651 research outputs found

    In silico characterization of the family of PARP-like poly(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (pARTs)

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    BACKGROUND: ADP-ribosylation is an enzyme-catalyzed posttranslational protein modification in which mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (mARTs) and poly(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (pARTs) transfer the ADP-ribose moiety from NAD onto specific amino acid side chains and/or ADP-ribose units on target proteins. RESULTS: Using a combination of database search tools we identified the genes encoding recognizable pART domains in the public genome databases. In humans, the pART family encompasses 17 members. For 16 of these genes, an orthologue exists also in the mouse, rat, and pufferfish. Based on the degree of amino acid sequence similarity in the catalytic domain, conserved intron positions, and fused protein domains, pARTs can be divided into five major subgroups. All six members of groups 1 and 2 contain the H-Y-E trias of amino acid residues found also in the active sites of Diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A, while the eleven members of groups 3 – 5 carry variations of this motif. The pART catalytic domain is found associated in Lego-like fashion with a variety of domains, including nucleic acid-binding, protein-protein interaction, and ubiquitylation domains. Some of these domain associations appear to be very ancient since they are observed also in insects, fungi, amoebae, and plants. The recently completed genome of the pufferfish T. nigroviridis contains recognizable orthologues for all pARTs except for pART7. The nearly completed albeit still fragmentary chicken genome contains recognizable orthologues for twelve pARTs. Simpler eucaryotes generally contain fewer pARTs: two in the fly D. melanogaster, three each in the mosquito A. gambiae, the nematode C. elegans, and the ascomycete microfungus G. zeae, six in the amoeba E. histolytica, nine in the slime mold D. discoideum, and ten in the cress plant A. thaliana. GenBank contains two pART homologues from the large double stranded DNA viruses Chilo iridescent virus and Bacteriophage Aeh1 and only a single entry (from V. cholerae) showing recognizable homology to the pART-like catalytic domains of Diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A. CONCLUSION: The pART family, which encompasses 17 members in the human and 16 members in the mouse, can be divided into five subgroups on the basis of sequence similarity, phylogeny, conserved intron positions, and patterns of genetically fused protein domains

    Companion-Cell Specific Localization of Sucrose Synthase in Zones of Phloem Loading and Unloading

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    T Cells of Different Developmental Stages Differ in Sensitivity to Apoptosis Induced by Extracellular NAD

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    Extracellular nucleotides such as ATP and NAD can profoundly affect the functions of lymphocytes, macrophages, and other cells. We have recently shown that extracellular NAD induces rapid apoptosis in naive T cells by a mechanism involving the ADP-ribosylation of cell surface molecules. In the present paper, we describe that T cells of different developmental stages differ in their sensitivity to NAD-induced apoptosis. Thymocytes were less susceptible than peripheral lymph node T cells, and freshly activated cells were more resistant than resting cells. Sensitivity to NAD-induced apoptosis generally correlated with expression of the ADP-ribosyltransferase ART2.2, which is not expressed on thymocytes and shed from peripheral T cells upon activation. Our findings suggest that NAD-induced apoptosis does not play a role during thymic selection of T cells, but rather may play a role by preventing the activation of unwanted bystander T cells during an immune response, and thus may participate in the control of autoimmunity

    Monitoring the expression of purinoceptors and nucleotide-metabolizing ecto-enzymes with antibodies directed against proteins in native conformation

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    Following their release from cells, ATP and NAD, the universal currencies of energy metabolism, function as extracellular signalling molecules. Mammalian cells express numerous purinoceptors, i.e., the nucleotide-gated P2X ion channels and the G-protein-coupled P2Y receptors. Signalling through purinoceptors is controlled by nucleotide-metabolizing ecto-enzymes, which regulate the availability of extracellular nucleotides. These enzymes include ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (ENTPD, CD39 family) and ecto-nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterases (ENPP, CD203 family). Investigation of these receptors and enzymes has been hampered by the lack of available antibodies, especially ones that recognize these proteins in their native conformation. This study reports the use of genetic immunization to generate such antibodies against P2X1, P2X4, P2X7, ENTPD1, ENPTD2, ENPTD5, ENPTD6, ENPP2, ENPP3, ENPP4, ENPP5, and ENPP6. Genetic immunization ensures expression of the native protein by the cells of the immunized animal and yields antibodies directed against proteins in native conformation (ADAPINCs). Such antibodies are especially useful for immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation analyses, whereas antibodies against synthetic peptides usually function well only in Western-blot analyses. Here we illustrate the utility of the new antibodies to monitor the cell surface expression of and to purify some key players of purinergic signalling

    Alternative splicing of the n-terminal cytosolic and transmembrane domains of P2X7 controls gating of the ion channel by ADP-ribosylation

