40 research outputs found

    Automation of liberation tests for releasing biologically active substances from nanofibers

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    Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of analytical chemistry Candidate: Marie Schneidrová Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Hana Sklenářová, Ph.D. Title of the diploma thesis: Automation of liberation tests for releasing biologically active substance from nanofibers The main goal of this diploma thesis is an automation of TTC liberation from nanofibers, using non-separation flow method sequential injection analysis. UV-VIS spectrophotometer was used for the detection of signal. Measurements were carried out using 1-3 connected Franz cells in parallel, palced in the water bath. Buffer solutions with pH 7.4 and 4.5 were used as liberation media. The liberation of TTC was realized from two different nanofiber carriers - types "A" and "AK", Difference was in their preparation process. Because of this, each of them revealed various characteristics mainly related to the amount of bound TTC and the way of its binding to the nanofiber carrier. Production of these nanofibers was realized by Technical University Liberec using the technology NanoSpiderTM . Measurements were performed under various predetermined conditions, representing the state of the human skin - two different pH (7.4; 4.5) and temperature (32řC; 37řC) values. Four different types of membrane filters were also used,...Univerzita Karlova Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra analytické chemie Kandidát: Marie Schneidrová Školitel: doc. PharmDr. Hana Sklenářová, Ph.D. Název diplomové práce: Automatizace liberačních testů pro uvolňování biologicky aktivních látek z nanovláken Tato diplomová práce se zabývá automatizací liberace antibiotika tetracyklinu (TTC) z nanovlákenného nosiče, za využití neseparační průtokové metody sekvenční injekční analýzy. Pro detekci signálu byl používán UV-VIS spektrofotometr. Měření byla realizována za využití 1-3 paralelně zapojených Franzových cel umístěných ve vodní lázni. Jako liberační média byly použity tlumivé roztoky o pH 7,4 a 4,5. Liberace TTC probíhala ze dvou různých nanovlákenných nosičů - typ "A" a "AK", lišících se v postupu při své výrobě. Každý z nich tedy vykazoval odlišné vlastnosti, týkající se především množství navázaného TTC a způsobu jeho vazby na nosič. Výroba těchto nanovláken byla realizována Technickou univerzitou v Liberci za využití technologie NanoSpiderTM . Měření probíhala za různých, předem stanovených podmínek, reprezentujících stav lidské kůže - dvě rozdílné hodnoty pH (7,4; 4,5) a teploty (32řC; 37řC). Byly využívány také čtyři různé typy membránových filtrů, které liberační profily v průběhu měření různě ovlivňovaly. Jednalo se o filtry...Department of Analytical ChemistryKatedra analytické chemieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Railway infrastructure resilience assessment tool

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    Kodedová, K. 2023. Nástroj pro posuzování resilience železniční infrastruktury. [Diplomová práce]. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická Univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství. 55 s. Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou hodnocení úrovně resilience u prvků železniční kritické infrastruktury. Práce je rozdělena do třech částí, a to na teoretickou, analytickou a návrhovou. Teoretická část obsahuje obecnou deskripci resilience, železniční infrastruktury a hrozeb. Analytické část se zabývá kompletní analýzou kritických prvku železniční infrastruktury, metod využívaných k hodnocení úrovně resilience a hrozeb působících na železniční infrastrukturu. Stěžejní část diplomové práce je návrhová část, která je rozdělena do dvou fázi. První fáze obsahuje návrh nástroje zaměřeného na hodnocení úrovně resilience u prvku železniční infrastruktury. Následující fáze je zaměřena na aplikaci nástroje na vybraný prvek.Kodedova, K. 2023. Railway infrastructure resilience assessment tool. [Master thesis]. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering. 55 p. The diploma thesis deals with the issue of resilience level assessment of railway critical infrastructure elements. The thesis is organised into the following three parts. The theoretical part contains a general description of resilience, railway infrastructure and threats. The analytical part deals with a complete analysis of critical elements of railway infrastructure, methods used to assess the level of resilience and threats acting on railway infrastructure and potential threats effecting railway infrastructure. The core part of the thesis is the design part which is further divided into two sections. The first section contains the design of a tool aimed at assessing the level of resilience in the railway infrastructure element. The other section is focused on the application of the tool to the selected element.050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvavelmi dobř

    Study of differential potential of spermatogonial stem cells via transplantation in vertebrates

