215 research outputs found

    Isocitrate lyore-2 from N. crassa

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    Isocitrate lyase-2 from N. crass

    Gluconeogenesis in the Castor Bean Endosperm

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    Outdoor learning in physical education classes in primary schools in the Czech Republic

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    Title: Outdoor learning in physical education classes in primary schools in the Czech Republic Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to map the current state of outdoor teaching in physical education classes in selected primary schools (age 6 to 15) in the Czech Republic, and to analyze and compare teaching in urban and rural schools. Methods: The questionnaire survey was addressed to physical education teachers. A quantitative approach to research was used. The research sample consisted of 27 physical education teachers from 4 urban and 5 rural primary schools from the Czech Republic. Results: We found that all teachers use outdoor physical education classes when the class time and weather permit. They use this option because of the larger space, more activity options, and because the benefits of outdoor learning are applied. Activities such as athletics, ball sports and sports games are mostly included in outdoor PE lessons. Activities in the natural environment occur to a lesser extent in physical education. The difference in outdoor physical education between urban and rural primary schools is minimal. Conclusion: According to the results, outdoor learning occurs in the selected primary schools to a sufficient extent. Some PE teachers are aware of the benefits that outdoor learning offers, but...Název: Výuka venku v hodinách tělesné výchovy na základních školách v ČR Cíle: Cílem této práce bylo zmapovat současný stav výuky venku v hodinách tělesné výchovy ve vybraných základních školách v ČR. Dále pak analyzovat a porovnat výuku v městských a venkovských školách. Metody: V naší práci jsme použili metodu dotazování. Anketní šetření bylo určeno učitelům tělesné výchovy. Bylo využito kvantitativního přístupu k výzkumu. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 27 učitelů tělesné výchovy ze 4 městských a 5 venkovských základních škol České republiky. Výsledky: Zjistili jsme, že venkovní výuku tělesné výchovy využívají všichni učitelé, pokud jim to časové rozhraní hodiny a počasí dovolí. Využívají tuto možnost z důvodu většího prostoru, více možností aktivit, a také protože se uplatňují benefity venkovní výuky. Během venkovní výuky tělesné výchovy dochází nejčastěji k aktivitám jako je atletika, míčové sporty a sportovní hry. Aktivity v přírodním prostředí se vyskytují v tělesné výchově v menší míře. Rozdíl ve venkovní výuce tělesné výchovy mezi městskými a vesnickými základními školami je minimální. Závěr: Venkovní výuka se dle zjištěných výsledků vyskytuje na vybraných ZŠ v dostatečné míře. Někteří učitelé TV si jsou vědomi benefitů, které výuka v přírodě nabízí, avšak během venkovní výuky TV převažují...Department of Athletics and Outdoor SportsKatedra atletiky, sportů a pobytu v příroděFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Adaptations of Literary Works on the Stage of the Naive Theatre

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    Bakalářská práce srovnává čtyři dramatizace vzniklé na půdě Naivního divadla v Liberci s jejich epickými předlohami. Stručně shrnuje historii Naivního divadla a nastiňuje různé přístupy k tvorbě dramatizací. V hlavní části nejprve popisuje děj předlohy, kterou následně srovnává s dramatizací v rovině příběhu, postav a formy. Jako pramenné materiály sloužily původní literární předlohy a na jejich základě autenticky přepracované scénáře

    Optical switching of radical pair conformation enhances magnetic sensitivity

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    The yield of chemical reactions involving intermediate radical pairs is influenced by magnetic fields well beyond the levels expected from energy considerations. This dependence can be traced back to the microscopic dynamics of electron spins and constitutes the basis of the chemical compass. Here we propose a new experimental approach based on molecular photoswitches to achieve additional control on the chemical reaction and to allow short-time resolution of the spin dynamics. Our proposal enables experiments to test some of the standard assumptions of the radical pair model and improves the sensitivity of chemical magnetometers by two orders of magnitude

    Repeated bedside echocardiography in children with respiratory failure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to verify the benefits and limitations of repeated bedside echocardiographic examinations in children during mechanical ventilation. For the purposes of this study, we selected the data of over a time period from 2006 to 2010.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 235 children, average age 3.21 (SD 1.32) years were included into the study and divided into etiopathogenic groups. High-risk groups comprised: Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS), return of spontaneous circulation after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ROSC), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), cardiomyopathy (CMP) and cardiopulmonary disease (CPD). Transthoracic echocardiography was carried out during mechanical ventilation. The following data were collated for statistical evaluation: right and left ventricle myocardial performance indices (RV MPI; LV MPI), left ventricle shortening fraction (SF), cardiac output (CO), and the mitral valve ratio of peak velocity of early wave (E) to the peak velocity of active wave (A) as E/A ratio. The data was processed after a period of recovery, i.e. one hour after the introduction of invasive lines (time-1) and after 72 hours of comprehensive treatment (time-2). The overall development of parameters over time was compared within groups and between groups using the distribution-free Wilcoxons and two-way ANOVA tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 870 echocardiographic examinations were performed. At time-1 higher average values of RV MPI (0.34, SD 0.01 vs. 0.21, SD 0.01; p < 0.001) were found in all groups compared with reference values. Left ventricular load in the high-risk groups was expressed by a higher LV MPI (0.39, SD 0.13 vs. 0.29, SD 0.02; p < 0.01) and lower E/A ratio (0.95, SD 0.36 vs. 1.36, SD 0.64; p < 0.001), SF (0.37, SD 0.11 vs. 0.47, SD 0.02; p < 0.01) and CO (1.95, SD 0.37 vs. 2.94, SD 1.03; p < 0.01). At time-2 RV MPI were lower (0.25, SD 0.02 vs. 0.34, SD 0.01; p < 0.001), but remained higher compared with reference values (0.25, SD 0.02 vs. 0.21, SD 0.01; p < 0.05). Other parameters in high-risk groups were improved, but remained insignificantly different compared with reference values.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Echocardiography complements standard monitoring of valuable information regarding cardiac load in real time. Chest excursion during mechanical ventilation does not reduce the quality of the acquired data.</p

    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: clinical aspects and preventive and therapeutic strategies

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    Abstract Background Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the result of a complex process in which several prenatal and/or postnatal factors interfere with lower respiratory tract development, leading to a severe, lifelong disease. In this review, what is presently known regarding BPD pathogenesis, its impact on long-term pulmonary morbidity and mortality and the available preventive and therapeutic strategies are discussed. Main body Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is associated with persistent lung impairment later in life, significantly impacting health services because subjects with BPD have, in most cases, frequent respiratory diseases and reductions in quality of life and life expectancy. Prematurity per se is associated with an increased risk of long-term lung problems. However, in children with BPD, impairment of pulmonary structures and function is even greater, although the characterization of long-term outcomes of BPD is difficult because the adults presently available to study have received outdated treatment. Prenatal and postnatal preventive measures are extremely important to reduce the risk of BPD. Conclusion Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a respiratory condition that presently occurs in preterm neonates and can lead to chronic respiratory problems. Although knowledge about BPD pathogenesis has significantly increased in recent years, not all of the mechanisms that lead to lung damage are completely understood, which explains why therapeutic approaches that are theoretically effective have been only partly satisfactory or useless and, in some cases, potentially negative. However, prevention of prematurity, systematic use of nonaggressive ventilator measures, avoiding supraphysiologic oxygen exposure and administration of surfactant, caffeine and vitamin A can significantly reduce the risk of BPD development. Cell therapy is the most fascinating new measure to address the lung damage due to BPD. It is desirable that ongoing studies yield positive results to definitively solve a major clinical, social and economic problem