185 research outputs found

    On the threshold-width of graphs

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    The GG-width of a class of graphs GG is defined as follows. A graph G has GG-width k if there are k independent sets N1,...,Nk in G such that G can be embedded into a graph H in GG such that for every edge e in H which is not an edge in G, there exists an i such that both endpoints of e are in Ni. For the class TH of threshold graphs we show that TH-width is NP-complete and we present fixed-parameter algorithms. We also show that for each k, graphs of TH-width at most k are characterized by a finite collection of forbidden induced subgraphs

    A linear time algorithm for minimum fill-in and treewidth for distance heredity graphs

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    A graph is distance hereditary if it preserves distances in all its connected induced subgraphs. The MINIMUM FILL-IN problem is the problem of finding a chordal supergraph with the smallest possible number of edges. The TREEWIDTH problem is the problem of finding a chordal embedding of the graph with the smallest possible clique number. In this paper we show that both problems are solvable in linear time for distance hereditary graphs

    Fast algorithms for the Tron game on trees

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    Abstract TR.ON is the following game which can be played on any graph: Two players choose alternately a node of the graph subject to the requirement that each player must choose a node which is adjacent to his previously chosen node and such that every node is chosen only once. In this paper O(n) and O(ny'n) algorithms are given for deciding whether there is a winning strategy for the first player when TR.oN is played on a given tree, for the variants with and without specified starting nodes, respectively. The problem is shown to be both NP-hard and co-NP-hard for connected undirected graphs in general

    On the stable degree of graphs

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    We define the stable degree s(G) of a graph G by s(G)∈=∈ min max d (v), where the minimum is taken over all maximal independent sets U of G. For this new parameter we prove the following. Deciding whether a graph has stable degree at most k is NP-complete for every fixed k∈≥∈3; and the stable degree is hard to approximate. For asteroidal triple-free graphs and graphs of bounded asteroidal number the stable degree can be computed in polynomial time. For graphs in these classes the treewidth is bounded from below and above in terms of the stable degree

    Efficient FPT algorithms for (strict) compatibility of unrooted phylogenetic trees

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    In phylogenetics, a central problem is to infer the evolutionary relationships between a set of species XX; these relationships are often depicted via a phylogenetic tree -- a tree having its leaves univocally labeled by elements of XX and without degree-2 nodes -- called the "species tree". One common approach for reconstructing a species tree consists in first constructing several phylogenetic trees from primary data (e.g. DNA sequences originating from some species in XX), and then constructing a single phylogenetic tree maximizing the "concordance" with the input trees. The so-obtained tree is our estimation of the species tree and, when the input trees are defined on overlapping -- but not identical -- sets of labels, is called "supertree". In this paper, we focus on two problems that are central when combining phylogenetic trees into a supertree: the compatibility and the strict compatibility problems for unrooted phylogenetic trees. These problems are strongly related, respectively, to the notions of "containing as a minor" and "containing as a topological minor" in the graph community. Both problems are known to be fixed-parameter tractable in the number of input trees kk, by using their expressibility in Monadic Second Order Logic and a reduction to graphs of bounded treewidth. Motivated by the fact that the dependency on kk of these algorithms is prohibitively large, we give the first explicit dynamic programming algorithms for solving these problems, both running in time 2O(k2)n2^{O(k^2)} \cdot n, where nn is the total size of the input.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Treewidth and minimum fill-in on d-trapezoid graphs

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    We show that the minimum fill-in and the minimum interval graph completion of a d-trapezoid graph can be computed in time On d . We also show that the treewidth and the pathwidth of a d-trapezoid graph can be computed by an On twG d,1 time algorithm. For both algorithms, d is supposed to be a fixed positive integer and it is required that a suitable intersection model of the given d-trapezoid graph is part of the input. As a consequence, the minimum fill-in and the minimum interval graph completion as well as the treewidth and the pathwidth of a given trapezoid graph (or permutation graph) can be computed in time On 2 , even if no intersection model is part of the input

    Line-distortion, Bandwidth and Path-length of a graph

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    We investigate the minimum line-distortion and the minimum bandwidth problems on unweighted graphs and their relations with the minimum length of a Robertson-Seymour's path-decomposition. The length of a path-decomposition of a graph is the largest diameter of a bag in the decomposition. The path-length of a graph is the minimum length over all its path-decompositions. In particular, we show: - if a graph GG can be embedded into the line with distortion kk, then GG admits a Robertson-Seymour's path-decomposition with bags of diameter at most kk in GG; - for every class of graphs with path-length bounded by a constant, there exist an efficient constant-factor approximation algorithm for the minimum line-distortion problem and an efficient constant-factor approximation algorithm for the minimum bandwidth problem; - there is an efficient 2-approximation algorithm for computing the path-length of an arbitrary graph; - AT-free graphs and some intersection families of graphs have path-length at most 2; - for AT-free graphs, there exist a linear time 8-approximation algorithm for the minimum line-distortion problem and a linear time 4-approximation algorithm for the minimum bandwidth problem