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    Spermatogonia, or spermatogonial stem cells are necessary to maintain male fertility. In the complex process of ongoing spermatogenesis in the testes these pluripotent stem cells proliferate and differentiate into sperm cells. In 1994 the first spermatogonial transplantation technique was described in rodents to allow the study of male germ cells. The following series of studies of intra- and inter-species transmission of testicular tissue revealed the regenerative capacity of transplanted spermatogonial stem cells and their possible usage. Recently, spermatogonia transplantation systems are developed in many vertebrates making it possible to study the development of sperm as well as artificial production of male and female gametes derived from germ cell donors. The differentiation potential of spermatogonial stem cells enabled the creation of transgenic organisms by genetic manipulation of isolated spermatogonia and subsequent transplantation into a suitable recipient. Spermatogonial transplantation in the future may find their application in regenerative medicine, the treatment of disorders of spermatogenesis, or serve to preservation of genetic stock of endangered species

    Design and development of the laboratory exercises at the simulated ICU - part 4

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    Má bakaláská práce spoívala ve využití pacientského simulátoru METI ECS. Strukturovala jsem ji do nkolika ástí. Nejdíve se jednalo o porovnání simulátor od dvou konkurenních firem- METI a LAERDAL, pímé srovnání jejich funkcí a možností jaké nabízí. Následn jsem se pelivji vnovala našemu simulátoru a jeho funkcím, tyto znalosti jsem pochopiteln využila pro praktické vyzkoušení si pístrojové techniky, konkrétn defibrilátoru firmy GE Medical Systems, Cardioserv P a jeho funkce synchronizované defibrilace, pi tvorb laboratorní úlohy. K tomuto úelu jsme využili spuštní jednoho z mnoha nabízených scéná "Bradycardia heart block". Na závr jsem vytvoila vlastní scéná, pi kterém lze defibrilátor GE Medical Systems Cardioserv P použít.I worked with METI ECS Simulator to develop my bachelor thesis. First of all I analysed the differences between METI and LAERDAL Simulators, in order to describe their benefits and negatives and to recognize more deeply the METI Simulator. Then I created and practiced a laboratory exercise based on using special medical equipment- in my case the defibrillator and its special function pacing. That's why I used one of their scenarios, "Bradycardia heart block", to simulate the conditions which are necessary for pacing. The practical part was made by the device produced by GE Medical Systems. Summarising my gained knowledge I developed my own scenario for using the defibrillator

    Evaluation of the static stability of a selected element of critical infrastructure

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    Bakalářská práce „Hodnocení statické resilience vybraného prvku kritické infrastruktury“ pojednává o významu hodnocení úrovně resilience. Práce nastiňuje prostředí kritické infrastruktury. Hlavním cílem této práce je výběr dvou metod na základě vymezených kritérií, které jsou následně v rámci praktické části použity k hodnocení úrovně resilience u vybraného prvku kritické infrastruktury. Práce se rovněž věnuje metodologii v systému kritické infrastruktury a analýzám, které jsou obsaženy v procesu hodnocení úrovně resilience.The bachelor's thesis "Static Resilience Assessment of the Selected Critical Infrastructure Element" discusses the importance of evaluating the level of resilience. The work outlines the environment of critical infrastructure. The main goal of this work is to select two methods based on defined criteria, which are used in the practical part to evaluate the level of resilience of a selected element of critical infrastructure. The work also deals with methodology in the critical infrastructure system and analyses that are included in the process of assessing the level of resilience.050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvavelmi dobř

    Study of the performance of microbial MDR pumps by fluorescent probes: effect of potential inhibitors

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    The current increased use of antifungal agents has resulted in the development of resistance to these drugs. Search for new antifungals with different mechanisms of action overcoming the multidrug resistance is thus underway. Surface-active antifungals have the advantages of minimizing host toxicity and the emergence of drug resistance. We have developed a fluorescence method based on the use of the potentiometric fluorescent probe diS-C3(3), substrate of two major S. cerevisiae MDR pumps, Pdr5p and Snq2p. It allows us to monitor with high sensitivity and in real time changes in the activities of both pumps and also in membrane potential. We present here an efficient strategy for identifying pump inhibitors with minimal side effects on membrane integrity, and compare the potencies of different inhibitors towards MDR pumps. New efficient inhibitors of MDR pumps could potentially be used in conjunction with current antimicrobials that are MDR pump substrates. The method can be also used to determine the mechanism of action of surface-active drugs and their lowest effective concentrations

    Study of differential potential of spermatogonial stem cells via transplantation in vertebrates

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    Spermatogonia, or spermatogonial stem cells are necessary to maintain male fertility. In the complex process of ongoing spermatogenesis in the testes these pluripotent stem cells proliferate and differentiate into sperm cells. In 1994 the first spermatogonial transplantation technique was described in rodents to allow the study of male germ cells. The following series of studies of intra- and inter-species transmission of testicular tissue revealed the regenerative capacity of transplanted spermatogonial stem cells and their possible usage. Recently, spermatogonia transplantation systems are developed in many vertebrates making it possible to study the development of sperm as well as artificial production of male and female gametes derived from germ cell donors. The differentiation potential of spermatogonial stem cells enabled the creation of transgenic organisms by genetic manipulation of isolated spermatogonia and subsequent transplantation into a suitable recipient. Spermatogonial transplantation in the future may find their application in regenerative medicine, the treatment of disorders of spermatogenesis, or serve to preservation of genetic stock of endangered species

