265 research outputs found


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    This work was made to study the propagation of Passiflora actinia Hooker, an edible and native fruit species of Paraná state, seeking its preservation and valuing its biodiversity economically. For the in vitro experiments mature fruits were collected, of the which were extracted the seeds and stored in flasks closed under refrigeration. As explants source was used plantlets obtained startinq from seeds germinated in vitro. The asepsis of the seeds was accomplished by the immersion in ethanol 10% for 1 minute proceeded by the immersion in solution of hipoclorite of sodium 2,5% for 30 minutes. The plantlets with 4 to 5 leaves was segmented and placed in the basic middle of culture (MS), added with BAP (1 mgL-1), AIB (0,01 mg.L-1) or both regulators. The delineation was made completely randomized with 36 repetitions and 3 to 4 explants for flask, being considered each flask as a portion. The material was evaluated until the second transplant. In the basic middle added with BAP happened intense multiplication of the used segments, being normal the tufts formation, and eventual formation of rootses in the base middle added with AIB happened the formation of rootses in the base of the branchings and the lengthening of the plantlets that presented, great development aspect. In the basic middle added with BAP and AIB happened the multiplication of almost all the segments, but with smaller proportion than the cultivated in the basic middle added with AIB. ln this middle the branchings happened in tufts form with little formation of rootses. In the semihardwood cuttings two experiments were driven to verify the effect of different concentrations of AIB and of ethanol. ln the experiment with AIB the following concentrations were tested: 0, 250, 500 and 1000 mg.-1. In the experiment with ethanol the treatments were: testimony, water, ethanol 10%, 30%, 50% and 70%. All the treatments were applied for immersion of the base of the cuttings (2 em) for 1 minute. In both experiments the delineation was made in randon blocks with 5 repetitions and 20 cuttings for portion. The evaluation was made seven weeks after the installation. Significant differences were not observed among the treatments, in both experiments, for whole the analyzed variables, except for the number of rootses emitted by cutting for the concentrations of AIB, that 1 presented a significant lineal regression. The rooting percentage was elevated, being on the average 90% in the experiment with AIB and 70% in the experiment with ethanol. Therefore, the Passiflora actinia can be spread by means 6 semihardwood cuttings without the use of growth regulators. Therefore, it is ended that these forms of propagation of Passiflora actinia are viable for the production clonal of dumb.Este trabalho foi feito para estudar a propagação de Passiflora actinia Hooker, uma espécie frutífera comestível e nativa do Paraná, visando a sua preservação e valorização econômica da biodiversidade. Para os experimentos in vitro foram coletados frutos maduros, dos quais foram extraídas as sementes armazenadas em frascos fechados sob refrigeração. Como fonte de explantes foram utilizadas plântulas obtidas a partir de sementes germinadas in vitro. A assepsia das sementes foi realizada pela imersão do etanol 10% por 1 minuto seguida pela imersão em solução de hipoclorito de sódio 2,5% por 30 minutos. As plântulas com 4 a 5 folhas foram segmentadas e colocadas no meio de cultura básico MS, suplementado com BAP (Benzilaminopurina) (mg.L-1), AIB (ácido indol butírico) (0,01 mg.L-1) ou ambos os reguladores. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com 36 repetições e 3 a 4 explantes por frasco, sendo considerado cada frasco como parcela. O material foi avaliado até a segunda repicagem. No meio MS com BAP ocorreu intensa multiplicação dos segmentos utilizados, sendo normal a formação de tufos, e eventual formação de raízes. No meio MS com AIB ocorrei a formação de raízes na base das brotações e o alongamento das plântulas, que apresentavam ótimo aspecto de desenvolvimento. No meio MS com BAP e AIB ocorreu a multiplicação de quase todos os segmentos, mas com menor proporção do que os cultivados no meio MS com AIB. Neste meio as brotações ocorreram em forma de tufos com pouca formação de raízes. Na estaquia semilenhosa foram conduzidos dois experimentos para verificar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de AIB e de etanol. No experimento com AIB foram testadas as seguintes concentrações: 0, 250, 500 e 1000 mg.L-1. No experimento com etanol os tratamentos foram: testemunha, água, e etanol 10%, 30%, 50% e 70%. Todos os tratamentos foram aplicados por imersão da base das estacas (2 cm) durante 1minuto. Em ambos os experimentos o delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso com 5 repetições e 20 estacas por parcela. A avaliação foi feita sete semanas após a instalação. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, em ambos os experimentos, para todas as variáveis analisadas, com exceção do número de raízes emitidas por estaca para as concentrações de AIB, que apresentou uma regressão linear significativa. A porcentagem de enraizamento foi elevada, sendo em média 90% no experimento com AIB e 70% no experimento com etanol. Portanto, a Passiflora actinia pode ser propagada por meio de estacas semilenhosas sem a necessidade de utilização de reguladores de crescimento. Logo, conclui-se que estas formas de propagação de Passiflora actinia são viáveis para a produção clonal de mudas

