12 research outputs found

    The influence of website quality on cognitive and affective attitudes towards organic food

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    Using websites for commercial purposes has been noticeable in numerous areas in recent years, including the organic food market, among others. The era of digitalization has implied that an increasing number of consumers form their views on organic food based on information that is marketed via websites, instead of going to traditional stores. In accordance with that, the aim of the paper is to examine whether the quality of a website, measured by its usability, design and the quality of information, affects consumers’ cognitive and affective attitudes towards organic products. In this paper, exploratory factor analysis is carried out along with multiple regression analysis. The research results indicate that, in the organic food sector, it is very important to have a website which is both usable and visually appealing, simultaneously containing quality and updated information, which all can greatly influence the formation of users’ attitudes towards organic food, their attitudes being made of the rational emotional dimensions as well. The contribution of this research study is particularly significant bearing in mind the fact that attitudes towards organic food are mostly examined in a traditional environment, not so much in an online environment

    Optimization and Kinetic Modelling of Total Phenols and Flavonoids Extraction from Tilia cordata M. Flowers

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    The main goal was to optimize and establish the kinetics and the thermodynamics of the extraction process. An investigation into the effects of ethanol  concentration (0–100 %), liquid to solid ratio (30–60 mL g–1), extraction temperature (25–65 °C), and extraction time (40–200 min) on the extraction of total  phenols (TP) and total flavonoids (TF) from linden (Tilia cordata M.) flowers was performed using single-factor experiments. Experimental results  showed that extraction conditions had a significant effect on the extraction of phenolic compounds. The optimized conditions were 50 % ethanol, liquid  to solid ratio 60 mL g–1 for 120 min at 55 °C, with values of 17.05 mg GAE g–1 dry weight (d.w.) for TP and 13.32 mg CE g–1 d.w. for TF. Extracted phenolic  compounds were analyzed by HPLC. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was evaluated by DPPH and ABTS assays. The applicability of different  mathematical models (model based for the unsteady diffusion through the plant material, model based on the film theory and model of Ponomaryov) to  describe the kinetics of the extraction process of TP and TF from linden flowers was studied as well. The mathematical models applied showed a good  agreement with the experimental results, which allows their application in modelling and optimizing the solid/liquid extraction process to extract TP and  TF from linden flowers.&nbsp

    Sistem centralizovanog upravljanja pumpnim stanicama u sistemima vodosnabdevanja

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    The pump station centralized management system is described in this paper. Pump stations represent the elements of extreme importance in these systems with the great level of expected reliability. However, the majority of these stations in Serbia, whether they are used for utility systems, or for agriculture, is characterized with low technical level. This condition consequently leads to the great number of negative effects, resulting in decreased energy efficiency, increased operational costs and increased number of failures. In this paper, modern trends in remote process control of these systems are presented. Complete system architecture is proposed, and the implementation of this technical solution on one water supply system in Serbia is described. The introduction of centralized solution for the pump stations control enables high system reliability and security, increased energy efficiency and optimized procedures of operational control and maintenance.U radu je opisan sistem centralizovanog upravljanja pumpnim stanicama. Pumpne stanice imaju veoma značajnu ulogu i predstavljaju elemente sistema od kojih se očekuje velika pouzdanost u radu. Međutim, većinu pumpnih stanica u našoj zemlji, bilo da se nalaze u komunalnim ili poljoprivrednim sistemima, karakteriše veoma nizak nivo tehničke opremljenosti. Ovakvo stanje ima za posledicu brojne negativne efekte kao što su: smanjenje energetske efikasnosti ovih sistema, povećanje troškova proizvodnje i povećanje broja kvarova u sistemu. U ovom radu su prikazane savremene tendencije kada su u pitanju upravljanje i kontrola procesa i uređaja na daljinu. Predložena je kompletna arhitektura sistema za upravljanje i dat je opis realizovanog integrisanog tehničkog rešenja u sistemima vodosnabdevanja. Uvođenje kompletnog centralizovanog rešenja za upravljanje pumpnim stanicama omogućava visoku pouzdanost i sigurnost u sistemu, povećani stepen energetske efikasnosti, kao i optimizovane procedure operativnog upravljanja i održavanja sistema

    Еnergetska efikasnost asinhronih motora u poljoprivredi

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    The paper points to some possibilities for increasing the energy efficiency of asynchronous electric motors with special emphasis on the use and energy efficiency in agricultural production. The most important measures in this regard should be taken are: the application of energy-efficient induction motors, selection of motors based on electric power, replacing the old motors with low level of efficiency, setting the value of supply voltage, reactive power compensation and optimization of regulated electric drives with induction motors.U radu je ukazano na neke mogućnosti povećanja energetske efikasnosti asinhronih električnih motora sa posebnim osvrtom na primenu i energetsku efikasnost u oblasti poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Najvažnije mere koje u tom smislu treba preduzeti su: primena energetski efikasnih asinhronih motora, pravilan izbor motora po snazi, zamena starih motora niskog stepena korisnog dejstva, podešavanje vrednosti napona napajanja, kompenzacija reaktivne energije i optimizacija regulisanih elektromotornih pogona sa asinhronim motorima

