16 research outputs found

    Effect of ruminal mechanical stimulating brushes on the performance of lactating Holstein dairy cows

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je potvrditi hipotezu da umjetne četke za stimulaciju buraga (RMS četke) mogu djelomično zamijeniti funkciju strukturnih vlakana te povećati proizvodnju ili kvalitetu mlijeka. Kako bi se umanjili rizici hranidbe niskom razinom fizikalno učinkovitih neutralnih deterdžent vlakana (peNDF) na goveda, ispitivana je primjena četki za stimulaciju buraga kod 22 visoko proizvodne holstein mliječne krave. Krave su podijeljene u eksperimentalnu skupinu u kojoj su primijenjene RMS četke i kontrolnu skupinu bez primjene. Krave su hranjene sa četiri eksperimentalna potpuno izmiješana obroka s nepromjenjivim količinama silaže lucerne, kukuruzne silaže, silaže cijelog klipa kukuruza te različitih količina pivskog tropa i pšenične slame. Sadržaj peNDF u obrocima je bio redom 10,9, 13,0, 12,6 i 14,0 %. Istraživanje je trajalo 18 tjedana, a sve su krave hranjene obrokom s niskim sadržajem strukturnih vlakana povezanim s rizikom pojave subakutne ruminalne acidoze (SARA). U eksperimentalnoj skupini, tri RMS četke oralno su umetnute u burag posebnim aplikatorom. Tijekom istraživanja, promatran je utjecaj primjene RMS četki na konzumaciju, buražnu fermentaciju i proizvodnju mlijeka. Uzorak buražnog soka uzorkovan je želučanom sondom te je u njemu određen pH i sadržaj hlapljivih masnih kiselina te amoni¬jskog dušika. Primjena RMS četki značajno je povećala konzumaciju i proizvodnju mlijeka samo kada je eksperimentalna skupina hranjena obrokom s 13,0 % peNDF, te nije utvrđena jasna povezanost između sadržaja peNDF obroka i primjene RMS četki. Kvaliteta mlijeka, pH buraga i sadržaj produkata fermentacije nisu značajno povećani primjenom RMS četki. Iako je tehnologija RMS četki samo djelomično smanjila potrebe za peNDF, ona može smanjiti rizik pojave SARA.The aim of this study was to confirm the hypothesis that artificial brushes administered to the rumen can partially replace the function of structural fibre, and increase milk production or quality. To mitigate the risks of feeding low levels of physically effective neutral detergent fibre (peNDF) to cattle, the administration of ruminal mechanical stimulating (RMS) brushes was examined in 22 high-yielding lactating Holstein dairy cows. The cows were divided into an experimental group equipped with RMS brushes and a control group without RMS. Cows were fed four experimental total mixed rations (TMR) consisting of fixed amounts of alfalfa silage, maize silage, rush corn cob mix silage and different proportions of brewer\u27s grains, concentrate and wheat straw. The TMRs had the following 4 peNDF contents: 10.9%. 13.0%, 12.6% and 14.0%. The duration of the experiment was 18 weeks. All cows were fed TMRs with a low structural fibre content near levels associated with a risk of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA). For the RMS brush group, 3 RMS brushes were inserted orally into the rumen using a special applicator. The effects of RMS brushes on feed intake, rumen fermentation and milk production were evaluated. Ruminal fluid (250 mL) was taken using a stomach tube for pH, volatile fatty acids and ammonia nitrogen analysis. A significant increase was found for the feed intake and milk yield of the RMS group fed the TMRs with 13.0% peNDF although no relationship between peNDF content and RMS TMRs was found. No significant increase in milk quality, rumen pH or rumen fermentation metabolites was declared for the group with RMS brushes. Although RMS brush technology only partially reduced the requirements for peNDF, it may decrease the risk of SARA

    Applications of Liquid Biopsies in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

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    The concept of liquid biopsy as an analysis tool for non-solid tissue carried out for the purpose of providing information about solid tumors was introduced approximately 20 years ago. Additional to the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), the liquid biopsy approach quickly included the analysis of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and other tumor-derived markers such as circulating cell-free RNA or extracellular vesicles. Liquid biopsy is a non-invasive technique for detecting multiple cancer-associated biomarkers that is easy to obtain and can reflect the characteristics of the entire tumor mass. Currently, ctDNA is the key component of the liquid biopsy approach from the point of view of the prognosis assessment, prediction, and monitoring of the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. ctDNA in NSCLC patients carries variants or rearrangements that drive carcinogenesis, such as those in EGFR, KRAS, ALK, or ROS1. Due to advances in pharmacology, these variants are the subject of targeted therapy. Therefore, the detection of these variants has gained attention in clinical medicine. Recently, methods based on qPCR (ddPCR, BEAMing) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) are the most effective approaches for ctDNA analysis. This review addresses various aspects of the use of liquid biopsy with an emphasis on ctDNA as a biomarker in NSCLC patients