    On Passive Emitter Tracking in Sensor Networks

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    Attention Deficit Disorder and Memory Capacity in Language-impaired and Inconspicuous Children

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    Ausgehend von der Hypothese einer geringeren Gedächtnisfähigkeit sprachauffälliger Kinder wurden 110 sprachauffällige und 123 sprachunauffällige Kinder im Grundschulalter (Altersdurchschnitt 10;0 Jahre) untersucht. Die Kinder absolvierten jeweils einzeln einen verbalen Gedächtnistest sowie einen Test zur Problemlösereflexivität. Ferner beurteilten die Lehrer ihre Schüler im Hinblick auf Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen und Aufmerksamkeitsverhalten. Im Ergebnis zeigen sich signifikante Unterschiede zwischen beiden Gruppen in bezug auf die Gedächtnisfähigkeit und die Anzahl der Fehler. Den sprachauffälligen Schülern gelingt es weniger gut, Wortlisten zu lernen und den Lerngewinn gegen eine Ablenkung aufrechtzuerhalten. Sie weisen eine signifikant geringere Behaltensstabilität auf. Die Gedächtnisfähigkeit ist ferner weitgehend unabhängig von der Problemlösereflexivität und dem im Lehrerurteil festgehaltenen Aufmerksamkeitsverhalten. Es wird geschlossen, daß sprachauffällige Kinder sowohl Schwierigkeiten bei der Informationsaufnahme als auch Einschränkungen der Gedächtniskapazität haben. Die unterschiedliche Gedächtnisfähigkeit von sprachauffälligen und sprachunauffälligen Kindern ist am ehesten durch die (meta)kognitiven Kompetenzen der Kinder erklärbar.(DIPF/Orig.)In order to investigate the hypothesis that language-impaired children also show deficits in memory, 110 language-impaired and 123 children showing no such impairments (average age 10;0 yrs.) were tested for verbal memory and selecting attention through a matching familiar figures test. As an additional measure, teachers assessed the children, using DSM criteria, for both general attentivenesse and attention deficit disorder. The results revealed significant differences between both groups concerning their ability to memorise word lists and difficulties resisting distractions. They also show a significantly diminished stability regarding the retention of memories. Furthermore, the ability to memorise has proved to be greatly independent of both selective attention and the rated attentiveness in class. It is therefore concluded that language-impaired children have difficulties in acquiring information as well as a limited capacity to memorise. These differences in ability to memorise between language-impaired children and children with no impairments are most likely attributable to the meta-cognitive competence of the child.(DIPF/Orig.

    Grandes equipamentos comerciais e alterações na estrutura urbana: o caso do Shopping Center Iguatemi em Porto Alegre

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    Neste artigo, investiga-se a relação entre o Shopping Center Iguatemi (SCI), enquanto equipamento comercial, em Porto Alegre-RS, e a estrutura urbana onde o mesmo se localiza. Procura-se detectar algumas alterações na estrutura urbana, notadamente nos aspectos socioeconômicos e físico-espaciais induzidos pela sua implantação, identificando o papel desse equipamento no processo de transformação da área. A título de conclusão, expõem-se os principais pontos que emergiram da análise do caso Shopping Center Iguatemi, ressaltando as mudanças no padrão edificado e na acessibilidade

    Light microscopic studies on the development of Beauveria bassiana and other putative endophytes in leaf tissues

