounders, the odds of CVD-related hospitalization in patients with HIV/AIDS were 45% higher for African Americans than whites (odds ratio [OR]=1.45, 95% CI, 1.39–1.51). Other covariates that were associated with increased odds of hospitalization for CVD included chronic kidney disease (OR=1.43, 95% CI, 1.36–1.51), age≥50 years (OR=3.22, 95% CI, 2.94–3.54), region in the Southern United States (OR=1.17, 95% CI, 1.11–1.23), and Medicare insurance coverage (OR=1.71, 95% CI, 1.60–1.83). Male sex was not significantly associated with the study outcome (OR=0.99, 95% CI, 0.96–1.02). Compared to whites with HIV/AIDS, African Americans with HIV/AIDS had more hospitalizations for heart failure and hypertension, but fewer hospitalizations for stroke and coronary heart disease. In conclusion, African Americans with HIV/AIDS have increased odds of CVD-related hospitalization as compared to whites with HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, the most common types of CVD-related hospitalizations differ significantly in African Americans and whites. (Population Health Management 2012;16:201–207

    The State of Disparities in Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis for Blacks With HIV/AIDS

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    The purpose of this review is to identify and analyze published studies that have evaluated disparities for opportunistic infection (OI) prophylaxis between Blacks and Whites with HIV/AIDS in the United States

    Arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) deficiency: Clinical features and long term outcomes in 16 patients diagnosed worldwide

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    Abstract Background Arginine:glycine aminotransferase (AGAT) (GATM) deficiency is an autosomal recessive inborn error of creative synthesis. Objective We performed an international survey among physicians known to treat patients with AGAT deficiency, to assess clinical characteristics and long-term outcomes of this ultra-rare condition. Results 16 patients from 8 families of 8 different ethnic backgrounds were included. 1 patient was asymptomatic when diagnosed at age 3 weeks. 15 patients diagnosed between 16 months and 25 years of life had intellectual disability/developmental delay (IDD). 8 patients also had myopathy/proximal muscle weakness. Common biochemical denominators were low/undetectable guanidinoacetate (GAA) concentrations in urine and plasma, and low/undetectable cerebral creatine levels. 3 families had protein truncation/null mutations. The rest had missense and splice mutations. Treatment with creatine monohydrate (100–800 mg/kg/day) resulted in almost complete restoration of brain creatine levels and significant improvement of myopathy. The 2 patients treated since age 4 and 16 months had normal cognitive and behavioral development at age 10 and 11 years. Late treated patients had limited improvement of cognitive functions. Conclusion AGAT deficiency is a treatable intellectual disability. Early diagnosis may prevent IDD and myopathy. Patients with unexplained IDD with and without myopathy should be assessed for AGAT deficiency by determination of urine/plasma GAA and cerebral creatine levels (via brain MRS), and by GATM gene sequencing

    Side effects associated with the use of dexamethasone for prophylaxis of delayed emesis after moderately emetogenic chemotherapy

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    The role of dexamethasone to reduce delayed emesis following highly emetogenic chemotherapy is proven, but there is less evidence of benefit after mild–moderately emetogenic regimens. Here, we develop and evaluate a Dexamethasone Symptom Questionnaire (DSQ) to assess the side effects of dexamethasone in the week after patients receive moderately emetogenic chemotherapy. The DSQ was first optimised with the aid of a focus group. Sixty patients receiving oral dexamethasone for prophylaxis of delayed emesis after moderately emetogenic chemotherapy for cancer completed and then evaluated the DSQ. Patients reported that the DSQ was clearly worded and addressed items important to them. Patients receiving dexamethasone reported moderate–severe problems with insomnia (45%), indigestion/epigastric discomfort (27%), agitation (27%), increased appetite (19%), weight gain (16%) and acne (15%) in the week following chemotherapy. The side effects of dexamethasone may outweigh its benefits when used with moderately emetogenic chemotherapy. A randomised, double-blind crossover trial is underway to determine the effect of dexamethasone on nausea and vomiting, and the impact of side effects of dexamethasone and of nausea and vomiting on quality of life

    Employing the Metabolic “Branch Point Effect” to Generate an All-or-None, Digital-like Response in Enzymatic Outputs and Enzyme-Based Sensors

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    Here, we demonstrate a strategy to convert the graded Michaelis−Menten response typical of unregulated enzymes into a sharp, effectively all-or-none response. We do so using an approach analogous to the “branch point effect”, a mechanism observed in naturally occurring metabolic networks in which two or more enzymes compete for the same substrate. As a model system, we used the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase (GOx) and coupled it to a second, nonsignaling reaction catalyzed by the higher affinity enzyme hexokinase (HK) such that, at low substrate concentrations, the second enzyme outcompetes the first, turning off the latter’s response. Above an arbitrarily selected “threshold” substrate concentration, the nonsignaling HK enzyme saturates leading to a “sudden” activation of the first signaling GOx enzyme and a far steeper dose−response curve than that observed for simple Michaelis−Menten kinetics. Using the well-known GOx-based amperometric glucose sensor to validate our strategy, we have steepen the normally graded response of this enzymatic sensor into a discrete yes/no output similar to that of a multimeric cooperative enzyme with a Hill coefficient above 13. We have also shown that, by controlling the HK reaction we can precisely tune the threshold target concentration at which we observe the enzyme output. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of this strategy for achieving effective noise attenuation in enzyme logic gates. In addition to supporting the development of biosensors with digital-like output, we envisage that the use of all-or-none enzymatic responses will also improve our ability to engineer efficient enzyme-based catalysis reactions in synthetic biology applications

    The Mediterranean Sea Regime Shift at the End of the 1980s, and Intriguing Parallelisms with Other European Basins

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    Background: Regime shifts are abrupt changes encompassing a multitude of physical properties and ecosystem variables, which lead to new regime conditions. Recent investigations focus on the changes in ecosystem diversity and functioning associated to such shifts. Of particular interest, because of the implication on climate drivers, are shifts that occur synchronously in separated basins. Principal Findings: In this work we analyze and review long-term records of Mediterranean ecological and hydro-climate variables and find that all point to a synchronous change in the late 1980s. A quantitative synthesis of the literature (including observed oceanic data, models and satellite analyses) shows that these years mark a major change in Mediterranean hydrographic properties, surface circulation, and deep water convection (the Eastern Mediterranean Transient). We provide novel analyses that link local, regional and basin scale hydrological properties with two major indicators of large scale climate, the North Atlantic Oscillation index and the Northern Hemisphere Temperature index, suggesting that the Mediterranean shift is part of a large scale change in the Northern Hemisphere. We provide a simplified scheme of the different effects of climate vs. temperature on pelagic ecosystems. Conclusions: Our results show that the Mediterranean Sea underwent a major change at the end of the 1980s that encompassed atmospheric, hydrological, and ecological systems, for which it can be considered a regime shift. We further provide evidence that the local hydrography is linked to the larger scale, northern hemisphere climate. These results suggest that the shifts that affected the North, Baltic, Black and Mediterranean (this work) Seas at the end of the 1980s, that have been so far only partly associated, are likely linked as part a northern hemisphere change. These findings bear wide implications for the development of climate change scenarios, as synchronous shifts may provide the key for distinguishing local (i.e., basin) anthropogenic drivers, such as eutrophication or fishing, from larger scale (hemispheric) climate drivers