23 research outputs found

    Tree diversity patterns along the latitudinal gradient in the northwestern Russia

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    Background One of the key forest characteristics is the biodiversity, particularly the diversity of trees which are forest ecosystem engineers. Nowadays the most worldwide common approach for assessment of forest conditions and dynamics is based on the systematic monitoring, performed at a set of regularly structured plots. To fulfill the existing gap in this sort of knowledge on the Russian forests, an extensive study of tree species diversity on a regular network was conducted in north-west of Russia. Methods The study used the ICP Forests monitoring network that spans over 1700 km along the western Russian border from forest-tundra in the north to broadleaved-coniferous forests in the south. Tree data were collected at 710 sites that were assigned along a regular grid. We performed series of statistical analyses of the tree species distribution and diversity in relation to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Results According to the Maxent species distribution modelling results only Pinus sylvestris, Betula sp. and Picea abies have the potential to grow throughout the study area. The locally maximum tree species diversity varies along the latitudinal gradient from 1 to 3 species in the north to 5–7 species in the south. Monocultural stands are relatively abundant across the study area, being especially common in the south taiga. The prevailing part of the monocultural stands is represented by Scots pine (72%). The age distribution of dominant trees has a clear connection with the intensity of forest use. We found that recent wildfire events had only little effect on tree diversity in the study area. Conclusions We demonstrated that ICP Forests monitoring network enables to successfully establish the main qualitative and quantitative relations of the spatial variation of tree species diversity to climatic, landscape, soil and anthropogenic factors. Analysis of the influence of these factors on tree species distribution allowed us to conclude that with the continuing trend of reducing the frequency and intensity of fires, Norway spruce will further replace Scots pine and Betula sp. in the north-western Russia. Extending the monitoring network, especially adding the time-series context, could provide novel appealing opportunities for forest dynamics projection and sustainable management.Peer reviewe

    Study the influence of the environment on heat transfer processes in sewing sheaths with heat-accumulating properties

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    In the article research results are presented, which aim to modeling of heat transfer processes in a system for evaluating the heat storage effect of combined cooling shells. Clothing and equipment corresponding to the type and activity of movements and work performed by a person are considered as a shell. To a certain extent, the task of compensating for excessive heat load is solved by special materials that are used in the manufacture of such shells. Such shells are multicomponent structures of materials from various fiber systems with the inclusion of ice modules. The main means of processes for evaluating and improving such technologies are mathematical modeling tools, in particular, heat transfer modeling in multilayer shells. The structure of a heat transfer model with the inclusion of a heat storage module in a fibrous sheath. To describe the heat transfer the mean radii of curvature of the geometric system “manheat-shielding shell” were calculated. The problem is considered when layers of various materials separate the external environment from ice. For the “man-clothing” section, the temperature field is calculated. The data obtained make it possible to evaluate the heat storage effect in combined cooling shells

    Study the environmental impact on mobile electronics in a heat-protective sewing shell

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    The environment (Winter cold) affects both the individual and the equipment and communications needed to support workflow or general communication. Therefore, the issue of providing thermal conditions in which the communication device is located while a person stays in the cold is relevant. To protect such devices from premature cooling, they are placed in special parts of clothing. Model-ling and research of thermal insulation properties of garment parts for protection from cold of mobile communication devices will allow to establish effective parameters of thermal insulation structure. Such parameters will allow to develop and manufacture warm clothes with special details, which will maintain the performance and increase the time of stable operation of mobile communication devices necessary for a person in cold conditions. The geometrical model and the model mesh were developed. According to the results of numerical model-ling, the dependence of temperature in the thermal pocket on the ambient temperature was obtained, taking into account the presence or absence of the heating plate. The results of numerical modelling of model calculations al-lowed to theoretically justify by zoning and heating power the system of artificial thermoregulation in thermal protective clothing with integrated electronic devices

    The Problem of Law-Abiding Behavior among Minors in Educational Institutions: Domestic and Foreign Experience

