567 research outputs found

    The effect of diclofenac sodium on neural tube development in the early stage of chick embryos

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    Background: Neural tube defects are congenital malformations of the central nervous system. Genetic predisposition and some environmental factors play an important role in the development of neural tube defects. This study aimed to investigate the effects of diclofenac sodium on the neural tube development in a chick embryo model that corresponds to the first month of vertebral deve- lopment in mammals.  Materials and methods: Seventy-five fertile, specific pathogen-free eggs were incubated for 28 h and were divided into five groups of 15 eggs each. Diclofenac sodium was administered via the sub-blastodermic route at this stage. Incubation was continued till the end of the 48th h. All eggs were then opened and embryos were dissected from embryonic membranes and evaluated morphologically and histopathologically.  Results: It was determined that the use of increasing doses of diclofenac sodium led to defects of midline closure in early chicken embryos. There were statistically significant differences in neural tube positions (open or close) among the groups. In addition; crown–rump length, somite number were significantly decreased in high dose experimental groups compared with control group.  Conclusions: This study showed that development of neurons is affected in chi- cken embryos after administration of diclofenac sodium. The exact teratogenic mechanism of diclofenac sodium is not clear; therefore it should be investigated.

    Effects of enriched artemia on growth and survival of juvenile freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Esch. 1823)

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    The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of artemia enriched with lipid emulsions containing highly unsaturated fatty acids on growth and survival of juvenile freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. Juvenile crayfish were fed artemia enriched with commercial emulsions (red pepper and olio ω3) and un-enriched artemia (control). The highest eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) level was found in artemia enriched with olio ω3 (3.17%) and the highest docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) level was found in artemia enriched with red pepper (3.56%). The weight gain, specific growth, and survival rates of juvenile crayfish increased with increasing amount of EPA and DHA in dietary artemia respectively (0.04%, 2.32%). Finally, the juveniles fed with artemia enriched with olio ω3 and red pepper had a better weight gain, specific growth rate, and survival than those fed with un-enriched artemia (p<0.05)

    Particle-based simulation of the interaction between fluid and knitwear

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    We present a particle-based method to simulate and visualize the interaction of knitwear with fluids. The knitwear is modeled using spring-mass systems and the fluid is modeled using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method. Two-way coupling is achieved by considering surface tension, capillary, and interparticle forces between the fluid and knitwear. The simulation of fluid and knitwear particles is performed on the graphics processing unit. Photorealistic rendering of knitwear and fluid is achieved by using a hardware-accelerated rasterization-based rendering technique. Our method is able to simulate and visualize the macro- and microstructure of free-form knitwear and reflective and refractive characteristics of the fluid surface. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Limited

    Production of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) pulp powder by foam-mat drying: analysis of physicochemical and antioxidant properties

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    This is the final version, Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordAvailability of data and materials: Data available within the article or its supplementary materialsCornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) is a rich source of (poly)phenols such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, and anthocyanins that are known for their bioactivity. This study aimed to enhance the industrial applications of this cherry’s pulp as a potential functional food ingredient. Foam-mat drying was used to produce cherry powder from cherry pulp. The convective drying process was performed at different temperatures (50, 60, 70, and 80°C) to study the effect of drying temperature on the physical properties, flow properties, microstructure, (poly)phenol content, antioxidant properties, and bioaccessibility of foam-dried cherry pulp, in comparison to freeze-dried sample. Different drying temperatures did not affect color properties. The highest gloss was determined at high temperatures (70–80°C). According to the Carr index, the fluidity increased between 18 and 22% as the temperature increased. The total phenolic content was higher at elevated temperatures (70–80°C), yet the anthocyanin content was the highest at 60°C. The flavonoid content was not affected by different drying temperatures, as well as compared to lyophilized samples. The antioxidant activity was higher in samples dried at elevated temperatures, with no significant difference in comparison to lyophilized samples. The bioaccessibility experiment showed that the lyophilized samples had significantly greater bioaccessibility in comparison to the convective dried samples, yet further investigation is required to understand the differences in bioaccessibility and bioavailability of individual polyphenols. Overall, foam-mat drying using a convective drying system could be an economic choice to preserve acceptable amounts of phenolics and antioxidants

