18 research outputs found

    Development of flank lesions in growing pigs after weaning : A case study

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    Flank lesions in pigs are a common yet poorly understood consequence of damaging social behavior. One group of pigs on a commercial farm with group lactation and late weaning, and with the history of flank lesions was studied. Skin lesions on the flanks, including linear and circular lesions, and tail lesions on 69 pigs were recorded six times during 5 weeks after weaning at the age of 9 weeks. Nosing behavior was scanned during six sessions with multiple scans. The associations of age, trunk whiteness, weight gain, sow parity, litter size, sex, and tail lesions with the number of circular and linear lesions were analyzed using linear mixed models. The number of linear lesions increased as pigs aged, and pigs with a higher weight gain had more linear lesions. Moreover, pigs with a whiter trunk color were scored with more lesions of both types. According to descriptive behavior data, nosing and biting behaviors were most frequent during weeks 2-4 after weaning at the age of 11-13 weeks. On average, seven circular flank lesions were found per pig during the experiment, at the age of 10-14 weeks. After the peak on day 17, their occurrence decreased. Skin lesion occurrence was related to a lighter skin color on the trunks of pigs. We recommend reporting skin color in connection with lesion scoring results. Nosing behavior and flank lesions both peaked from 2 to 4 weeks after weaning, suggesting that nosing behavior contributed to lesion development during this time

    Welfare and Performance of Post-Weaning Sows and Piglets Previously Housed in Farrowing Pens with Temporary Crating on a Spanish Commercial Farm : a Pilot Study

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    The study investigated the effect of farrowing environment on the weaning adaptability of sows and piglets. One farrowing crate (FC) and two farrowing pens with temporary crating (TC: SWAP and JLF15) were compared. Sixty-four sows and 663 piglets were followed until 5 days post-weaning. At weaning (D24), sows and piglets were moved to group pens and nursery pens, respectively. Sows and piglets' behaviors were observed on D24, D25, and D26. On D23, D25, and D26, piglets' skin lesions were counted, and sows and piglets' saliva samples were collected for stress biomarkers (cortisol and chromogranin A, CgA). Piglets were weighed on D23 and D29. All the piglets' skin lesions increased on D25 and decreased on D26 (p < 0.05). Compared to D23, cortisol of JLF15 and CgA of FC piglets increased, whereas those of SWAP piglets remained similar after weaning (p < 0.05). Post-weaning performance in piglets was similar across farrowing systems. SWAP sows vocalized more than FC and JLF15 on D24 and D25 (p < 0.001). Results suggested that SWAP piglets showed a lower weaning stress response. Frequent post-weaning vocalization in SWAP sows might be linked with a negative effect of the abrupt separation from the piglets

    Short communication : Preweaning socialization and environmental enrichment affect short-term performance after regrouping in commercially reared pigs

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    On-farm practices like premature weaning and frequent regrouping induce stress to pigs. Early socialization or environmental enrichment in piglets reduce weaning stress, as suggested in previous studies. Little research with both effects and in commercial settings was found. The aim was to investigate the effects of preweaning socialization and environmental enrichment on life-long performance in 661 Danbred pigs. Two treatments were distinguished during the suckling period: control (CON, 24 litters) and enriched (ENR, 24 litters). Control piglets were raised in barren farrowing pens; ENR piglets were provided with six enrichment objects from birth, and two neighboring litters were socialized from Day (D) 14. Pigs were regrouped on D25 (weaning) and D71 (fattening), while keeping the same treatment. Individual body weight was recorded on D1, 14, 23, 27, 31, 38, 69, 79, and after slaughter (carcass weight, CW). Pigs were slaughtered in six batches. Estimated slaughter weight (ESW) was calculated by CW × 1.25. Body weight, CW, and average daily gain (ADG) were analyzed by linear mixed models. Slaughter age was analyzed by Wilcox Rank-Sum test. Body weight and ESW were adjusted to non-linear models to obtain the predicted growth curves of CON and ENR, from birth to the targeted market weight (TMW, 105 kg). Average daily gain during the suckling, nursery, and fattening periods, and from birth to slaughter, did not differ between treatments. However, ADG of ENR when moving pigs from farrowing to nursery (4-day period) and from nursery to fattening (10-day period), revealed a better performance than CON (+ 20.6 g/day, P = 0.02; + 53 g/day, P = 0.03, respectively). Enriched pigs tended to be slaughtered 2.8 days earlier than CON (P = 0.08). On the other hand, the predicted growth curves showed a non-significant 2-day window of reaching TMW between treatments (P = 0.23). Results suggested that enriching the neonatal environment improved the short-term performance after regrouping, and may benefit the life-long performance by reducing time to reach TMW

