788 research outputs found
The public leadership questionnaire: The development and validation of five dimensions of public leadership behaviors
In the public administration discipline, there have been various important studies on leadership. However, scholarly inquiry still lags behind related disciplines such as psychology and business administration. This study contributes by developing and validating scales measuring public leadership behavior. Based on theory and empirical analyses, five key public leader behaviors are identified and measured: (1) accountability leadership (6 items), (2) lawfulness leadership (4 items), (3) ethical leadership (7 items), (4) political loyal leadership (5 items) and (5) network governance leadership (7 items). The factor structure was tested using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Public leadership behaviors were related as expected to transformational leadership and leadership effectiveness. Furthermore, public leadership behaviors were related as expected to outcomes such as organizational commitment (positive), work engagement (positive) and turnover intentions (negative). In sum, the results suggest that the public leadership questionnaire is a valid measurement instrument that can be used by scholars to analyze public leadership questions. In the concluding section, we develop a future research agenda and discuss the potential uses of the public leadership questionnaire for scholars and practitioners
Leadership and meaningful work in the public sector
In the public administration discipline, there have been a number of important studies on leadership. However, here, scholarly inquiry still lags behind related disciplines such as psychology and business administration. This article contributes by analyzing the role public leaders can play in making work more meaningful for their employees, which in turn positively influences employees’ job outcomes. More specifically, it analyzes the mediating role of work meaningfulness in the relationships between Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and organizational commitment, work effort, and work-to-family enrichment. Samples from education, healthcare, and local government are used. Results show firstly that leadership strongly influences work meaningfulness, which in turn influences job outcomes. Secondly, it was found that the impact and extent of leadership and work meaningfulness are higher in healthcare and education than in local government. The results emphasize the importance of leadership and meaningful work in the public sector
Определение радиационной стойкости ИС с помощью низкоэнергетического излучения
Предложен метод определения мощности дозы излучения по ионизационному току в p—n-переходе и радиационной стойкости МДП интегральных схем с помощью низкоэнергетического (10—40 кэВ) рентгеновского излучения.Запропоновано метод визначення потужності дози випромінення за іонізаційним струмом в p—n-пере-ході та радіаційної стійкості МДН інтегральних схем за допомогою низькоенергетичного (10—40 кеВ) рентгенівського випромінювання.A method is proposed for determination of radiation dose via the ionization current in the p—n-junction and of radiation resistance of MIS integrated circuits with the use of low-energy (10—40 keV) X-rays
Role of tectonic stress in seepage evolution along the gas hydrate‐charged Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait
Methane expulsion from the world ocean floor is a broadly observed phenomenon known to be episodic. Yet the processes that modulate seepage remain elusive. In the Arctic offshore west Svalbard, for instance, seepage at 200–400 m water depth may be explained by ocean temperature‐controlled gas hydrate instabilities at the shelf break, but additional processes are required to explain seepage in permanently cold waters at depths \u3e1000 m. We discuss the influence of tectonic stress on seepage evolution along the ~100 km long hydrate‐bearing Vestnesa Ridge in Fram Strait. High‐resolution P‐Cable 3‐D seismic data revealed fine‐scale (\u3e10 m width) near‐vertical faults and fractures controlling seepage distribution. Gas chimneys record multiple seepage events coinciding with glacial intensification and active faulting. The faults document the influence of nearby tectonic stress fields in seepage evolution along this deepwater gas hydrate system for at least the last ~2.7 Ma
Церква в процесах національного самовизначення українців
Van de overheid wordt in toenemende mate verwacht dat ze efficiënter en effectiever werkt. Verbetering van de kwaliteit van dienstverlening aan burgers (publieke dienstverlening) is bij veel overheidsinstellingen één van de topprioriteiten. In het licht van deze ontwikkelingen is het een relevante vraag hoe peoplemanagement bijdraagt aan publieke dienstverlening. Dit is onderzocht in het Klant Contact Centrum (KCC) van de gemeente Rotterdam
Linear Compressor Suction Valve Optimization
Design of hermetic compressors for household refrigeration follows a common sequence that considers an initial concept, normally based on existing families. Those are then upgraded with new features, aiming improvements in efficiency, sound quality or even cost reduction. Common compressors have a cylinder head that carries discharge and suction valve. In a new and compact designs for linear compressor suction valve is placed on the top of the piston, requiring new shapes in order to make it possible to satisfy, gas flow, fatigue and dynamics requirements. This article aims to present the use of optimization procedure used to develop the suction valve design for a linear compressor, the results obtained with the optimization process, and final results in compressor, in terms of performance and noise