    In vitro testing of carrier system based on nanofibres for vitiligo treatment

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    Vitiligo is a skin disease with 2 % prevalence in a worldwide population. It is characterised by loss or decrease in activity of epidermal melanocytes, which lead to skin and hair depigmentation. It has negative impact on psyche, social relationships of patients and reduces the protection of the organism against UV radiation. One of the treatment methods is autologous transplantation of melanocytes or suspension of melanocytes with keratinocytes. Use of the biocompatible membrane, which allows the cultivation of these cells with resulting transplantation on the depigmented lesion, could improve treatment and make it more efficient. The main goal of this work was to create the biocompatible membrane from nanofiber layers of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) which can stand as a carrier for cell transplants in vitiligo therapy. PVA scaffolds were prepared by electrostatic spinning and later on modified by cold methane plasma (CH4) for lowering their hydrofility. Samples of modified nanofiber carriers were analysed according to their physical and chemical characteristics (visualization fiber morphology by SEM, XPS and surface Zeta potential analysis and contact angle). Consequently, adhesion, proliferation and metabolic activity of cultivating mice cell lines of melanocytes (Melan-a) and keratinocytes (XB2) were examined..

    Automation of liberation tests for releasing biologically active substances from nanofibers

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    Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of analytical chemistry Candidate: Marie Schneidrová Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Hana Sklenářová, Ph.D. Title of the diploma thesis: Automation of liberation tests for releasing biologically active substance from nanofibers The main goal of this diploma thesis is an automation of TTC liberation from nanofibers, using non-separation flow method sequential injection analysis. UV-VIS spectrophotometer was used for the detection of signal. Measurements were carried out using 1-3 connected Franz cells in parallel, palced in the water bath. Buffer solutions with pH 7.4 and 4.5 were used as liberation media. The liberation of TTC was realized from two different nanofiber carriers - types "A" and "AK", Difference was in their preparation process. Because of this, each of them revealed various characteristics mainly related to the amount of bound TTC and the way of its binding to the nanofiber carrier. Production of these nanofibers was realized by Technical University Liberec using the technology NanoSpiderTM . Measurements were performed under various predetermined conditions, representing the state of the human skin - two different pH (7.4; 4.5) and temperature (32řC; 37řC) values. Four different types of membrane filters were also used,..

    Theory of Emotions in Philosophy / Psychology

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je poskytnout základní přehled o problematice emocí a pokusit se stanovit zda a v jaké míře mají primární emoce také nižší živočišné druhy než lidé. Na začátku práce je věnována pozornost základnímu vymezení pojmu emoce, charakteristice emocí, definici emocí a také jedné z mnoha teorií emocí. Dále práce pojednává o problematice emocí z neurobiologického hlediska. Tedy jak se emoce zpracovávají v mozku, nebo jaké známky chování vykazují lidé a zvířata s poškozením mozku. Práce uvádí také příklady experimentálních výzkumů mozku spojených s emocemi. Stěžejní část práce se zaměřuje na výraz a projevy primárních emocí, tedy smutku, hněvu, překvapení, strachu, znechucení a radosti u lidí a u zvířat. V této části autor uvádí příklady, kdy byli nižší živočichové zpozorováni, jak prožívají emoce. O primárních emocích zvířat je pojednáváno především z hlediska Charlese Darwina a u lidských výrazů primárních emocí z pohledu Paula Ekmana. Práce krátce pojednává i o antropomorfizaci ve vědeckých kruzích a naznačuje problém "pouhého pozorování" emocí zvířat.ObhájenoThe aim of this Bachelor thesis is to provide a basic overview of the issue of emotions and to try to establish if at all, and in what measure do animals have basic emotions. At the beginning the thesis pays attention to the basic outline of emotions as a concept, characteristics of emotions, the definition and also one of many theories of emotions. Furthermore this thesis deals with the issue of emotions from neurobiological aspect. Therefore how emotions are processed in the brain, or what signs of behaviour can humans and animals with brain damage exhibit. The thesis also presents examples of experimental research of brain in connection with emotions. However the key part focuses on expression and manifestation of basic emotions in humans and animals, such as sadness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust and joy. In this part, the author gives examples of animals being observed experiencing emotions. The basic emotions in animals are taken essentially from the aspect of Charles Darwin and in human expression of basic emotions from the perspective of Paul Ekman. The thesis also briefly discusses anthropomorphization in scientific circles and indicates the problem of "mere observations" of emotions in animals