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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung beinhaltete sechs Testpilze, über die in der Literatur Berichte als Endophyten vorliegen (Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Isaria fumosorosea, Trichoderma harzianum, Fusarium proliferatum, Chaetomium globosum), zwei phytopathogene Pilze (Ascochyta fabae, Plenodomus lingam) und vier Wirtspflanzen (Vicia faba, Brassica napus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Zea mays). Die Konidien oder Blastosporen bzw. Ascosporen der Testpilze wurden durch Sprühen auf die Blatt­ober­fläche oder durch Infiltration durch die Spaltöffnungen appliziert. Die lichtmikroskopische Untersuchung zeigte, dass die Sporen auf der Blattoberfläche auskeimten, aber nicht aktiv in die Blätter eindrangen. Im Blatt­inneren schienen Sporenkeimung und Hyphenwachstum auf Bereiche mit Zell- bzw. Gewebeschädigung beschränkt zu sein. Verschiedene Wirtsreaktionen wurden beobachtet, wie die Verbräunung von Epidermiszellen und die Bildung von Papillen. Eine Besiedlung des Gewebes vergleichbar der mit den Pathogenen A. fabae (bei Ackerbohne) und P. lingam (bei Raps) wurde nicht beobachtet. Erst nach Auslegen von inokuliertem Blattmaterial auf Agarmedium setzten Sporenkeimung und Hyphenwachstum im Blattinneren ein. Die Ergebnisse deuten eher auf eine saprotrophe als auf eine endophytische Lebensweise der untersuchten Pilze im Blattgewebe der untersuchten Wirtspflanzen hin.The study involved six test fungi previously recorded in the literature as being endophytes (Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Isaria fumosorosea, Trichoderma harzianum, Fusarium proliferatum, Chaetomium globosum), two plant pathogenic fungi (Ascochyta fabae, Plenodomus lingam) and four host plants (Vicia faba, Bras­sica napus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Zea mays). Aerial conidia, blastospores, or ascospores, respectively were applied to leaf surfaces by spraying or by infiltrating spore suspensions through stomata directly into the leaves. Obser­vations using light microscopy showed that the test fungi germinated on the leaf surface but did not enter actively into the leaves. Within the leaves, germination of spores and growth of hyphae appeared to depend on the presence of damaged plant tissue. Various host reactions such as browning of epidermal cells and formation of papillae were observed. Colonization of healthy leaves by the test fungi in a manner similar to the pathogens A. fabae (on Faba bean) and P. lingam (on oilseed rape) was not observed. Spore germination and hyphal growth commenced when inoculated leaves were placed on agar medium. The results indicate that the test fungi possessed a saprotrophic rather than an endo­phytic life style when associated with leaf tissue of the studied hosts

    Biology of the black rot pathogen, Guignardia bidwellii, its development in susceptible leaves of grapevine Vitis vinifera

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    Seit 2002 / 2003 tritt die durch den Ascomyceten Guignardia bidwellii hervorgerufene Schwarzfäule regelmäßig in ökologisch bewirtschafteten Weinbergen an Mosel, Nahe und im Mittelrheintal auf. Obwohl die Krankheit, ursprünglich aus den USA kommend, schon seit über 100 Jahren in Südeuropa bekannt ist, ist das Wissen über die Biologie von G. bidwellii noch immer lückenhaft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Lebenszyklus von G. bidwellii mit histologisch-mikroskopischen Methoden (Durchlicht-, Fluoreszenz- und Elektronenmikroskopie) untersucht. Die Entwicklung des Pilzes in einer anfälligen Rebsorte (Riesling) wird von der Sporenkeimung bis zur Ausbildung der Pyknidien und Pseudothezien verfolgt. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der Entwicklung nach dem Eindringen in den Wirt, die durch subcuticuläres Wachstum charakterisiert ist. Ziel ist die Verbreiterung der Wissensbasis über die Biologie von G. bidwelli sowie die Erarbeitung einer Grundlage für die Entwicklung effizienter Bekämpfungsmethoden und eine histologische Charakterisierung der Sortenresistenz.Since 2002 / 2003 black rot caused by Guignardia bidwellii is regularly occurring in organic viticulture in the wine growing areas at the Mosel and Nahe River and in the Middle Rhine valley in Germany. Though the disease originates from the USA and is known in Europe already for more than 100 years, the knowledge about the biology of its causal organism is still scanty. In the present study the life cycle of G. bidwellii is analysed with histological microscopical methods (bright field, phase contrast, fluorescence and electron microscopy). The development of the fungus on a susceptible grapevine variety (Riesling) is followed from spore germination up to the development of pycnidia and pseudothecia. The study is focused on the phase after penetration of the fungus which is characterized by subcuticular spread. The aim is to broaden the knowledge of the biology of G. bidwellii, to provide the basis for efficient control measures and to enable the histological characterization of varietal resistance

    In situ immunofluorescence localization: A method for rapid detection of Beauveria spp. in the rhizosphere of Quercus robur saplings

