178 research outputs found


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    BACKGROUND: Economic evaluations are used as a tool for making priorities in the health care sector and this tool should in principle, reflect individuals’ preferences. In economic theory, utility is seen as a way to describe preferences. The utility of life years gained in economic evaluations of health care programmes has commonly been treated as a linear function of life years gained even though some empirical evidence suggest a diminishing marginal utility for lifetime. A power function with a factor less than 1 in the quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) model has been suggested to account for risk aversion and positive time preferences. METHODS: In this study, the utility of gain in lifetime up to 1 year was examined in a random sample of 2,400 Norwegians aged 40 to 59 years old. In hypothetical scenarios, respondents with untreated remaining lifetime of 1 or 10 years were offered treatment with a life gain ranging from 1 week to 1 year. The utility of the treatment was measured as willingness-to-pay (WTP) in an individual perspective. RESULTS: The acceptance rates for offers of life extension treatments with a fixed price per week was increasing with longer life extensions and this indicates an increasing marginal utility for lifetime gains up to one year. However, the maximum WTP/week was decreasing with longer lifetime gains, which might be attributed to reduced ability to pay for longer gains. There was no clear lower threshold value for a gain in life extension to be considered worthwhile. CONCLUSION: If an increasing marginal utility for lifetime gains up to one year reflects the population’s preferences, the standard linear QALY model and the power QALY model proposed may yield misleading results for decision-making, and QALY weights obtained through TTO may be biased

    Ground-penetrating radar imaging of depositional and diagenetic features in an Upper Miocene carbonate reservoir analog, SE Spain

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    Optimal hydrocarbon recovery from microbialite-oolite reservoirs can be limited by complex facies geometries and porosity distribution. This study integrates ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and detailed outcrop data for 3D mapping of porosity distribution and stratigraphic architecture within Upper Miocene microbialite-oolite sequences (Terminal Carbonate Complex) of southeastern Spain. Twenty kilometers of 2D and 3D GPR data of differing frequencies (25, 50, and 100 MHz) were acquired throughout the survey site, an area approximately 400 m x 300 m. Two-dimensional GPR profiles were collected along a grid covering the entire survey area, allowing imaging of depositional and diagenetic variability over a broad area. Two densely spaced 3D grids allow further detailed characterization and comparison of paleotopographic high and low areas. Results of this study illustrate that GPR can image stratigraphic features such as sequence boundaries and tight thrombolite bodies. Reflections are primarily influenced by porosity variations within the strata. Three of the GPR facies, recognized on the basis of reflection signatures (strong, weak, or no internal reflections), are linked predominantly to porosity variations in facies. Each GPR facies has been identified and delineated in each frequency data set. GPR facies distribution illustrates a large-scale trend of lower porosity in the updip portion of the survey area. GPR successfully imaged some depositional features (i.e., sequence boundaries and some thrombolites), however, in many instances, reflections correlate to variations in porosity that vary laterally and vertically on a several-meter scale in 3D and commonly cut across sequence boundaries. The abrupt lateral changes in GPR character are inconsistent with their being controlled by depositional processes; instead diagenesis and potentially fractures appear to strongly influence GPR signal. These observations indicate that porosity characteristics in the study area are associated with both depositional and diagenetic processes. Although GPR has traditionally been used to image stratigraphic features, these results indicate GPR can be important for imaging diagenetic features as well. As such, GPR can be a valuable tool for imaging porosity heterogeneity and developing conceptual models that portray 3D variations in both stratigraphy and porosity. Resultant insights may be important for comprehensive understanding of porosity development and distribution in this system and subsurface carbonate reservoir analogs

    Language Learning and Metacognition: An Intervention to Improve Language Classrooms

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    In the USA, the trend of increase in foreign language enrollments at the college level has suddenly begun to decline since 2009, despite the notion that learning multiple languages is becoming essential for effectively communicating with others from diverse native language backgrounds. This new decline may be due in part to inefficient and outdated foreign language courses. The current study examined the effect of how we assess our current knowledge and learning techniques (metacognition) on educational outcomes in hopes to improve the effectiveness of the university classrooms. College students were exposed to new metacognitive strategies that could benefit their language learning throughout the fall 2016 semester. Specifically, students were presented with new information every other week to improve their vocabulary building, listening skills, and writing skills. Hierarchical multiple linear regression provided evidence that teaching students about metacognition and effective metacognitive strategies could benefit university language learners

