572 research outputs found

    Tandem communication improves ant foraging success in a highly competitive tropical habitat

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    Tropical ants experience intense intra- and interspecific competition for food sources, which influences their activity pattern and foraging strategies. Even though different ant species can coexist through spatial and temporal niche partitioning, direct competition for food cannot be avoided. Recruitment communication is assumed to help colonies to monopolize and exploit food sources successfully, but this has rarely been tested under field conditions. We studied if recruitment communication helps colonies of the Neotropical ant Pachycondyla harpax to be more successful in a highly competitive tropical environment. Additionally, we explored if temporal and spatial niche differentiation helps focal colonies to avoid competition. Pachycondyla harpax competed with dozens of ant species for food. Mass-recruiting competitors were often successful in displacing P. harpax from food baits. However, when foragers of P. harpax were able to recruit nestmates they had a 4-times higher probability to keep access to the food baits. Colonies were unlikely to be displaced during our observations after a few ants arrived at the food source. Competition was more intense after sunset, but a disproportionate increase in activity after sunset allowed focal colonies to exploit food sources more successfully after sunset. Our results support the hypothesis that recruitment communication helps colonies to monopolize food sources by helping them to establish a critical mass of nestmates at large resources. This indicates that even species with a small colony size and a slow recruitment method, such as tandem running, benefit from recruitment communication in a competitive environment

    Increasing Spatial Fidelity and SNR of 4D-STEM using Multi-frame Data Fusion

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    4D-STEM, in which the 2D diffraction plane is captured for each 2D scan position in the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) using a pixelated detector, is complementing and increasingly replacing existing imaging approaches. However, at present the speed of those detectors, although having drastically improved in the recent years, is still 100 to 1,000 times slower than the current PMT technology operators are used to. Regrettably, this means environmental scanning-distortion often limits the overall performance of the recorded 4D data. Here we present an extension of existing STEM distortion correction techniques for the treatment of 4D-data series. Although applicable to 4D-data in general, we use electron ptychography and electric-field mapping as model cases and demonstrate an improvement in spatial-fidelity, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), phase-precision and spatial-resolution

    Atomic resolution mapping of localized phonon modes at grain boundaries

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    Phonon scattering at grain boundaries (GBs) is significant in controlling nanoscale device thermal conductivity. However, GBs could also act as waveguides for selected modes. To measure localized GB phonon modes, meV energy resolution is needed with sub-nm spatial resolution. Using monochromated electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) we have mapped the 60 meV optic mode across GBs in silicon at atomic resolution and compared it to calculated phonon densities of states (DOS). The intensity is strongly reduced at GBs characterised by the presence of five- and seven-fold rings where bond angles differ from the bulk. The excellent agreement between theory and experiment strongly supports the existence of localized phonon modes and thus of GBs acting as waveguides

    Acinetobacter baumannii isolates from pets and horses in Switzerland: molecular characterization and clinical data

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    Objectives We investigated whether Acinetobacter baumannii isolates of veterinary origin shared common molecular characteristics with those described in humans. Methods Nineteen A. baumannii isolates collected in pets and horses were analysed. Clonality was studied using repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR (rep-PCR) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). PCR and DNA sequencing for various β-lactamase, aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme, gyrA and parC, ISAba1 and IS1133, adeR and adeS of the AdeABC efflux pump, carO porin and class 1/2/3 integron genes were performed. Results Two main clones [A (n = 8) and B (n = 9)] were observed by rep-PCR. MLST indicated that clone A contained isolates of sequence type (ST) ST12 (international clone II) and clone B contained isolates of ST15 (international clone I). Two isolates of ST10 and ST20 were also noted. Seventeen isolates were resistant to gentamicin, 12 to ciprofloxacin and 3 to carbapenems. Isolates of ST12 carried blaOXA-66, blaADC-25, blaTEM-1, aacC2 and IS1133. Strains of ST15 possessed blaOXA-69, blaADC-11, blaTEM-1 and a class 1 integron carrying aacC1 and aadA1. ISAba1 was found upstream of blaADC (one ST10 and one ST12) and/or blaOXA-66 (seven ST12). Twelve isolates of different STs contained the substitutions Ser83Leu in GyrA and Ser80Leu or Glu84Lys in ParC. Significant disruptions of CarO porin and overexpressed efflux pumps were not observed. The majority of infections were hospital acquired and in animals with predisposing conditions for infection. Conclusions STs and the molecular background of resistance observed in our collection have been frequently described in A. baumannii detected in human patients. Animals should be considered as a potential reservoir of multidrug-resistant A. baumanni

    Database research in computer games

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