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    Zur biologischen Bekämpfung von Pflanzenschädlingen, z.B. Maikäfer-Engerlingen, in der Rhizosphäre von Eichen, Apfelbäumen oder Kiefern werden zunehmend entomopathogene Beauveria-Spezies eingesetzt. Für eine erfolgreiche Anwendung ist es wichtig, die Ausbreitung und Persistenz der ausgebrachten Pilze qualitativ und quantitativ zu erfassen. Die Bestimmung beider Größen durch Ausplattieren auf selektiven Nährmedien oder durch mole­kulare Methoden wie PCR ist mühsam und oft ungenügend. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war daher, eine spezifische In-situ-Methode durch Immunfluoreszenzmarkierung von Beauveria spp. zu entwickeln, hier an jungen Feinwurzeln dreijähriger Stieleichen. Durch Anfärben mit dem unspezifischen Farbstoff Blankophor wurde sichtbar, dass alle untersuchten Feinwurzeln ein dichtes Netz von Bodenpilzen trugen. Polyklonale Beauveria-Antikörper markierten an nicht beimpften Wurzeln keinen dieser natürlich wachsenden Pilze. Mit Beauveria brongniartii beimpfte Wurzeln zeigten bis zu zehn Monate nach der Inokulation eine spezifische Markierung. Während die natürlich vorkommenden Rhizosphären-Pilze in den Interzellularräumen der Wurzelrinde wuchsen, waren Hyphen von inokulierter B. brongniartii nie im Wurzelgewebe zu finden, sondern nur oberflächlich auf der Rhizodermis. Diese Beobachtungen zeigen, dass B. brongniartii bei Eichenwurzeln nicht endophytisch wächst, und dass die verwendete Methode die Unterscheidung von B. brongniartii von der in der Eichen-Rhizosphäre lebenden Pilzflora ermöglicht. Immunfluoreszenzmarkierung, wie in der aktuellen Studie eingesetzt, kann eine nützliche Methode sein, um B. brongniartii in der Rhizosphäre nachzuweisen und quantitativ zu erfassen und somit eine Langzeitkontrolle von Schädlingen mit Entomopathogenen zu ermöglichen.For biological control of plant pests, e.g. cockchafer grubs, in the rhizosphere of oak, apple or pine trees, ento­mopathogenic Beauveria spp. are increasingly applied. For successful use, it is important to monitor the spread and persistence of the inoculated fungi, both qualitati­vely and quantitatively. The determination of both para­meters by plating on selective nutrient media or by mole­cular methods such as PCR of soil samples are quite laborious and often do not yield satisfactory results. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to develop a spe­cific in situ method using immunofluorescence labelling of Beauveria spp. growing on young fine roots of three-year old oak saplings. All fine roots investigated were covered with a dense net of soil rhizosphere fungi, as visua­lized by staining with the nonspecific dye blankophor. On non-inoculated roots, polyclonal Beauveria anti­bodies did not label any of these naturally growing fungi. Only samples of roots inoculated with Beauveria brongniartii displayed specific labelling up to ten months after inocu­lation. Whereas the natural rhizosphere fungi were detected growing in the intercellular space of the root cortex in an ectomycorrhiza-like manner up to the endodermis, hyphae of the inoculated B. brongniartii were never seen within the root tissue but only growing on the surface of the rhizodermis. These observations indicate that B. brongniartii does not grow endophytically, and that the method used allows to discriminate B. brongniartii from the resident fungal flora in the oak tree rhizosphere. Detection by immunofluorescence labelling employed in the current study may be a useful tool to follow B. brongniartii in experiments aimed at establishing the entomopathogen in the rhizosphere and to monitor its fate in long-term control of entomopathogens

    Pesquisa de leucócitos residuais

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    A presença de leucócitos nos concentrados de eritrócitos (CE) e nos concentrados de plaquetas (CP) está associada a uma maior incidência de reacções febris, com transmissão de citomegalovírus (CMV) e aloimunização a antigénios HLA em indivíduos transfundidos. A exigência de componentes sanguíneos pobres em leucócitos implica a existência de um controlo relativamente à persistência dos leucócitos residuais. As amostras foram adquiridas no citómetro de fluxo e analisadas mediante um programa informático. A citometria de fluxo permite quantificar os leucócitos residuais dos diferentes componentes sanguíneos, avaliando a conformidade ou não conformidade com as normas exigidas pelo conselho da Europa