106 research outputs found

    The relationship of marine stratus to synoptic conditions

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    The marine stratus which persistently covered most of the eastern Pacific Ocean, had large clear areas during the FIRE Intensive Field Operations (IFO) in 1987. Clear zones formed inside the large oceanic cloud mass on almost every day during the IFO. The location and size of the clear zones varied from day to day implying that they were related to dynamic weather conditions and not to oceanic conditions. Forecasting of cloud cover for aircraft operations during the IFO was directed towards predicting when and where the clear and broken zones would form inside the large marine stratus cloud mass. The clear zones often formed to the northwest of the operations area and moved towards it. However, on some days the clear zones appeared to form during the day in the operations area as part of the diurnal cloud burn off. The movement of the clear zones from day to day were hard to follow because of the large diurnal changes in cloud cover. Clear and broken cloud zones formed during the day only to distort in shape and fill during the following night. The field forecasters exhibited some skill in predicting when the clear and broken cloud patterns would form in the operations area. They based their predictions on the analysis and simulations of the models run by NOAA's Numeric Meteorological Center. How the atmospheric conditions analyzed by one NOAA/NMC model related to the cloud cover is discussed

    The above-inversion moisture structure observed during FIRE

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    Analysis of thermodynamic parameters obtained over the FIRE region from the NCAR Electra aircraft during ascent and descent soundings through and above the subsidence inversion reveals the existence of alternating dry and moist layers in the free atmosphere just above the inversion. This dry/moist wedge structure was observed before over both the tropical and subtropical oceans (Lilly, 1968; Miller and Ahrens, 1970; Riehl, 1979; and Kloesel and Albrecht, 1989). The structure of these layers, as well as, a preliminary investigation of their source are examined

    Preliminary MIPCC Enhanced F-4 and F-15 Preformance Characteristics for a First Stage Reusable Launch Vehicle

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    Performance increases in turbojet engines can theoretically be achieved through Mass Injection Pre-Compressor Cooling (MIPCC), a process involving injecting water or oxidizer or both into an afterburning turbojet engine. The injection of water results in pre-compressor cooling, allowing the propulsion system to operate at high altitudes and Mach numbers. In this way, a MIPCC-enhanced turbojet engine could be used to power the first stage of a reusable launch vehicle or be integrated into an existing aircraft that could launch a 100-lbm payload to a reference 100-nm altitude orbit at 28 deg inclination. The two possible candidates for MIPCC flight demonstration that are evaluated in this study are the F-4 Phantom II airplane and the F-15 Eagle airplane (both of McDonnell Douglas, now The Boeing Company, Chicago, Illinois), powered by two General Electric Company (Fairfield, Connecticut) J79 engines and two Pratt & Whitney (East Hartford, Connecticut) F100-PW-100 engines, respectively. This paper presents a conceptual discussion of the theoretical performance of each of these aircraft using MIPCC propulsion techniques. Trajectory studies were completed with the Optimal Trajectories by Implicit Simulation (OTIS) software (NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio) for a standard F-4 airplane and a standard F-15 airplane. Standard aircraft simulation models were constructed, and the thrust in each was altered in accordance with estimated MIPCC performance characteristics. The MIPCC and production aircraft model results were then reviewed to assess the feasibility of a MIPCC-enhanced propulsion system for use as a first-stage reusable launch vehicle; it was determined that the MIPCC-enhanced F-15 model showed a significant performance advantage over the MIPCC-enhanced F-4 model

