5,697 research outputs found

    Policy instruments in the Common Agricultural Policy

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    Policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) can be explained in terms of the exhaustion and long-term contradictions of policy instruments. Changes in policy instruments have reoriented the policy without any change in formal Treaty goals. The social and economic efficacy of instruments in terms of evidence-based policy analysis was a key factor in whether they were delegitimized. The original policy instruments were generally dysfunctional, but reframing the policy in terms of a multifunctionality paradigm permitted the development of more efficacious instruments. A dynamic interaction takes place between the instruments and policy informed by the predominant discourses

    The lost sunspot cycle: New support from Be10 measurements

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    It has been suggested that the deficit in the number of spots on the surface of the Sun between 1790 and 1830, known as the Dalton minimum, contained an extra cycle that was not identified in the original sunspot record by Wolf. Though this cycle would be shorter and weaker than the average solar cycle, it would shift the magnetic parity of the solar magnetic field of the earlier cycles. This extra cycle is sometimes referred to as the 'lost solar cycle' or 'cycle 4b'. Here we reanalyse Be10 measurements with annual resolution from the NGRIP ice core in Greenland in order to investigate if the hypothesis regarding a lost sunspot cycle is supported by these measurements. Specifically, we make use of the fact that the Galactic cosmic rays, responsible for forming Be10 in the Earth's atmosphere, are affected differently by the open solar magnetic field during even and odd solar cycles. This fact enables us to evaluate if the numbering of cycles earlier than cycle 5 is correct. For the evaluation, we use Bayesian analysis, which reveals that the lost sunspot cycle hypothesis is likely to be correct. We also discuss if this cycle 4b is a real cycle, or a phase catastrophe, and what implications this has for our understanding of stellar activity cycles in general.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Lunar resources: Oxygen from rocks and soil

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    The first set of hydrogen reduction experiments to use actual lunar material was recently completed. The sample, 70035, is a coarse-grained vesicular basalt containing 18.46 wt. percent FeO and 12.97 wt. percent TiO2. The mineralogy includes pyroxene, ilmenite, plagioclase, and minor olivine. The sample was crushed to a grain size of less than 500 microns. The crushed basalt was reduced with hydrogen in seven tests at temperatures of 900-1050 C and pressures of 1-10 atm for 30-60 minutes. A capacitance probe, measuring the dew point of the gas stream, was used to follow reaction progress. Experiments were also conducted using a terrestrial basalt similar to some lunar mare samples. Minnesota Lunar Simulant (MLS-1) contains 13.29 wt. percent FeO, 2.96 wt. percent Fe2O3, and 6.56 wt. percent TiO2. The major minerals include plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, ilmenite, and magnetite. The rock was ground and seived, and experiments were run on the less than 74- and 500-1168-micron fractions. Experiments were also conducted on less than 74-micron powders of olivine, pyroxene, synthetic ilmenite, and TiO2. The terrestrial rock and mineral samples were reduced with flowing hydrogen at 1100 C in a microbalance furnace, with reaction progress monitored by weight loss. Experiments were run at atmospheric pressure for durations of 3-4 hr. Solid samples from both sets of experiments were analyzed by Mossbauer spectroscopy, petrographic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, tunneling electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Apollo 17 soil 78221 was examined for evidence of natural reduction in the lunar environment. This sample was chosen based on its high maturity level (I sub s/FeO = 93.0). The FeO content is 11.68 wt. percent and the TiO2 content is 3.84 wt. percent. A polished thin section of the 90-150 micron size fraction was analyzed by petrographic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy

    A direct D-bar reconstruction algorithm for recovering a complex conductivity in 2-D

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    A direct reconstruction algorithm for complex conductivities in W2,(Ω)W^{2,\infty}(\Omega), where Ω\Omega is a bounded, simply connected Lipschitz domain in R2\mathbb{R}^2, is presented. The framework is based on the uniqueness proof by Francini [Inverse Problems 20 2000], but equations relating the Dirichlet-to-Neumann to the scattering transform and the exponentially growing solutions are not present in that work, and are derived here. The algorithm constitutes the first D-bar method for the reconstruction of conductivities and permittivities in two dimensions. Reconstructions of numerically simulated chest phantoms with discontinuities at the organ boundaries are included.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in [insert name of journal]. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at 10.1088/0266-5611/28/9/09500

