30 research outputs found

    Quantifizierung von Wurzelparametern in AbhÀngigkeit von Bodeneigenschaften in einem Silomaisbestand

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    Information zur Wurzelverteilung stellt eine wichtige GrĂ¶ĂŸe fĂŒr die Charakterisierung und Modellierung von Wasser- und NĂ€hrstoffaufnahme, Biomasseproduktion sowie Rhizodeposition dar. Detaillierte, rĂ€umlich hochaufgelöste Daten zur Wurzel-, Wasser-, NĂ€hrstoff- und Kohlenstoffverteilung im Feld zur Kalibrierung von Modellen stehen aber nur sehr begrenzt zur VerfĂŒgung. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es beispielhaft einen solchen Datensatz fĂŒr einen Silomaisbestand zu erstellen und hierbei durch die Erfassung von geo- und bodenphysikalischen sowie pflanzenphysiologischen Parametern eine rĂ€umliche Korrelation zwischen diesen GrĂ¶ĂŸen zu testen

    Plant exudates may stabilize or weaken soil depending on species, origin and time

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    We hypothesized that plant exudates could either gel or disperse soil depending on their chemical characteristics. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Optic) and maize (Zea mays L.cv. Freya) root exudates were collected using an aerated hydroponic method and compared to chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seed exudate, a commonly used root exudate analogue. Sandy loam soil passed through a 500-ÎŒm mesh was treated with each exudate at a concentrationof 4.6 mg exudate g-1 dry soil. Two sets of soil samples were prepared, One set of treated soil samples was maintained at 4oC to suppress microbial processes. To characterize the effect of decomposition, the second set of samples was incubated at 16C for 2 weeks at – 30 kPa matric potential. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of the exudates found that barley had the largest organic acid content and chia the largest content of sugars (polysaccharide-derived or free), and maize was in between barley and chia. Yield stress of amended soil samples was measured by an oscillatory strain sweep test with a cone plate rheometer. When microbial decomposition was suppressed at 4oC, yield stress increased 20-fold for chia seed exudate and two-fold for maize root exudate compared to the control, whereas for barley root exudate it decreased to half. The yield stress after 2 weeks of incubation compared to soil with suppressed microbial decomposition increased by 85% for barley root exudate, but for chia and maize it decreased to by 87% and 54%, respectively. Barley root exudation might therefore disperse soil and this could facilitate nutrient release. The maize root and chia seed exudates gelled soil, which could create a more stable soil structure around roots or seeds

    Imaging microstructure of the barley rhizosphere:particle packing and root hair influences

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    Soil adjacent to roots has distinct structural and physical properties from bulk soil, affecting water and solute acquisition by plants. Detailed knowledge on how root activity and traits such as root hairs affect the three-dimensional pore structure at a fine scale is scarce and often contradictory. Roots of hairless barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Optic) mutant (NRH) and its wildtype (WT) parent were grown in tubes of sieved (&lt;250 Όm) sandy loam soil under two different water regimes. The tubes were scanned by synchrotron-based X-ray computed tomography to visualise pore structure at the soil–root interface. Pore volume fraction and pore size distribution were analysed vs distance within 1 mm of the root surface. Less dense packing of particles at the root surface was hypothesised to cause the observed increased pore volume fraction immediately next to the epidermis. The pore size distribution was narrower due to a decreased fraction of larger pores. There were no statistically significant differences in pore structure between genotypes or moisture conditions. A model is proposed that describes the variation in porosity near roots taking into account soil compaction and the surface effect at the root surface.</p

    High-resolution synchrotron imaging shows that root hairs influence rhizosphere soil structure formation