    Assessing whether connection of solar home systems can improve electricity access in off-grid areas

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    In Sub-Saharan Africa, millions of people live without access to electricity. In rural areas, connection to national grids is not always feasible. A growing clean energy response has been implementation of solar home systems. These are composed of solar panels, batteries, and essential electrical appliances. With a limited capacity, the battery is unable to handle large variations in electricity demand. A potential solution to this may be connecting separate solar home systems using electric cables. This could allow for variations in electricity demand between separate households to be evened out through electricity exchanges. This study examines the potential benefits of electricity exchange between off-grid solar home systems. To assess the effects of the exchanges, the solar home systems were simulated using a Python code. Konza, a village located in Kenya, is home to multiple owners of solar home systems and was therefore chosen as the case village for the study. Based on previous studies of load profiles for electric appliances in similar areas, probability-based demand was predicted for each appliance. Using the web-based software PVGIS, solar generation data was estimated. The electricity demand and solar generation were used as inputs to the Python code. The simulation calculated hourly battery charges over one year for independent and connected households. The effects of the exchange were assessed by comparing results before and after connection. The study examines three separate cases. Case 1 included three households that owned varying sets of electric appliances. Improvements to electricity access were observed including a 17% reduction in amount of demand left unserved. Case 2 added adjustments to electric appliances for one household. Unserved demand was reduced by 4.5% after connection, which suggested that some of the results from Case 1 were attributable to differences in electricity demand between separate households. In Case 3, the number of households was increased to six and unserved demand was reduced by 33% after connection. This indicated that a higher number of connected households will increase the benefits of connection. For all three cases, the improvements to electricity access were limited because seasonal variations in generation outweighed day-to-day variations in demand. The results suggest that the connection of separate solar home systems can to some degree improve electricity access for homeowners in off-grid areas, particularly where higher numbers of households are close to each other.I Afrika, sør for Sahara, lever millionvis av mennesker uten tilgang til strøm. I distrikter er det ofte ikke mulig å koble seg til nasjonale strømnett. En voksende ren-energi respons har vært implementering av frittstående solenergisystemer (solar home systems). Disse er sammensatt av solcellepaneler, batterier og elektriske apparater. Med begrenset kapasitet er batteriet ikke i stand til å håndtere store variasjoner i elektrisitetsforbruk. En mulig løsning på denne utfordringen kan være å koble sammen separate systemer ved hjelp av elektriske kabler. Dette kan legge til rette for at variasjoner i strømforbruk mellom ulike husholdninger utjevnes gjennom strømutveksling. Denne studien undersøker de potensielle fordelene av strømutveksling mellom solenergisystemer utenfor strømnettet. For å vurdere effekten av utvekslingene, ble systemene simulert ved hjelp av en Python kode. Konza, en landsby i Kenya, er hjemsted for flere eiere av solenergisystemer og ble derfor valgt som caselandsby for studien. Basert på tidligere studier på lastprofiler for elektriske apparater i lignende områder, ble sannsynlighetsbasert etterspørsel predikert for hvert apparat. Ved hjelp av den nettbaserte programvaren PVGIS ble data for strømgenerasjon estimert. Elektrisitetsbehovet og strømgenerasjonen ble brukt som input til Python koden. Simuleringen beregnet timevis batteriladning over ett år for uavhengige og sammenkoblede husholdninger. Effekten av utvekslingene ble vurdert ved å sammenligne resultater før og etter sammenkobling. Studien undersøker tre ulike case. Case 1 inkluderte tre husstander som eide forskjellige sett med elektriske apparater. Forbedringer i elektrisitetstilgangen ble observert, med blandt annet en 17 % reduksjon i mengden strømbehov som ikke ble oppfylt. Case 2 la til justeringer av elektriske apparater for én husholdning. Mengden uoppfylt strømbehov ble redusert med 4,5 % etter sammenkobling, noe som tydet på at noen av resultatene fra case 1 kan tilskrives forskjeller i strømbehov mellom ulike husholdninger. I case 3 ble antallet husstander økt til seks og mengden uoppfyllt strømbehov ble redusert med 33 % etter tilknytning. Dette indikerte at et høyere antall sammenkoblede husholdninger vil øke fordelene ved tilknytning. For alle tre tilfellene var forbedringer i elektrisitetstilgangen begrenset fordi sesongvariasjoner i strømgenerasjon oppveide daglige variasjoner i etterspørsel. Resultatene tyder på at sammenkobling av frittstående solenergisystemer til en viss grad kan forbedre elektrisitetstilgangen for huseiere i områder utenfor nettet, spesielt der flere husholdninger er nære hverandre.M-M

