1,487 research outputs found

    Wide-field weak lensing by RXJ1347-1145

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    We present an analysis of weak lensing observations for RXJ1347-1145 over a 43' X 43' field taken in B and R filters on the Blanco 4m telescope at CTIO. RXJ1347-1145 is a massive cluster at redshift z=0.45. Using a population of galaxies with 20<R<26, we detect a weak lensing signal at the p<0.0005 level, finding best-fit parameters of \sigma_v=1400^{+130}_{-140} km s^{-1} for a singular isothermal sphere model and r_{200} = 3.5^{+0.8}_{-0.2} Mpc with c = 15^{+64}_{-10} for a NFW model in an \Omega_m = 0.3, \Omega_\Lambda = 0.7 cosmology. In addition, a mass to light ratio M/L_R =90 \pm 20 M_\odot / L_{R\odot} was determined. These values are consistent with the previous weak lensing study of RXJ1347--1145 by Fischer and Tyson, 1997, giving strong evidence that systemic bias was not introduced by the relatively small field of view in that study. Our best-fit parameter values are also consistent with recent X-ray studies by Allen et al, 2002 and Ettori et al, 2001, but are not consistent with recent optical velocity dispersion measurements by Cohen and Kneib, 2002.Comment: accepted to ApJ, tentative publication 10 May 2005, v624

    The importance of Rydberg orbitals in dissociative ionization of small hydrocarbon molecules in intense laser fields

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    Much of our intuition about strong-field processes is built upon studies of diatomic molecules, which typically have electronic states that are relatively well separated in energy. In polyatomic molecules, however, the electronic states are closer together, leading to more complex interactions. A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of strong-field ionization followed by hydrogen elimination in the hydrocarbon series C2D2, C2D4 and C2D6 reveals that the photofragment angular distributions can only be understood when the field-dressed orbitals rather than the field-free orbitals are considered. Our measured angular distributions and intensity dependence show that these field-dressed orbitals can have strong Rydberg character for certain orientations of the molecule relative to the laser polarization and that they may contribute significantly to the hydrogen elimination dissociative ionization yield. These findings suggest that Rydberg contributions to field-dressed orbitals should be routinely considered when studying polyatomic molecules in intense laser fields

    String Field Theory Projectors for Fermions of Integral Weight

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    The interaction vertex for a fermionic first order system of weights (1,0) such as the twisted bc-system, the fermionic part of N=2 string field theory and the auxiliary \eta\xi system of N=1 strings is formulated in the Moyal basis. In this basis, the Neumann matrices are diagonal; as usual, the eigenvectors are labeled by \kappa\in\R. Oscillators constructed from these eigenvectors make up two Clifford algebras for each nonzero value of \kappa. Using a generalization of the Moyal-Weyl map to the fermionic case, we classify all projectors of the star-algebra which factorize into projectors for each \kappa-subspace. At least for the case of squeezed states we recover the full set of bosonic projectors with this property. Among the subclass of ghost number-homogeneous squeezed state projectors, we find a single class of BPZ-real states parametrized by one (nearly) arbitrary function of \kappa. This class is shown to contain the generalized butterfly states. Furthermore, we elaborate on sufficient and necessary conditions which have to be fulfilled by our projectors in order to constitute surface states. As a byproduct we find that the full star product of N=2 string field theory translates into a canonically normalized continuous tensor product of Moyal-Weyl products up to an overall normalization. The divergent factors arising from the translation to the continuous basis cancel between bosons and fermions in any even dimension.Comment: LaTeX, 1+23 pages, minor improvements, references adde

    Attosecond electron spectroscopy using a novel interferometric pump-probe technique

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    We present an interferometric pump-probe technique for the characterization of attosecond electron wave packets (WPs) that uses a free WP as a reference to measure a bound WP. We demonstrate our method by exciting helium atoms using an attosecond pulse with a bandwidth centered near the ionization threshold, thus creating both a bound and a free WP simultaneously. After a variable delay, the bound WP is ionized by a few-cycle infrared laser precisely synchronized to the original attosecond pulse. By measuring the delay-dependent photoelectron spectrum we obtain an interferogram that contains both quantum beats as well as multi-path interference. Analysis of the interferogram allows us to determine the bound WP components with a spectral resolution much better than the inverse of the attosecond pulse duration.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Single-shot velocity-map imaging of attosecond light-field control at kilohertz rate

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    High-speed, single-shot velocity-map imaging (VMI) is combined with carrier- envelope phase (CEP) tagging by a single-shot stereographic above-threshold ionization (ATI) phase-meter. The experimental setup provides a versatile tool for angle-resolved studies of the attosecond control of electrons in atoms, molecules, and nanostructures. Single-shot VMI at kHz repetition rate is realized with a highly sensitive megapixel complementary metal-oxide semiconductor camera omitting the need for additional image intensifiers. The developed camerasoftware allows for efficient background suppression and the storage of up to 1024 events for each image in real time. The approach is demonstrated by measuring the CEP-dependence of the electron emission from ATI of Xe in strong (≈1013 W/cm2) near single-cycle (4 fs) laser fields. Efficient background signal suppression with the system is illustrated for the electron emission from SiO2nanospheres

    Three options for citation tracking: Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science

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    BACKGROUND: Researchers turn to citation tracking to find the most influential articles for a particular topic and to see how often their own published papers are cited. For years researchers looking for this type of information had only one resource to consult: the Web of Science from Thomson Scientific. In 2004 two competitors emerged – Scopus from Elsevier and Google Scholar from Google. The research reported here uses citation analysis in an observational study examining these three databases; comparing citation counts for articles from two disciplines (oncology and condensed matter physics) and two years (1993 and 2003) to test the hypothesis that the different scholarly publication coverage provided by the three search tools will lead to different citation counts from each. METHODS: Eleven journal titles with varying impact factors were selected from each discipline (oncology and condensed matter physics) using the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). All articles published in the selected titles were retrieved for the years 1993 and 2003, and a stratified random sample of articles was chosen, resulting in four sets of articles. During the week of November 7–12, 2005, the citation counts for each research article were extracted from the three sources. The actual citing references for a subset of the articles published in 2003 were also gathered from each of the three sources. RESULTS: For oncology 1993 Web of Science returned the highest average number of citations, 45.3. Scopus returned the highest average number of citations (8.9) for oncology 2003. Web of Science returned the highest number of citations for condensed matter physics 1993 and 2003 (22.5 and 3.9 respectively). The data showed a significant difference in the mean citation rates between all pairs of resources except between Google Scholar and Scopus for condensed matter physics 2003. For articles published in 2003 Google Scholar returned the largest amount of unique citing material for oncology and Web of Science returned the most for condensed matter physics. CONCLUSION: This study did not identify any one of these three resources as the answer to all citation tracking needs. Scopus showed strength in providing citing literature for current (2003) oncology articles, while Web of Science produced more citing material for 2003 and 1993 condensed matter physics, and 1993 oncology articles. All three tools returned some unique material. Our data indicate that the question of which tool provides the most complete set of citing literature may depend on the subject and publication year of a given article
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