54 research outputs found

    Influência da Concessão Rodoviária nos Fluxos de Comércio Exterior: Estudo de Caso da Rodovia de Integração do Sul (RIS)

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Civil.O presente trabalho analisou o comportamento dos fluxos de transporte de produtos vinculados ao comércio exterior em uma concessão rodoviária, Rodovia de Integração do Sul (RIS), para 3 cenários: atual (2017) e futuro (2031 e 2037). Para tanto foram levantados custos de frete, de transbordo, adicionais e de pedágio, de forma a realizar simulações logísticas em um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG), considerando alterações na infraestrutura de transporte disponível em cada cenário. Como resultado observaram-se alterações na área de influência da rodovia entre os cenários de 2017 e 2031, migração de cargas do Complexo Portuário de Imbituba para o Complexo Portuário de Rio Grande, aumento da participação do granel sólido agrícola no volume total alocado, redistribuição dos fluxos na BR-386 e, também, observou-se que a construção da Ferrovia Norte-Sul (FNS) entre Panorama (SP) e Chapecó (SC) não deve alterar a área de influência da RIS nos fluxos de comércio exterior

    Navigating the Intersection of COVID-19 and (Re)new(ed) Calls for Racial Justice: A Qualitative Examination of the Experiences of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professionals in College Athletics During A Year of “Social Justice Awakening”

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals in the NCAA athletics governance structure. The specific focus was centered on the multiple crises of summer 2020, including both the COVID-19 pandemic and calls for social injustices and its effects on DEI work and the impacts on DEI professionals within college athletics. In total, 23 semi-structured interviews were completed with the DEI professionals, with five major themes emerging from the results, including: (1) Reorganization of Priorities, (2) Reactive vs. Proactive Work, (3) Challenges of Virtual DEI Engagement, (4) Emotional Fatigue, and (5) Validation of DEI work. The implications for future research and practitioners will be further explored

    Once You See It, You Can’t Unsee It?: Racial Justice Activism and Articulations of Whiteness Among White Collegiate Athlete Activists

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    The goal of this study was to examine how athletes holding privileged racial identities understand their whiteness as they engage in racial justice activism. Drawing from 12 semistructured interviews with white collegiate athletes who have engaged in activism for racial justice, we identified four higher order themes which we situate within a broader discussion of how each theme either reinforces or disrupts racial power: articulations of (a) racial consciousness, (b) white privilege, (c) white empathy, and (d) white accountability. While the white accountability theme has the potential to disrupt racial power due to its relying on rigorous self-critique, the remaining themes pointed to limited understandings of the systemic nature of racism, which can thus inadvertently (re)produce white supremacy even when engaging in activism for racial justice. Limitations, implications, and future directions for research are discussed to empower more white athletes to reflect critically on whiteness and facilitate systemic change

    Számít-e a gyógyszer dózisa a túlérzékenységi reakciókban?

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    Két fiatal nőbetegnél a valproátról lamotriginre történő gyógyszerátállítás során a 3-4. héten influenzaszerű prodromalis tüneteket követően toxikus epidermalis necrolysis (TEN), más néven Lyell-szindróma alakult ki. Mindkét beteg 5 napja kezdődött bőr- és nyálkahártyatünetekkel, kiterjedt hámleválást okozó hámnekrózissal került felvételre a Debreceni Egyetem Bőrgyógyászati Klinikájának Égési Intenzív Osztályára. Multidiszciplináris szupportív terápia mellett nagy dózisú szteroid- és immunglobulin-terápiát alkalmaztunk. A 37 éves nőbetegnél 3 hét után a kórkép fatális kimenetellel végződött. A 19 éves nőbeteg tünetei 4 hét intenzív terápia után szövődményekkel gyógyultak. A TEN ritka, gyógyszer által okozott, életet veszélyeztető, késői hiperszenzitivitási reakció. Patogenezisében a gyógyszermolekula, a humán leukocytaantigén (HLA) I. osztályú molekula és a T-sejt-receptor kóros interakciója szerepel. Kezelésében a legfontosabb a kiváltó gyógyszer elhagyása, valamint az azonnal kezdett komplett szupportív terápia alkalmazása. A specifikus kezelést illetően nincsenek egységes szakmai irányelvek. A veszélyes gyógyszerek titrált bevezetése csökkentheti a kialakuló hiperszenzitivitás súlyosságát, ezenfelül a beteg szoros követése és az adverz tünetek korai felismerése javíthatja a TEN kimenetelét

    Assault Around the World

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