    Should Norway intervene? : a discourse analytical approach to Norway's "policy" on military interventions 1999-2011

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    Since 1999 Norway has participated in three military interventions and refused to participate in a fourth. This thesis explores how Norway’s participation in military intervention has been made possible and whether there is a Norwegian policy on military interventions. It adopts a discourse analytical approach as a theoretical basis and as a method. By examining a broad range of texts on the debates on Norway’s participation in interventions it seeks to identify a dominant representation of the circumstances under which Norway will participate. Contrary to what one might expect this thesis finds that it is not possible to identify one coherent discourse on military intervention in Norway or a dominant representation of circumstances under which Norway will participate. Therefore it is not possible to identify a Norwegian policy on military intervention, which makes it difficult to predict Norway’s position in future questions of participation in military interventions. However, the intervention discourse does not appear “out of the blue” whenever a new intervention is debated. Throughout the various interventions we find three main recurrent elements: NATO membership, promotion of the UN and promotion of universal human rights. Through the use of a layered framework these can be understood as fairly permanent construction of principles on which Norwegian foreign policy is based (the strategic level) that are more deeply rooted in constructions on national security and Norwegian self-images (idea level). Although we cannot predict future decisions based on the analysis of the intervention discourse, the layered framework indicates that some representations are more fundamental than others. Thus, actors will have to argue within the frames set on levels one and two: they must provide proper constructions of NATO, the UN and humanitarianism. Consequently Norwegian participation in any future intervention will have to provide proper representations of promotion of international law and the UN, Norway’s obligations to NATO and the allies and offer a proper representation of humanitarian concerns. Otherwise, we can expect a shift in the discourse with, changes in the more fundamental construction of Norwegian foreign policy and/or serious political consequences for any actor that seeks to promote a policy which cannot be argued within the frames of continuity

    Kommunale psykososiale kriseteams oppfølging av etterlatte ved selvmord

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    Denne masteroppgavens problemstilling er: Hvordan beskriver fagpersoner i kommunale psykososiale kriseteam sitt arbeid med oppfølging av etterlatte ved selvmord? Kommunene har et lovpålagt ansvar å yte psykososial hjelp ved kriser, ulykker og katastrofer, men det er opp til hver kommune hvordan dette arbeidet organiseres. Mange kommuner har opprettet kriseteam, en førsteinstans som ofte kommer i kontakt med etterlatte, og har en sentral rolle i oppfølgingen i akuttfasen. Forskning viser at etterlatte opplever mangler i oppfølgningen. Hensikt med studien er først og fremst å få beskrivelser fra fagpersoner om faktorer som kan bidra til bedre oppfølging av etterlatte, men også kunnskap om hvordan fagpersoner ivaretas. Forskningsdesignet er en kvalitativ studie med individuelle intervju med fem personer fra kriseteam i tre relativt store kommuner på Østlandet. Vitenskapsteoretisk grunnlag er det sosialkonstruktivistiske paradigmet med en induktiv tilnærming. Tematisk analyse er benyttet i analysearbeidet. Studien inngår i et samarbeid med SINTEF Helse, og det er brukt intervjuguide som er utarbeidet av denne forskningsinstitusjonen. Analysen viser tre hovedtemaer; fagpersonens mangfoldige rolle, erfaringer med organiseringen og betydningen av veiledning og kompetanse. Funn viser at fagpersonene legger mye vekt på å tilpasse oppfølgingen og er fleksible med hensyn til varighet. Et annet funn er uklarheter angående hvem som har ansvar for oppfølging over tid og å koordinere hjelpen. Det fremkommer også variasjon når det gjelder mulighet for veiledning og kompetanseheving av kriseteamsmedlemmene. Proaktiv psykososial oppfølging som varer over tid, er en viktig tilnærming. Kunnskap om sorg og krisearbeid gir trygghet i fagutøvelsen, likeledes mulighet for jevnlig veiledning og debrif etter oppdrag. Mye av den psykososiale oppfølgingen er blitt bedre de siste årene, men lokale forskjeller kan gi utslag i hva slags hjelp som gis.The research question for this master's thesis is: How do professionals in municipal psychosocial crisis teams describe their work in providing support to those bereaved by suicide? Municipalities have a legal obligation to provide psychosocial support during crises, accidents, and disasters, but it is up to each municipality to organize this work. Many municipalities have established crisis teams, a first point of contact that often interacts with those bereaved by suicide and plays a central role in follow-up during the acute phase. Research shows that those bereaved by suicide experience shortcomings in follow-up. The purpose of this study is primarily to obtain descriptions from professionals about factors that can contribute to better follow-up of those bereaved by suicide, but also knowledge about how professionals are supported. The research design is a qualitative study with individual interviews with five people from crisis teams in three relatively large municipalities in Eastern Norway. The epistemological basis is the social constructivist paradigm with an inductive approach. Thematic analysis has been used in the analysis work. The study is part of a collaboration with SINTEF Health, and an interview guide developed by this research institution has been used. The analysis shows three main themes: the diverse role of the professional, experiences with organization, and the importance of guidance and competence. Findings show that professionals place great emphasis on adapting follow-up and being flexible regarding duration. Another finding is uncertainties regarding who is responsible for follow-up over time and coordinating the help. There is also variation regarding the possibility of guidance and competence development for crisis team members. Proactive psychosocial follow-up that lasts over time is an important approach. Knowledge of grief and crisis work provides security in professional practice, as well as the possibility of regular guidance and debriefing after assignments. Much of the psychosocial follow-up has improved in recent years, but local differences can affect the type of help provided

