107 research outputs found


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    This paper explains the process of using neural networks, as one of numerous data mining techniques, for the classification of electricity consumers. The processed data comprised more than a million recordings of electricity consumption for 21,643 consumers over the period of four years and eight months. Using a data subset (70% of the entire dataset), the network was trained for the classification of consumers according to the type of the electric meter they possess (single-rate or dual-rate) and the zone they live in (city or village). The network input data in both cases included: consumer code, reading period from-to, current and previous meter reading for both low and high tariff, dual and single rate tariff consumption for that period and their total amount, as independent variables, whereas the network output comprised dependent variable classes (zone or type of electric meter). The results show that a network created in this way can be trained so well that it achieves high precision when evaluated using the test dataset. Using the available recordings about electricity consumption, the type of the electric meter consumers possess and the zone they live in can be predicted with the accuracy of 77% and 82%, respectively. These findings can provide the basis for further research using other data mining techniques

    Emphaty and Prosociality Children in Education Group

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    Dimenzije empatije, prosocijalnosti i temperamenta prisutne su u dječjem odrastanju i bitan su dio života svakog djeteta. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati (1) stupanj razvijenosti empatije, prosocijalnog ponašanja, konflikta i suradnje, (2) povezanost empatije, prosocijalnog ponašanja, konflikta i surdnje (3) koliko je razvijen temperament kod djece, (4) povezanost temperamenta s ostalim socijalnim vještinama (empatija, suradnja, konflikt, društvenost) i (5) potaknuti razvoj empatije, prosocijalnog ponašanja i temperamenta. U istraživanje su bila uključena djeca iz dječjeg vrtića, odgojne skupine predškolske dobi. Ukupni uzorak sačinjavaju sva djeca u odgojnoj skupini u dobi između 3 i 6 godina. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su da u samom početku istraživanja kod djece u skupini nije u potpunosti bila razvijena empatija i prosocijalno ponašanje, no kroz istraživanje se pokušalo potaknuti razvoj empatije i prosocijalnog ponašanja, pa je u krajnjem zadatku donijelo pozitivan porast empatije i prosocijalnog ponašanja, što je dalo pozitivnu sliku djece u skupini. Prema procjeni odgojitelja, temperament je u potpunosti razvijen kod sve djece u skupini i pozitivno su razvijeni emocionalnost, društvenost, aktivnost i socijabilnost. Empatija ima značajnu ulogu u razvoju socijalnih vještina.The dimensions of empathy, prosocial behavior and temperament are present and an extremely important part in the life of every child. The goal of this research was to question (1) the degree in which empathy, prosocial behavior, conflict and co-operation are developed, (2) the connection between empathy, prosocial behavior, conflict and co-operatin, (3) to which extent is temperament present and developed in children, (4) the connection between temperament and other social skills (empathy, co-operation, conflict and sociability) and (5) to stimulate the development of empathy, prosocial behavior and temperament. Kindergarten children, the educational groups of pre-school age, were involved in the research. The total sample is composed of all the children in the educational group between the ages of 3 and 6 years old. The results of the research showed progress - in the very beginning of the research, children within the group did not show completely developed empathy skills and prosocial behavior, however, the research also tried to stimulate the development of those skills and behaviors. The last assignment provided results of positive growth in empathy and prosocial behavior, which also gave a positive image of the children within the group

    Emphaty and Prosociality Children in Education Group

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    Dimenzije empatije, prosocijalnosti i temperamenta prisutne su u dječjem odrastanju i bitan su dio života svakog djeteta. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati (1) stupanj razvijenosti empatije, prosocijalnog ponašanja, konflikta i suradnje, (2) povezanost empatije, prosocijalnog ponašanja, konflikta i surdnje (3) koliko je razvijen temperament kod djece, (4) povezanost temperamenta s ostalim socijalnim vještinama (empatija, suradnja, konflikt, društvenost) i (5) potaknuti razvoj empatije, prosocijalnog ponašanja i temperamenta. U istraživanje su bila uključena djeca iz dječjeg vrtića, odgojne skupine predškolske dobi. Ukupni uzorak sačinjavaju sva djeca u odgojnoj skupini u dobi između 3 i 6 godina. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su da u samom početku istraživanja kod djece u skupini nije u potpunosti bila razvijena empatija i prosocijalno ponašanje, no kroz istraživanje se pokušalo potaknuti razvoj empatije i prosocijalnog ponašanja, pa je u krajnjem zadatku donijelo pozitivan porast empatije i prosocijalnog ponašanja, što je dalo pozitivnu sliku djece u skupini. Prema procjeni odgojitelja, temperament je u potpunosti razvijen kod sve djece u skupini i pozitivno su razvijeni emocionalnost, društvenost, aktivnost i socijabilnost. Empatija ima značajnu ulogu u razvoju socijalnih vještina.The dimensions of empathy, prosocial behavior and temperament are present and an extremely important part in the life of every child. The goal of this research was to question (1) the degree in which empathy, prosocial behavior, conflict and co-operation are developed, (2) the connection between empathy, prosocial behavior, conflict and co-operatin, (3) to which extent is temperament present and developed in children, (4) the connection between temperament and other social skills (empathy, co-operation, conflict and sociability) and (5) to stimulate the development of empathy, prosocial behavior and temperament. Kindergarten children, the educational groups of pre-school age, were involved in the research. The total sample is composed of all the children in the educational group between the ages of 3 and 6 years old. The results of the research showed progress - in the very beginning of the research, children within the group did not show completely developed empathy skills and prosocial behavior, however, the research also tried to stimulate the development of those skills and behaviors. The last assignment provided results of positive growth in empathy and prosocial behavior, which also gave a positive image of the children within the group