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    At present, the problem of sustaining the law-abiding behavior of minors in educational institutions, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the development of deviant behavior of students is becoming more and more topical. This paper presents the results of a monitoring study of the current state of the activities carried out by educational institutions to form the law-abiding behavior of minors in the territorial entities of the Russian Federation. It also presents the results of a theoretical study of the foreign experience of educational institutions in the framework of maintaining the law-abiding behavior of minors in the educational environment. The conclusions have been drawn that a system-activity approach should be the basis of an educational impact in educational institutions which will provide: the formation of students’ readiness for self-development; the design and construction of a social environment for the development of students based on moral principles, traditional Russian values, relevant scientific knowledge and skills, respect for the traditions of the multinational, multicultural and multiconfessional Russian society; active educational and cognitive activities of students; building educational and moral education activity, taking account of the individual age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of students and with a focus on educational results. The materials of the paper are part of a large-scale study within the framework of the "Conception for the development of a system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency for the period up to 2020", conducted by a team of scientists from 2017 to 2020, whose scientific interests lie in the study of the problem of deviant behavior of minors


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    Background. To study the dynamics in the quality of life of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) with emergency revascularization by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stenting the coronary arteries (CA). Materials and methods. 150 patients with ACS, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stenting the coronary arteries (CA) were included. 65 patients (group 1) performed all procedures of second phase of cardiac rehabilitation program. 85 patients (group 2), who refused of participation in rehabilitation program, were tested according to the test-questionnaire Beck and SF-36. Results. Patients with a full course of rehabilitation program had a statically significant increase in health indicators (physical health component after discharge 42,30 [38,25; 44,35] in 6 months 56,30 [51,85; 5,810], p<0,001; psychological component after discharge 42,80 [39,75; 50,20] in 6 months 56,70 [51,85; 57,20], p<0,001). In group 2 there was no such pattern noticed. Tobacco smoking influenced physical (r = - 0,629, p<0,05) and psychological (r = - 0,621, p<0,05) components of health negatively. Also increased cholesterol influenced physical (r = - 0,424, p<0,05) and psychological (r = - 0,405, p<0,05) components of health. Conclusions. the high importance of rehabilitation program in patients after inpatient ACS treatment, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and stenting the coronary arteries was revealed. Increased cholesterol and smoking decrease the positive effect of rehabilitation


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    The article presents the results of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education project «The Open Educational Resources (OER) in non-English speaking countries» for 2010-2014. Main objective of the project is promoting of the of open educational resources and skills development for their creation, sharing and distribution in UNESCO Member States. Based on the implemented analysis of the requirements, potential, opportunities and problems arising during OER creation and use, the IITE experts develop recommendations on extension of OER use in educational practice

    Environmental terrorism and socio-economic factors in the mechanism of countering terrorist crimes

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    In the modern period of the widespread processes of globalization, integration and rapid migration, complicated foreign policy relations of a number of states belonging to transnational blocs defending opposing interests, of course, the problem of effectively countering terrorist and extremist activities, as well as preventing the spread of relevant ideologies, is becoming particularly acute. The international community, realizing the danger of terrorism and striving to develop effective measures to prevent it, has adopted a number of documents, which include United Nations conventions (for example, the International Convention for the Suppression of the Taking of Hostages, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, the International Convention for the Suppression of financing of terrorism). The increased importance of this type of crime is also confirmed by the consolidation in federal legislation of the relevant concepts and forms in which the considered illegal activity can be carried out, the methods of its prevention and sanctions used for committing offenses of an extremist and terrorist nature. The main normative legal acts in this area are the federal laws of July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ “On Countering Extremist Activity” and of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ “On Countering Terrorism.” For the purposes of criminal law enforcement of countering terrorism and in the interests of fulfilling international obligations, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 (as amended on November 28, 2015, hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) establishes responsibility for the commission of crimes against international security