    Agile software development one year into the COVID-19 pandemic

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    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many agile practitioners had to transition into a remote work environment. Despite remote work not being a new concept for agile software practitioners, the forced or recommended nature of remote work is new. This study investigates how the involuntary shift to remote work and how social restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have affected agile software development (ASD), and how agile practitioners have been affected in terms of ways of working. An explanatory sequential mixed methods study was performed. Data were collected one year into the COVID-19 pandemic through a questionnaire with 96 respondents and in-depth semi-structured interviews with seven practitioners from seven different companies. Data were analyzed through Bayesian analysis and thematic analysis. The results show, in general, that the aspects of ASD that have been the most affected is communication and social interactions, while technical work aspects have not experienced the same changes. Moreover, feeling forced to work remotely has a significant impact on different aspects of ASD, e.g., productivity and communication, and industry practitioners’ employment of agile development and ways of working have primarily been affected by the lack of social interaction and the shift to digital communication. The results also suggest that there may be a group maturing debt when teams do go back into office, as digital communication and the lack of psychological safety stand in the way for practitioners’ ability to have sensitive discussions and progress as a team in a remote setting

    Your Criminalisation, Our Business Opportunity - on Nation States' Reluctance to Globalised Law

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    Kartlegging og tilstandsvurdering av vegetasjonstyper på Mølen. Er nåværende forvaltning tilstrekkelig for ivaretagelse av natur og vegetasjon?

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    The thesis discover a particular nature- and cultural area in the county of Vestfold, Mølen in Larvik municipality. A large part of this area is an old cultural landscape which also has worthy preservations values within cultural history, geology, ornithology and vegetation. Throughout field work the vegetation types of Mølen are mapped, and based on this data a vegetation map is constructed in GIS. In this way the vegetation type, their size and extensiveness are examined. Aerial photos, interview and field surveys are used to discover the vegetation dynamic and change in the human utilization in the time perspective between 1947 and 2012. Based on this data there is exposed that a lot of the vegetation has change from grasslands and low growing shrubs to tall growing shrubs, scattered trees and two separated forests. Mølen among other areas are included in a regulation plan, but the plan doesn't include this processes. Collected data also determine that the regulation plan is insufficient according to the national and international purposes for preserving cultural and natural values. A condition estimation is done on vegetation types that are characteristic for the area or occupy a great extensiveness. To expose a condition in these vegetation types, different estimates tools that's discover the processes which lead to a condition change are used. Used estimate tools are: area, utilization regime, forestation, vegetation reduction caused by mechanical erosion, regional important species, physical intervention, tree strata successional condition, density of tree strata, numbers of tree strata, and regeneration. By combing the results from the condition estimate, it has been clarified that Mølens vegetation types consist in different conditions. Other methods used to collect data under the fieldwork are mapping of vegetation types, GPS used to mark the vegetation and camera used to take photos. Five transect analyses are done transversely over footpaths and five transects are done for analyses of the change of vegetation types all over the field area. To comprehend earlier human activities interviews of local farmers is done. Through adobe illustrator and paint the data from vegetation types transects is presented.Master i miljø- og landskapsgeografiGEO350MASV-GEO