7 research outputs found

    Natural and cryptic peptides dominate the immunopeptidome of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT) are highly aggressive CNS tumors of infancy and early childhood. Hallmark is the surprisingly simple genome with inactivating mutations or deletions in the SMARCB1 gene as the oncogenic driver. Nevertheless, AT/RTs are infiltrated by immune cells and even clonally expanded T cells. However, it is unclear which epitopes T cells might recognize on AT/RT cells. METHODS: Here, we report a comprehensive mass spectrometry (MS)-based analysis of naturally presented human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and class II ligands on 23 AT/RTs. MS data were validated by matching with a human proteome dataset and exclusion of peptides that are part of the human benignome. Cryptic peptide ligands were identified using Peptide-PRISM. RESULTS: Comparative HLA ligandome analysis of the HLA ligandome revealed 55 class I and 139 class II tumor-exclusive peptides. No peptide originated from the SMARCB1 region. In addition, 61 HLA class I tumor-exclusive peptide sequences derived from non-canonically translated proteins. Combination of peptides from natural and cryptic class I and class II origin gave optimal representation of tumor cell compartments. Substantial overlap existed with the cryptic immunopeptidome of glioblastomas, but no concordance was found with extracranial tumors. More than 80% of AT/RT exclusive peptides were able to successfully prime CD8(+) T cells, whereas naturally occurring memory responses in AT/RT patients could only be detected for class II epitopes. Interestingly, >50% of AT/RT exclusive class II ligands were also recognized by T cells from glioblastoma patients but not from healthy donors. CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight that AT/RTs, potentially paradigmatic for other pediatric tumors with a low mutational load, present a variety of highly immunogenic HLA class I and class II peptides from canonical as well as non-canonical protein sources. Inclusion of such cryptic peptides into therapeutic vaccines would enable an optimized mapping of the tumor cell surface, thereby reducing the likelihood of immune evasion

    Profile of the single-use, multiple-pass protein A adsorber column in immunoadsorption

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    Background and Objectives Immunoadsorptions (IA) are used to remove autoantibodies from the plasma in autoimmune disorders. In this study, we evaluated the effects of a single-use, recombinant staphylococcal protein A-based immunoadsorber on blood composition of the patient. Materials and Methods In a cohort of patients with myasthenia gravis or stiff-person syndrome, essential parameters of blood cell count, coagulation, clinical chemistry or plasma proteins and immunoglobulins (Ig) were measured before and after IA (n = 11). Results In average, IA reduced the levels of total IgG, IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 by approximately 60%, the acetylcholine receptor autoantibody levels by more than 70%. IgG3, IgA or IgM were diminished to a lower extent. In contrast to fibrinogen or other coagulation factors, the column markedly removed vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X by approximately 40%–70%. Accordingly, international normalized ratio and activated partial thromboplastin time were increased after IA by 59.1% and 32.7%, respectively. Coagulation tests almost returned to baseline values within 24 h. Blood cell count, electrolytes, total protein or albumin were not essentially affected. No clinical events occurred. Conclusion The single-use, multiple-pass protein A adsorber column is highly efficient to remove IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 or specific acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies from the plasma. Coagulation parameters should be monitored, since the column has the capacity to largely reduce vitamin K-dependent factors

    Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy as a new tool in treatment-refractory sarcoidosis - initial experience in two patients

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    Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disorder of unknown etiology that can involve virtually all organ systems. Whereas most patients present without symptoms, progressive and disabling organ failure can occur in up to 10% of subjects. Somatostatin receptor (SSTR)-directed peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) has recently received market authorization for treatment of SSTR-positive neuroendocrine tumors. Methods: We describe the first case series comprising two patients with refractory multi-organ involvement of sarcoidosis who received 4 cycles of PRRT. Results: PRRT was well-tolerated without any acute adverse effects. No relevant toxicities could be recorded during follow-up. Therapy resulted in partial response accompanied by a pronounced reduction in pain (patient #1) and stable disease regarding morphology as well as disease activity (patient #2), respectively. Conclusion: Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in sarcoidosis is feasible and might be a new valuable tool in patients with otherwise treatment-refractory disease. Given the long experience with and good tolerability of PRRT, further evaluation of this new treatment option for otherwise treatment-refractory sarcoidosis in larger patient cohorts is warranted

    Late-onset myasthenia gravis - CTLA4low genotype association and low-for-age thymic output of naĂŻve T cells

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    Late-onset myasthenia gravis (LOMG) has become the largest MG subgroup, but the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms remain mysterious. Among the few etiological clues are the almost unique serologic parallels between LOMG and thymoma-associated MG (TAMG), notably autoantibodies against acetylcholine receptors, titin, ryanodine receptor, type I interferons or IL-12. This is why we checked LOMG patients for two further peculiar features of TAMG - its associations with the CTLA4high/gain-of-function+49A/A genotype and with increased thymic export of naïve T cells into the blood, possibly after defective negative selection in AIRE-deficient thymomas. We analyzed genomic DNA from 116 Caucasian LOMG patients for CTLA4 alleles by PCR/restriction fragment length polymorphism, and blood mononuclear cells for recent thymic emigrants by quantitative PCR for T cell receptor excision circles. In sharp contrast with TAMG, we now find that: i) CTLA4low+49G(+) genotypes were more frequent (p=0.0029) among the 69 LOMG patients with age at onset ≥60 years compared with 172 healthy controls; ii) thymic export of naïve T cells from the non-neoplastic thymuses of 36 LOMG patients was lower (p=0.0058) at diagnosis than in 77 age-matched controls. These new findings are important because they suggest distinct initiating mechanisms in TAMG and LOMG and hint at aberrant immuno-regulation in the periphery in LOMG. We therefore propose alternate defects in central thymic or peripheral tolerance induction in TAMG and LOMG converging on similar final outcomes. In addition, our data support a 60-year-threshold for onset of 'true LOMG' and an LOMG/early-onset MG overlapping group of patients between 40 and 60. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd