185 research outputs found

    Centennial-scale variability of the British ice sheet: implications for climate forcing and Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last deglaciation

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    Evidence from paleoclimatic archives suggests that Earth's climate experienced rapid temperature changes associated with pronounced interhemispheric asymmetry during the last glacial period. Explanations for these climate excursions have converged on nonlinear interactions between ice sheets and the ocean's thermohaline circulation, but the driving mechanism remains to be identified. Here we use multidecadal marine records of faunal, oxygen isotope, and sediment proxies from the northeast Atlantic proximal to the western margins of the last glacial British Ice Sheet (BIS) to document the coupling between ice sheet dynamics, ocean circulation, and insolation changes. The core data reveal successions of short-lived (80-100 years), high-amplitude ice-rafted debris (IRD) events that were initiated up to 2000 years before the deposition of detrital carbonate during Heinrich events (HE) 1 and 2. Progressive disintegration of the BIS 19-16 kyr before present (B.P.) occurred in response to abrupt ocean-climate warmings that impinged on the northeast Atlantic during the early deglaciation. Peak IRD deposition recurs at 180-220 year intervals plausibly involving repeated breakup of glacial tidewater margins and fringing marine ice shelves. The early deglaciation culminated in a major meltwater pulse at ∼16.3 kyr B.P. followed by another discharge associated with HE1 some 300 years after. We conclude that temperature changes related to external forcing and marine heat transport caused a rapid response of the BIS and possibly other margins of the Eurasian Ice Sheet. Massive but short-lived meltwater surges influenced the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation thereby contributing to North Atlantic climate variability and bipolar climatic asymmetr

    Million years of Greenland Ice Sheet history recorded in ocean sediments

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    Geological records from Tertiary and Quaternary terrestrial and oceanic sections have documented the presence of ice caps and sea ice covers both in the Southern and the Northern hemispheres since Eocene times, approximately since 45 Ma. In this paper focussing on Greenland we mainly use the occurrences of coarse ice-rafted debris (IRD) in Quaternary and Tertiary ocean sediment cores to conclude on age and origin of the glaciers/ice sheets, which once produced the icebergs transporting this material into the adjacent ocean. Deep-sea sediment cores with their records of ice-rafting from off NE Greenland, Fram Strait and to the south of Greenland suggest the more or less continuous existence of the Greenland ice sheet since 18 Ma, maybe much longer, and hence far beyond the stratigraphic extent of the Greenland ice cores. The timing of onset of glaciation on Greenland and whether it has been glaciated continuously since, are wide open questions of its long-term history. We also urgently need new scientific drilling programs in the waters around Greenland, in particular in the segment of the Arctic Ocean to the north of Greenland

    NorthGreen:Unlocking records from sea to land in Northeast Greenland

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    The current trend of anthropogenic CO2 forcing of the climate system calls for a better understanding of how polar 15 ice sheets may respond to accelerating global warming. The sensitivity of the Greenland ice sheet to polar amplification, changes in ocean heat transport, and deteriorating perennial sea ice conditions makes the Northeast Greenland margin a pertinent location to understand the impact of climate change on ice sheet instability and associated sea level rise. Throughout the Cenozoic, ocean heat fluxes toward and along Northeast Greenland have been controlled by water mass exchanges between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. A key element here is the current flow through oceanic gateways, notably the Fram Strait and 20 the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. To gain a true long-term (million-year) perspective of ice sheet variability in this region it is essential to understand the broader context of ice-ocean-tectonic interactions. Coupling between the ice sheet, the subsurface, the ocean, and sea ice are readily observable today in Northeast Greenland, but geological records to illuminate long-term trends, and their interplay with other parts of the global climate system, are lacking. Consequently, the NorthGreen workshop was organized at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland in collaboration with Aarhus (Denmark) and Stockholm 25 (Sweden) universities in November 2022 to develop Mission Specific Platform (MSP) proposals for drilling the Northeast Greenland margin under the umbrella of the MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme of the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD). Seventy-one participants representing a broad scientific community discussed key scientific questions and primary targets to address through scientific drilling in Northeast Greenland. Three pre-proposals were initiated during the workshop targeting Morris Jesup Rise, Northeast Greenland continental shelf, and Denmark Strait