    Multilinearna preslikavanja i tenzorski produkt

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    U ovom radu, glavni cilj nam je proučiti pojam tenzorskog produkta modula nad komutativnim prstenom. Rad se sastoji od dva poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju upoznajemo osnovne algebarske strukture koje su nam bile potrebne u daljnjim razmatranjima. Upoznajemo grupe, prstene i ideale, te nešto više pažnje posvećujemo modulima koji su nam bili vrlo bitni u drugom dijelu ovog rada. Također definiramo preslikavanja između navedenih algebarskih struktura. U drugom poglavlju su nam bila važna multilinearna preslikavanja modula da bi mogli definirati pojam tenzorskog produkta. U drugom se poglavlju, dakle, prvo upoznajemo s multilinearnim preslikavanjima, a zatim sa tenzorskim produktom. Osim nekih osnovnih svojstava tenzorskog produkta definirali smo i ravne module i upoznali neka njihova svojstva. Pokazali smo i kako se osnovni prsten može proširiti. Pokazali smo i kako konstruirati tenzorski produkt algebri. Na kraju smo se upoznali sa još dva bitna pojma, tenzorskom algebrom i simetričnom algebrom.The main goal of this diploma thesis is to study the concept of tensor product of modules over commutative ring. The thesis consists of two major parts. The first part explains the basic algebraic structures that will be required for further considerations. We describe groups, rings and ideals, and some attention is paid to the modules that have been very important in the second part of this work. We will define maps between the algebraic structures above as well. In the second part we will be focused on a multilinear maps to be able to define the notion of tensor product. In addition to some basic properties of tensor product, we also define flat modules and study some of their properties. We have shown how the basic ring can be extended. We have also constructed the tensor product of algebras. And finally, we introduced two very important notions, tensor algebra and symmetric algebra

    Analysis of risk factors in the development of retinopathy of prematurity

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    Introduction. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a multifactorial disease that occurs most frequently in very small and very sick preterm infants, and it has been identified as the major cause of childhood blindness. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate ROP incidence and risk factors associated with varying degrees of illness. Methods. The study was conducted at the Centre for Neonatology, Paediatric Clinic of the Clinical Centre Kragujevac, Serbia, in the period from June 2006 to December 2008. Ophthalmologic screening was performed in all children with body weight lower than 2000 g or gestational age lower than 36 weeks. We analyzed eighteen postnatal and six perinatal risk factors and the group correlations for each of the risk factors. Results. Out of 317 children that were screened, 56 (17.7%) developed a mild form of ROP, while 68 (21.5%) developed a severe form. Univariate analysis revealed a large number of statistically significant risk factors for the development of ROP, especially the severe form. Multivariate logistical analysis further separated two independent risk factors: small birth weight (p=0.001) and damage of central nervous system (p=0.01). Independent risk factors for transition from mild to severe forms of ROP were identified as: small birth weight (p=0.05) and perinatal risk factors (p=0.02). Conclusion. Small birth weight and central nervous system damage were risk factors for the development of ROP, perinatal risk factors were identified as significant for transition from mild to severe form of ROP

    Ispitivanje antivirusne aktivnosti ekstrakata žalfije Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)

