6 research outputs found

    Depressive disorders in adolescence - the influence of life events, emotional regulation, affective attachment, and personality dimensions

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    Na nastanak depresije utiči brojni faktori među kojima su životni događaji, afektivno vezivanje („attachment“) u odnosu na roditelje i vršnjake, kao i dimenzije ličnosti adolescenata. Jedan od mogućih mehanizama kojima navedeni faktori deluju na nastanak depresije i suicidalnosti odnosi se na maladaptivnu emocionalnu regulaciju. Većina istraživanja u ovom domenu odnosi se na opštu populaciju, dok su podaci vezani za klinički izraženu depresiju adolescenata još uvek nepotpuni. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju razlike u negativnim životnim događajima, afektivnom vezivanju za roditelje i vršnjake, emocionalne regulacije i dimenzija ličnosti između tri grupe adolescenata - sa depresivnim poremećajem, sa drugim mentalnim poremećajima, i bez dijagnoze mentalnih poremećaja, kao i povezanost navedenih faktora sa suicidalnim fenomenima. Dodatni cilj bio je da se ispita medijatorska uloga emocionalne regulacije između navedenih faktora s jedne strane, i intenziteta depresivnosti i prisustva suicidalnosti s druge strane, uz kontrolu socio-demografskih korelata. Ovo opservaciono istraživanje (studija preseka) obavljeno je u Dnevnoj bolnici za adolescente Instituta za mentalno zdravlje, i uključilo je 240 starijih adolescenata (uzrasta od 18 do 24 godine) oba pola, i to: studijsku grupu od 80 adolescenata sa dijagnozom depresivnog poremećaja; psihijatrijsku kontrolnu grupu od 80 adolescenata sa drugim psihijatrijskia poremećajima; i 3) nepsihijatrijsku kontrolnu grupu (zdrave kontrole) od 80 studenata i učenika srednje škole bez psihijatrijskog poremećaja. Kao instrumenti istraživanja korišćeni su: Opšti upitnik, Upitnik o temperamentu i karakteru, revidirana verzija, Bekov upitnik za procenu depresivnosti, Upitnik o emocionalnoj regulaciji, Inventar afektivnog vezivanja prema roditeljima i vršnjacima i Inventar negativnih životnih događaja. Rezultati našeg istraživanja pokazali su da adolescenti sa depresivnim poremećajima imaju veći broj negativnih životnih događaja tokom života, nesigurnije afektivno vezivanje, kao i nepovoljnije obrasce emocionalne regulacije (manje korišćenje kognitivne procene i češće korišćenje supresije ekspresije) u odnosu na adolescente sa drugim psihijatrijskim poremećajima i na zdrave kontrole. Kada je reč o dimenzijama temperamenta, u našem istraživanju adolescenti sa depresivnim poremećajem imali su najizraženiju dimenziju Izbegavanje kazne i najmanje izraženu dimenziju Istrajnost. Ispitanici kod kojih je registrovano prisustvo suicidalne ideacije imali su veći broj negativnih životnih događaja, manje sigurno afektivno vezivanje za majku, oca i vršnjake, kao izraženije korišćenje negativne strategije emocionalne regulacije (supresije ekspresije). Emocionalna regulacija pokazala je medijatorsku ulogu između životnih događaja, afektivnog vezivanja i dimenzija temperamenta s jedne strane, i intenziteta depresivnosti i prisustva suicidalne ideacije s druge strane. Rezultati sprovednog istraživanja ukazuju na specifičnu povezanost kliničke depresije u adolescenciji sa faktorima kao što su negativni životni događaji, afektivno vezivanje, struktura ličnosti i emocionalna regulacija, kako u odnosu na adolescente sa drugim psiihijatrijskim poremećajima, tako i na one bez psihijatrijskih poremećaja. Navedeni faktori povezani su i sa suicidlnim fenomenima. Emocionalna regulacija ia medijatorsku ulogu u nastanku depresije i suicidalnosti. Dobijeni rezultati mogu imati važne preventivne i terapijske implikacije.Studies have shown the impact of numerous factors on the occurrence and development of depressive disorders, including life events, attachment to parents and peers, and dimensions of personality in adolescents. One of the possible mechanisms by which these factors affect the onset of depression and suicidality refers to maladaptive emotional regulation. The majority of research in this domain refers to general population, while data related to clinical depression of adolescents is still incomplete. The aim of our research was to examine the differences in negative life events, attachment to parents and peers, emotional regulation and dimensions of personality among three groups of adolescents - with depressive disorder, with other mental disorders, and without the diagnosis of mental disorders, as well as associations of the mentioned factors with suicidal phenomena. An additional goal was to examine the mediator role of emotional regulation between the above factors and the severity of depression and the presence of suicidality, with the control of socio-demographic correlates. This observational study (cross-sectional study) was conducted at the Day Hospital for Adolescents at the Institute of Mental Health. It included 240 adolescents of both sexes, (ages 18 to 24), as follows: a study group of 80 adolescents with a diagnosis of depressive disorder; a psychiatric control group of 80 adolescents with other psychiatric disorders; and 3) nonpsychiatric control group (healthy controls) of 80 students and secondary school students without psychiatric disorders. The following research instruments were used: General questionnaire, Temperament and character questionnaire (revised), Beck's questionnaire for assessing depression, Questionnaire on emotional regulation, Attachment inventory to parents and peers, and Negative life events inventory. The results of our study have shown that adolescents with depressive disorder had more negative life events over the course of their lives, more insecure attachment, and more unfavorable patterns of emotional regulation (less use of cognitive assessment and more frequent use of suppression of expression) compared to adolescents with other psychiatric disorders, and to healthy controls. Regarding the dimensions of temperament in our study, adolescents with depressive disorder had the most pronounced dimension of Avoiding Punishment and the least expressed dimension of Persistence. Participants, in whom the suicidal ideation was registered, had greater number of negative life events, less secure attachment to mother, father and peers, as well as more prominent use of negative emotional regulation strategies (suppression of expression). Emotional regulation has shown a mediating role between life events, attachment and dimensions of temperament and severity of depression and the presence of suicidal ideation. The results of the conducted research indicate a specific correlation of clinical depression in adolescence with factors such as: negative life events, attachment, personality structure and emotional regulation, both in relation to adolescents with other psychiatric disorders, and those without psychiatric disorders. The above mentioned factors are also related to suicidal phenomena. Emotional regulation has the mediating role in the onset of depression and suicidality. The obtained results can have important preventive and therapeutic implications