    Screening of medicinal plant extracts as novel DNA gyrase inhibitors

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    Bioactivities of a number of medicinal plants; Alkanna tinctoria (L.) Tausch, Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Calamintha nepeta Willk. and C. nepeta, Centaurea iberica Trevir. ex Spreng., Citrus paradisi Macfad., C. paradisi, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, Colutea cilicica Boiss. &amp; Balansa, Cotinus coggygria Scop., Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. ex Engelm., Equisetum palustre L., Lapsana communis L., Laurus nobilis L., Olea europea L., Plantago major L., Rhus coriaria L, Salvia verticillata L., Sambucus ebulus L., Sedum acre L, Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. &amp; Link, T. capitatus, Thymbra spicata L., T. spicata (n: 20), which are used for the prevention and treatment of diverse diseases, were investigated. The antimicrobial activities of extracts were evaluated using broth microdilution assay. The cytotoxicities of extracts were investigated on HeLa cell line by MTT assay. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism (5.0). The effects of the extracts, which have the highest antimicrobial activity, on the Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus DNA gyrase gene expression were determined by using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The MICs (µg/ml) of extracts were determined as 32-64, 2-128, 8-128,1-128, 4-128 against Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts, dermatophytes, and Mycobacterium spp., respectively. No cytotoxicity has been observed in plant extracts tested. DNA gyrase activity was determined for T. capitatus-SFE (128 µg/mL) and L. nobilis-Hx (128 µg/mL) extracts according to the inhibition of DNA gyrase gene expression. Overall, T. capitatus-SFE and L. nobilis-Hx are good candidates for further antimicrobial studies.

    Increased accuracy in climate impact studies by incorporating forest management practices within a process-based regional ecosystem modelling framework

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    Process-based simulation models of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics are increasingly being applied as practical tools in forest management. Regional applications of such models are, however, very limited to date. This study presents and tests the performance of a process-based regional ecosystem modelling framework, LPJ-GUESS, which incorporates forest management practices. The model is driven by historical climate data and applied on a grid across Sweden to simulate the influence of recent historical management practices on the forest structure and its productivity. The study focuses on species-level interactions and investigates how stem wood volume increment has changed during the historical time period. The performance of the model is evaluated by comparing the simulated forest composition and growth with the observed forest inventory data from Swedish forest regions. The model estimates tend to be somewhat low in the southern and high in the northern part of the country, but generally comparable with observations in all regions of Sweden. Our results emphasize the potential that models like LPJ-GUESS offers to support forestry practice, especially with regard to the choice of species and management regime in a changing environment

    Extended molecular dynamics of a c-kit promoter quadruplex.

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    The 22-mer c-kit promoter sequence folds into a parallel-stranded quadruplex with a unique structure, which has been elucidated by crystallographic and NMR methods and shows a high degree of structural conservation. We have carried out a series of extended (up to 10 μs long, ∼50 μs in total) molecular dynamics simulations to explore conformational stability and loop dynamics of this quadruplex. Unfolding no-salt simulations are consistent with a multi-pathway model of quadruplex folding and identify the single-nucleotide propeller loops as the most fragile part of the quadruplex. Thus, formation of propeller loops represents a peculiar atomistic aspect of quadruplex folding. Unbiased simulations reveal μs-scale transitions in the loops, which emphasizes the need for extended simulations in studies of quadruplex loops. We identify ion binding in the loops which may contribute to quadruplex stability. The long lateral-propeller loop is internally very stable but extensively fluctuates as a rigid entity. It creates a size-adaptable cleft between the loop and the stem, which can facilitate ligand binding. The stability gain by forming the internal network of GA base pairs and stacks of this loop may be dictating which of the many possible quadruplex topologies is observed in the ground state by this promoter quadruplex

    Matrix metalloproteinase-9 in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid of patients with non-small cell lung cancer

