1,067 research outputs found

    Self-study guide to developing English linguistic competences for students of Computer Sciences

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    Методичні вказівки призначені для самостійної роботи студентів ІТ спеціальностей над опануванням фахової термінології та мають на меті допомогти студентам І та ІІ курсів самостійно працювати над розширенням словникового запасу, розвитком вмінь здобування інформації з англомовних текстових джерел

    The Effects of Compost and Polyacrylamide Hydrogel on the Re-Vegetation of Eroded Southern Aspects in the Western Rangeland

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    MPG Ranch is a conservation-oriented organization in Montana’s Bitterroot valley. Since 2010, MPG has annually planted between 5,000 and 10,000 shrubs and trees with the goal of restoring native plant communities, beautifying the landscape, and providing habitat and forage for wildlife. Plant survival has been lowest on degraded south facing slopes, likely due to a combination of erosion and high solar radiation, which have left the soil with low nutrient content, soil moisture, and high soil temperatures. To resolve these issues, we partnered with MPG to test whether soil amendments can be used to increase plant establishment on degraded hillslopes. Soil amendments included a polyacrylamide hydrogel (Terra-sorb), compost, and Terra-sorb and compost combined. These amendments were tested on three different native shrub species: Cercocarpus ledifolius (curl leaf mountain mahogany), Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky Mountain juniper), and Purshia tridentata (antelope bitterbrush). We assessed the impact of these three soil amendments on plant growth, plant health/mortality rates, and soil chemical and physical properties. Overall results revealed few consistent patterns. Compost as a treatment resulted in the lowest levels of plant mortality whereas plants in the control plots suffered the highest. Plant growth was more dependent on the species in question rather than the amendment used. Mountain mahogany was the most successful in terms of growth both above and below ground with all living plants growing 0 – 1% throughout the course of the season. Our recommendation to MPG is that they continue to monitor these plants for multiple growing seasons in order to determine if they are more or less effective in the long run than what our experiment showed for short-term results

    XXXV. On the motion of glaciers

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    Scanning Electron Microscopy of 2,8-Dihydroxyadenine Crystals and Stones

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    The lack of purine salvage enzyme, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT), leads to 2,8-dihydroxyadenine stone formation and/or crystalluria because it is insoluble in urine. Urolithiasis composed of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine is not only formed in a complete defect of APRT, but also in a partial deficiency of this enzyme. The defect is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, the homozygous state is associated with high urinary levels of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine and with crystalluria, calculus formation, and potential nephrotoxicity. Determination of the APRT activity will facilitate quantification of the enzyme deficiency and elucidation of the hereditary history. 2,8-dihydroxyadenine excretion in the 24-hour urine and its circadian rhythm were determined using a new method of high performance liquid chromatography determination. By means of a standard case presentation, we illustrate the analysis of urinary sediments and calculi as well as the scanning electron microscopic images of this kind of stone

    Surface Cover from Corn Residue on Sandy Soils

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    Corn residue left as surface cover after land preparation and planting by various combinations of tillage implements and surface planters, respectively, was measured on four research/ demonstration sites with sandy soils in Nebraska. Surface cover ranged from 51 to 80% for the no-till treatments to 14 to 53% for the twice-disked treatments. The wide range in cover was due to the amount of antecedent residues from the previous crop and the soil type which ranged from sandy loam to tine sands. Other tillage implements included a rolling cultivator, sweep-plow, and mulch-treader

