9,013 research outputs found

    Force and cavitation characteristics of the NACA 4412 hydrofoil

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    This report covers Water Tunnel measurements of the infinite aspect ratio characteristics and cavitation characteristics of a hydrofoil section. The profile tested is identical to the 4412 airfoil section of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and is called the NACA 4412 hydrofoil in this report. Measurements and observations include lift, drag, and pitching moment and the inception and development of cavitation as functions of the angle of attack, velocity, and pressure of the flow. The purpose of this report is to present these measurements of the characteristics of this section in water, to compare the results with other available information on this shape, and to evaluate the Water Tunnel method for obtaining the complte hydrodynamic characteristics of hydrofoils

    An Institutional Framework for Heterogeneous Formal Development in UML

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    We present a framework for formal software development with UML. In contrast to previous approaches that equip UML with a formal semantics, we follow an institution based heterogeneous approach. This can express suitable formal semantics of the different UML diagram types directly, without the need to map everything to one specific formalism (let it be first-order logic or graph grammars). We show how different aspects of the formal development process can be coherently formalised, ranging from requirements over design and Hoare-style conditions on code to the implementation itself. The framework can be used to verify consistency of different UML diagrams both horizontally (e.g., consistency among various requirements) as well as vertically (e.g., correctness of design or implementation w.r.t. the requirements)

    Measurement of the sizes of circumstellar dust shells around evolved stars with high mass loss rates

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    The research supported by the NASA ADP contract NAG5-1153 has been completed. The attached paper, which will be submitted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal in January 1992, presents the results of this work. Here is a summary of the project and its results. A set of computer programs was developed to process the raw 60 micron and 100 micron IRAS survey data. The programs were designed to detect faint extended emission surrounding a bright unresolved source. Candidate objects were chosen from a list of red giant stars and young planetary nebulae which have been detected in millimeter/submillimeter lines of CO. Of the 279 stars examined, 55 were resolved at 60 microns. The principle results of the study are given. The average age for the shells surrounding the 9 Mira-type stars which are extended is 6 x 10(exp 4) yr. This suggests that the period during which these stars lose mass lasts for approx 10(exp 5) yr. The oldest shell found surrounds U Ori, and the youngest surrounds Mira itself. Some shells appear to be detached from the central star. This phenomenon is more common among older stars, suggesting that the mass loss becomes more episodic as the star sheds its envelope. Although all 8 stars less distant than 200 pc are resolved in the IRAS 60 micron data, 29 stars within 500 pc were not. These stars probably have younger circumstellar shells than those which were resolved. Almost all the carbon stars with distances of 500 pc or less have resolved shells, while only 1/2 of the oxygen-rich stars do. The resolved carbon star shells also are older on average than the oxygen-rich ones. These facts imply that carbon stars have been losing mass for a longer period, on average, than oxygen-rich red giants. Large circumstellar shells tend to be found at large distances from the galactic plane, confirming that the ISM density limits the size to which a dust shell can grow. Surprisingly, even very large shells seem to be nearly spherical, and do not appear to be distorted by ram-pressure caused by the star's motion with respect to the ISM. Radiative transfer models and the value of I sub 60 microns/I sub 100 microns allow the average dust temperature in the outer regions of a circumstellar shell to be estimated. The typical value obtained in about 35 K

    Psychological and physiological correlates of stress: Performance on a cooperative task

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    The relationship of personality dimensions to performance was investigated. The personality measure used to select subjects, the Barratt impulsiveness scale, is hypothesized to be related to a style of behavior which should affect the trend of choices which various subjects will make. Personality dimensions were specifically examined during performance of a cooperative task, the Prisoner's Dilemma

    Delayed fracture of silicon: Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the low cost silicon solar array project

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    Bar specimens were cut from ingots of single crystal silicon, and acid etched prior to testing. Artificial surface flaws were introduced in specimens by indentation with a Knoop hardness tester. The specimens were loaded in four-point bending to 95 percent of the nominal fracture stress, while keeping the surface area, containing the flaw, wet with test liquids. No evidence of delayed fracture, and, therefore stress corrosion, of single crystal silicon was observed for liquid environments including water, acetone, and aqueous solutions of NaCl, NH4OH, and HNO3, when tested with a flaw parallel to a (110) surface. The fracture toughness was calculated

    CO observations of the expanding envelope of IRC plus 10216

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    High-sensitivity emission profiles were observed for the transition of C12O16 and C13O16 towards IRC + or - 10216. It appears that the spherically symmetric uniform mass-outflow model proposed by Morris is necessary to describe the line profiles. The outflow appears to be slightly accelerated, having a velocity of 15 km/sec at the edges of the CO cloud, compared with 12 km/sec for the more centrally confined molecules

    Electronic Structure of Nearly Ferromagnetic compound HfZn2_{2}

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    The electronic structure of HfZn2_{2} has been studied based on the density functional theory within the local-density approximation. The calculation indicates that HfZn2_{2} shows ferromagnetic instability. Large enhancement of the static susceptibility over its non-interacting value is found due to a peak in the density of states at the Fermi level

    Water Tunnel Tests of the British Squid Projectile Type "C"

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    This report covers Water Tunnel tests on a 2" diameter model of the "Squid" or British Type "C" Projectile. These tests were conducted for the purpose of determining the performance characteristics of the projectile as well as cavitation effects with varying water pressure. The work was done at the joint request of the British Admiralty Delegation and the Bureau of Ordnance

    Cavitation Mechanics and its Relation to the Design of Hydraulic Equipment

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    The objective of this lecture is to outline the various characteristics of the cavitation phenomenon and to point out in general how this knowledge may be used to alleviate and, in some cases, to eliminate the losses due to damage of materials and decrease in performance of hydraulic equipment. It is shown that difficulty with cavitation is encountered over the entire field of hydrodynamics but that, although the manifestations may appear to differ widely, they can usually be understood on the basis of present concepts of the mechanics of cavitation. It is found that such understanding usually brings with it suggestions of methods for lessening or eliminating the difficulty

    Water Tunnel Tests of the M-6, 2.36" A. T. Rocket with Five Designs of Shroud Tail

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    This report covers tests on the M-6, 2.36" rocket with the conical pointed nose in combination with on experimental shroud ring toil from the Aberdeen Ballistic Research Laboratory, also with a commercially manufactured Ordnance Deportment shroud ring tail, and with three types of specially made model tails on which the shroud length was varied. One of the specially made model tails was mounted on a plain boom with no nozzle. All of the other tails were mounted on a stepped venturi nozzle
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