283 research outputs found
Polluting production â environmentally sound alternatives; A general model of production externalities
With the determination of principal parameters of producing and pollution abatement technologies, this paper quantifies abatement and external costs at the social optimum and analyses the dynamic relationship between technological development and the above-mentioned costs. With the partial analysis of parameters, the paper presents the impacts on the level of pollution and external costs of extensive and intensive environmental protection, market demand change and product fees, and not environmental protection oriented technological development. Parametrical cost calculation makes the drawing up of two useful rules of thumb possible in connection with the rate of government in-terventions. Also, the paradox of technological development aiming at intensive environmental protection will become apparent
On realizing the principles of Gaudium et spes in a post-communist country: Searching for christian entrepreneurs and roots of individuals in Hungary at the time of globalization
Due to the communist regime in Hungary the values and principles of the Second Vatican Counsil could hardly achieve their goal in the region and the situation is almost the same even today. This paper examines two levels of society where the thoughts of Gaudium et spes might have appeared: we have explored that there are Christian companies existing about 15 years since the political transition in 1990 and we made a research among individuals in rural environment, how could they preserve their human wholeness described in GS, in other words, how could they keep their social, cultural, natural, religiuos and local roots amongst the consumer society that has been developped in Hungary at the time of capitalism. Regarding the Christian companies our research could produce a positive result: we have explored that although the Christian companies survayed hardly know the Churchâs social doctrine, they live and operate according to it. At the same time in the realm of individuals we cannot tell good news of this kind. Most of the persons interviewed have already lost or are near to loose their roots, that is their human wholeness. Our final conclusion is that our hope for preserving even strenghtening the values of GS in the Hungarian society is in the communities, be it work communities, as John Paul II. mentioned in his encyclical Sollicitudo rei Socialis. The paper presents the details and conclusions of our researches
Népesedés és fenntarthatósåg - létbaråt elméleti keretben
Amint MagyarorszĂĄgon 2008-ban kineveztĂ©k a jövĆ nemzedĂ©kek ombudsmanjĂĄt,1 mindjĂĄrt jelentĆs vitĂĄt is kavart az ĂșjdonsĂŒlt orszĂĄggyƱlĂ©si biztos egy elĆadĂĄson tett kijelentĂ©se.2 Ennek alapjĂĄn Ășgy tƱnt, hogy a jövĆ nemzedĂ©keket immĂĄr hivatalosan is kĂ©pviselĆ szemĂ©ly abortuszpĂĄrti Ă©s nagycsalĂĄd-ellenes. A felhĂĄborodĂĄs mĂ©rtĂ©ke jĂłl mutatja a tĂ©ma rendkĂvĂŒli Ă©rzĂ©kenysĂ©gĂ©t â fĂŒggetlenĂŒl a megfogalmazott ĂĄllĂtĂĄsok valĂłsĂĄgtartalmĂĄtĂłl. A kedĂ©lyek valamelyest csillapodtak, midĆn kiderĂŒlt, az ombudsman nem MagyarorszĂĄgra, hanem a âharmadik vilĂĄgraâ cĂ©lzott, s ezzel valĂłban tisztĂĄzhatĂł nĂ©hĂĄny fĂ©lreĂ©rtĂ©s. Ăm a mĂ©lyebben gondolkodĂłt ez egyĂĄltalĂĄn nem nyugtatja meg. Mi is a jövĆ nemzedĂ©k Ă©rdeke: a sok vagy a kevĂ©s gyermek? S lehet-e egyĂĄltalĂĄn többfĂ©le vĂĄlaszt adnunk a kĂ©rdĂ©sre, aszerint hogy âfejlĆdĆâ vagy âfejlettâ rĂ©giĂłrĂłl van szĂł
SzennyezĂ©selhĂĄrĂtĂĄs Ă©s technolĂłgiai fejlĆdĂ©s a környezetgazdasĂĄgtanban â mikroökonĂłmiai elemzĂ©s
A cikk ĂșjszerƱ mĂłdon csoportosĂtja a vĂĄllalat szennyezĂ©selhĂĄrĂtĂĄsi költsĂ©geit, s bemutatja, hogy az elhĂĄrĂtĂĄs sorĂĄn mikĂ©nt maximalizĂĄlhatja egy vĂĄllalat a profitjĂĄt, valamint hogy a környezetvĂ©delmi hatĂłsĂĄgnak milyen mĂ©rtĂ©kƱ emissziĂłcsökkentĂ©s megvalĂłsĂtĂĄsĂĄra cĂ©lszerƱ törekednie, ha a tĂĄrsadalmi szinten megjelenĆ hasznok lehetĆ