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    Aim: To evaluate concentration of MMP-9 in blood plasma and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Blood рlasma from 40 NSCLC patients and 40 healthy donors was collected and concentrations of blood plasma and BALF MMP-9 were measured using ELISA. Correlation between MMP-9 level and gender, histological type of tumor and stage of disease was analyzed. Results: Levels of blood plasma MMP-9 were significantly higher in NSCLC patients (p < 0.0001) then in control group, and were especially high in patients with stage IV of disease (stage I vs stage IV — p < 0.005, stage II vs stage IV — p < 0.01, stage III vs stage IV — p < 0.01). Also, stage IV of NSCLC was characterized by the highest level of BALF MMP-9 (stage I vs stage IV — p < 0.002, stage II vs stage IV p < 0.002, and stage III vs stage IV p < 0.007). Correlation between blood plasma and BALF MMP-9 levels and gender or histological type of tumor was insignificant. Conclusion: Our data revealed significant correlation between tumor stage and BALF and plasma MMP-9 levels in NSCLC patients.Цель: определить концентрацию матриксной металлопротеиназы 9 (ММП-9) в плазме крови и бронхо-альвеолярной жидкости (БАЖ) больных немелкоклеточным раком легкого (НМКРЛ). Методы: концентрацию ММП-9 в плазме крови и БАЖ больных НМКРЛ (n = 40) и здоровых доноров (n = 40) определяли иммуноферментным методом и анализировали корреляцию этих параметров с клиническими данными (полом больного, гистологическим типом опухоли, стадией заболевания). Результаты: содержание ММП-9 в плазме крови было значительно выше у больных НМКРЛ по сравнению с контрольной группой (p < 0,0001), особенно у больных с IV стадией заболевания. Стадия IV НМКРЛ также характеризовалась наиболее высоким уровнем ММП-9 в БАЖ. Корреляции между уровнем ММП-9 в плазме крови и БАЖ, полом больного и гистологическим типом опухоли не была выявлена. Выводы: существует статистически значимая корреляция между стадией развития НМКРЛ и содержанием ММП-9 в плазме крови и БАЖ больных

    İleri Evre Gastrointestinal Kanserli Hastalarda Fibrin ile İlişkili Yeni Bir Biyobelirteç Olan Serum DR-70 Düzeyinin Prognostik ve Prediktif Değeri

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    Amaç: DR-70, kandaki fibrin yıkım ürünlerini tespit eden yeni geliştirilmiş bir testtir. Bu çalışmada ileri evre gastrointestinal (GI) kanserlerde DR- 70’in tedavi yanıtını izlemedeki etkinliğini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya farklı serilerdeki sistemik tedaviler ile tedavi edilen ileri evre GI kanserli hastalar dahil edildi. Görüntüleme çalışmaları, DR-70 ve geleneksel tümör belirteçleri [karsinoembriyonik antijen (CEA), karbonhidrat antijeni (CA) 19-9] başlangıçta ve tedavinin üçüncü ayında tekrarlandı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya kolorektal (%52,1), özofagogastrik (%32,4) ve pankreatikobiliyer kanser (%15,5) tanısı konan toplam 142 hasta alındı. Hastaların çoğu birinci basamak tedavi alıyordu (%56,3). Hastaların %57’sinde ikinci kan örneği alındı. Özofagogastrik kanseri olan hastalarda, DR-70 yanıtı tedavi yanıtı ile iyi korelasyon gösterdi (p=0,007) ve başlangıçta düşük serum DR-70 düzeyi, daha uzun genel sağkalım ile anlamlı şekilde ilişkiliydi (p=0,02). Kolorektal kanserli hastalarda tedavi öncesi DR-70 ile CEA düzeyleri arasında pozitif fakat zayıf bir korelasyon (p=0,03, r=0,244) varken, tedavi öncesi DR-70 ile CA 19-9 arasında özofagogastrik ve pankreatikobilier kanserlerde orta düzeyde pozitif bir korelasyon vardı (sırasıyla p=0,01, r=0,402 ve p=0,04, r=0,515). DR-70 konsantrasyonunda %25’ten fazla azalma, daha iyi genel ve progresyonsuz sağkalım ile ilişkiliydi. Sonuç: DR-70, özellikle özofagogastrik kanserde tedaviye yanıtı ve sağkalımı ön gören güçlü bir belirteçtir