    Comparative study between scan sampling behavioral observations and an automatic monitoring image system on a commercial fattening pig farm

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    Automation is an important element in modern livestock farming. Image computer analysis is the automation technology aiming to monitor farm animals by recording continuous images. Further analysis can be carried out to assess more precisely and effectively farm animals’ welfare. The aim of this study was to determine the applicability of the commercial multi-sensor device (Peek Analytics) developed by Copeeks SAS (France), in comparison to human-based observations used to assess behaviors in pigs, including posture (standing/resting), area within the pen (feeding/drinking/resting/enrichment), and activity level (number of active pigs). Two Peek Analytics (Peek 3 and Peek 4) were installed on a commercial fattening pig farm in Murcia (Spain). Each device recorded data of two pens (39 pigs in four pens in total). Scan sampling was the human-based behavioral observation method used in this study. Data was collected for five consecutive days, in the following intervals: 09:00-11:00, 13:00-15:00, and 16:00-18:00 (30 hours of observation in total). Every pig was observed six times per hour and hence the information analyzed includes 7020 observations (180 observations/pig). The comparison between data from human observation and Peek Analytics was performed by using Pearson correlation tests. Posture, areas of interest, and activity level were analyzed separately, as well as data recorded by Peek 3 and 4. Results indicated that Peek Analytics showed a better agreement with human observation, when recording posture(r=0.77, P&lt;0.01) and area within the pen (r=0.77, P&lt;0.01), than when recording activity level (r=0.35, P&lt;0.01). Two devices performed differently in general, with Peek 3 having better agreement than Peek 4 with human observation, regardless of posture, area within the pen, and activity level. The better agreement in Peek 3 may be attributed to the smaller number of pigs in Peek 3 (18) compared to Peek 4 (22). We can conclude from the study that image computer analysis may be reliable in assessing posture and area within the pen of pigs. On the other hand, a moderate agreement in activity level between human observation and computer vision can be due to different methodologies of recording the activity, rather than due to low accuracy of Peek Analytics

    Oxytocin changes in saliva of sows kept in different farrowing systems

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    Oral session 2[EN] Farrowing systems can influence the behaviour of sows during lactation -including their interaction with piglets and ability to move around-, hence improving their welfare. Oxytocin has been associated with positive emotions, and consequently to welfare improvement. The purpose of this study was to compare the welfare of sows through salivary oxytocin concentrations in three different farrowing systems during lactation and shortly after weaning

    Investigation of correlations between skin lesion count and concentrations of salivary biomarkers in pigs from suckling to fattening

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    Oral session 1[EN] ClearFarm project intends to develop a platform to monitor animal welfare continuously throughout the value chain of pigs and dairy cattle using sensor technology. This platform relies on algorithms (for each species), built up with relevant welfare indicators measured by PLF (Precision Livestock Farming) technology

    Pre-weaning environmental enrichment increases piglets' object play behaviour on a large scale commercial pig farm