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    In the present study, we examined cytotoxicity and extracellular and intracellular antiviral activity of frac­tionated extracts of wild and cultivated sage Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) in vitro using the WISH-VSV model system. Extracts were obtained by fractionating depigmented ethanol extracts of sage plants with supercritical CO2 at different pressures. Cytotoxicity was determined by examining cellular morphology in situ with the aid of a colorimetric micromethod and by cell staining with trypan blue. The fraction of distilled cultivated sage obtained at CO2 pressure of 300 bars and temperature of 60°C (149/3) was the most cytotoxic, with CTD10 44 μg/ml. That of non-distilled cultivated sage obtained at CO2 pressure of 500 bars and temperature of 100°C (144/5) was the least toxic (CTD10 199 μg/ml). Moreover, 144/5 had an antiviral effect at the intracellular level: when added 5 hours before VSV infection, it caused 100% reduction of CPE at concentrations of 99.5 and 199.0 μg/ml; when added after virus penetration had occurred, the same concentrations caused 35 and 60% reduction, respectively. The obtained results indicate that antiviral activity of 144/5 involves inhibition of the early steps of the virus infective cycle without a direct virucidal effect. Abbreviations: WISH - human amnion epithelial cells, VSV - vesicular stomatitis virus, HSV - herpes simplex virus, CPE - cytopathic effect, IS - selectivity index, TCID50 - tissue culture infective dose, CTD10 - 10% cytotoxic concentrations.U radu je ispitivana antiviralna aktivnost različito frakcionisanih ekstrakata divlje i gajene žalfije Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) u in vitro uslovima koristeći WISH-VSV model sistem. Ekstrakti su dobijeni frakcionisanjem depigmentisanog etanolnog biljnog ekstrakta pod različitim pritiskom CO2. Citotoksičnost je određivana praćenjem ćelijske morfologije in situ, i bojenjem ćelija sa tripan plavim. Frakcija gajene žalfije dobijena na CO2 pritisku od 300 bara i temperaturi od 60°C (149/3) je pokazala najveću citotoksičnost (CTD10 44 μg/ml). Frakcija nedestilisane gajene žalfije dobijena na CO2 pritisku od 500 bara i temperaturi od 100°C (144/5) je pokazala najmanju toksičnost (CTD10 199 μg/ml). Takođe, frakcija 144/5 je pokazala i antiviralni efekat na intracelularnom nivou: kada se ćelije tretiraju 5 sati pre VSV infekcije, redukcija CPE je bila 100% na koncentraciji od 99.5 i 199.0 μg/ml; kada se ćelije tretiraju posle ulaska virusa u ćeliju na istim koncentarcijama redukcija CPE iz­nosi 35% odnosno 60%. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da frakcija 144/5 ima antiviralnu aktivnost koja se ostvaruje krozinhibiciju ranih stupnjeva viralne infekcije bezdirektnog virucidalnog efekta

    Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale: Fourth edition (WAIS-IV)

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    Četvrta revizija Vekslerove skale za procenu inteligencije kod odraslih (WAIS-IV) je klinički instrument koji se zadaje individualno i koji je konstruisan za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti adolescenata i odraslih. WAIS-IV se sastoji od 15 suptestova (10 sržnih i 5 dopunskih) koji procenjuju kognitivno funkcionisanje u četiri domena - verbalno razumevanje (eng. verbal comprehension - VCI), perceptivno rezonovanje (eng. perceptual reasoning - PRI), radna memorija (eng. working memory - WMI) i brzina procesiranja (eng. processing speed - PSI), kao i opštu intelektualnu sposobnost (eng. Full-Scale IQ - FSIQ). WAIS-IV je zadat uzorku od 262 ispitanika: 104 ispitanika iz uzorka koji je reprezentativan za širu oblast Beograda, 62 ispitanika sa dijagnozom shizofrenije, 63 sa dijagnozom depresije i 33 ispitanika sa intelektualnim teškoćama. Psihometrijske karakteristike WAIS-IV suptestova su analizirane u okvirima teorije stavskog odgovora (eng. IRT) i klasične testne teorije (eng. CTT). Rezultati su pokazali da se IRT pouzdanost kreće od .86 (Razumevanje i Dopune) do .95 (Precrtavanje), dok je IRT pouzdanost FSIQ bila .94. Sveukupno, svi suptestovi dobro diskriminišu ispitanike duž celog kontinuuma intelektualnih sposobnosti. WAIS-IV omogućava visoko pouzdanu procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti na srpskoj populaciji.The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is an individually administered clinical instrument designed for assessment of intellectual abilities of adolescents and adults. The WAIS-IV consists of 15 subtests (10 core and 5 supplemental) reflecting the efficacy of cognitive functioning in four domains (verbal comprehension-VCI, perceptual reasoning-PRI, working memory-WMI, and processing speed-PSI), and general intellectual ability (Full-Scale IQ-FSIQ). The WAIS-IV was administered to a sample of 262 respondents - specifically, 104 respondents from sample representative for the wider Belgrade area, 62 schizophrenic, 63 depressive, and 33 patients with intellectual disability. Psychometric properties of WAIS-IV subtests were analysed within the frameworks Item Response Theory (IRT) and Classical Test Theory (CTT). Results show that IRT reliability of subtests ranges from .86 (Comprehension and Picture Completion) to .95 (Cancellation), while the IRT reliability of the FSIQ is .94. Overall, all subtests discriminate participants well along the whole continuum of intellectual abilities. The WAIS-IV enables highly reliable assessment of intellectual abilities on Serbian population

    Paleomagnetic and magnetic anisotropy results from Miocene Sediments of Central and Western Serbia

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    In this paper we are presenting a combined paleomagnetic and magnetic susceptibility anisotropy study carried out on 133 independently oriented samples collected from 11 geographically distributed localities (Fig. 1). The samples were drilled and oriented in situ from clay rich lake sediments of pre-Late Badenian and Pannonian-Pontian age and from Early-Mid Badenian marine clay. The principal aims were to find out if the area studied was involved in large scale displacement during or after the time covered by the samples and if the sediments were affected by ductile deformation during young tectonic movements