    The Mega Mesospheric Parachute

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    The current understanding and modeling of the upper reaches of the atmosphere is incomplete. Upper atmospheric interactions with the lower atmosphere, effects of ionizing radiation, high altitude cloud phenomena, and the dynamical interaction with the magnetosphere require greater definition. The scientific objective of obtaining a greater understanding of the upper atmosphere can be achieved by designing, implementing, testing, and utilizing a facility that provides long period in-situ measurements of the mesosphere. Current direct sub-sonic measurements of the upper atmosphere are hampered by the approximately one minute sub-sonic observation window of a ballistic sounding rocket regardless of the launch angle. In-situ measurements at greater than transonic speeds impart energy into the molecular atmospheric system and distort the true atmospheric chemistry. A long duration, sub-sonic capability will significantly enhance our ability to observe and measure: (1) mesospheric lightning phenomena (sprites and blue jets) (2) composition, structure and stratification of noctilucent clouds (3) physics of seasonal radar echoes, gravity wave phenomena (4) chemistry of mesospheric gaseous ratio mixing (5) mesospheric interaction of ionizing radiation (6) dynamic electric and magnetic fields This new facility will also provide local field measurements which complement those that can be obtained through external measurements from satellite and ground-based platforms. The 400 foot (approximately 130 meter) diameter lightweight mega-mesospheric parachute system, deployed with a sounding rocket, is proposed herein as a method to increase sub-sonic mesospheric measurement time periods by more than an order of magnitude. The report outlines a multi-year evolving science instrumentation suite in parallel with the development of the mega meso-chute facility. The developmental issues surrounding the meso-chute are chiefly materials selection (thermal and structural) and deployment mechanism physics. Three mission cases were conceived and developed to include cost and schedules estimates. Each scenario has increasing scientific utility with paralleling launch weight, parachute hang-time, deployment altitude, and parachute size: (1) Case #1: 8.4M@24 months, 6kg payload, 20 min., 50km alt., 80 m. dia. (2) Case #2: 10.4M@24 months, 6kg payload, 20 min., 60km alt, 130m. dia. (3) Case #3: 13.6M@36months,30kgpayload,30min.,90kmalt.,200m.dia.Theinitialbreakoutcostfortheparachutesystemisapproximately13.6M@36 months, 30kg payload, 30 min., 90km alt., 200m. dia. The initial breakout cost for the parachute system is approximately 2M@24 months. This report identifies that although the challenges of the mega-meso-chute may be difficult, they can be surmounted and valuable results can be achieved

    Digital Motor Control for Hybrid-Electric Aircrafts

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    Transforming aviation to improve aircraft shapes, propulsion and efficiency has led to studies for future electric aircrafts that consume only half as much fuel. This project involves thermodynamics modeling and electric power system modeling for turbo-electric generations systems and battery systems for hybrid electric aircrafts. The fundamentals of a digital motor control driver were studied through the use of a fractional horsepower development kit. The investigations were supplemented with automated motor controller software that identifies, tunes and controls the motor, and exploits similarities and differences between all motors. A file was modified that stores all the parameters, such as inductance and resistance, and performs tests to ensure that the motor is operating smoothly and does not heat during the process. Pulse width modulation, testing flux frequency and other varied parameters resulted in consistent measurements of resistance and inductance values, making this software a robust tool for studying any motors

    Using PBL to Prepare Educators and Emergency Managers to Plan for Severe Weather

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    Within the past 10 years severe weather has been responsible for an annual average of 278 fatalities in the United States (National Weather Service, 2013). During severe weather special populations are populations of high concentrations of people that cannot respond quickly. Schools show both of these characteristics. The average lead time for tornadoes is only 11 minutes (Simmons & Sutter, 2008), so decisions must be made decisively and leaders must be prepared in advance. This paper describes how an instructional design process was used to develop an interdisciplinary problem based learning training for both school personnel and emergency managers. In this real world based activity, participants simulated difficult decisions that must be made during severe weather to develop a better understanding of each others’ roles and responsibilities

    A Technology Pathway for Airbreathing, Combined-Cycle, Horizontal Space Launch Through SR-71 Based Trajectory Modeling

