8,582 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of some aspects of insect-like flapping flight aerodynamics for application to micro air vehicles

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    Insect-like flapping flight offers a power-efficient and highly manoeuvrable basis for micro air vehicles for indoor applications. Some aspects of the aerodynamics associated with the sweeping phase of insect wing kinematics are examined by making particle image velocimetry measurements on a rotating wing immersed in a tank of seeded water. The work is motivated by the paucity of data with quantified error on insect-like flapping flight, and aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed description of the experimental setup, quantifying the uncertainties in the measurements and explaining the results. The experiments are carried out at two Reynolds numbers-500 and 15,000-accounting for scales pertaining to many insects and future flapping-wing micro air vehicles, respectively. The results from the experiments are used to describe prominent flow features, and Reynolds number-related differences are highlighted. In particular, the behaviour of the leading-edge vortex at these Reynolds numbers is studied and the presence of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability observed at the higher Reynolds number in computational fluid dynamics calculations is also verified

    Disseminated chlorellosis in a dog

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    An adult dog with ataxia and a lingual mass, previously diagnosed as protothecosis, was euthanized. At the postmortem examination, the lingual mass, regions of the lungs and hilar lymph nodes, liver, mesenteric and sublumbar lymph nodes, and spinal meninges had pronounced green discoloration. Histologically, pyogranulomatous inflammation and algal organisms were found in the tongue, spinal meninges, hilar and mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, and lung. The algae had cell walls positive for periodic acid-Schiff and cytoplasmic granules. Ultrastructurally, the algae had a well-defined cell wall, stacks of grana and thylakoid membrane, and dense bodies, typical of starch granules. The organisms were identified as Chlorella, a green alga, based on the results of histochemistical and electron microscopic examination. To the author's knowledge this is the first report of disseminated Chlorella infection and the first report in a companion animal.The published version of this article may be found at http://www.vetpathology.org/cgi/content/abstract/46/3/43

    Resonant Formation of dμtd\mu t Molecules in Deuterium: An Atomic Beam Measurement of Muon Catalyzed dt Fusion

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    Resonant formation of dμtd\mu t molecules in collisions of muonic tritium (μt\mu t) on D2_2 was investigated using a beam of μt\mu t atoms, demonstrating a new direct approach in muon catalyzed fusion studies. Strong epithermal resonances in dμtd\mu t formation were directly revealed for the first time. From the time-of-flight analysis of 2036±1162036\pm 116 dtdt fusion events, a formation rate consistent with 0.73±(0.16)meas±(0.09)model0.73\pm (0.16)_{meas} \pm (0.09)_{model} times the theoretical prediction was obtained. For the largest peak at a resonance energy of 0.423±0.0370.423 \pm 0.037 eV, this corresponds to a rate of (7.1±1.8)×109(7.1 \pm 1.8) \times 10^9 s1^{-1}, more than an order of magnitude larger than those at low energies.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    VLBI observations of the Crab nebula pulsar

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    Observations were made at meter wave-lengths using very long base-line interferometry techniques. At 196.5 MHz no resolution of the pulsar are observed; all the pulse shapes observed with the interferometers are similar to single dish profiles, and all the power pulsates. At 111.5 MHz besides the pulsing power there is always a steady component, presumably due to interstellar scattering. The pulsar is slightly resolved at 111.5 MHz with an apparent angular diameter of 0.07 sec ? 0.01 sec. A 50 percent linear polarization of the time-averaged power is noted at 196.5 MHz; at 111.5 MHz, 20 percent of the total time-averaged power is polarized, 35 percent of the pulsing power is polarized, and the steady component is unpolarized

    Corals Use Similar Immune Cells and Wound-Healing Processes as Those of Higher Organisms

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    Sessile animals, like corals, frequently suffer physical injury from a variety of sources, thus wound-healing mechanisms that restore tissue integrity and prevent infection are vitally important for defence. Despite the ecological importance of reef-building corals, little is known about the cells and processes involved in wound healing in this group or in phylogenetically basal metazoans in general

    TNFα and GM-CSF-induced activation of the CAEV promoter is independent of AP-1

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    AbstractCaprine arthritis encephalitis virus transcription is under the control of the viral promoter within the long terminal repeat. Previous studies with the closely related maedi visna lentivirus have indicated that viral transcription is dependent upon the AP-1 transcription factor. Other studies have indicated a potential role for the cytokines TNFα and GM-CSF in CAEV pathogenesis by increasing viral loads in infected tissues. The hypotheses that AP-1 transcription factors are necessary for transcriptional activation of the CAEV promoter and that CAEV transcriptional activation results from treatment with the cytokines GM-CSF and TNFα were tested with a stably transduced U937 cell line. Here, we found that TNFα and GM-CSF activated CAEV transcription in U937 cells. However, this activation effect was not blocked by SP600125, an inhibitor of Jun N-terminal kinase. SP600125 effectively prevented Jun phosphorylation in cells subsequently treated with cytokines. The cytokines TNFα and GM-CSF therefore activate CAEV transcription, and this effect occurs independently of AP-1. A set of progressive deletion mutants was utilized to show that TNFα-induced expression depends on an element or elements within the U3 70-bp repeat

    Muon Catalyzed Fusion in 3 K Solid Deuterium

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    Muon catalyzed fusion in deuterium has traditionally been studied in gaseous and liquid targets. The TRIUMF solid-hydrogen-layer target system has been used to study the fusion reaction rates in the solid phase of D_2 at a target temperature of 3 K. Products of two distinct branches of the reaction were observed; neutrons by a liquid organic scintillator, and protons by a silicon detector located inside the target system. The effective molecular formation rate from the upper hyperfine state of μd\mu d and the hyperfine transition rate have been measured: λ~(3/2)=2.71(7)stat.(32)syst.μ/s\tilde{\lambda}_(3/2)=2.71(7)_{stat.}(32)_{syst.} \mu/s, and λ~(3/2)(1/2)=34.2(8)stat.(1)syst.μ/s\tilde{\lambda}_{(3/2)(1/2)} =34.2(8)_{stat.}(1)_{syst.} \mu /s. The molecular formation rate is consistent with other recent measurements, but not with the theory for isolated molecules. The discrepancy may be due to incomplete thermalization, an effect which was investigated by Monte Carlo calculations. Information on branching ratio parameters for the s and p wave d+d nuclear interaction has been extracted.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PRA Feb 20, 199

    A large sample study of spin relaxation and magnetometric sensitivity of paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells

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    We have manufactured more than 250 nominally identical paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells (28mm inner diameter bulbs) for multi-channel atomic magnetometer applications. We describe our dedicated cell characterization apparatus. For each cell we have determined the intrinsic longitudinal, Γ 01, and transverse, Γ 02, relaxation rates. Our best cell shows Γ 01/2π≈0.5Hz, and Γ 02/2π≈2Hz. We find a strong correlation of both relaxation rates which we explain in terms of reservoir and spin exchange relaxation. For each cell we have determined the optimal combination of rf and laser powers which yield the highest sensitivity to magnetic field changes. Out of all produced cells, 90% are found to have magnetometric sensitivities in the range of 9to 30fT Hz\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} . Noise analysis shows that the magnetometers operated with such cells have a sensitivity close to the fundamental photon shot noise limi