4 research outputs found

    The Law Enforcement against Alcoholic Drinks Habits

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    The problem of alcohol abuse in various circles, both in society and among teenagers, has become a problem that continues to experience a very significant increase and tends to increase every year. When teenagers or people have the habit of consuming liquor, it can lead to crime, in various forms that vary greatly, for example juvenile delinquency, fights, the emergence of juvenile gangs, thuggery, immoral acts and others. Juridically there is no prohibition of liquor or alcoholic beverages, but only on the regulation of procurement, distribution, sale and control. The existing laws and regulations in Indonesia have not been able to fully accommodate to be able to control the circulation of alcoholic beverages because some of the regulations that have been spread have not been specifically and comprehensively able to suppress the circulation and even prevent alcoholic beverages in the community. As a result, regulations at the lowest level (regional regulations) can only carry out prevention locally at the provincial level which has regional regulations concerning the Control and Supervision of alcoholic beverages, such as Gorontalo Provincial Regulation No. 16 of 2015. The Gorontalo Provincial Government considers it very important that the control and supervision of the circulation of alcoholic beverages must be carried out in order to prevent disturbances to peace, order and public security


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    Nowadays, Indonesia as a developing country has been developed in various sectors. Globalization is a process of organizational change from the function of capitalism which is marked by the emergence of the integration of markets and transnational companies and the lagging of supranational institutions. With this, it is possible for it to affect the work patterns of Indonesian society. For this reason, a further legal remedy will be needed if the party that feels disadvantage is not satisfied with the outcome of the dispute resolution that arises due to the development of globalization. The intended legal remedies are administrative efforts as referred to in Article 48 of Law Number 51 of 2009 concerning Amendments to Law Number 9 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 5 of 1986 concerning State Administrative Court (PTUN). The aim of this article is to find out the authority for dispute resolution of State Administrative Court (PTUN) toward dismissal with no reverence verdict and dispute resolution efforts for State Administrative Court (PTUN) toward dismissal with no reverence verdict. Juridical normative is applied as research method. This research concludes that dispute resolution on personnel is done through the State Administrative Court except it is caused by violations of the disciplinary rules of the State Civil Apparatus which will be resolved through administrative appeals to the Court of Civil Service

    Application of Law Enforcement Due Process System in Law Against Child Crimes

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    Purpose To know and analyze the application of the due process of law system in law enforcement against child crime, to find out and analyze what are the factors that influence law enforcement on the implementation of the due process of law system. By using this type of research is Normative research. Normactive research is meant as legal research which studies normative law. The normative approach method is used to examine the aspects of the law according to laws and regulations relating to the implementation of the Due Process Of Law system in Criminal law, especially against child crimes. The results of the research show that law was born to humanize humans, so law enforcement or law enforcement must provide benefits or benefits to society. The quality of development and law enforcement is demanded by society at this time not only for formal quality, but also for material / substantial quality. Substantively. the implementation of child protection must be in accordance with relevant professional ethics, to prevent deviant behavior in the exercise of authority, power and strength in the implementation of child protection. The concept of due process is like prioritizing the rule of law, law enforcement officers must recognize, respect, protect and guarantee the rights of suspects. Law and justice is an integrity between normative idealism and human action. If the three of them are no longer combined and become judicial cohesion, then what will generally occur is a lameness whose mode and packaging is destructive and dysmunctional, which then makes it easy for someone and the public to draw conclusions or create estimates, there has been a play and a dramatization project that is still under the guise of carrying out their duties. , what is meant in it is to impose a legal decision


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    Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Adminstrasi Pemerintahan memberikan angin segar bagi para pencari keadilan dalam ruang lingkup Tata Usaha Negara. Dengan adanya Undang-Undang ini pula telah memperluas access to justice bagi pencari keadilan di Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara dengan cara membuka ruang-ruang tertutup yang sebelumnya tidak dapat dimasuki oleh para pencari keadilan. Sehingganya bagi warga masyarakat/Badan Hukum yang merasa dirugikan terhadap Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara dapat mengambil upaya Hukum administrasi. Dengan begitupula kita dapat mengetahui proses penyelesaian sengketa administrasi dengan  memperoleh sumbangsih berupa pengetahuan sekaligus menjelaskan secara definitif suatu sengketa Tata Usaha Negara dapat diselesaikan melalui mekanisme Pengadilan, atau  melalui upaya administratif terlebih dahulu. Adapun Tujuan dilakukanya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Upaya Administrasi dan Peradilan dalam sengketa Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara