55 research outputs found

    Mieszkania komunalne - wyzwanie dla polityki mieszkaniowej państwa w świetle badań wybranych miast

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    Despite one of the fastest rates of economic growth among the European Union countries in 2010-2019, Poland did not experience any significant improvement in meeting the housing needs of less affluent households. The stock of municipal housing is characterised by low availability and a high degree of asset depreciation as well as growing rent arrears. In the face of the upcoming economic downturn caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, the implementation of municipal tasks in the field of housing will be further hindered. To prevent this, the authors present a number of recommendations for regulatory changes for local government units and central institutions that will improve the implementation of the state's housing policies in the field of municipal housing

    Koniunktura w bankowości

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    In the 2nd quarter of 2020 the IRG SGH banking confidence indicator (IRGBAN) decreased by 26,1 pts to -47,4 pts. The decline was caused by a decrease in the balances of profits, result on banking activity and employment. According to the surveyed respondents, insufficient demand on financial services and the central bank's monetary policy have come to the fore as the main impediments to banking activity. Banks are expecting their situation to slightly improve in the coming quarter.(original abstract)Wartość wskaźnika koniunktury w sektorze bankowym IRG SGH (IRGBAN) dla drugiego kwartału 2020 r. spadła, osiągając poziom -47,4 punktu. Wynik ten jest o -26,2 pkt niższy od wskazania za kwartał pierwszy oraz niższy (o -13,3 pkt) od wartości prognozowanej przez banki poprzednio. Na spadek wartości wskaźnika wpłynęło pogorszenie się salda wypracowanego zysku, wyniku z działalności bankowej oraz zatrudnienia. Spodziewane jest polepszenie się sytuacji w trzecim kwartale, a wartość salda prognostycznego wynosi 4,2 pkt.(fragment tekstu

    Czy kiedyś każdy myślący człowiek będzie mógł tworzyć aplikacje komputerowe?

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    Nie byłoby współczesnej informatyki, gdyby nie prace nad rozwojem języków formalnych. Nikt dziś nie wyobraża sobie pisania programu użytkowego w kodzie maszynowym czy nawet w asemblerze. Znaczne zmiany zaszły zarówno w sferze samej składni języków, ich abstrakcji, jak i w sposobie posługiwania się nimi.W artykule pokrótce został zaprezentowany temat przeobrażania się języków programowania oraz ewolucji paradygmatów. Omówiono także kwestie reprezentacji opisu składni języków formalnych – zarówno gramatyk, jak i alternatywnych konstruktów. Głównym celem artykułu jest ukazanie współczesnych kierunków rozwoju języków, w szczególności wizualnego podejścia do tworzenia oprogramowania, oraz próba udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania: dokąd zmierza ewolucja języków w informatyce? czy informatyka odnalazła już swój język1? czy kiedyś każdy myślący człowiek będzie potrafił stworzyć aplikację komputerową, nie będąc programistą

    Kondycja finansowa jednostek samorządu terytorialnego – koniec wpływu spowolnienia gospodarczego?

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    Since 2013, the financial standing of local governments (LG) has been gradually improving in Poland. Their debt ratios have decreased and debt service capacity improved remarkably. The analysis of individual LG categories indicates that the progress is not uniform. The most modest recovery was in the category of towns with county rights. The new statutory debt limit created a space to increase their debt, which was not accompanied by adequately strong growth in operating surpluses. At the end of 2015, ca. 15% of towns with county rights crossed the alarming values of debt indicators and they are noticeably exposed to a risk of interest rates increases. The differences between LGs with sound risk profile and LGs with inferior risk profile are growing also for the rural boroughs and the counties. As a result, despite an average improvement in financial ratios for the LG sector, several dozen entities remain in the financial situation even more difficult than in the years 2011–2012.Od 2013 r. kondycja finansowa jednostek samorządu terytorialnego stopniowo się poprawia. Ich zadłużenie w relacji do dochodów maleje oraz istotnie poprawiają się wskaźniki obrazujące zdolność do jego spłaty. Analiza kategorii JST wskazuje, iż postęp ten nie jest równomierny. Najskromniejszy jest on w miastach na prawach powiatu. Limit ustawowy z art. 243 stworzył im przestrzeń do zwiększenia zadłużenia, któremu nie towarzyszył odpowiedni wzrost nadwyżek operacyjnych. Na koniec 2015 r. około 15% miast na prawach powiatu charakteryzowało się alarmującymi wskaźnikami zadłużenia i ekspozycją na ryzyko wzrostu stóp procentowych. Różnice między liczną grupą JST o dobrym profilu ryzyka a najsłabszymi JST pogłębiają się też w gminach wiejskich i powiatach. W efekcie, pomimo poprawy średnich parametrów finansowych dla sektora JST, kilkadziesiąt podmiotów pozostaje w sytuacji finansowej trudniejszej niż w latach 2011–2012