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    Environmental enrichment is a legal requirement for European pig farms. The suitability of enrichment materials for neonatal pigs is understudied and has not been tested in commercial settings. This study investigates the effect of hanging objects and substrate as two enrichment strategies pre-weaning, and compares the effect of these enrichment objects on play behaviour, aggression, growth and stress coping ability during lactation until 10 days after weaning. Farrowing crates were equipped with either six hanging objects (OB), a substrate box with wood bark (SUB), or nothing (control; CON). The behaviour of over 600 piglets (∼210 piglets/treatment) was recorded weekly by instantaneous scan sampling (10 seconds/piglet, repeated 6 times per day for 6 days). Aggression was monitored through skin lesions on focal piglets on 1 day before weaning and 1 and 2 days after weaning. Piglets were weighed individually every week. Stress coping ability was assessed through salivary cortisol from a sample of six piglets per litter on 1 day before (baseline), and on days 1 and 2 after weaning. Both enrichment groups showed more object play during lactation as compared to the control group (P &lt; 0.001). The amount of object play increased linearly with age (P &lt; 0.001). Enrichment did not affect social play or locomotor play during lactation. Enrichment did not influence the amount of skin lesions before weaning, but heavier piglets had more skin lesions (P &lt; 0.01). The enrichment strategies had no influence on weight gain at any stage. The baseline of the salivary cortisol concentration was similar amongst the treatment groups; however, the cortisol concentration of the object group and control group was significantly higher at one day after weaning than at baseline (P &lt; 0.001) whereas the substrate group showed no significant increase. In conclusion, providing either hanging objects or substrate alone could encourage neonatal piglets to express more object play behaviour. Compared to the hanging objects, providing substrate in the commercial neonatal environment demonstrated to decrease piglets’ stress at weaning, and therefore increase animal welfare

    Alternative housing conditions to improve welfare and performance of sows and piglets

