121 research outputs found

    Healthcare System and Problems of Medical Personnel in Georgia

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    Healthcare is a specific sector, being one of the largest and rapidly growing industries in theworld. Georgia spends for health care almost as much – 8-9% (total healthcare expenditures) fromits economy as advanced European countries. In the recent years the state subsidies allocated tohealth care sector have increased significantly. State expenses for health care grow every year inrelation with GDP but they are still much lower than average for 53 Western European, EuropeanUnion and European states. Significance of human resources is indeed great, in the strategic vision“Health 2030” developed by the Parliament of Georgia, the problem of medical professionals ismentioned as a very painful one; as well as lack of highly qualified human resources; unevengeographical distribution; lack of the nurses and general physicians; ration of numbers ofphysicians and nurses. The set of measures is provided to improve current situation in stages

    Intersectin associates with synapsin and regulates its nanoscale localization and function.

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    Neurotransmission is mediated by the exocytic release of neurotransmitters from readily releasable synaptic vesicles (SVs) at the active zone. To sustain neurotransmission during periods of elevated activity, release-ready vesicles need to be replenished from the reserve pool of SVs. The SV-associated synapsins are crucial for maintaining this reserve pool and regulate the mobilization of reserve pool SVs. How replenishment of release-ready SVs from the reserve pool is regulated and which other factors cooperate with synapsins in this process is unknown. Here we identify the endocytic multidomain scaffold protein intersectin as an important regulator of SV replenishment at hippocampal synapses. We found that intersectin directly associates with synapsin I through its Src-homology 3 A domain, and this association is regulated by an intramolecular switch within intersectin 1. Deletion of intersectin 1/2 in mice alters the presynaptic nanoscale distribution of synapsin I and causes defects in sustained neurotransmission due to defective SV replenishment. These phenotypes were rescued by wild-type intersectin 1 but not by a locked mutant of intersectin 1. Our data reveal intersectin as an autoinhibited scaffold that serves as a molecular linker between the synapsin-dependent reserve pool and the presynaptic endocytosis machinery

    Spermidine protects from age-related synaptic alterations at hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 synapses

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    Aging is associated with functional alterations of synapses thought to contribute to age-dependent memory impairment (AMI). While therapeutic avenues to protect from AMI are largely elusive, supplementation of spermidine, a polyamine normally declining with age, has been shown to restore defective proteostasis and to protect from AMI in Drosophila. Here we demonstrate that dietary spermidine protects from age-related synaptic alterations at hippocampal mossy fiber (MF)-CA3 synapses and prevents the aging-induced loss of neuronal mitochondria. Dietary spermidine rescued age-dependent decreases in synaptic vesicle density and largely restored defective presynaptic MF-CA3 long-term potentiation (LTP) at MF-CA3 synapses (MF-CA3) in aged animals. In contrast, spermidine failed to protect CA3-CA1 hippocampal synapses characterized by postsynaptic LTP from age-related changes in function and morphology. Our data demonstrate that dietary spermidine attenuates age-associated deterioration of MF-CA3 synaptic transmission and plasticity. These findings provide a physiological and molecular basis for the future therapeutic usage of spermidine

    Transgenic mice overexpressing the extracellular domain of NCAM are impaired in working memory and cortical plasticity

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    The neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, is a pivotal regulator of neural development, with key roles in axonal and dendritic growth and synaptic plasticity. Alterations in NCAM expression or proteolytic cleavage have been linked to human neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and Alzheimer’s disease, and may contribute to cognitive dysfunction. We have generated mice overexpressing the NCAM extracellular (EC) proteolytic cleavage fragment which has been reported to be increased in schizophrenic versus normal brains. These mice show impaired GABAergic innervation and reduced number of apical dendritic spines on pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Here, these NCAM-EC transgenic mice were subjected to behavioral tasks and electrophysiological measurements to determine the impact of structural abnormalities in the PFC on synaptic and cognitive functions. NCAM-EC mice exhibited impaired working memory in a delayed non-match-to-sample task, which requires PFC function, but showed no differences in anxiety, olfactory abilities, or sociability. Transgenic mice displayed impaired long- and short-term potentiation in the PFC but normal synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, suggesting that the abnormal synaptic innervation in NCAM-EC mice impairs PFC plasticity and alters working memory. These findings may have implications for cognitive dysfunctions observed in neuropsychiatric disorders

