The relationship of professional and lifestyle of employees and managementstyle organization


Savremene organizacije u svojoj svakodnevnoj brizi za isunjavanje postavljenih ciljeva sve češće očekuju od svojih zaposlenih, a naročito menadžera, da budu isključivo posvećeni organizaciji i njenom uspehu. Cilj ovog rada je prikaz konceptualnih i teorijskih pitanja koja se tiču povezanosti stilova upravljanja i stresa na radu kod menadžera, u koja spadaju definisanje navedenih pojmova i njihovo razgraničavanje od srodnih pojmova, pri čemu se stilovi upravljanja posmatraju sa stanovišta situacionog modela liderstva razvijenog od strane Hersija i Blanšarda, a stres sa stanovištva transakcionističke teorije stresa.Modern organizations in their everyday care for the fulfillment of the goals increasingly expect from their employees, especially managers, to be exclusively committed to the organization and its success. The aim of this paper is to present the conceptual and theoretical issues related to connectivity management styles and stress at work with managers, a group that includes the definition of these terms and their delimitation from related concepts, with a management style viewed from the standpoint of situational leadership model developed by Hersеy and Blanchard, and stress from the viewpoint of transactional theory of stress

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