174 research outputs found

    Wie viel Arbeit macht die Aufzucht von Ökologischen Junghennen? Arbeitwirtschaftlicher Vergleich der konventionellen und ökologischen Aufzucht von Legehennen

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    Organic pullets are reared with daylight and are not beak-trimmed. Therefore, certain provisions are needed in order to prevent feather-pecking and cannibalism. Respec-tive guidelines are set by the German Organic Associations. It was the goal of this study to investigate whether the higher rearing standards are associated with an increased labour demand compared to conventional rearing systems. Using a ques-tionnaire, data from 32 hen-houses (10 conventional and 6 organic barn systems, 10 conventional and 6 organic aviary systems) about duration and number of working procedures were collected and exemplary models calculated. Total labour demand was between 2.36 and 7.37 worker`s hours/100 pullets. It did not differ between or-ganic and conventional rearing when comparing similar flock sizes, but were partly differently allocated to the different working procedures. On average, organic farms had smaller flocks, and there was a large influence of flock size on labour demand with small houses requiring most labour per hen. Also aviaries were more labour demanding than barn systems, but were usually associated with higher flock sizes. Our results indicate that improved pullet rearing that allows the birds to perform their natural behaviour more completely, does not necessarily cause higher labour re-quirements

    Junghennen - Arbeitszeitvergleich praxisĂĽblicher Haltungsverfahren

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    Dieses KTBL-Heft informiert über den Arbeitszeitbedarf in der Junghennenhaltung. In Abhängigkeit vom Haltungssverfahren, der Bestandgröße und der Vermarktungsform für konventionell und ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betriebe wurden Arbeitszeitwerte in der Praxis erfasst und daraus auf der Basis von Modellrechnungen Arbeitszeitbedarfswerte abgeleitet. Die ermittelten Arbeitszeitbedarfswerte liefern Junghennenhaltern für Neu- und Umbaumaßnahmen Vergleichswerte und ermöglichen ihnen eine fundierte PLanung ihrer Arbeitskapazitäten

    Comparison of dilute acid and ionic liquid pretreatment of switchgrass: Biomass recalcitrance, delignification and enzymatic saccharification

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    The efficiency of two biomass pretreatment technologies, dilute acid hydrolysis and dissolution in an ionic liquid, are compared in terms of delignification, saccharification efficiency and saccharide yields with switchgrass serving as a model bioenergy crop. When subject to ionic liquid pretreatment (dissolution and precipitation of cellulose by anti-solvent) switchgrass exhibited reduced cellulose crystallinity, increased surface area, and decreased lignin content compared to dilute acid pretreatment. Pretreated material was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and chemistry methods. Ionic liquid pretreatment enabled a significant enhancement in the rate of enzyme hydrolysis of the cellulose component of switchgrass, with a rate increase of 16.7-fold, and a glucan yield of 96.0% obtained in 24 h. These results indicate that ionic liquid pretreatment may offer unique advantages when compared to the dilute acid pretreatment process for switchgrass. However, the cost of the ionic liquid process must also be taken into consideration

    Promoting health and welfare in organic laying hens. Recommendations to ensure hen health and welfare in organic husbandry

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    In the HealthyHens project we investigated laying hen health and welfare in organic poultry systems in eight European countries. This leaflet presents our findings and recommendations. Most of our recommendations are also relevant for conventional poultry systems

    Black Hole Mass Estimates Based on CIV are Consistent with Those Based on the Balmer Lines

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    Using a sample of high-redshift lensed quasars from the CASTLES project with observed-frame ultraviolet or optical and near-infrared spectra, we have searched for possible biases between supermassive black hole (BH) mass estimates based on the CIV, Halpha and Hbeta broad emission lines. Our sample is based upon that of Greene, Peng & Ludwig, expanded with new near-IR spectroscopic observations, consistently analyzed high S/N optical spectra, and consistent continuum luminosity estimates at 5100A. We find that BH mass estimates based on the FWHM of CIV show a systematic offset with respect to those obtained from the line dispersion, sigma_l, of the same emission line, but not with those obtained from the FWHM of Halpha and Hbeta. The magnitude of the offset depends on the treatment of the HeII and FeII emission blended with CIV, but there is little scatter for any fixed measurement prescription. While we otherwise find no systematic offsets between CIV and Balmer line mass estimates, we do find that the residuals between them are strongly correlated with the ratio of the UV and optical continuum luminosities. Removing this dependency reduces the scatter between the UV- and optical-based BH mass estimates by a factor of approximately 2, from roughly 0.35 to 0.18 dex. The dispersion is smallest when comparing the CIV sigma_l mass estimate, after removing the offset from the FWHM estimates, and either Balmer line mass estimate. The correlation with the continuum slope is likely due to a combination of reddening, host contamination and object-dependent SED shapes. When we add additional heterogeneous measurements from the literature, the results are unchanged.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 37 text pages + 8 tables + 23 figures. Updated with comments by the referee and with a expanded discussion on literature data including new observation