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    In this paper, we provide direct evidence of the importance of root hairs on pore structure development at the root-soil interface during the early stage of crop establishment. This was achieved by use of high resolution (~5 ÎŒm) synchrotron radiation computed tomography (SRCT) to visualise both the structure of root hairs and the soil pore structure in plant-soil microcosms. Two contrasting genotypes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), with and without root hairs, were grown for 8 days in microcosms packed with sandy loam soil at 1.2 g cm-3 36 dry bulk density. Root hairs were visualised within air filled pore spaces, but not in the fine-textured soil regions. - We found that the genotype with root hairs significantly altered the porosity and connectivity of the detectable pore space (&gt; 5 ÎŒm) in the rhizosphere, as compared with the no-hair mutants. Both genotypes showed decreasing pore-space between 0.8 mm and 0.1 mm from the root surface. Interestingly the root-hair-bearing genotype had a significantly greater soil pore volume-fraction at the root-soil interface. - Effects of pore structure on diffusion and permeability were estimated to be functionally insignificant under saturated conditions when simulated using image based modelling

    Root water uptake - exploring the role of root system architecture and root-soil interactions with X-ray computed tomography

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    Die Wasseraufnahme von Pflanzenwurzeln wird durch die Wurzelarchitektur, dieVerteilung von Wurzeln im Boden, bestimmt. Die vorliegende Arbeit prĂ€sentiert neue Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die Quantifizierung der Wurzelarchitektur mit Hilfe von Röntgen-Computertomographie(CT). Die Kombination von klassischen GefĂ€ĂŸexperimenten, CT Bildgebung und numerischer Modellierung ermöglicht die Untersuchung der rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen Dynamik des Wasserhaushalts von Boden und Pflanze. Numerische Simulationen der Wasseraufnahme virtueller Wurzelsysteme, die auf CT Daten basieren, können die experimentell gemessene Dynamik des Bodenmatrixpotentials erfolgreich wiedergeben. Die Wurzelwasseraufnahme kann dabei nicht mit der gemessenen VerĂ€nderung des lokalen Wassergehalts gleichgesetzt werden, da es signifikante hydraulische Umverteilung im Boden gibt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die HeterogenitĂ€t der Bodenfeuchte einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des simulierten Pflanzenwasserpotentials hat. Eine bedeutende Folge von Trockenstress ist die Schrumpfung der Wurzeln und die Abnahme des Kontaktes zwischen Boden und Wurzel.Water uptake by plant roots is determined by root system architecture, the distribution of roots in soil. This thesis presents novel insights into the quantification of root system architecture with X-ray computed tomography (CT). The combination of classic pot experiments, CT imaging and numerical modelling enables the investigation of the spatial and temporal hydrodynamics of soil and plants. Numerical simulations of water uptake by virtual root systems based on CT data can successfully reproduce the experimentally measured dynamics of soil matric potential. Root water uptake must not be equated with the measured change of local water content because there is significant hydraulic redistribution within the soil. It is shown that the heterogeneity of soil moisture content has a strong impact on the development of the simulated plant water potential. An important consequence of drought stress is the shrinkage of roots and the reduction of contact between roots and soil.vorgelegt von Nicolai Koebernic

    Root-soil contact dynamics of Vicia faba in sand

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    Aims: Root shrinkage in drying soil has been shown repeatedly. The aim of this study was to investigate the dynamics of root-soil contact and its relationship with plant water status during soil drying. Methods: The development of root-soil contact of Vicia faba L. during a drying period was studied. Plants (N = 4) were grown in cylinders filled with a sandy soil. Samples were repeatedly scanned with an X-ray CT scanner to visualize root-soil contact. Soil matric potential, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance were measured daily. Results: Root-soil contact was lower in taproots than in lateral roots at any time. Transpiration rate and stomatal conductance decreased before roots started to shrink. Root-soil contact decreased significantly over the course of the drying period, starting at soil matric potentials below −20 kPa. Root shrinkage did not differ significantly between taproots and laterals. Conclusions: This study confirms previous findings with Lupinus albus roots in that roots shrink after transpiration rate decreases. The dynamics of root shrinkage are governed by soil water availability and transpirational demand.</p