    The Total Filmmaker: thinking of screenwriting, directing and editing as one role

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    As screenwriting continues to establish itself as a discrete discipline in academia, either in alignment with creative writing departments or film and media practice departments, there is a danger that such developments may entrench a distancing of the craft from the cinematic form itself and that such a distancing may ultimately reinforce the screenplay's propensity for dramaturgy and the dramatic, rather than the sensory and experiential of the cinematic. Closely related creative stages in telling cinematic stories include directing and editing and this article seeks to argue, with reference to personal screen practice, that screenwriting, directing and editing are, in fact, three variations of the same thing. The article proposes the notion of the Total Filmmaker who embraces all three aspects of the cinematic storyteller. If the ultimate aim is to create a narrative that fully utilises the unique properties of the cinematic form in telling a story, rather than being dominated by the theatricality of dramatically driven classical narratives. How might one explore the relationship between screenwriting, directing and editing? Can an integrated approach to creating the cinematic blueprint change the way we think of pedagogy and screenwriting

    Constructive Relationships Between Algebraic Thickness and Normality

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    We study the relationship between two measures of Boolean functions; \emph{algebraic thickness} and \emph{normality}. For a function ff, the algebraic thickness is a variant of the \emph{sparsity}, the number of nonzero coefficients in the unique GF(2) polynomial representing ff, and the normality is the largest dimension of an affine subspace on which ff is constant. We show that for 0<ϵ<20 < \epsilon<2, any function with algebraic thickness n3ϵn^{3-\epsilon} is constant on some affine subspace of dimension Ω(nϵ2)\Omega\left(n^{\frac{\epsilon}{2}}\right). Furthermore, we give an algorithm for finding such a subspace. We show that this is at most a factor of Θ(n)\Theta(\sqrt{n}) from the best guaranteed, and when restricted to the technique used, is at most a factor of Θ(logn)\Theta(\sqrt{\log n}) from the best guaranteed. We also show that a concrete function, majority, has algebraic thickness Ω(2n1/6)\Omega\left(2^{n^{1/6}}\right).Comment: Final version published in FCT'201

    Fluctuation theorem for the effusion of an ideal gas

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    The probability distribution of the entropy production for the effusion of an ideal gas between two compartments is calculated explicitly. The fluctuation theorem is verified. The analytic results are in good agreement with numerical data from hard disk molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Resource-efficient cryptographic primitives become fundamental for realizing both security and efficiency in embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a major role as a building block for security protocols. In this paper, we describe a new family of lightweight block ciphers named KLEIN, which is designed for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and RFID tags. Compared to the related proposals, KLEIN has advantage in the software performance on legacy sensor platforms, while in the same time its hardware implementation can also be compact

    Kinetics of the interactions between yeast elongation factors 1A and 1Bα, guanine nucleotides, and aminoacyl-tRNA.

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    The interactions of elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with elongation factor 1Bα (eEF1Bα), guanine nucleotides, and aminoacyl-tRNA were studied kinetically by fluorescence stopped-flow. eEF1A has similar affinities for GDP and GTP, 0.4 and 1.1 μM, respectively. Dissociation of nucleotides from eEF1A in the absence of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor is slow (about 0.1 s(−1)) and is accelerated by eEF1Bα by 320-fold and 250-fold for GDP and GTP, respectively. The rate constant of eEF1Bα binding to eEF1A (10(7)–10(8) M(−1) s(−1)) is independent of guanine nucleotides. At the concentrations of nucleotides and factors prevailing in the cell, the overall exchange rate is expected to be in the range of 6 s(−1), which is compatible with the rate of protein synthesis in the cell. eEF1A·GTP binds Phe-tRNA(Phe) with a K(d) of 3 nM, whereas eEF1A·GDP shows no significant binding, indicating that eEF1A has similar tRNA binding properties as its prokaryotic homolog, EF-Tu