    Brains studying brains: look before you think in vision

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    Using our own brains to study our brains is extraordinary. For example, in vision this makes us naturally blind to our own blindness, since our impression of seeing our world clearly is consistent with our ignorance of what we do not see. Our brain employs its 'conscious' part to reason and make logical deductions using familiar rules and past experience. However, human vision employs many 'subconscious' brain parts that follow rules alien to our intuition. Our blindness to our unknown unknowns and our presumptive intuitions easily lead us astray in asking and formulating theoretical questions, as witnessed in many unexpected and counter-intuitive difficulties and failures encountered by generations of scientists. We should therefore pay a more than usual amount of attention and respect to experimental data when studying our brain. I show that this can be productive by reviewing two vision theories that have provided testable predictions and surprising insights

    Infrared Narrow-Band Tomography of the Local Starburst NGC 1569 with LBT/LUCIFER

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    We used the near-IR imager/spectrograph LUCIFER mounted on the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) to image, with sub-arcsec seeing, the local dwarf starburst NGC 1569 in the JHK bands and HeI 1.08 micron, [FeII] 1.64 micron and Brgamma narrow-band filters. We obtained high-quality spatial maps of HeI, [FeII] and Brgamma emission across the galaxy, and used them together with HST/ACS images of NGC 1569 in the Halpha filter to derive the two-dimensional spatial map of the dust extinction and surface star formation rate density. We show that dust extinction is rather patchy and, on average, higher in the North-West (NW) portion of the galaxy [E_g(B-V) = 0.71 mag] than in the South-East [E_g(B-V) = 0.57 mag]. Similarly, the surface density of star formation rate peaks in the NW region of NGC 1569, reaching a value of about 4 x 10^-6 M_sun yr^-1 pc^-2. The total star formation rate as estimated from the integrated, dereddened Halpha luminosity is about 0.4 M_sun yr^-1, and the total supernova rate from the integrated, dereddened [FeII] luminosity is about 0.005 yr^-1 (assuming a distance of 3.36 Mpc). The azimuthally averaged [FeII]/Brgamma flux ratio is larger at the edges of the central, gas-deficient cavities (encompassing the super star clusters A and B) and in the galaxy outskirts. If we interpret this line ratio as the ratio between the average past star formation (as traced by supernovae) and on-going activity (represented by OB stars able to ionize the interstellar medium), it would then indicate that star formation has been quenched within the central cavities and lately triggered in a ring around them. The number of ionizing hydrogen and helium photons as computed from the integrated, dereddened Halpha and HeI luminosities suggests that the latest burst of star formation occurred about 4 Myr ago and produced new stars with a total mass of ~1.8 x 10^6 M_sun. [Abridged]Comment: accepted for publication in A

    The Roles of Transmembrane Domain Helix-III during Rhodopsin Photoactivation

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    Background: Rhodopsin, the prototypic member of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), undergoes isomerization of 11- cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal upon photoactivation. Although the basic mechanism by which rhodopsin is activated is well understood, the roles of whole transmembrane (TM) helix-III during rhodopsin photoactivation in detail are not completely clear. Principal Findings: We herein use single-cysteine mutagenesis technique to investigate conformational changes in TM helices of rhodopsin upon photoactivation. Specifically, we study changes in accessibility and reactivity of cysteine residues introduced into the TM helix-III of rhodopsin. Twenty-eight single-cysteine mutants of rhodopsin (P107C-R135C) were prepared after substitution of all natural cysteine residues (C140/C167/C185/C222/C264/C316) by alanine. The cysteine mutants were expressed in COS-1 cells and rhodopsin was purified after regeneration with 11-cis-retinal. Cysteine accessibility in these mutants was monitored by reaction with 4, 49-dithiodipyridine (4-PDS) in the dark and after illumination. Most of the mutants except for T108C, G109C, E113C, I133C, and R135C showed no reaction in the dark. Wide variation in reactivity was observed among cysteines at different positions in the sequence 108–135 after photoactivation. In particular, cysteines at position 115, 119, 121, 129, 131, 132, and 135, facing 11-cis-retinal, reacted with 4-PDS faster than neighboring amino acids. The different reaction rates of mutants with 4-PDS after photoactivation suggest that the amino acids in different positions in helix-III are exposed to aqueous environment to varying degrees. Significance: Accessibility data indicate that an aqueous/hydrophobic boundary in helix-III is near G109 and I133. The lack of reactivity in the dark and the accessibility of cysteine after photoactivation indicate an increase of water/4-PDS accessibility for certain cysteine-mutants at Helix-III during formation of Meta II. We conclude that photoactivation resulted in water-accessible at the chromophore-facing residues of Helix-III.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant GM28289)National Eye Institute (Grant Grant EY11716)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant EIA-0225609
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