1,142 research outputs found

    Precipitation of molybdenum from homogeneous solution by alpha-benzoinoxime

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityThere are two possible approaches to the precipitation of molybdenum from homogeneous solution by benzoinoxime. One involves the preparation of a derivative of benzoin which can be converted under either neutral or alkaline conditions to benzoinoxime. If free molybdenum is present in solution, complexation and deposition of the molybdenum-benzoinoxime complex will take place. The other approach involves the preparation of benzoinoxime in the presence of molybdenum. As soon as sufficient quantities of the complexing agent have been generated molybdenumbenzoinoxime complex deposition occurs. The former path was attempted first through synthesis of methylbensoinether and methylbenzoinetheraxime in hopes that the latter material could be converted to benzoinoxime under conditions which are to exist in a later precipitation procedure. It was found, however, tbat the methylbenzoinoxime does not deccmpose either under neutral or basic conditions. Under acidic conditions (which we do not want to use since an acidic procedure for the direct quantitative precipitation ot molybdenum by alpha-benzoinoxime is already on record) the methylbenzoinetheroxime is found to decompose into its components -- methylbensoinether and hydroxylamine [TRUNCATED

    Die "Prophetie" in Emden

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    The interferon response circuit: Induction and suppression by pathogenic viruses

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    AbstractType I interferons (IFN-α/β) are potent antiviral cytokines and modulators of the adaptive immune system. They are induced by viral infection or by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), a by-product of viral replication, and lead to the production of a broad range of antiviral proteins and immunoactive cytokines. Viruses, in turn, have evolved multiple strategies to counter the IFN system which would otherwise stop virus growth early in infection. Here we discuss the current view on the balancing act between virus-induced IFN responses and the viral counterplayers

    Untersuchungen über den Einfluß verschiedenartiger Mineraldüngung auf die Zusammensetzung von Obstdauerwaren

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    Seit verschiedenen Jahren wurden dem Laboratorium der obigen Versuchsstation auf Veranlassung des Kalisyndikates G. m. b. H., Agrikulturabteilung, durch die Versuchsansteller Proben verschiedener Obstarten von Düngungsversuchen übersandt, um aus diesen Fruchtsäfte oder sonstige Dauerwaren herzustellen. Neben den teilweise vorgenommenen Qualitätsprüfungen dieser Dauerwaren, über deren Ausfall an anderer Stelle ebenfalls berichtet werden soll, wurden chemische Untersuchungen durchgeführt, um festzustellen,ob sich ein Einfluß auf die Zusammensetzung der Obstdauerwaren durch die Mineraldüngung geltend macht.Außer Himbeeren kamen Johannisbeeren in Form des Rohsaftes zur Untersuchung, ferner Zwetschen und Süßkirschen als Dunstfrüchte. Die Proben, welche den einzelnen Parzellen entstammten, wurden getrennt versandt, so daß eine Verwechslung ausgeschlossen war. Neben Zucker, Säure, Extrakt und Mineralstoffen wurde auch der Alkoholgehalt festgestellt, da die Früchte (besonders Himbeeren) schon auf dem Transport teilweise in Gärung übergingen. Aus dem Zucker und Alkohol wurde sodann der „Zucker vor der Vergärung“, also der ursprünglich vorhandene Zucker, berechnet und aus dem Extrakt nach Abzug des Zuckers der „zuckerfreie Extraktrest“ festgelegt

    Untersuchungen zum Narrativ in russischen Staatsmedien am Beispiel RT

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    Zur Geschichte der Pastoralinstruktion „Communio et Progressio"

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    Am 3. Juni 1971 wurde im Pressesaal des Vatikans die im Konzilsdekret „Interirifica" gewünschte Pastoralinstruktion „Communio et Progressio" über die Instrumente der Sozialen Kommunikation veröffentlicht. In symbolischer Handlung übereichte der Erzbischof von Edinburgh, Gordon J. Kardinal Gray, Mitglied der zutändigen Päpstlichen Kommission für die Kommunikationsmittel, vor Vertreternder Presse, des Films, des Hörfunks und Fernsehens, den drei Präsidenten der katholischen internationalen Organisationen U.C.I.P., UNDA und 0.C.I.C., Gelaur,Andrew und Bernard, je einen Sammelband der „Polyglotta Vaticana" mitdem lateinischen Originaltext des Dokuments und den autorisierten Übersetzungenin Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch.m Ausland waren vielfach am gleichen Tag Pressekonferenzen durch die Bischofsonferenzen einberufen worden. (...)EnglishThe Council discussions on communication media finally induced that the decree „Inter mirifica" - shortened to principles and general instructions - was passed during the Second Council Session and that the reflections referring to practice and execution should be summarized by the order of the Council in an own pastoral instruction. Mgr. Kochs describes the steps of the preparation and sketches the different schemes by which the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications developed with many efforts the final version of the new pastoral instruction