    Characteristics of transition to adulthood of young people with mental health problems

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    U radu će biti riječi o odlikama tranzicije u odraslo doba mladih sa problemima u mentalnom zdravlju. Strana, a pogotovo domaća naučna istraživanja o tome kako ovi mladi dosežu odraslost i da li se u tom pogledu razlikuju u odnosu na svoje klinički neupadljive vršnjake, izuzetno su rijetka. Cilj naše analize je odatle bio da opišemo karakteristike odrastanja mladih ljudi sa dijagnozom mentalnog poremećaja. U građenju konceptualnog okvira studije pošli smo od integrativno-sistemskog modela tranzicije. Riječ je o modelu koji uvažava i tzv. strukturalne i subjektivne markere odraslosti. Prvu grupu čine objektivno vidljivi pokazatelji mjesta na skali odrastanja. Druga grupa pokazatelja se tiče stepena ostvarene subjektivne nezavisnosti mlade osobe u odnosu na roditelje. Pretpostavka od koje smo u istraživanju pošli je da uporedo sa osvajanjem struturalnih pokazatelja odrastanja, raste i subjektivna nezavisnost mladih. Uzorkom smo obuhvatili 50 ispitanika - korisnika psihijatrijskih usluga Dnevne bolnice Instituta za mentalno zdravlje u Beogradu. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću upitnka i obrađeni primjenom statističkih metoda. Nalazi su pokazali da su ispitanici visoko zavisni od svojih roditelja: finansijski, stambeno i emocionalno. Tranzicija ka odraslom dobu ovih mladih je otežana, a posebno treba da zabrine to što su, u poređenju sa mlađima, u uzorku stariji ispitanici zavisniji od roditelja po svim analiziranim pokazatelji-ma mjesta na skali odrastanja. Na budućim produbljenijim istraživanjima je da se posebnije pozabave uzrocima i posljedicama odocnjelog i/ili zaustavljenog procesa odrastanja mladih sa dijagnozom mentalnog poremećaja.The paper will discuss the characteristics of transition in adulthood of young people with mental health problems. Foreign, and especially domestic scientific research on how these young people reach adulthood and whether they differ from their clinically invisible peers, is extremely rare. Therefore the aim of our analysis was to describe the characteristics of the way young people with the diagnosis of mental disorders grow up. In constructing the conceptual framework of the study we proceeded from the integrativesystemic model of transition. This is a model that respects the so-called, structural, as well as subjective markers of adulthood. The first group consists of objectively visible indicators of the place on the growing-up scale. The second group of indicators relates to the degree of the subjective independence of the young person from his/her parents. Our main research assumption is that along with gaining the structural indicators of growing up, the subjective independence of young people is increasing. The sample included 50 respondents - users of psychiatric services at the Daily Hospital of the Institute of Mental Health in Belgrade. The data were collected via a questionnaire and processed by statistical methods. Findings have shown that the respondents are highly dependent on their parents: in financial, residential, and emotional respects. The transition of these young people to the adulthood is difficult, and what is particularly concerning is that, compared to the younger people, the older respondents in the sample are more dependent on their parents in all analyzed indicators of the place on the growing-up scale. Further research should deal with the causes and consequences of the ongoing and/or discontinued growing-up process of young people diagnosed with mental disorders