Organic Matter Sources in North Atlantic Fjord Sediments
To better constrain the global carbon cycle fundamental knowledge of the role of carbon cycling on continental margins is crucial. Fjords are particularly important shelf areas for carbon burial due to relatively high sedimentation rates and high organic matter fluxes. As terrigenous organic matter is more resistant to remineralization than marine organic matter, a comprehensive knowledge of the carbon source is critical to better constrain the efficiency of organic carbon burial in fjord sediments. Here we investigated highly productive fjords in northern Norway and compare our results with both existing and new organic carbon to organic nitrogen ratios and carbon stable isotope compositions from fjords in mid‐Norway, west Svalbard, and east Greenland. The marine organic carbon contribution varies significantly between these fjords, and the contribution of marine organic carbon in Norwegian fjords is much larger than previously suggested for fjords in NW Europe and also globally. Additionally, northern Norwegian fjords show very high marine carbon burial rates (73.6 gC · m‐2 · year‐1) suggesting that these fjords are probably very distinct carbon burial hotspots. We argue that the North Atlantic Current inflow sustains these high burial rates and changes in the current strength due to ongoing climate change are likely to have a pronounced effect on carbon burial in North Atlantic fjords
Global warming leads to Early Triassic nutrient stress across northern Pangea
The largest extinction in Earth history, in the latest Permian, was followed throughout most of the Early Triassic by a prolonged period of ecologic recovery. What factors delayed biotic recovery are still under debate and partly revolve around impacts of global warming on primary marine productivity. We examined N isotope records from the Festningen section on Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway, to examine changes in nutrient availability through the Early to Middle Triassic along the northern margin of Pangea. Our results show progressive decline in N availability throughout the Griesbachian, leading to severe nutrient limitations through the remainder of the Early Triassic, until returning to a highly productive continental margin in Middle Triassic time. These results are consistent with other studies from northern and western Pangea and thus show regional nutrient limitations occurred in what should have been the main zone of marine primary productivity. Such nutrient limitation likely stressed primary production and consequently contributed to prolonged marine recovery. We suggest this was driven by high ocean temperatures depressing the marine nutricline
Does public service motivation matter? A study of participation in various volunteering domains
This article examines the extent to which public service motivation (PSM), more specifically the PSM dimension commitment to the public interest (CPI), is related to volunteering. The claims for the relationship between PSM and volunteering have rarely been supported by evidence based on direct measurements of PSM. Using data from a large representative sample of public and semi-public sector employees in the Netherlands, we show that CPI is positively related to volunteering. This relationship is stronger for participation in some volunteering domains than in others. We suggest that public interest committed employees seek out volunteering opportunities that match their motivation and that the extent to which voluntary organizations espouse public service ideals may explain the differential strength of the relationship between employees’ CPI and their participation in different volunteering domains. This finding is relevant for voluntary and nonprofit organizations which need to attract volunteers to keep up welfare services
Shared Perceptions of Supervisor Support: What Processes Make Supervisors and Employees See Eye to Eye?
This paper aims to find out what processes contribute to horizontal (between employees) and vertical (between employees and their supervisor) shared perceptions of supervisor support by public frontline supervisors. Informed by a multilevel qualitative study among supervisors and teachers in public secondary schools, we develop theoretical propositions regarding these processes. We propose that employees’ expectations based on experiences with previous supervisors can decrease horizontal shared perceptions. Subsequently, a contingent or consistent approach to supporting employees contribute to the development of horizontal and vertical shared perceptions, depending on the legitimacy attributed by employees to the reason behind this approach. Over time, supervisor support experienced by employees at meaningful work-life events contributes to the emergence of horizontal and vertical shared perceptions. This research shows that instead of merely looking for correlates of shared perceptions, scrutinizing the processes that contribute to horizontal and vertical shared perceptions increases our understanding of this complex phenomenon
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