    Correlative Visualization of Root Mucilage Degradation Using X-ray CT and MRI

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    Root exudates are a crucial component of the rhizosphere. Often, they take a form of a gel exuded by the plant roots and are thought to influence the soil aggregation, root penetration into soil, soil nutrient availability, immobilization of toxic cations, and microbial activity amongst other things. In addition, the capacity of exudates to store water makes the plants potentially less susceptive to drought. Major components of root exudates are high molecular weight organic compounds consisting of predominantly polysaccharides and proteins, which makes it challenging to visualize using current rhizosphere visualization techniques, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT). In this contribution, we use correlative X-ray CT (resolution ~20 ÎŒm) in combination with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI, resolution ~120 ÎŒm) to set up groundwork to enable in situ visualization of mucilage in soil. This multimodal approach is necessary because mucilage density closely matches that of water. We use chia seeds as mucilage analog, because it has been found to have a similar consistency to root mucilage. Moreover, to understand mucilage development in time, a series of samples made by chia seeds placed in different porous media were prepared. Structurally and chemically, mucilage breaks down toward a water-like substance over a course of 2 weeks. Depending on its relative concentration, these changes were found to be less dominant when seeds were mixed in porous media. Having set up the groundwork for correlative imaging of chia seeds in water and an artificial soil (Nafion and sand/beads) this enables us to expand this imaging to deal with plant root exudates under natural conditions

    Correlative visualization of root mucilage degradation using X-ray CT and NMRI

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    Root exudates are a crucial component of the rhizosphere. Often, they take a form of a gel exuded by the plant roots and are thought to influence the soil aggregation, root penetration into soil, soil nutrient availability, immobilization of toxic cations, and microbial activity amongst other things. In addition, the capacity of exudates to store water makes the plants potentially less susceptive to drought. Major components of root exudates are high molecular weight organic compounds consisting of predominantly polysaccharides and proteins, which makes it challenging to visualize using current rhizosphere visualization techniques, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT). In this contribution, we use correlative X-ray CT (resolution ~20 ÎŒm) in combination with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI, resolution ~120 ÎŒm) to set up groundwork to enable in situ visualization of mucilage in soil. This multimodal approach is necessary because mucilage density closely matches that of water. We use chia seeds as mucilage analog, because it has been found to have a similar consistency to root mucilage. Moreover, to understand mucilage development in time, a series of samples made by chia seeds placed in different porous media were prepared. Structurally and chemically, mucilage breaks down toward a water-like substance over a course of 2 weeks. Depending on its relative concentration, these changes were found to be less dominant when seeds were mixed in porous media. Having set up the groundwork for correlative imaging of chia seeds in water and an artificial soil (Nafion and sand/beads) this enables us to expand this imaging to deal with plant root exudates under natural conditions

    Data set for The effect of root exudates on rhizosphere water dynamics

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    Data set for The effect of root exudates on rhizosphere water dynamics, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A in 2018.</span

    Developing a system for in vivo imaging of maize roots containing iodinated contrast media in soil using synchrotron XCT and XRF

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    AimsWe sought to develop a novel experimental system which enabled application of iodinated contrast media to in vivo plant roots intact in soil and was compatible with time-resolved synchrotron X-ray computed tomography imaging. The system was developed to overcome issues of low contrast to noise within X-ray computed tomography images of plant roots and soil environments, the latter of which can complicate image processing and result in the loss of anatomical information. MethodsTo demonstrate the efficacy of the system we use employ the novel use of both synchrotron X-ray computed tomography and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence mapping to capture the translocation of the contrast media through root vasculature into the leaves. ResultsWith the application of contrast media we identify fluid flow in root vasculature and visualise anatomical features, which are otherwise often only observable in ex vivo microscopy, including: the xylem, metaxylem, pith, fibres in aerenchyma and leaf venation. We are also able to observe interactions between aerenchyma cross sectional area and solute transport in the root vasculature with depth.ConclusionsOur novel system was capable of successfully delivering sufficient contrast media into root and leaf tissues such that anatomical features could be visualised and internal fluid transport observed. We propose that our system, could be used in future to study internal plant transport mechanisms and parameterise models for fluid flow in plants.<br/