    Analysis of trauma severity and the impact of abuse and neglect on personality traits in adolescents

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    Introduction: Abuse and neglect might cause multiple and long-term consequences on physical and mental health, development and future life of children. The consequences that abuse and neglect cause on a child’s personality and functioning in adult life have particular importance. The aim: Determining the level of trauma, as well as differences in personality traits of adolescents who are on psychiatric treatment and has been registered in Department for the protection of children against abuse and neglect, comparing with children who are on psychiatric treatment but not abused, and control group of adolescents. Materials and methods: The study analysed three groups: abused group on psychiatric treatment, group on psychiatric treatment and not abused, and control healthy population. All subjects filled out General questionnaire with basic socio-demographical data, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), and Temperament and Character Adolescent Inventory (ATCI – 46). Results: There is statistically significant difference between groups in all types of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual, as well as emotional and physical neglect (p<0.001). Psychiatric group has significantly lower scores on Persistence (P) (p<0.01), while abused group has lower scores on Harm avoidance (HA) (p<0.05). Negative correlation between abuse and Self-transcendence (ST), and negative correlation between physical abuse and Self-directedness (SD) has been shown. Conclusion: Abuse and neglect in children and adolescents are a significant cause of trauma and can cause different psychopathology, as well as changes on character and temperament traits

    Attachment and emotional regulation in adolescents with depression

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    Background/Aim. Attachment and emotion regulation skills are recognized as important factors in the development of depression, but their specifics have rarely been discussed in clinical adolescent population. The aim of our study was to investigate attachment and emotion regulation strategies in adolescents with depression. Methods. The sample consisted of 101 adolescents, age 16 to 24, divided into three groups: 1) 41 adolescents with the diagnosis of depressive disorder; 2) 30 adolescents with the diagnosis of anxiety disorder; 3) 30 health adolescents (without psychiatric diagnosis). The assessment was done by the following instruments: the Socio-demographic questionnaire; the Semistructured clinical interview (SCID-I) for the Diagnostic and Stratistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV); the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI); the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) and Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ). Data were analyzed using MANCOVA and partial correlation, with gender, age and birth order as covariates. Results. The adolescents with depressive disorders had less secure attachment to mother and peers than the health adolescents and less secure attachment to father comparing to other two groups (MANCOVA F = 4.571; p = 0.000). The adolescents with anxiety disorder had less secure attachment to father and peers compared to the healthy adolescents group (p < 0.05). The depressed adolescents used the strategy of cognitive reappraisal less often than both control groups (MANCOVA F = 5.200; p = 0.001). Subjective experience of depressive symptoms was related to insecure attachments to both parents and peers (r = -0.457; -0.436; -0.349; p = 0.000), as well as to lower use of cognitive reappraisal (r = -0.446; p = 0.000). Conclusion. Our findings related the adolescent depression to insecure attachment in all domains, with the specific weakness in emotion regulation (weak cognitive reappraisal). The findings could have practical implications for preventive and therapeutic interventions