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    P2X7 is a homotrimeric ion channel with two transmembrane domains and a large extracellular ATP-binding domain. It plays a key role in the response of immune cells to danger signals released from cells at sites of inflammation. Gating of murine P2X7 can be induced by the soluble ligand ATP, as well as by NAD(+)-dependent ADP-ribosylation of arginine 125, a posttranslational protein modification catalyzed by the toxin-related ecto-enzymes ART2.1 and ART2.2. R125 is located at the edge of the ligand-binding crevice. Recently, an alternative splice variant of P2X7, designated P2X7(k), was discovered that differs from the previously described variant P2X7(a) in the N-terminal 42 amino acid residues composing the first cytosolic domain and most of the Tm1 domain. Here we compare the two splice variants of murine P2X7 with respect to their sensitivities to gating by ADP-ribosylation in transfected HEK cells. Our results show that the P2X7(k) variant is sensitive to activation by ADP-ribosylation whereas the P2X7(a) variant is insensitive, despite higher cell surface expression levels. Interestingly, a single point mutation (R276K) renders the P2X7(a) variant sensitive to activation by ADP-ribosylation. Residue 276 is located at the interface of neighboring subunits approximately halfway between the ADP-ribosylation site and the transmembrane domains. Moreover, we show that naive and regulatory T cells preferentially express the more sensitive P2X7(k) variant, while macrophages preferentially express the P2X7(a) variant. Our results indicate that differential splicing of alternative exons encoding the N-terminal cytosolic and transmembrane domains of P2X7 control the sensitivity of different immune cells to extracellular NAD(+) and ATP

    P2X7 Receptors as a Therapeutic Target in Cerebrovascular Diseases

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    Shortage of oxygen and nutrients in the brain induces the release of glutamate and ATP that can cause excitotoxicity and contribute to neuronal and glial damage. Our understanding of the mechanisms of ATP release and toxicity in cerebrovascular diseases is incomplete. This review aims at summarizing current knowledge about the participation of key elements in the ATP-mediated deleterious effects in these pathologies. This includes pannexin-1 hemichannels, calcium homeostasis modulator-1 (CALHM1), purinergic P2X7 receptors, and other intermediaries of CNS injury downstream of ATP release. Available data together with recent pharmacological developments in purinergic signaling may constitute a new opportunity to translate preclinical findings into more effective therapies in cerebrovascular diseases.This study was supported by grants from CONACYT-Mexico No. 252121 and PAPIITUNAM-Mexico No. IN203519 to ROA laboratory; by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/FEDER (SAF2016-75292-R), Basque Government (IT1203/19), CIBERNED, Eranet-Neuron and Universidad del Pais Vasco to CM's laboratory. AC-M is a researcher from Catedras-CONACYT commissioned at Instituto de Neurobiologia at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)

    ZBP1 subcellular localization and association with stress granules is controlled by its Z-DNA binding domains

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    Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) belongs to a family of proteins that contain the Zα domain, which binds specifically to left-handed Z-DNA and Z-RNA. Like all vertebrate proteins in the Zα family, it contains two Zα-like domains and is highly inducible by immunostimulation. Using circular dichroism spectroscopy and electrophoretic mobility shift assays we show that both Zα domains can bind Z-DNA independently and that substrate binding is greatly enhanced when both domains are linked. Full length ZBP1 and a prominent splice variant lacking the first Zα domain (ΔZα) showed strikingly different subcellular localizations. While the full length protein showed a finely punctate cytoplasmatic distribution, ZBP1ΔZα accumulated in large cytoplasmic granules. Mutation of residues important for Z-DNA binding in the first Zα domain resulted in a distribution comparable to that of ZBP1ΔZα. The ZBP1ΔZα granules are distinct from stress granules (SGs) and processing bodies but dynamically interacted with these. Polysome stabilization led to the disassembly of ZBP1ΔZα granules, indicating that mRNA are integral components. Heat shock and arsenite exposure had opposing effects on ZBP1 isoforms: while ZBP1ΔZα granules disassembled, full length ZBP1 accumulated in SGs. Our data link ZBP1 to mRNA sorting and metabolism and indicate distinct roles for ZBP1 isoforms


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    In the title compound, C16H19N5O6, two intramolecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds help to establish the conformation. In the crystal, intermolecular N—H⋯O links result in chains propagating in [010]

    In Vivo Blockade of Murine ARTC2.2 During Cell Preparation Preserves the Vitality and Function of Liver Tissue-Resident Memory T Cells

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    On murine T cells, GPI-anchored ADP-ribosyltransferase 2.2 (ARTC2.2) ADP-ribosylates the P2X7 ion channel at arginine 125 in response to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) released during cell preparation. We have previously shown that chronic gating of P2X7 by ADP-ribosylation reduces the vitality and function of regulatory T cells and natural killer T cells that co-express high levels of ARTC2.2 and P2X7. Here, we evaluated the expression of ARTC2.2 and P2X7 by effector and memory T cells in the liver of naïve mice and after infection with Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). We found that KLRG1−/CD69+ tissue-resident memory T cells (Trm) in the liver of naïve mice and 7 weeks after infection with Lm express high levels of ARTC2.2 and P2X7. Isolation of liver Trm and subsequent incubation at 37°C resulted in cell death of the majority of CD4+ and CD8+ Trm. Injection of the ARTC2.2-blocking nanobody s+16a 30 min prior to organ harvesting effectively prevented ADP-ribosylation of P2X7 during cell preparation and thereby prevented NAD-induced cell death of the isolated Trm upon subsequent incubation at 37°C. Consequently, preserving Trm vitality by s+16a injection enabled a highly sensitive in vitro cytokine expression profile analyses of FACS sorted liver Trm. We conclude that in vivo blockade of ARTC2.2 during cell preparation by nanobody s+16a injection represents a valuable strategy to study the role and function of liver Trm in mice