    Neuronal autophagy regulates presynaptic neurotransmission by controlling the axonal endoplasmic reticulum

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    Neurons are known to rely on autophagy for removal of defective proteins or organelles to maintain synaptic neurotransmission and counteract neurodegeneration. In spite of its importance for neuronal health, the physiological substrates of neuronal autophagy in the absence of proteotoxic challenge have remained largely elusive. We use knockout mice conditionally lacking the essential autophagy protein ATG5 and quantitative proteomics to demonstrate that loss of neuronal autophagy causes selective accumulation of tubular endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in axons, resulting in increased excitatory neurotransmission and compromised postnatal viability in vivo. The gain in excitatory neurotransmission is shown to be a consequence of elevated calcium release from ER stores via ryanodine receptors accumulated in axons and at presynaptic sites. We propose a model where neuronal autophagy controls axonal ER calcium stores to regulate neurotransmission in healthy neurons and in the brain

    Regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis by neuronal cell adhesion molecule 1

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    Susceptibility to obesity is linked to genes regulating neurotransmission, pancreatic beta-cell function and energy homeostasis. Genome-wide association studies have identified associations between body mass index and two loci near cell adhesion molecule 1 (CADM1) and cell adhesion molecule 2 (CADM2), which encode membrane proteins that mediate synaptic assembly. We found that these respective risk variants associate with increased CADM1 and CADM2 expression in the hypothalamus of human subjects. Expression of both genes was elevated in obese mice, and induction of Cadm1 in excitatory neurons facilitated weight gain while exacerbating energy expenditure. Loss of Cadm1 protected mice from obesity, and tract-tracing analysis revealed Cadm1-positive innervation of POMC neurons via afferent projections originating from beyond the arcuate nucleus. Reducing Cadm1 expression in the hypothalamus and hippocampus promoted a negative energy balance and weight loss. These data identify essential roles for Cadm1-mediated neuronal input in weight regulation and provide insight into the central pathways contributing to human obesity.</p

    Defective lipid signalling caused by mutations in PIK3C2B underlies focal epilepsy

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    Epilepsy is one of the most frequent neurological diseases, with focal epilepsy accounting for the largest number of cases. The genetic alterations involved in focal epilepsy are far from being fully elucidated. Here, we show that defective lipid signalling caused by heterozygous ultra-rare variants in PIK3C2B, encoding for the class II phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase PI3K-C2β, underlie focal epilepsy in humans. We demonstrate that patients' variants act as loss-of-function alleles, leading to impaired synthesis of the rare signalling lipid phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate, resulting in mTORC1 hyperactivation. In vivo, mutant Pik3c2b alleles caused dose-dependent neuronal hyperexcitability and increased seizure susceptibility, indicating haploinsufficiency as a key driver of disease. Moreover, acute mTORC1 inhibition in mutant mice prevented experimentally induced seizures, providing a potential therapeutic option for a selective group of patients with focal epilepsy. Our findings reveal an unexpected role for class II PI3K-mediated lipid signalling in regulating mTORC1-dependent neuronal excitability in mice and humans

    Selective endocytosis of Ca(2+)-permeable AMPARs by the Alzheimer's disease risk factor CALM bidirectionally controls synaptic plasticity

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    AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) mediate fast excitatory neurotransmission, and the plastic modulation of their surface levels determines synaptic strength. AMPARs of different subunit compositions fulfill distinct roles in synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) to enable learning. Largely unknown endocytic mechanisms mediate the subunit-selective regulation of the surface levels of GluA1-homomeric Ca(2+)-permeable (CP) versus heteromeric Ca(2+)-impermeable (CI) AMPARs. Here, we report that the Alzheimer's disease risk factor CALM controls the surface levels of CP-AMPARs and thereby reciprocally regulates LTP and LTD in vivo to modulate learning. We show that CALM selectively facilitates the endocytosis of ubiquitinated CP-AMPARs via a mechanism that depends on ubiquitin recognition by its ANTH domain but is independent of clathrin. Our data identify CALM and related ANTH domain-containing proteins as the core endocytic machinery that determines the surface levels of CP-AMPARs to bidirectionally control synaptic plasticity and modulate learning in the mammalian brain