    Accelerated drawdown of meridional overturning in the late-glacial Atlantic triggered by transient pre-H event freshwater perturbation

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    Abrupt decreases of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) during the Late Pleistocene have been directly linked to catastrophic discharges of glacimarine freshwater, triggering disruption of northward marine heat transport and causing global climate changes. Here we provide measurements of excess sedimentary ²³¹Pa/²³⁰Th from a high-accumulation sediment drift deposit in the NE Atlantic that record a sequence of sudden variations in the rate of MOC, associated deep ocean ventilation and surface-ocean climatology. The data series reveal a sequential decrease in the MOC rate at ~18.0 ka BP ago that coincides with only transient and localized freshwater inputs. This change represents a substantial, though not total, cessation in MOC that predates the major Heinrich (H1) meltwater event by at least 1,200 years. These results highlight the potential of targeted freshwater perturbations in promoting substantial MOC changes without a direct linking with catastrophic freshwater surge

    The Northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet During The Early Pleistocene Was Similar To Today

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    The multi-million year history of the Greenland Ice Sheet remains poorly known. Ice-proximal glacial marine diamict provides a direct but discontinuous record of ice sheet behavior; it is underutilized as a climate archive. Here, we present a novel multiproxy analysis of an Early Pleistocene marine diamict from northwestern Greenland. Low cosmogenic nuclide concentrations indicate minimal near-surface exposure, similar to modern terrestrial sediment. Detrital apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) ages all predate glaciation by \u3e150 million years, suggesting the northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet had, by 1.9 Ma, not yet incised fjords of sufficient depth to excavate grains with young AHe ages. The diamict contains terrestrial plant leaf wax, likely from land surfaces surrounding the ice sheet. These data indicate that a persistent, dynamic ice sheet existed in northwestern Greenland by 1.9 Ma and that diamict is a useful archive of ice sheet history and process

    Multidecadal ocean variability and NW European ice sheet surges during the last deglaciation

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    A multiproxy paleoceanographic record from the Atlantic margin off the British Isles reveals in unprecedented detail discharges of icebergs and meltwater in response to sea surface temperature increases across the last deglaciation. We observe the earliest signal of deglaciation as a moderate elevation of sea surface temperatures that commenced with a weakly developed thermocline and the presence of highly ventilated intermediate waters in the Rockall Trough. This warming pulse triggered a series of multidecadal ice-rafted debris peaks that culminated with a major meltwater discharge at 17,500 years before present related to ice sheet disintegration across the NW European region. The impact of meltwater caused a progressive reduction in deep water ventilation and a sea surface cooling phase that preceded the collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during Heinrich event 1 by 500-1000 years. A similar sequence of rapid ocean-ice sheet interaction across the European continental margin is identified during the Bølling-Allerød to Younger Dryas transition. The strategic location of our sediment core suggests a sensitive and rapid response of ice sheets in NW Europe to transient increases in thermohaline heat transport

    Paleocurrent reconstruction of the deep Pacific inflow during the middle Miocene : reflections of East Antarctic Ice Sheet growth

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    Today the deep western boundary current (DWBC) east of New Zealand is the most important route for deep water entering the Pacific Ocean. Large-scale changes in deep water circulation patterns are thought to have been associated with the development of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) close to the main source of bottom water for the DWBC. Here we reconstruct the changing speed of the southwest Pacific DWBC during the middle Miocene from ∼15.5-12.5 Ma, a period of significant global ice accumulation associated with EAIS growth. Sortable silt mean grain sizes from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1123 reveal variability in the speed of the Pacific inflow on the timescale of the 41 kyr orbital obliquity cycle. Similar orbital period flow changes have recently been demonstrated for the Pleistocene epoch. Collectively, these observations suggest that a strong coupling between changes in the speed of the deep Pacific inflow and high-latitude climate forcing may have been a persistent feature of the global thermohaline circulation system for at least the past 15 Myr. Furthermore, long-term changes in flow speed suggest an intensification of the DWBC under an inferred increase in Southern Component Water production. This occurred at the same time as decreasing Tethyan outflow and major EAIS growth between ∼15.5 and 13.5 Ma. These results provide evidence that a major component of the deep thermohaline circulation was associated with the middle Miocene growth of the EAIS and support the view that this time interval represents an important step in the development of the Neogene icehouse climate