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    Les gàbies maternitat es van dissenyar per a maximitzar la producció, però no van considerar les necessitats biològiques i poden comprometre el benestar de les truges i els garrins. Les gàbies de part no permeten que les truges construeixin un niu abans de el part, restringeixen els moviments de la truja i les interaccions amb els seus garrins durant la lactància. Addicionalment, els garrins es crien en un entorn amb pocs estímuls sensorials i socials, cosa que limita el desenvolupament del seu sistema de regulació de l’estrès i habilitats socials. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi va ser estudiar l’efecte de la millora de les condicions d’allotjament en el benestar i rendiment de les truges i els garrins durant la lactació. Es van dur a terme dos assajos: el primer es va centrar en les implicacions d’un entorn millorat durant la lactància des del naixement fins al sacrifici. El segon es va centrar en l’avaluació del comportament i benestar de truges i garrins allotjats en corrals de maternitat amb sistema de gàbia temporal o en gàbies de maternitat convencionals fins després del deslletament. En tots dos assajos es va realitzar observació directa del comportament, recompte de lesions cutànies per estudiar l’agressivitat, biomarcadors d’estrès saliva per estudiar la resposta d’estrès, i el guany de pes per estudiar el rendiment. En l’assaig 1, es van diferenciar dos grups de tractament durant la lactància: els garrins control (CON) criats en corrals de maternitat convencionals on les truges estaven en gàbies, i els garrins enriquits (ENR) criats en corrals similars però amb objectes d’enriquiment ambiental des del naixement. A més, la separació entre dos corrals ENR adjacents es va treure als 14 dies postpart per permetre la socialització entre garrins. Després del deslletament tots els garrins van rebre el mateix maneig. La facilitació dels comportaments socials i de joc durant la lactància va ajudar als garrins ENR a adaptar-se millor al deslletament, mostrant menor agressivitat i una millor resposta d’estrès postdeslletament. Les habilitats socials obtingudes en període neonatal van persistir fins que els porcs van ser sacrificats, evidenciat per un major augment de pes després de la mescla d’animals i menys lesions cutànies en les canals. En l’assaig 2, es van provar tres sistemes d’allotjament durant el part: FC (corral de part convencional amb gàbia), i dos corrals de part comercials amb sistema de gàbies temporals (TC). Les truges FC es van mantenir en gàbies des de l’ingrés a la maternitat fins al deslletament, mentre que les truges TC es van allotjar en gàbies durant 5 a 6 dies durant el peripart. Hi va haver una major interacció de les truges TC amb els seus garrins, mentre que els garrins FC van interactuar amb els seus companys de ventrada amb més freqüència. El dia de l’obertura de la gàbia va facilitar va facilitar l’exploració a les truges TC, en comparació a les FC. No obstant això, hi va haver una major taxa d’aixafament en TC. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi suggereixen que la millora de les condicions d’allotjament durant la lactància (enriquiment ambiental, la socialització primerenca, o una reducció del temps en gàbia de la truja) faciliten les interaccions socials mare-cria i entre garrins. La millora de l’entorn d’allotjament durant la lactància amplia el repertori de comportament de les truges i els garrins, el que pot contribuir a la resiliència enfront dels desafiaments del deslletament o mescla d’animals. Les condicions d’allotjament que tenen en compte les necessitats biològiques dels porcs milloren alguns trets de benestar i rendiment de truges i garrins, el que indica que la millora de l’allotjament durant la lactació és una estratègia.Las jaulas maternidad se diseñaron para maximizar la producción, pero no consideraron las necesidades biológicas y pueden comprometer el bienestar de las cerdas y los lechones. Las jaulas de parto no permiten que las cerdas construyan un nido antes del parto, restringen los movimientos de la cerda y las interacciones con sus lechones durante la lactancia. Adicionalmente, los lechones se crían en un entorno con pocos estímulos sensoriales y sociales, lo que limita el desarrollo de su sistema de regulación del estrés y habilidades sociales. El objetivo de esta tesis fue estudiar el efecto de la mejora de las condiciones de alojamiento en el bienestar y rendimiento de las cerdas y los lechones durante la lactación. Se llevaron a cabo dos ensayos: el primero se centró en las implicaciones de la mejora del entorno en la lactancia para el bienestar desde el nacimiento hasta el sacrificio. El segundo se centró en la evaluación del comportamiento y bienestar de cerdas y lechones alojados en corrales de maternidad con sistema de jaula temporal o en jaulas de maternidad convencionales hasta después del destete. En ambos ensayos se realizó observación directa del comportamiento, recuento de lesiones cutáneas para estudiar la agresividad, biomarcadores de estrés saliva para estudiar la respuesta de estrés, y la ganancia de peso para estudiar el rendimiento. En el ensayo 1, se diferenciaron dos grupos de tratamiento durante la lactancia: los lechones control (CON) criados en corrales de maternidad convencionales donde las cerdas estaban en jaulas, y los lechones enriquecidos (ENR) criados en corrales similares pero con objetos de enriquecimiento ambiental durante la lactación. Además, la separación entre dos corrales ENR adyacentes se levantó a los 14 días postparto para permitir la socialización entre lechones. Después del destete, todos los lechones recibieron el mismo manejo. La facilitación de los comportamientos