legmagasabb szintjĂ©t kĂvĂĄnja elĂ©rni. A tanulmĂĄny elemzi az extenzĂv, az intenzĂv Ă©s a nem környezetvĂ©delmet szolgĂĄlĂł technolĂłgiai fejlĆdĂ©s optimĂĄlis szennyezĂ©skibocsĂĄtĂĄsra vonatkozĂł dinamikus hatĂĄsĂĄt. Megismertet az intenzĂv környezetvĂ©delem paradoxonĂĄval: egyes környezetbarĂĄt technolĂłgiĂĄk elterjedĂ©sĂ©vel â bizonyos körĂŒlmĂ©nyek
között â romlik az optimĂĄlis szennyezettsĂ©gi ĂĄllapot. /===/ The article groups the enterprise costs of preventing pollution and shows how a firm can
maximize its profit, as well as the volume of emission reduction the environmental conservation
authority should purposefully strive after if it wants to attain the highest possible level of
benefit appearing on societal level. The study analyses the dynamic impact of techological
progress serving extensive and intensive conservation of the environment and of that not
serving conservation on the optimum emission of pollution. It makes readers acquainted with
the paradox of intensive conservation of the environment: the spreading of some environmentfriendly
technologies impairs â under certain conditions â the optimum state of pollution
ModernitĂĄs Ă©s nĂ©pesedĂ©s - Ami a FelelĆssĂ©gĂŒnk a teremtett vilĂĄgĂ©rt cĂmƱ körlevĂ©lbĆl kimaradt
A cikk a nĂ©pesedĂ©ssel kapcsolatos problĂ©mĂĄk közĂŒl nĂ©hĂĄnyat alaposabban is körĂŒljĂĄr. A tanulmĂĄny bemutatja a kĂŒlönfĂ©le, egymĂĄssal összebĂ©kĂthetetlennek lĂĄtszĂł âzöldâ elkĂ©pzelĂ©sek mozgatĂłrugĂłit Ă©s a törĂ©svonalat: a modernitĂĄst Ă©s a modernitĂĄs tagadĂĄsĂĄt; s a gyermekszĂĄm meghatĂĄrozĂĄsĂĄra felelĆs döntĂ©shozatalt javasol, amelybe, tekintettel a vilĂĄg nĂ©pessĂ©gszĂĄmban fogyatkozĂł rĂ©giĂłira, a több gyermek vĂĄllalĂĄsa is beletartozhat; a modernitĂĄs Ă©s a fenntarthatĂłsĂĄg összefĂŒggĂ©sĂ©ben vizsgĂĄlja a szĂŒletĂ©sszabĂĄlyozĂĄst Ă©s a csalĂĄdtervezĂ©st, s a felmerĂŒlĆ sĂșlyos erkölcsi nehĂ©zsĂ©geket; a âzöldâ, illetve a keresztĂ©ny-katolikus megfontolĂĄsok közötti ellentĂ©tek feloldĂĄsakĂ©nt pedig a âzöldâ erĆfeszĂtĂ©sek nem-modern keretbe helyezĂ©sĂ©t javasolja
Az Altern-csoport a korrupciĂłrĂłl
A tanulmĂĄny a korrupciĂł kĂŒlönfĂ©le formĂĄit tekinti ĂĄt Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©keli. Az elemzĂ©s a jelensĂ©ghez a gazdasĂĄg vilĂĄga felĆl közelĂt, azaz elsĆsorban azokkal az esetekkel foglalkozik, ahol az "ĂŒgyletben" eszközkĂ©nt Ă©s/vagy cĂ©lkĂ©nt valamilyen materiĂĄlis elem is felbukkan. Az ĂrĂĄs bemutatja Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©keli a mozgatĂłrugĂłk feltĂĄrĂĄsĂĄra irĂĄnyulĂł közgazdasĂĄgi gyökerƱ elmĂ©leteket, majd kitĂĄgĂtja a vizsgĂĄlat horizontjĂĄt, s a teljes tĂĄrsadalmi-gazdasĂĄgi rendszer szempontjĂĄbĂłl is elemzi a korrupciĂłt, megadva nĂ©hĂĄny eligazodĂĄst segĂtĆ fogĂłdzĂłt
A materializmustĂłl a teljes emberig - A fogyasztĂĄs önkĂ©ntes csökkentĂ©sĂ©rĆl a nyugati tĂĄrsadalmakban
A fejlĆdĂ©st gazdasĂĄgi növekedĂ©skĂ©nt felfogĂłkat bĂrĂĄlĂł hangok szĂłrvĂĄnyosnak Ă©s erĆtlennek hatnak, pedig a nyugati fogyasztĂłi tĂĄrsadalom ĂĄrnyoldalait Ă©s hosszĂș tĂĄvĂș fenntarthatatlansĂĄgĂĄt taglalĂł tudomĂĄnyos igĂ©nyƱ munkĂĄk ma mĂĄr egyre szĂ©lesebb körben hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetĆk. A tĂĄrsadalmi szempontbĂłl megmutatkozĂł problĂ©mĂĄk mellett egyre nyilvĂĄnvalĂłbbĂĄ vĂĄlnak a termĂ©szeti környezet vĂ©gessĂ©gĂ©bĆl adĂłdĂł nehĂ©zsĂ©gek is. A környezeti problĂ©mĂĄk kapcsĂĄn sokat hallani a Föld nĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©nek szabĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄrĂłl Ă©s a tisztĂĄbb termelĂ©s szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ©gĂ©rĆl, ĂĄm az egy fĆre jutĂł fogyasztĂĄs tabunak lĂĄtszik. Pedig az emberisĂ©g bioszfĂ©rĂĄra gyakorolt összterhelĂ©sĂ©t meghatĂĄrozĂł kĂ©pletnek ez legalĂĄbb olyan fontos eleme, mint a nĂ©pessĂ©g Ă©s a technolĂłgia. A fogyasztĂĄs mĂ©rsĂ©klĂ©sĂ©vel kapcsolatos idegenkedĂ©s szĂĄmos okra vezethetĆ vissza. Ezek közĂŒl az egyik legfontosabb a szemĂ©lyes Ă©rintettsĂ©g. Egy gazdasĂĄgilag fejlett orszĂĄg polgĂĄra szĂĄmĂĄra a nĂ©pessĂ©gnövekedĂ©s megĂĄllĂtĂĄsa Ă©s a technolĂłgiafejlesztĂ©s igĂ©nye könnyen Ășgy Ă©rtelmezhetĆ, hogy ezek valaki mĂĄs szĂĄmĂĄra jelentenek tĂ©nyleges feladatot. Ăm ha a fogyasztĂĄsrĂłl esik szĂł, akkor Ăłhatatlanul felbukkan a szemĂ©ly sajĂĄt felelĆssĂ©ge is, hiszen valamennyien fogyasztĂłk vagyunk
- âŠ