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    For cell culture-based influenza vaccine production virus yield optimisation is of crucial importance. In particular, with the recent threat of the new H1N1 pandemic, not only seasonal vaccines but also pre-/pandemic vaccines have to be supplied in large quantities. In vivo influenza replication is limited by the immune system, but for production cell lines the impact of cellular defence mechanisms on virus yield is unknown. In influenza-infected adherent Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells the interferon (IFN) response and subsequent induction of the antiviral state was monitored. Virus yield and host cell signalling intensity were strain-dependent. By over-expression of viral antagonists IFN-signalling could be reduced up to 90%. However, maximum virus titre determined by real-time PCR and HA-assay was not altered significantly. Stimulation of the antiviral state by conditioned medium led to enhanced IFN-signalling, which initially slowed down virus replication but had only minor effects on final virus titres. Interestingly, minireplicon assays revealed that canine Mx proteins are lacking the antiviral activity against influenza of their human or mouse counterparts. In summary, for MDCK cell culture-based influenza virus production host cell defence mechanisms seem to play only a minor role for final virus yields. Antiviral mechanisms of these epithelial cells may slow down influenza replication, which in vivo gains time for the immune system to be activated, but do not reduce maximum virus titres obtained in the bioprocess

    Mx1 in hematopoietic cells protects against Thogoto virus infection

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    Myxovirus resistance 1 (Mx1) is an interferon-induced gene that encodes a GTPase that plays an important role in the defense of mammalian cells against influenza A and other viruses. The Mx1 protein can restrict a number of viruses independently of the expression of other interferon-induced genes. Mx genes are therefore considered to be an important part of the innate antiviral immune response. However, the possible impact of Mx expression in the hematopoietic cellular compartment has not been investigated in detail in the course of a viral infection. To address this, we performed bone marrow chimera experiments using congenic B6.A2G Mx1(+/+) and B6.A2G Mx1(-/-) mice to study the effect of Mx1 expression in cells of hematopoietic versus nonhematopoietic origin. Mx1(+/+) mice were protected and Mx1(-/-) mice were susceptible to influenza A virus challenge infection, regardless of the type of bone marrow cells (Mx1(+/+) or Mx1(-/-)) the animals had received. Infection with Thogoto virus, however, revealed that Mx1(-/-) mice with a functional Mx1 gene in the bone marrow compartment showed reduced liver pathology compared with Mx1(-/-) mice that had been grafted with Mx1(-/-) bone marrow. The reduced pathology in these mice was associated with a reduction in Thogoto virus titers in the spleen, lung, and serum. Moreover, Mx1(+/+) mice with Mx1(-/-) bone marrow failed to control Thogoto virus replication in the spleen. Mx1 in the hematopoietic cellular compartment thus contributes to protection against Thogoto virus infection. IMPORTANCE Mx proteins are evolutionarily conserved in vertebrates and can restrict a wide range of viruses in a cell-autonomous way. The contribution to antiviral defense of Mx1 expression in hematopoietic cells remains largely unknown. We show that protection against influenza virus infection requires Mx1 expression in the nonhematopoietic cellular compartment. In contrast, Mx1 in bone marrow-derived cells is sufficient to control disease and virus replication following infection with a Thogoto virus. This indicates that, in addition to its well-established antiviral activity in nonhematopoietic cells, Mx1 in hematopoietic cells can also play an important antiviral function. In addition, cells of hematopoietic origin that lack a functional Mx1 gene contribute to Thogoto virus dissemination and associated disease

    Antenatale Steroidgabe und pulmonales Outcome Frühgeborener

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    Multiple antenatale Steroidgaben zur Akzeleration der fetalen Lungenreife bei drohender Frühgeburtlichkeit wurde im Universitätsklinikum Münster bis 2000 durchgeführt. Entsprechend der Empfehlungen der ´National Institutes of Health` wurden ab 2001 nur noch eine einmalige antenatale Steroidgabe angestrebt. Ausgangspunkt dieser retrospektiven Arbeit war die Frage, ob diese Umstellung zu einem Anstieg von Häufigkeit und Schweregrad des Atemnotsyndroms bei Frühgeborenen geführt hat. Ferner wurde das Ausmaß der Assoziation zwischen ein- versus mehrmaliger Steroidgabe und dem pulmonalen Outcome untersucht. Erhoben wurden die Daten von 255 Frühgeborenen zwischen 23 und 32 vollendeten Schwangerschaftswochen. Es konnte kein signifikanter Anstieg der Atemnotsyndromhäufigkeit in den Jahren nach der Umstellung im Vergleich zu den Jahren vor der Umstellung nachgewiesen werden. Ein signifikanter Nachteil hinsichtlich des pulmonalen Outcomes nach ein- versus mehrmaliger Steroidgabe ergab sich nicht