sociales y de juego durante la lactancia ayudó a los lechones ENR a adaptarse mejor al destete, mostrando menor agresividad y respuesta de estrés postdestete. Las habilidades sociales obtenidas en periodo neonatal persistieron hasta que los cerdos fueron sacrificados, evidenciado por un mayor aumento de peso después de la mezcla de animales y menos lesiones cutáneas en las canales. En el ensayo 2, se probaron tres sistemas de alojamiento durante el parto: FC (corral de parto convencional con jaula), y dos corrales de parto comerciales con sistema de jaulas temporales (TC). Las cerdas FC se mantuvieron en jaulas desde el ingreso a la maternidad hasta el destete, mientras que las cerdas TC se alojaron en jaulas durante 5 a 6 días durante el periparto. Hubo una mayor interacción de las cerdas TC con sus lechones, mientras que los lechones FC interactuaron con sus compañeros de camada con más frecuencia. El día de la apertura de la jaula facilitó la exploración en las cerdas TC, comparado con las FC. Sin embargo, hubo una mayor tasa de aplastamiento en TC. Los resultados de esta tesis sugieren que la mejora de las condiciones de alojamiento durante la lactancia (enriquecimiento ambiental, la socialización temprana, o una reducción del tiempo en jaula de la cerda) facilitan las interacciones sociales madre-cría y entre lechones. La mejora del entorno de alojamiento durante la lactancia amplía el repertorio de comportamiento de las cerdas y los lechones, lo que puede contribuir a la resiliencia frente a los desafíos del destete o reagrupamientos. Las condiciones de alojamiento que tienen en cuenta las necesidades biológicas de los cerdos mejoran algunos rasgos de bienestar y rendimiento de cerdas y lechones, lo que indica que la mejora del alojamiento durante la lactación es una estrategia efectiva en producción porcina intensiva.Conventional farrowing crate systems were designed to maximize production but did not consider the pigs’ biological needs, and therefore, compromise the welfare of sows and piglets. On one hand, farrowing crates do not allow sows to build a nest prior to farrowing, and they restrict the body movements and the interactions with their piglets during lactation. On the other hand, piglets are raised in a barren environment without sufficient sensory and social stimulations, which limits the development of their behavioral repertoire, including exploration, play and a variety of social skills, and that of their stress regulation system. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of an improved housing environment during lactation on the welfare and performance of sows and piglets in intensive production systems. Two trials were conducted, each on a different commercial farm: Trial 1 focused on the implications of an improved environment during lactation from birth to slaughter, whereas Trial 2 focused on the behavior and welfare assessment of sows and piglets housed in either farrowing pens with temporary crating system or conventional crates until shortly after weaning. A similar methodology was used in both trials: direct observation to study behavioral differences, skin lesion scoring to study the aggression level, salivary stress biomarkers to monitor the stress response, and weight gain to study performance. In Trial 1, two treatment groups were differentiated during lactation: CON (control) and ENR (enriched). CON piglets were raised in conventional farrowing pens where sows were crated. ENR piglets were raised in the same farrowing pens but six enrichment objects for piglets were installed in each pen from birth, and the barriers between two ENR adjacent pens were removed at 14 days after farrowing to allow piglet socialization. Pigs in two treatment groups were raised in the same way after weaning until being slaughtered. There were both short- and long-term benefits of raising piglets in an improved environment. The facilitation of social and play behaviors during lactation assisted ENR piglets to adapt better to weaning, by displaying less aggression, and showing a lower stress response after weaning. Social skills obtained at the early age persisted until pigs were slaughtered, which was evidenced by a higher short-term weight gain after two regrouping events, and fewer skin lesions on carcasses after pre-slaughter mixing. In Trial 2, three farrowing systems were tested: FC (conventional crate), and two commercial farrowing pens with temporary crating system (TC), SWAP (Sow Welfare And Piglet protection) and JLF15. FC sows were crated from entry to weaning, while SWAP and JLF15 sows were crated for 5 to 6 days during the peripartum. TC sows interacted with piglets more frequently than FC sows, whereas FC piglets interacted with littermates more frequently than TC piglets. The day of crate opening facilitated exploration in TC sows, compared to FC sows. There was a higher crushing rate in TC. SWAP piglets adapted better to weaning stress as they showed a lower stress response. The results of this thesis suggest that creating an improved housing environment during lactation (i.e. environmental enrichment and early socialization, or temporary crating environment) facilitates play in piglets as well as exploration and mother-young interactions in sows and piglets. An improved housing environment during lactation broadens the behavioral repertoire of sows and piglets, which can contribute to pigs’ resilience when facing weaning or regrouping challenges later in their lives. Housing conditions that consider the pigs’ biological needs, improve some welfare and performance traits of sows and piglets, which indicates feasible improvement strategies in intensive pig production.Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Producció Anima