    Kinetika ekstrakcije vanilinske kiseline iz semena bundeve

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    In this sdudy, the extraction of vanillic acid from pumpkin seeds, using the maceration process, were investigated. The influence of temperature (25-45oC) and time (10-100 min) on the content of vanillic acid in extracts was confirmed. Based on the experimental results of the extraction of kinetics, a modeling of pumpkin seeds-40% ethanol (v/v) extraction system was performed using hyperbolic model. Also, based on the average values of the RMS, SD and R2, it was found that the hyperbolic model show acceptable agreement.U ovom radu proučena je ekstrakcija vanilinske kiseline iz semena bundeve primenom postupka meceracije. Ispitan je uticaj temperature (25-45oC) i vremena (10-100 min) ekstrakcije na sadržaj vanilinske kiseline u ekstraktima. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata kinetike ekstrakcije izvešeno je modelovanje ekstrakcionog sistema seme bundeve-40% etanol (v/v) primenom hiperbolnog modela. Takođe, na osnovu srednjih vrednosti RMS, SD i R2 modelovanih i eksperimentalnih vrednosti sadržaja vanilinske kiseline, utvrđeno je da hiperbolni model pokazuje prihvatljivo slaganje

    EurOP2E – the European Open Platform for Prescribing Education, a consensus study among clinical pharmacology and therapeutics teachers

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    Purpose Sharing and developing digital educational resources and open educational resources has been proposed as a way to harmonize and improve clinical pharmacology and therapeutics (CPT) education in European medical schools. Previous research, however, has shown that there are barriers to the adoption and implementation of open educational resources. The aim of this study was to determine perceived opportunities and barriers to the use and creation of open educational resources among European CPT teachers and possible solutions for these barriers. Methods CPT teachers of British and EU medical schools completed an online survey. Opportunities and challenges were identified by thematic analyses and subsequently discussed in an international consensus meeting. Results Data from 99 CPT teachers from 95 medical schools were analysed. Thirty teachers (30.3%) shared or collaboratively produced digital educational resources. All teachers foresaw opportunities in the more active use of open educational resources, including improving the quality of their teaching. The challenges reported were language barriers, local differences, lack of time, technological issues, difficulties with quality management, and copyright restrictions. Practical solutions for these challenges were discussed and include a peer review system, clear indexing, and use of copyright licenses that permit adaptation of resources. Conclusion Key challenges to making greater use of CPT open educational resources are a limited applicability of such resources due to language and local differences and quality concerns. These challenges may be resolved by relatively simple measures, such as allowing adaptation and translation of resources and a peer review system

    Key Learning Outcomes for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Education in Europe: A Modified Delphi Study.

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    Harmonizing clinical pharmacology and therapeutics (CPT) education in Europe is necessary to ensure that the prescribing competency of future doctors is of a uniform high standard. As there are currently no uniform requirements, our aim was to achieve consensus on key learning outcomes for undergraduate CPT education in Europe. We used a modified Delphi method consisting of three questionnaire rounds and a panel meeting. A total of 129 experts from 27 European countries were asked to rate 307 learning outcomes. In all, 92 experts (71%) completed all three questionnaire rounds, and 33 experts (26%) attended the meeting. 232 learning outcomes from the original list, 15 newly suggested and 5 rephrased outcomes were included. These 252 learning outcomes should be included in undergraduate CPT curricula to ensure that European graduates are able to prescribe safely and effectively. We provide a blueprint of a European core curriculum describing when and how the learning outcomes might be acquired

    Optimization and kinetic modelling of total phenols and flavonoids extraction from tilia cordata m. flowers

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    The main goal was to optimize and establish the kinetics and the thermodynamics of the extraction process.Aninvestigation into the effects of ethanol concentration (0-100 %), liquid to solid ratio (30-60mLg-1), extraction temperature (25-65 °C), and extraction time (40-200 min) on the extraction of total phenols (TP) and total flavonoids (TF) from linden (Tilia cordata M.) flowers was performedusing single-factor experiments. Experimental results showed that extraction conditions had a significant effect on the extraction of phenolic compounds. The optimized conditions were 50%ethanol, liquid to solid ratio 60mLg-1 for 120 min at 55 °C, with values of 17.05 mg GAE g-1 dry weight (d.w.) for TP and 13.32 mg CE g-1 d.w. for TF. Extracted phenolic compounds were analyzed by HPLC. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was evaluated by DPPH and ABTS assays. The applicability of different mathematical models (model based for the unsteady diffusion through the plant material, model based on the film theory and model of Ponomaryov) to describe the kinetics of the extraction process of TP and TF from linden flowers was studied as well. The mathematical models applied showed a good agreement with the experimental results, which allows their application in modelling and optimizing the solid/liquid extraction process to extract TP and TF from linden flowers