Analysis of trauma severity and the impact of abuse and neglect on personality traits in adolescents


Introduction: Abuse and neglect might cause multiple and long-term consequences on physical and mental health, development and future life of children. The consequences that abuse and neglect cause on a child’s personality and functioning in adult life have particular importance. The aim: Determining the level of trauma, as well as differences in personality traits of adolescents who are on psychiatric treatment and has been registered in Department for the protection of children against abuse and neglect, comparing with children who are on psychiatric treatment but not abused, and control group of adolescents. Materials and methods: The study analysed three groups: abused group on psychiatric treatment, group on psychiatric treatment and not abused, and control healthy population. All subjects filled out General questionnaire with basic socio-demographical data, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), and Temperament and Character Adolescent Inventory (ATCI – 46). Results: There is statistically significant difference between groups in all types of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual, as well as emotional and physical neglect (p<0.001). Psychiatric group has significantly lower scores on Persistence (P) (p<0.01), while abused group has lower scores on Harm avoidance (HA) (p<0.05). Negative correlation between abuse and Self-transcendence (ST), and negative correlation between physical abuse and Self-directedness (SD) has been shown. Conclusion: Abuse and neglect in children and adolescents are a significant cause of trauma and can cause different psychopathology, as well as changes on character and temperament traits

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