    Alternative housing conditions to improve welfare and performance of sows and piglets

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    Les gàbies maternitat es van dissenyar per a maximitzar la producció, però no van considerar les necessitats biològiques i poden comprometre el benestar de les truges i els garrins. Les gàbies de part no permeten que les truges construeixin un niu abans de el part, restringeixen els moviments de la truja i les interaccions amb els seus garrins durant la lactància. Addicionalment, els garrins es crien en un entorn amb pocs estímuls sensorials i socials, cosa que limita el desenvolupament del seu sistema de regulació de l'estrès i habilitats socials. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va ser estudiar l'efecte de la millora de les condicions d'allotjament en el benestar i rendiment de les truges i els garrins durant la lactació. Es van dur a terme dos assajos: el primer es va centrar en les implicacions d'un entorn millorat durant la lactància des del naixement fins al sacrifici. El segon es va centrar en l'avaluació del comportament i benestar de truges i garrins allotjats en corrals de maternitat amb sistema de gàbia temporal o en gàbies de maternitat convencionals fins després del deslletament. En tots dos assajos es va realitzar observació directa del comportament, recompte de lesions cutànies per estudiar l'agressivitat, biomarcadors d'estrès saliva per estudiar la resposta d'estrès, i el guany de pes per estudiar el rendiment. En l'assaig 1, es van diferenciar dos grups de tractament durant la lactància: els garrins control (CON) criats en corrals de maternitat convencionals on les truges estaven en gàbies, i els garrins enriquits (ENR) criats en corrals similars però amb objectes d'enriquiment ambiental des del naixement. A més, la separació entre dos corrals ENR adjacents es va treure als 14 dies postpart per permetre la socialització entre garrins. Després del deslletament tots els garrins van rebre el mateix maneig. La facilitació dels comportaments socials i de joc durant la lactància va ajudar als garrins ENR a adaptar-se millor al deslletament, mostrant menor agressivitat i una millor resposta d'estrès postdeslletament. Les habilitats socials obtingudes en període neonatal van persistir fins que els porcs van ser sacrificats, evidenciat per un major augment de pes després de la mescla d'animals i menys lesions cutànies en les canals. En l'assaig 2, es van provar tres sistemes d'allotjament durant el part: FC (corral de part convencional amb gàbia), i dos corrals de part comercials amb sistema de gàbies temporals (TC). Les truges FC es van mantenir en gàbies des de l'ingrés a la maternitat fins al deslletament, mentre que les truges TC es van allotjar en gàbies durant 5 a 6 dies durant el peripart. Hi va haver una major interacció de les truges TC amb els seus garrins, mentre que els garrins FC van interactuar amb els seus companys de ventrada amb més freqüència. El dia de l'obertura de la gàbia va facilitar va facilitar l'exploració a les truges TC, en comparació a les FC. No obstant això, hi va haver una major taxa d'aixafament en TC. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi suggereixen que la millora de les condicions d'allotjament durant la lactància (enriquiment ambiental, la socialització primerenca, o una reducció del temps en gàbia de la truja) faciliten les interaccions socials mare-cria i entre garrins. La millora de l'entorn d'allotjament durant la lactància amplia el repertori de comportament de les truges i els garrins, el que pot contribuir a la resiliència enfront dels desafiaments del deslletament o mescla d'animals. Les condicions d'allotjament que tenen en compte les necessitats biològiques dels porcs milloren alguns trets de benestar i rendiment de truges i garrins, el que indica que la millora de l'allotjament durant la lactació és una estratègia.Las jaulas maternidad se diseñaron para maximizar la producción, pero no consideraron las necesidades biológicas y pueden comprometer el bienestar de las cerdas y los lechones. Las jaulas de parto no permiten que las cerdas construyan un nido antes del parto, restringen los movimientos de la cerda y las interacciones con sus lechones durante la lactancia. Adicionalmente, los lechones se crían en un entorno con pocos estímulos sensoriales y sociales, lo que limita el desarrollo de su sistema de regulación del estrés y habilidades sociales. El objetivo de esta tesis fue estudiar el efecto de la mejora de las condiciones de alojamiento en el bienestar y rendimiento de las cerdas y los lechones durante la lactación. Se llevaron a cabo dos ensayos: el primero se centró en las implicaciones de la mejora del entorno en la lactancia para el bienestar desde el nacimiento hasta el sacrificio. El segundo se centró en la evaluación del comportamiento y bienestar de cerdas y lechones alojados en corrales de maternidad con sistema de jaula temporal o en jaulas de maternidad convencionales hasta después del destete. En ambos ensayos se realizó observación directa del comportamiento, recuento de lesiones cutáneas para estudiar la agresividad, biomarcadores de estrés saliva para estudiar la respuesta de estrés, y la ganancia de peso para estudiar el rendimiento. En el ensayo 1, se diferenciaron dos grupos de tratamiento durante la lactancia: los lechones control (CON) criados en corrales de maternidad convencionales donde las cerdas estaban en jaulas, y los lechones enriquecidos (ENR) criados en corrales similares pero con objetos de enriquecimiento ambiental durante la lactación. Además, la separación entre dos corrales ENR adyacentes se levantó a los 14 días postparto para permitir la socialización entre lechones. Después del destete, todos los