    Corn and grain sorghum response to limited irrigation, drought, and hail

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    A field study was conducted for eight years in southwest Kansas near Garden City to measure the response of corn and grain sorghum to limited irrigation in the region. An irrigation variable was imposed on each crop, with six irrigation treatments from full irrigation scheduled to minimize soil water deficits to minimal or no irrigation. To create differences in the amount of irrigation across treatments, the time between 25-mm irrigation events increased as irrigation decreased. A historic drought occurred during 2011 and 2012 when cropping season precipitation, the precipitation occurring from the harvest of the prior crop through the harvest of the next crop, was 60% of the 30-year average. Except for 2008, average cropping season precipitation was 8% above average during the prior six years. Linear regressions of corn and sorghum grain yields (GY) and dry matter yields (DMY) versus crop evapotranspiration (ETc) from all years combined, except hail damaged sorghum in 2005, produced R2 values from 0.71 to 0.79. One hailstorm during 2005 damaged sorghum to the extent that yields did not vary with respect to ETc or irrigation. Hail events in 2005 and 2006 occurred at nearly the same growth stage for corn caused lower leaf area and yields than during other wet years with no hail. Using quadratic regressions, corn yields during wet years with no hail, wet years with hail, and dry years had distinctly different dependence on irrigation. Although sorghum yields during wet years tended to increase as irrigation increased, sorghum’s response to irrigation was less than for corn during the same years. During dry years, sorghum and corn were highly dependent on irrigation. Net economic returns (NR) of continuous corn, continuous sorghum, cornsorghum, corn-wheat, and sorghum-wheat rotations were each higher with a year receiving average precipitation (460 mm) than a year receiving 60% of average precipitation (280 mm). The NR of continuous corn dominated the rest of the rotations when irrigation was more than 230 to 330 mm in the dry year and 90 to 180 mm in wet year. As farmers choose crop rotations, they need to consider management factors and crop tolerance to soil water stress in addition to potential NR

    Field scale limited irrigation scenarios for water policy strategies

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    ABSTRACT. Approaches to reducing irrigation inputs to crops have been studied for the past 50 to 60 years in research settings. Fewer efforts have been made to document limited irrigation responses over a number of seasons on commercial fields. This study compared farm−based irrigation management (FARM) with best management practices (BMP), late initiation of irrigation (LATE), and a restricted allocation (ALLOC). These irrigation management strategies each occupied 1/8 of a center pivot system in southwest Nebraska in continuous corn production, on four cooperating farms, which were replicated at the same sites for 3 to 6 years. Irrigation variables were achieved by irrigating or not irrigating, or by speeding up or slowing down the center pivot. When the grain yields and irrigation amounts were normalized each year using the FARM treatment as the basis, on average for three of four locations, the BMP treatment yielded equal to the FARM treatment, the LATE treatment yielded 93 % of the FARM treatment and the ALLOC yielded 84 % of the FARM treatment. At the same time, it took 76 % and 57 % of the water for the LATE and ALLOC treatments, respectively, to achieve these yields. The adjusted gross returns (yield price – irrigation treatment costs) of the irrigation treatments were analyzed for each location. When the gross returns were normalized using the FARM treatment as the basis, FARM and BMP returns were equal across combinations of high and low input commodity prices and pumping costs. The LATE treatment gross return was 95 % of FARM return. The gross return for the ALLOC treatment was 85 % to 91 % of the FARM treatment. The higher the water costs, the lower the difference between the highest and lowest returning water treatments. Relationships between evapotranspiratio

    Sub-mesoscale observations of convective cold pools with a dense station network in Hamburg, Germany

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    From June to August 2020, an observational network of 103 meteorological ground-based stations covered the greater area (50 km × 35 km) of Hamburg (Germany) as part of the Field Experiment on Sub-mesoscale Spatio-Temporal variability at Hanseatic city of Hamburg (FESST@HH). The purpose of the experiment was to shed light on the sub-mesoscale (O(100) m–O(10) km) structure of convective cold pools that typically remain under-resolved in operational networks. During the experiment, 82 custom-built, low-cost APOLLO (Autonomous cold POoL LOgger) stations sampled air temperature and pressure with fast-response sensors at 1 s resolution to adequately capture the strong and rapid perturbations associated with propagating cold pool fronts. A secondary network of 21 weather stations with commercial sensors provided additional information on relative humidity, wind speed, and precipitation at 10 s resolution. The realization of the experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic was facilitated by a large number of volunteers who provided measurement sites on their premises and supported station maintenance. This article introduces the novel type of autonomously operating instruments, their measurement characteristics, and the FESST@HH data set (https://doi.org/10.25592/UHHFDM.10172; Kirsch et al., 2021b). A case study demonstrates that the network is capable of mapping the horizontal structure of the temperature signal inside a cold pool, and quantifying a cold pool's size and propagation velocity throughout its life cycle. Beyond its primary purpose, the data set offers new insights into the spatial and temporal characteristics of the nocturnal urban heat island and variations of turbulent temperature fluctuations associated with different urban and natural environments