142 research outputs found

    On the Issue of the Effectiveness Peculiarities of Prosecutorial Activity

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    The article deals with the analysis of the complex of theoretical and practical issues related to the lawyer’s activities and the peculiarities of the prosecutor’s activity efficiency increase; the assessment criteria of the prosecutorial activity effectiveness have been considered by the author

    MR Elastography demonstrates reduced white matter shear stiffness in early-onset hydrocephalus

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    INTRODUCTION: Hydrocephalus that develops early in life is often accompanied by developmental delays, headaches and other neurological deficits, which may be associated with changes in brain shear stiffness. However, noninvasive approaches to measuring stiffness are limited. Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) of the brain is a relatively new noninvasive imaging method that provides quantitative measures of brain tissue stiffness. Herein, we aimed to use MRE to assess brain stiffness in hydrocephalus patients compared to healthy controls, and to assess its associations with ventricular size, as well as demographic, shunt-related and clinical outcome measures. METHODS: MRE was collected at two imaging sites in 39 hydrocephalus patients and 33 healthy controls, along with demographic, shunt-related, and clinical outcome measures including headache and quality of life indices. Brain stiffness was quantified for whole brain, global white matter (WM), and lobar WM stiffness. Group differences in brain stiffness between patients and controls were compared using two-sample t-tests and multivariable linear regression to adjust for age, sex, and ventricular volume. Among patients, multivariable linear or logistic regression was used to assess which factors (age, sex, ventricular volume, age at first shunt, number of shunt revisions) were associated with brain stiffness and whether brain stiffness predicts clinical outcomes (quality of life, headache and depression). RESULTS: Brain stiffness was significantly reduced in patients compared to controls, both unadjusted (p ≤ 0.002) and adjusted (p ≤ 0.03) for covariates. Among hydrocephalic patients, lower stiffness was associated with older age in temporal and parietal WM and whole brain (WB) (beta (SE): -7.6 (2.5), p = 0.004; -9.5 (2.2), p = 0.0002; -3.7 (1.8), p = 0.046), being female in global and frontal WM and WB (beta (SE): -75.6 (25.5), p = 0.01; -66.0 (32.4), p = 0.05; -73.2 (25.3), p = 0.01), larger ventricular volume in global, and occipital WM (beta (SE): -11.5 (3.4), p = 0.002; -18.9 (5.4), p = 0.0014). Lower brain stiffness also predicted worse quality of life and a higher likelihood of depression, controlling for all other factors. CONCLUSIONS: Brain stiffness is reduced in hydrocephalus patients compared to healthy controls, and is associated with clinically-relevant functional outcome measures. MRE may emerge as a clinically-relevant biomarker to assess the neuropathological effects of hydrocephalus and shunting, and may be useful in evaluating the effects of therapeutic alternatives, or as a supplement, of shunting

    Генезис правового регулирования трансплантации органов и тканей человека в Российской Федерации

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    The authors explore the genesis of human organ and tissue transplantation in our country and the legal relations arising in this connection. For a long time, this area of medical activity was not regulated at the legislative level. Prior to 1917, the issues of transplantation were predominantly theoretical. In the Soviet period of the history of the Russian state, the development of public medicine and numerous military conflicts confirmed the applied nature of experiments on human organ and tissue transplantation. During this period, rapid development of legislation also affected healthcare. The legal presumption of consent to the removal of organs and (or) tissues was formulated, which established the legal framework for donation of human organs and tissues. At the same time, until 1992, the issues of transplantation were regulated mainly by departmental acts of the USSR Ministry of Health. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Transplantation of Human Organs and (or) Tissues” adopted in 1992 determined that the legal regulation of transplantation issues, including the list of transplantation objects, is determined by the federal executive body in the field of healthcare together with the Russian Academy of Sciences. The current level of development of experimental medicine, including transplantology, makes it necessary to regularly supplement the legislation in this area. For example, only on May 1, 2022, transplantation objects were supplemented with hematopoietic stem cells, and gaps in the legal regulation of pediatric transplantation were eliminated. The authors conclude that our country has significant experience in the field of transplantation and a quite perfect legislative framework. However, work on adjusting the current legislation, adopting new laws and by-laws in this area should not stop.В статье исследован генезис трансплантации органов и тканей человека в нашей стране и возникающие в этой связи правовые отношения. Долгое время указанная сфера медицинской деятельности на законодательном уровне не регламентировалась. До 1917 года вопросы трансплантологии носили преимущественно теоретический характер. В советский период развитие общедоступной медицины и многочисленные военные конфликты подтвердили прикладной характер экспериментов по пересадке органов и тканей человека. В указанный период активное развитие законодательства затронуло и сферу здравоохранения. Сформулирована правовая презумпция согласия на изъятие органов и (или) тканей, устанавливающая правовые рамки донорства органов и тканей человека. До 1992 года вопросы трансплантологии регламентировались преимущественно ведомственными актами Минздрава СССР. Принятый в 1992 году Закон Российской Федерации «О трансплантации органов и (или) тканей человека» определил, что нормативно-правовое регулирование вопросов трансплантологии, включая перечень объектов трансплантации, определяется федеральным органом исполнительной власти в сфере здравоохранения совместно с Российской академией наук. Современный уровень развития экспериментальной медицины, к которой относится трансплантология, предполагает необходимость регулярного дополнения законодательства в рассматриваемой сфере. Так, 1 мая 2022 года объекты трансплантации были дополнены гемопоэтическими стволовыми клетками, а также были устранены пробелы правового регулирования детской трансплантологии. Авторы приходят к выводу, что Россия имеет существенный опыт в сфере трансплантации и вполне совершенную законодательную основу. Однако работа по корректировке действующего законодательства, принятию новых законов и подзаконных нормативных правовых актов в рассматриваемой сфере не должна прекращаться.