    Depression in adolescence, negative life events and sense of coherence

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    Introduction: Many studies have shown that negative life events and the sense of coherence are correlated with depression, but there is little data about their specifics in adolescent population. Goal: The objective of our study was to explore differences in the frequency of negative life events and sense of coherence in adolescents with depressive disorder, compared to adolescents with other psychiatric disorders and those in nonclinical population. Method: The sample consisted of 101 adolescents, age 16 to 24 years, divided in three groups: 1) study group consisted of 40 adolescents, with the diagnosis of depressive disorder; 2) psychiatric control group consisted of 30 adolescents that have not fulfilled criteria for depressive disorder, but had some other psychiatric disorder; 3) control group consisted of 30 adolescents that were never psychiatrically treated. The assessment was carried out by the following instruments: 1) General demographic questionnaire 2) Semistructured clinical interview for DSM-IV disorders; 3) Beck Depression Inventory; 4) Sense of Coherence Scale Questionnaire and 5) Negative Life Events Inventory. Results: Adolescents with depressive disorder had lower sense of coherence in all three dimensions (comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness) compared to adolescents in control groups, while the group of adolescents with other psychiatric disorders had lower sense of coherence in two dimensions (comprehensibility and meaningfulness), compared to non- clinical control group. Higher score of depressive symptoms was significantly correlated with higher prevalence of negative life events and with lower sense of coherence. Conclusion: Our findings have shown that depression among adolescents is correlated with higher number of negative life events and with lower degree of sense of coherence. These findings might be important for planning targeted therapeutic interventions aimed at strengthening the sense of coherence

    Ružička days : International conference 19th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Dear colleagues, we are extremely honoured to present to you the Proceedings of the international conference 19th Ružička Days, which was successfully held on September 21–23, 2022, in Vukovar, Croatia, in the hometown town of our famous Croatian scientist and first Nobel laureate, professor Leopold (Lavoslav) Ružička. The main goals of the Conference were to promote excellence, originality and innovation of interdisciplinary scientific research as well as the practical application of the obtained results through collaboration with industry, emphasizing thus the recognizable slogan of the Ružička Days conference: "Today Science – Tomorrow Industry". In addition, the Conference gave the opportunity for meetings, exchanging the ideas, opinions, experiences and cooperation among participants from different working surroundings. It is also important to point out that since 2008, within the international conference Ružička Days, Meeting of Young Chemists has also been held, where high school students, with the help of their mentors, present papers in the field of chemistry, with the aim to direct students and young people to the technical and natural sciences, especially chemistry. In its seventh issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021) the Proceedings publishes scientific and professional full papers of high quality in the following sections: Chemical analysis and synthesis (10), Chemical and biochemical engineering (3), Food technology and biotechnology (4), Chemistry in agriculture and forestry (1), Environmental protection (9) and 8th Meeting of Young Chemists (3). Full-length papers were subjected to an international review procedure done by eminent experts from the corresponding fields, to whom we express our gratitude, but they were not subjected to linguistic proofreading. On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the 19th Ružička Days we cordially thank all the authors, reviewers, participants, lecturers, organizers, especially the international organizers EuCheMS and EHEDG, auspices and sponsors, and all the others who, in any way, supported the Conference and contributed to the preparation of the Proceedings, especially to our highly skilled and committed associates, who have put a lot of effort in the preparation of these Proceedings. At the very end, special thanks to our young, future scientists and their mentors who are faithful participants of the Meeting of Young Chemists of the Ružička Days conference. Enjoy the extremely interesting scientific and professional papers contained in these Proceedings, until the next 20th jubilee of Ružička Days in 2024! We are looking forward to meeting you again in Vukovar! Yours sincerely, Chief Editors Jurislav Babić Vesna Ocelić Bulatović Dajana Kučić Grgi