88 research outputs found

    Uloga osnovnih psiholoških potreba u percepciji nesigurnosti posla

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether satisfied basic psychological needs reduce the perception of threat generated by job insecurity, defined as self-assessment of the availability of the working role to its performers in the foreseeable future. The study included 310 participants employed in 24 companies, who completed the Perception of Job Insecurity Scale and Need Satisfaction Scale. The hypotheses were tested with multiple regression analyses. The results point to the importance of two basic needs – Autonomy and Competence – as factors that reduce the level of perceived job insecurity. This study broadens the understanding of personality resources as factors that moderate the perception of job insecurity and confirms the self-determination theory in the organisational context. Satisfying the needs for autonomy and competence can serve as a basis for interventions aimed at strengthening resilience to stress in employees.Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio ispitati smanjuju li zadovoljene psihološke potrebe percepciju prijetnje koja proizlazi iz nesigurnosti zaposlenja, koje je određeno samoprocjenom dostupnosti radne uloge u budućnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 310 zaposlenika u 24 tvrtke, koji su popunjavali Ljestvicu percepcije nesigurnosti posla i Ljestvicu zadovoljenosti potreba. Hipoteze su provjeravane višestrukim regresijskim analizama. Rezultati su pokazali značaj dviju osnovnih potreba – autonomije i kompetentnosti – kao čimbenika koji smanjuju razinu opažene nesigurnosti posla. Proširujući razumijevanje resursa ličnosti kao čimbenika koji moderiraju percepciju nesigurnosti posla, ovo istraživanje predstavlja primjenu teorije samodeterminacije u organizacijskom kontekstu. Zadovoljenje potreba za autonomijom i kompetencijom može poslužiti kao osnova za intervencije čiji je cilj jačanje otpornosti na stres u zaposlenih osoba

    The relationship of professional and lifestyle of employees and managementstyle organization

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    Savremene organizacije u svojoj svakodnevnoj brizi za isunjavanje postavljenih ciljeva sve češće očekuju od svojih zaposlenih, a naročito menadžera, da budu isključivo posvećeni organizaciji i njenom uspehu. Cilj ovog rada je prikaz konceptualnih i teorijskih pitanja koja se tiču povezanosti stilova upravljanja i stresa na radu kod menadžera, u koja spadaju definisanje navedenih pojmova i njihovo razgraničavanje od srodnih pojmova, pri čemu se stilovi upravljanja posmatraju sa stanovišta situacionog modela liderstva razvijenog od strane Hersija i Blanšarda, a stres sa stanovištva transakcionističke teorije stresa.Modern organizations in their everyday care for the fulfillment of the goals increasingly expect from their employees, especially managers, to be exclusively committed to the organization and its success. The aim of this paper is to present the conceptual and theoretical issues related to connectivity management styles and stress at work with managers, a group that includes the definition of these terms and their delimitation from related concepts, with a management style viewed from the standpoint of situational leadership model developed by Hersеy and Blanchard, and stress from the viewpoint of transactional theory of stress

    The relationship of professional and lifestyle of employees and managementstyle organization

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    Savremene organizacije u svojoj svakodnevnoj brizi za isunjavanje postavljenih ciljeva sve češće očekuju od svojih zaposlenih, a naročito menadžera, da budu isključivo posvećeni organizaciji i njenom uspehu. Cilj ovog rada je prikaz konceptualnih i teorijskih pitanja koja se tiču povezanosti stilova upravljanja i stresa na radu kod menadžera, u koja spadaju definisanje navedenih pojmova i njihovo razgraničavanje od srodnih pojmova, pri čemu se stilovi upravljanja posmatraju sa stanovišta situacionog modela liderstva razvijenog od strane Hersija i Blanšarda, a stres sa stanovištva transakcionističke teorije stresa.Modern organizations in their everyday care for the fulfillment of the goals increasingly expect from their employees, especially managers, to be exclusively committed to the organization and its success. The aim of this paper is to present the conceptual and theoretical issues related to connectivity management styles and stress at work with managers, a group that includes the definition of these terms and their delimitation from related concepts, with a management style viewed from the standpoint of situational leadership model developed by Hersеy and Blanchard, and stress from the viewpoint of transactional theory of stress

    The investigation of the manipulation with scores on amoral dimension of the HEDONICA inventory

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    Faking on Amoral dimension of the HEDONICA personality inventory was incited by the context simulation instructions: fake good (S2), fake bad (S3) and be honest (S1). Simultaneously, under instruction S1, the scores of respondents were measured on the Amoral facets of Self-concept scale (GSC), the Balanced social desirability scale (BIDR) and the cognitive tests of the fluid (IT2, ALF and RM) and the crystallized (AL4, vocabulary and GSN) intelligence, supposed (Morality), or known from the literature, as possible faking determinants. The score differences on Amoral dimension facets were calculated for S2 and for S3 situations using as a baseline the score in S1 situation. The score differences between S3 and S1 situations (abbreviated as FB) were found to be larger than the ones between S2 and S1 situations (abbreviated as FG). This result indicated that a) Amoral is susceptible to faking, and b) in S3, rather than in S2 situation, respondents displayed higher tendency of faking, or in other words, they incline to make worse rather than good presentation of themselves. The Projection facet of Amoral was most sensitive toward faking. These differences are found to be correlated with the Morality dimension of Self- concept scale and the fluid intelligence factor, but not with the dimensions of Social desirability scale in both situation for almost all faking scores on Amoral facets. Only Brutality was not related to the Morality, and Viciousness was not related to the Gf. This indicated that the dimension Morality of the Self-concept scale is far more correlated with the Amoral dimension of the HEDONICA personality scale than with the Social desirability scale