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    The urgency, problem condition and the basic operating factors defining working efficiency of the basic hydropower equipment of HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION are shown. The basic components of energy expenses efficiency in technological systems of electric energy development are considered and classified. Influences of the basic components of technical and operational factors on efficiency level are reflected. The substantiation is performed and the direction of the working factors research affecting the change of the hydrounit electric parametres is defined. Ways of an overall performance increase of the operative equipment of HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION are offered. The cited data can be used at modernisation of energy hydropower convertersПоказаны актуальность, состояние проблемы и основные действующие факторы, определяющие рабочую эффективность основного гидроэнергетического оборудования ГЭС. Рассмотрены и классифицированы основные составляющие эфекивности затрат энергии в технологических системах выработки электрической энергии. Отражены влияния основных составляющих технических и эксплуатационых факторов на уровень эффективности. Приведено обоснование и определено направление исследования рабочих факторов, влияющих на изменение электрических параметров гидроагрегата. Предложены пути повышения эффективности работы действующего оборудования ГЭС. Приведенные данные могут быть использованы при модернизации гидроэнергетических преобразователей энергии.Показані актуальність, стан проблеми й основні діючі чинники, що визначають робочу ефективність основного гідроенергетичного устаткування ГЕС. Розглянуті і класифіковані основні складові ефективності витрат енергії в технологічних системах вироблення електричної енергії. Відображені впливи основних складових технічних й експлуатаційних чинників на рівень ефективності. Приведено обґрунтування і визначений напрям дослідження робочих чинників, що впливають на зміну електричних параметрів гідроагрегату. Запропоновані шляхи підвищення ефективності роботи діючого устаткування ГЕС. Приведені дані можуть бути використані при модернізації гідроенергетичних перетворювачів енергії

    Roquefort Cheese Proteins Inhibit Chlamydia pneumoniae

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    Inflammation in atherosclerosis, which could be associated with some subclinical infections such as C. pneumoniae, is one of the key factors responsible for the development of clinical complications of this disease. We report that a proprietary protein extract isolated from Roquefort cheese inhibits the propagation of C. pneumoniae in a human HL cell line in a dose-dependent manner, as revealed by the immunofluorescence analysis. These changes were accompanied by a significant reduction in the infective progeny formation over the protein extract range of 0.12–0.5 μg/mL. Moreover, short term feeding of mice with Roquefort cheese (twice, 10 mg per mouse with an interval of 24 hours) led to the inhibition of the migration of peritoneal leukocytes caused by intraperitoneal injection of E. coli lipopolysaccharide. These changes were complemented by a reduction in neutrophil count and a relative increase in peritoneal macrophages, suggesting that ingestion of Roquefort could promote regenerative processes at the site of inflammation. The ability of this protein to inhibit propagation of Chlamydia infection, as well as the anti-inflammatory and proregenerative effects of Roquefort itself, may contribute to the low prevalence of cardiovascular mortality in France where consumption of fungal fermented cheeses is the highest in the world

    Magnetoelastic effects in low-dimensional magnetic systems

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    We consider a new realization of magnetoelastic interactions in low-dimensional magnetic systems. We show that low-dimensional spin systems are unstable with respect to the spontaneous appearance of alternating distortions of the positions of the three-dimensional nonmagnetic atoms (ligands), that surround the magnetic ions. Those distortions are supplemented by the spontaneous onset of alternating effective g factors of the magnetic ions in the phase with short-range interactions. We discuss the possibility of observing the effect in an uniform external magnetic field, which in the situation considered produces both magnetization and staggered magnetization of the magnetic subsystem. The connection of the proposed theory with recent experiments on effectively low-dimensional magnetic systems (organic spin chains, heavy-fermion compounds, rare-earth molybdates) is discussed