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    Access to space is in the early stages of commercialization. Private enterprises, mainly under direct or indirect subsidy by the government, have been making headway into the LEO launch systems infrastructure, of small-weight-class payloads of approximately 1000 lbs. These moderate gains have emboldened the launch industry and they are poised to move into the middle-weight class (roughly 5000 lbs). These commercially successful systems are based on relatively straightforward LOX-RP, two-stage, bi-propellant rocket technology developed by the government 40 years ago, accompanied by many technology improvements. In this paper we examine a known generic LOX-RP system with the focus on the booster stage (1st stage). The booster stage is then compared to modeled Rocket-Based and Turbine-Based Combined Cycle booster stages. The air-breathing propulsion stages are based on/or extrapolated from known performance parameters of ground tested RBCC (the Marquardt Ejector Ramjet) and TBCC (the SR-71/J-58 engine) data. Validated engine models using GECAT and SCCREAM are coupled with trajectory optimization and analysis in POST-II to explore viable launch scenarios using hypothetical aerospaceplane platform obeying the aerodynamic model of the SR-71. Finally, and assessment is made of the requisite research technology advances necessary for successful commercial and government adoption of combined-cycle engine systems for space access

    A Lunar Electromagnetic Launch System for In-Situ Resource Utilization

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    Future human exploration of the moon will require the development of capabilities for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Transport of lunar-derived commodities such as fuel and oxygen to orbiting resource depots has been proposed to enable refueling landers or other vehicles. A lunar electromagnetic launch (LEML) system could be an effective means of transporting materials, as an alternative to non-renewable chemical-based propulsion systems. An example LEML concept is presented based on previous studies, existing EML technologies, and NASA's human exploration architecture. A preliminary assessment of the cost-versus-benefit of such a system is also offered; the conclusion, however, is not as favorable for LEML as originally suggested

    Preliminary MIPCC Enhanced F-4 and F-15 Performance Characteristics for a First Stage Reusable Launch Vehicle

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    Performance increases in turbojet engines can theoretically be achieved through Mass Injection Pre-Compressor Cooling (MIPCC), a process involving injecting water or oxidizer or both into an afterburning turbojet engine. The injection of water results in pre-compressor cooling, allowing the propulsion system to operate at high altitudes and Mach numbers. In this way, a MIPCC-enhanced turbojet engine could be used to power the first stage of a reusable launch vehicle or be integrated into an existing aircraft that could launch a 100-lbm payload to a reference 100-nm altitude orbit at 28 deg inclination. The two possible candidates for MIPCC flight demonstration that are evaluated in this study are the F-4 Phantom II airplane and the F-15 Eagle airplane (both of McDonnell Douglas, now The Boeing Company, Chicago, Illinois), powered by two General Electric Company (Fairfield, Connecticut) J79 engines and two Pratt & Whitney (East Hartford, Connecticut) F100-PW-100 engines, respectively. This paper presents a conceptual discussion of the theoretical performance of each of these aircraft using MIPCC propulsion techniques. Trajectory studies were completed with the Optimal Trajectories by Implicit Simulation (OTIS) software (NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio) for a standard F-4 airplane and a standard F-15 airplane. Standard aircraft simulation models were constructed, and the thrust in each was altered in accordance with estimated MIPCC performance characteristics. The MIPCC and production aircraft model results were then reviewed to assess the feasibility of a MIPCC-enhanced propulsion system for use as a first-stage reusable launch vehicle; it was determined that the MIPCC-enhanced F-15 model showed a significant performance advantage over the MIPCC-enhanced F-4 model

    Aircraft/island/ship/satellite intercomparison: Preliminary results from July 16, 1987

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    The First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) objective of validating and improving satellite algorithms for inferring cloud properties from satellite radiances was one of the central motivating factors in the design of the specific field experimental strategies used in the July, 1987 marine stratocumulus intensive field observations (IFO). The in situ measuring platforms were deployed to take maximum advantage of redundant measurements (for intercomparison of the in situ sensors) and to provide optimal coverage within satellite images. One of the most ambitious of these strategies was the attempt to coordinate measurements from San Nicolas Island (SNI), the R/V Pt. Sur, the meteorological aircraft, and the satellites. For the most part, this attempt was frustrated by flight restrictions in the vicinity of SNI. The exception was the mission of July 16, 1987, which achieved remarkable success in the coordination of the platforms. This presentation concerns operations conducted by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Electra and how data from the Electra can be integrated with and compared to data from the Pt. Sur, SNI, and the satellites. The focus is on the large-scale, integrated picture of the conditions on July 16 from the perspective of the Electra's flight operations
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