lechones recibieron el mismo manejo. La facilitación de los comportamientos sociales y de juego durante la lactancia ayudó a los lechones ENR a adaptarse mejor al destete, mostrando menor agresividad y respuesta de estrés postdestete. Las habilidades sociales obtenidas en periodo neonatal persistieron hasta que los cerdos fueron sacrificados, evidenciado por un mayor aumento de peso después de la mezcla de animales y menos lesiones cutáneas en las canales. En el ensayo 2, se probaron tres sistemas de alojamiento durante el parto: FC (corral de parto convencional con jaula), y dos corrales de parto comerciales con sistema de jaulas temporales (TC). Las cerdas FC se mantuvieron en jaulas desde el ingreso a la maternidad hasta el destete, mientras que las cerdas TC se alojaron en jaulas durante 5 a 6 días durante el periparto. Hubo una mayor interacción de las cerdas TC con sus lechones, mientras que los lechones FC interactuaron con sus compañeros de camada con más frecuencia. El día de la apertura de la jaula facilitó la exploración en las cerdas TC, comparado con las FC. Sin embargo, hubo una mayor tasa de aplastamiento en TC. Los resultados de esta tesis sugieren que la mejora de las condiciones de alojamiento durante la lactancia (enriquecimiento ambiental, la socialización temprana, o una reducción del tiempo en jaula de la cerda) facilitan las interacciones sociales madre-cría y entre lechones. La mejora del entorno de alojamiento durante la lactancia amplía el repertorio de comportamiento de las cerdas y los lechones, lo que puede contribuir a la resiliencia frente a los desafíos del destete o reagrupamientos. Las condiciones de alojamiento que tienen en cuenta las necesidades biológicas de los cerdos mejoran algunos rasgos de bienestar y rendimiento de cerdas y lechones, lo que indica que la mejora del alojamiento durante la lactación es una estrategia efectiva en producción porcina intensiva.Conventional farrowing crate systems were designed to maximize production but did not consider the pigs' biological needs, and therefore, compromise the welfare of sows and piglets. On one hand, farrowing crates do not allow sows to build a nest prior to farrowing, and they restrict the body movements and the interactions with their piglets during lactation. On the other hand, piglets are raised in a barren environment without sufficient sensory and social stimulations, which limits the development of their behavioral repertoire, including exploration, play and a variety of social skills, and that of their stress regulation system. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of an improved housing environment during lactation on the welfare and performance of sows and piglets in intensive production systems. Two trials were conducted, each on a different commercial farm: Trial 1 focused on the implications of an improved environment during lactation from birth to slaughter, whereas Trial 2 focused on the behavior and welfare assessment of sows and piglets housed in either farrowing pens with temporary crating system or conventional crates until shortly after weaning. A similar methodology was used in both trials: direct observation to study behavioral differences, skin lesion scoring to study the aggression level, salivary stress biomarkers to monitor the stress response, and weight gain to study performance. In Trial 1, two treatment groups were differentiated during lactation: CON (control) and ENR (enriched). CON piglets were raised in conventional farrowing pens where sows were crated. ENR piglets were raised in the same farrowing pens but six enrichment objects for piglets were installed in each pen from birth, and the barriers between two ENR adjacent pens were removed at 14 days after farrowing to allow piglet socialization. Pigs in two treatment groups were raised in the same way after weaning until being slaughtered. There were both short- and long-term benefits of raising piglets in an improved environment. The facilitation of social and play behaviors during lactation assisted ENR piglets to adapt better to weaning, by displaying less aggression, and showing a lower stress response after weaning. Social skills obtained at the early age persisted until pigs were slaughtered, which was evidenced by a higher short-term weight gain after two regrouping events, and fewer skin lesions on carcasses after pre-slaughter mixing. In Trial 2, three farrowing systems were tested: FC (conventional crate), and two commercial farrowing pens with temporary crating system (TC), SWAP (Sow Welfare And Piglet protection) and JLF15. FC sows were crated from entry to weaning, while SWAP and JLF15 sows were crated for 5 to 6 days during the peripartum. TC sows interacted with piglets more frequently than FC sows, whereas FC piglets interacted with littermates more frequently than TC piglets. The day of crate opening facilitated exploration in TC sows, compared to FC sows. There was a higher crushing rate in TC. SWAP piglets adapted better to weaning stress as they showed a lower stress response. The results of this thesis suggest that creating an improved housing environment during lactation (i.e. environmental enrichment and early socialization, or temporary crating environment) facilitates play in piglets as well as exploration and mother-young interactions in sows and piglets. An improved housing environment during lactation broadens the behavioral repertoire of sows and piglets, which can contribute to pigs' resilience when facing weaning or regrouping challenges later in their lives. Housing conditions that consider the pigs' biological needs, improve some welfare and performance traits of sows and piglets, which indicates feasible improvement strategies in intensive pig production