    Developmental Potential of Mouse Embryos without Extraembryonic Membranes in Modified Organ Culture

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    The long term stationary culture of postimplanatation embryos without extraembryonic membranes is a method to assess their developmental potential in vitro. The method was almost exclusively used on rat embryos, while mouse embryos were considered unsuitable due to their poor differentiation. In present study the postimplantation mouse embryos were used to verify potential of this method in mice. In addition, the course of in vitro differentiation was compared to embryo development in situ. Embryos were cultivated for maximum of 14 days and morphology and differentiation was analysed on serial semithin sections. Although anatomical relationships were lost from the beginning of the cultivation, the differentiation was only delayed, and the developmental potential after long term culture was comparable to those observed in rats. Therefore the advantages of long term cultivation could be utilized to analyse the differentiation of numerous lines of genetically modified mice with impaired postimplantation development

    Factors correlating with lymph node metastases in patients with T1 ductal invasive breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of reliable predictors of axillary lymph node metastases (ALNM) may be useful in selecting appropriate management for patients with T1-size breast cancer. This study was undertaken to determine the association between ALNM and several variables, including age, tumor size, grade, estrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, p53 and c-erbB2 protein expression, and Ki-67 proliferative index. METHODS: In a retrospective study, 74 patients with pT1b and pT1c ductal invasive breast carcinoma and with known nodal status were analyzed. The size of the infiltrating tumor was microscopically evaluated. The histological grading was performed using the modified criteria of Bloom and Richardson, as described by Elston and Ellis. The immunophenotype of the tumor was determined as: the expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors, p53, c-erbB2 and Ki-67. The patients were grouped by age as follows: <50, 50-70, and >70 years old. RESULTS: Twenty six patients (35%) were node positive. Tumor size was related directly to nodal positivity. Nodal positivity was significantly related to negative PR status, p53 protein overexpression and high Ki-67 index (p<0.05). No significant association was found between nodal positivity and patient age, tumor grade, ER status, and c-erbB2 expression. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that PR status, Ki-67 proliferation index, and p53 protein expression might provide additional information to the lymph node status in T1 ductal breast carcinomas

    Istraživanje procesa relaksacije ranih metastabilnih stanja sistema Fe40Ni40Si14B6

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    An investigation of the low-temperature relaxation process has been performed in which the structure of the frozen liquid metal is transformed into the structure which the sample acquires at the room temperature. The samples were obtained by quenching on a Cu single roll and then conserved at low temperature as soon as formed. It was noted that the activation of the relaxation process occurs in a temperature interval of 10-125 K. That is somewhat unexpected, because of the nature of the usual relaxation process in amorphous systems. The activation energy of the so-called early metastable states in Fe40Ni40Si14B6 amorphous system was found to be 1.5 kJ/moleU radu je opisano istraživanje niskotemperaturnog relaksacijskog procesa kojim se struktura zamrznutog tekućeg metala, dobijenog kaljenjem na jednom valjku, transformira u strukturu koju traka ima kada dostigne sobnu temperaturu. Uočeno je da se proces relaksacije počinje aktivirati pri određenoj energiji, što nije bilo za očekivati s obzirom da se radi o relaksacijskom procesu u amorfnom sistemu. Za aktivacijsku energiju kojom se relaksiraju rana metastabilna stanja u sistemu Fe40Ni40Si14B6 dobivena je vrijednost 1.5 kJ/mol

    Experimental models in the research of the early embriogenesis

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    Razvojna biologija u Hrvatskoj ima 50-godišnju tradiciju zahvaljujući njenom osnivaču prof. dr. Nikoli Škrebu, te velikom broju njegovih suradnika i učenika. Istraživanja su bila usmjerena na kritična razdoblja razvoja u ranoj embriogenezi sisavaca (miš, štakor). Razrađenim postupcima izolacije zametnih listića te, potom, transplantacije istih na ektopična mjesta domaćina (korioalantoisna membrana, prednja očna komora, bubrežna čahura) dobiveni su teratomi, koji su omogućili posredno proučavanje razvojnih sposobnosti nediferenciranog presatka. Postupci kulture zametaka in vitro i transplantacije in vivo pokazali su stabilnost diferencijacije. U potrazi za genima koji upravljaju embrionalnim razvojem, primijenio se postupak genske zamke, kojim se mogu otkriti novi geni s ograničenim uzorkom ekspresije.The period of continuous and internationally recognized research in developmental biology began in Croatia in the early fifties. It was initiated by Nikola Škreb and continued by his coworkers. His research was focused to the analysis of the early postimplantation rodent embryo with special attention on the crucial period of gastrulation. The next step was the analysis of growth and histological differentiation after transfer of embryos and separated germ lyers to ectopic sites (kidney capsule, anterior chamber of the eye, chorioalantois membrane). The potential of early rat embryo to grow and differentiate was shown using a method of organ culture in vitro. After establishing molecular methods and identification of genes involved in the development, the same developmental problems are investigated in a new way. One of them is the gene trap procedure, which utilises the possibility to select trapped genes active during embryogenesis