    Using an inflection dictionary for a design of a visual dictionary of verbs and their attributes

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    Authors of this paper present a development of a visual web dictionary based on automatic extraction of verbs and their attributes from texts using the inflection dictionary of Polish language. Entries of the designed dictionary are based on triples: subject (agent) + predicate (action) + object/tool. The paper describes a prototype implementation of such a dictionary. In the paper the background for the research is presented as well as the considered problem is outlined. Moreover, the structure of the inflection dictionary of Polish language is described along with the classification of computer dictionaries. In the implementation part of the paper, the architecture of the developed web dictionary and the extraction algorithm are described.Authors of this paper present a development of a visual web dictionary based on automatic extraction of verbs and their attributes from texts using the inflection dictionary of Polish language. Entries of the designed dictionary are based on triples: subject (agent) + predicate (action) + object/tool. The paper describes a prototype implementation of such a dictionary. In the paper the background for the research is presented as well as the considered problem is outlined. Moreover, the structure of the inflection dictionary of Polish language is described along with the classification of computer dictionaries. In the implementation part of the paper, the architecture of the developed web dictionary and the extraction algorithm are described

    Obesity as a risk factor of in-hospital outcomes in patients with endometrial cancer treated with laparoscopic surgical mode

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    Objectives: Obesity has been suggested to have a negative influence on procedural outcomes of endometrial cancer laparoscopic treatment. Obesity and other possible risk factors of laparoscopic endometrial cancer treatment has not been precisely described in the literature. The aim of the study is to determine the factors that have the greatest influence on the course of laparoscopic surgery for endometrial cancer, with particular emphasis on the influence of obesity. Material and methods: The study included 75 females who were treated for endometrial cancer by laparoscopic surgery. Preoperative body-mass index (BMI), waist circumference(WC), waist to hip ratio(WHR), and selected anatomical indices were measured. The duration of surgery and hospitalization stay, loss of hemoglobin, and procedural-related complications served as parameters of in-hospital outcomes. Results: Multiple linear regression analysis indicate the body mass as most sensitive parameter of obesity which influence in-hospital outcomes in patients treated with laparoscopic procedure. Procedural-related complications occurred in the group of patients with significantly greater WC and BMI. Multiple linear regression indicates also histological grading (G1–G3), external conjugate, intertrochanteric distance as significant risk factors. The multiple linear regression analysis confirmed also that implementation of sentinel lymph node procedure is related with decreased hemoglobin loss in patients with cancer of endometrium compare to lymphadenectomy without sentinel node biopsy(Est.: 0.488; 95% CI: 0.083–0.892, p = 0.018). Conclusions: The most sensitive risk factor of in-hospital outcomes in laparoscopic treatment of endometrial cancer is body mass. The implementation of the sentinel node procedure is associated with reduced surgery time and reduced hemoglobin loss

    Obesity as a risk factor of in-hospital outcomes in patients with endometrial cancer treated with laparoscopic surgical mode

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    Objectives: Obesity has been suggested to have a negative influence on procedural outcomes of endometrial cancer laparoscopic treatment. Obesity and other possible risk factors of laparoscopic endometrial cancer treatment has not been precisely described in the literature. The aim of the study is to determine the factors that have the greatest influence on the course of laparoscopic surgery for endometrial cancer, with particular emphasis on the influence of obesity. Material and methods: The study included 75 females who were treated for endometrial cancer by laparoscopic surgery. Preoperative body-mass index (BMI), waist circumference(WC), waist to hip ratio(WHR), and selected anatomical indices were measured. The duration of surgery and hospitalization stay, loss of hemoglobin, and procedural-related complications served as parameters of in-hospital outcomes. Results: Multiple linear regression analysis indicate the body mass as most sensitive parameter of obesity which influence in-hospital outcomes in patients treated with laparoscopic procedure. Procedural-related complications occurred in the group of patients with significantly greater WC and BMI. Multiple linear regression indicates also histological grading (G1–G3), external conjugate, intertrochanteric distance as significant risk factors. The multiple linear regression analysis confirmed also that implementation of sentinel lymph node procedure is related with decreased hemoglobin loss in patients with cancer of endometrium compare to lymphadenectomy without sentinel node biopsy(Est.: 0.488; 95% CI: 0.083–0.892, p = 0.018). Conclusions: The most sensitive risk factor of in-hospital outcomes in laparoscopic treatment of endometrial cancer is body mass. The implementation of the sentinel node procedure is associated with reduced surgery time and reduced hemoglobin loss