    Consistency of Convenience Sampling Order and its Association With Response to Handling and Weaning in Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa)

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABConvenience sampling in animal experiments may affect findings due to individual difference in temperament. The aim in this study was to assess the consistency of convenience sampling order (ORDER), and to study the association between potential factors (i.e., behaviors related to handling, and coping ability to weaning) and ORDER in pigs (n = 325). ORDER was recorded by catching the closest pig in the pen on Day (D) 1, 14, 23, 27, 31, 38, 69 and 79, while weighing pigs. Response to handling was assessed on all weighing days except D69. For D1 to 38, vocalization and attempt of escaping were recorded on a Yes/No basis; for D79, a scoring system from 'very difficult' to 'easy to handle' was used for 3 handling phases: 'Moving into the crate,' 'In the crate,' and 'Leaving the crate'. ORDER within each pen was categorized to 4 quartiles. To study the association between coping ability to weaning and ORDER, salivary cortisol and chromogranin A (CgA) were determined on pre- and post-weaning. The response variablesfor statistical analysis were ORDER: either 1) the log-transformed percentage of ORDER; or 2) first quartile (1QT, i.e., first-caught) vs. the rest; or 3) fourth quartile (4QT, i.e., last-caught) vs. the rest. An individual effect on ORDER was found (P 0.05). To conclude, although ORDER is not associated with responses to human handling and coping ability to weaning, convenience sampling in pigs should be cautious as ORDER is highly consistent and long-lasting