325 research outputs found

    Samarbejdskultur i fĂŠngsler: NĂ„r uddannelse og facilitering bruges til organisationsudvikling

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    Direktoratet for Kriminalforsorgen sĂŠtter en rĂŠkke projekter i vĂŠrk i disse Ă„r for at udvikle fĂŠngslerne og afsoningsforholdene. Det handler om at skabe gode betingelser for resocialisering af de indsatte, f.eks. ved at give de indsatte mulighed for uddannelse, etablere en bedre samarbejdskultur mellem ansatte og indsatte og ved at skabe en bedre samarbejdskultur mellem de ansatte. To forskere fra DPU, Aarhus Universitet, Charlotte Mathiassen og Hanne Knudsen, har fulgt et af disse projekter: ”Samarbejdskultur i fĂŠngsler”

    Thermal energy storage sizing for industrial waste-heat utilization in district heating: A model predictive control approach

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    Thermal energy storage (TES) is a key technology for enabling increased utilization of industrial waste heat in district heating. The ability of TES to equalize offsets in demand and supply depends strongly on the sizing, control and integration in a heating plant. We consider the problem of sizing TES in heating plants utilizing a varying waste-heat source. To this end, we propose a combined dynamic simulation and model predictive control approach that accounts for the dynamics and optimal control of the heating plant with TES. A case study has been carried out on a district-heating plant located in Norway, with 90% of its annual heat production being heat recovered from the off-gas from a ferrosilicon plant. We evaluate the effective peak-heating reduction with different TES sizes and the energy-to-heat-flow-ratio for the TES discharging periods as performance metrics. For the case study, our results suggest that a modest TES tank volume of 1500 m3 is sufficient to achieve a half-year peak-heating reduction of 12% and comparable performance with larger volumes. The proposed methodology constitutes a numerically tractable means of incorporating the impact of model predictive control on the sizing of TES for heating plants with time-varying waste-heat supply and demand. Keywords Thermal energy storageWaste-heat utilizationDistrict heatingModel predictive controlpublishedVersio

    Choice of metrics matters—Future scenarios on milk and beef production in Norway using an LCA approach

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    The consumption of dairy and beef products is expected to increase globally in the future, and at the same time, food must be produced in a more sustainable way, including reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, avoided feed-food competition, and reduced biodiversity loss. The purpose of the study was to a) provide an overall life cycle assessment (LCA) of these impacts for various future milk and beef production systems in Norway and b) determine how the choice of metrics for climate change affects the results. System boundaries were from cradle to farm gate and the temporal boundary was 2017 with future scenarios for 2040. The actual production and consumption in Norway in 2017 was used as a baseline (BL), and the sustainability of future Norwegian domestic production of milk and beef was assessed through three scenarios for 2040: 1) a trend yield scenario (TrendY) based on an expected increase in milk yield following the present trend, 2) a high yield scenario (HighY) with higher increase in the milk yield per cow per year than the trend, and 3) a low yield scenario (LowY) where the milk yield per cow per year was adjusted for covering the domestic demand for beef solely from dual-purpose production and no domestic specialized beef production. The beef production per dual-purpose cow was kept constant and the remaining domestic demand in scenario 1 and 2 were covered by specialized beef production. Climate change was assessed using both a GWP100 and a GWP* approach. The HighY scenario had the lowest impact on climate change using GWP100, but when taking the different behaviors of short- and long-term climate pollutants into account (GWP*), the ranking of the future scenarios changed and favored LowY. The potential biodiversity loss was lower for the LowY scenario because the proportion of concentrates in the dairy cow ration was decreased due to lower milk yield. Similarly, the feed-food competition was lower (land use ratio < 1) for the LowY. The results of our study suggest that the choice of metric for GWP and time frame highly affects the results and conclusions and strategies for climate smart and sustainable livestock production should therefore be made with caution.publishedVersio

    Impaired transmission in the corticospinal tract and gait disability in spinal cord injured persons

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    Rehabilitation following spinal cord injury is likely to depend on recovery of corticospinal systems. Here we investigate whether transmission in the corticospinal tract may explain foot drop (inability to dorsiflex ankle) in persons with spinal cord lesion. The study was performed in 24 persons with incomplete spinal cord lesion (C1 to L1) and 15 healthy controls. Coherence in the 10- to 20-Hz frequency band between paired tibialis anterior muscle (TA) electromyographic recordings obtained in the swing phase of walking, which was taken as a measure of motor unit synchronization. It was significantly correlated with the degree of foot drop, as measured by toe elevation and ankle angle excursion in the first part of swing. Transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to elicit motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) in the TA. The amplitude of the MEPs at rest and their latency during contraction were correlated to the degree of foot drop. Spinal cord injured participants who exhibited a large foot drop had little or no MEP at rest in the TA muscle and had little or no coherence in the same muscle during walking. Gait speed was correlated to foot drop, and was the lowest in participants with no MEP at rest. The data confirm that transmission in the corticospinal tract is of importance for lifting the foot during the swing phase of human gait

    Hyperansvar: nÄr personligt ansvar gÞres til genstand for styring

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    I lĂžbet af de sidste 10-15 Ă„r er skolen begyndt at forvente af forĂŠldrene, at de tager et udefineret og grĂŠnselĂžst personligt ansvar for deres bĂžrn som skolebĂžrn. Det personlige ansvar bliver dermed genstand for offentlig styring pĂ„ nye mĂ„der. I denne artikel undersĂžger vi, hvordan begrebet ansvar pĂ„virkes af denne styring. Vi peger pĂ„ en forskydning i den mĂ„de, forĂŠldrene tildeles ansvar, idet ansvar ikke lĂŠngere handler om at leve op til regler eller fĂžlge rĂ„d, men om at reflektere over om man har vĂŠret ansvarlig. Vi argumenterer for, at det, der skabes, er en form for hyperansvar, hvor ansvar handler om at deltage i offentlige refleksioner over sit potentielle ansvar. Vi argumenterer videre, at dette hyperansvar risikerer at true det, som reguleringen i udgangspunktet havde til ambition at fremme, nemlig personligt ansvar. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Hanne Knudsen and Niels ÅkerstrĂžm Andersen: Hyper-Responsibility: When Personal Responsibility is Made the Object of Regulation Over the past ten to fifteen years, state funded schools have begun to insist that parents take on an undefined and infinite personal responsibility for their children as school children. In this article we investigate how this development affects the concept of responsibility. We point to a dislocation in the way parents are assigned responsibility, because the definition of responsibility is not only a question of formulating rules or providing advice. We argue that what emerges is a kind of playful hyper responsibility that identifies responsibility as the participation in a process of public exploration by parents of the definition of their specific responsibilities. We also argue that this hyper-responsibility threatens that which the regulation intended to further, namely personal responsibility. Key words: Responsibilization, home-school relations, parenting, deconstruction, governmentality, play

    “Mildest talt sagt”

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    Steno Museet fylder 20 år den 25. marts 2014. I den anledning har planetarieleder Ole J. Knudsen og museumsinspektĂžr Hanne Teglhus haft en snak om årene, som er gået. De Ăžnsker tillykke til jer og til os

    Psy-ledelse. Nye former for (skole)ledelse set igennem tre optikker

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    De seneste Ă„r er ”stĂŠrk”, ”effektiv”, ”professionel” og ”succesfuld” ledelse af / i uddannelsesinstitutioner blevet efterspurgte stĂžrrelser. Det skal ses i sammenhĂŠng med de sidste Ă„rtiers New Public Management og mere omfattende reorganisering og modernisering af den offentlige sektor. For at imĂždekomme de forskellige og undertiden modsĂŠtningsfyldte krav, skolen mĂžder sĂ„vel internt som eksternt, anvender skolerne og deres aktĂžrer i dag det, man ofte kalder blĂžde ledelsesteknologier og -praksisser, dvs. en art psy-ledelse, der trĂŠkker pĂ„ psykologien og pĂŠdagogikkens professioner og begreber. De nye former for ledelse rekonstruerer “de/t, der skal ledes” pĂ„ et mere omfattende niveau, og denne (re) konstruktion af ”de/t, der skal ledes” har (uintenderede) og undertiden kontraproduktive konsekvenser. Frem for at undersĂžge den succesfulde eller effektive skoleledelse, sĂŠtter vi i artiklen spot pĂ„ effekterne af skoleledelse og pĂ„, hvordan psy-ledelse sĂŠtter betingelserne for styring og udvikling pĂ„ ny og mĂ„ske mere udfordrende mĂ„der. Vores sĂŠrlige ”touch” er et fokus pĂ„, hvordan ledelse spiller sammen med menneskelige tilblivelser, og hvordan menneskelige tilblivelser igen sĂŠtter betingelser for ledelse. De optikker, vi ser skoleledelse igennem er affektivisering, virtualisering og materialisering og vi forsĂžger pĂ„ den mĂ„de at konstruere mere prĂŠcise optikker, der sensitivt kan dissekere og beskrive ”det krydspres af forventninger” og ”den stigende kompleksitet”, der endnu ikke er et sensitivt nok sprog for. Det er artiklens hĂ„b, at sĂ„danne optikkers brugbarhed ogsĂ„ vil vĂŠre genkendelige inden for ledelse i den offentlige sektor mere bredt set og i den private sektor, hvor psy-ledelse trĂŠnger sig pĂ„ som svar pĂ„ sammensatte forventninger, krav om Ăžget produktivitet og international konkurrence
